Guest User


a guest
May 10th, 2017
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  1. Successfully compiled (39 ms)
  2. TYPE RSString:
  3. - int getHash: d
  4. - int getLength: e
  5. - boolean isEditable: k
  6. - byte[] getBytes: S
  7. TYPE Character:
  8. - int[] getLocationY: W
  9. - int[] getLocationX: t
  10. - RSString getMessage: gb
  11. - int getAnimation: tb
  12. - int isMoving: Db
  13. - int getX: u
  14. - int getY: rb
  15. - int getHPRatio: fg.g
  16. - int getLoopCycleStatus: wb
  17. - int getHeight: zb
  18. - int getInteracting: Ab
  19. - int getTurnDirection: mb
  20. - Model getModel: Pb
  21. TYPE Player (extends Character):
  22. - RSString getName: cc
  23. - short getPkHeadIcon: Hb
  24. - short getPrayerHeadIcon: Ib
  25. - short getTeam: Hb
  26. - int getLevel: Lb
  27. TYPE NPC (extends Character):
  28. - NPCDef getNPCDef: Ib
  29. TYPE NPCDef:
  30. - RSString getName: t
  31. - RSString[] getActions: U
  32. - int getType: h
  33. int[] getNPCIndexArray: oh.h
  34. NPC[] getNPCArray: uc.I
  35. int getNPCCount: fg.l
  36. int[] getPlayerIndexArray: qd.v
  37. Player[] getPlayerArray: ak.j
  38. int getPlayerCount: oh.c
  39. int getBaseX: jk.m
  40. Player getMyPlayer: td.x
  41. int getBaseY: li.g
  42. int getPublicChatMode: fe.nb
  43. int getLoopCycle: tb.U
  44. int getSelfInteracting: rb.A
  45. int[][][] getGroundIntArray: wg.E
  46. byte[][][] getGroundByteArray: ra.g
  47. int getPlane: eg.f
  48. int getCamPosX: vh.p
  49. int getCamPosY: hd.k
  50. int getCamPosZ: tj.k
  51. int getCameraCurveY: la.o
  52. int getCameraCurveX: ga.I
  53. boolean[] getValidInterfaceArray: mi.hb
  54. RSString getCurrentPassword: tc.qb
  55. RSString getCurrentUsername: tc.Y
  56. int getIdleTime: fk.b
  57. Mouse getMouse: pa.b
  58. Keyboard getKeyboard: dj.y
  59. Interface[][] getInterfaceCache: le.Z
  60. int getMouseX: qa.Eb
  61. int getMouseY: kj.q
  62. int getMousePressX: eh.ib
  63. int getMousePressY: sf.s
  64. int getMousePressButton: ic.O
  65. int getMousePressLastButton: cd.m
  66. long getMousePressTime: tg.q
  67. int getLoginIndex: vh.t
  68. int[] getSettingArray: ud.i
  69. Ground[][][] getGroundArray: dh.v
  70. int[] getSkillExperiencesMax: ei.H
  71. int[] getSkillLevelMaxes: ua.b
  72. int[] getSkillLevels: ta.Lb
  73. int[] getSkillExperiences: eb.b
  74. int getMinimapInt3:
  75. int[] getCURVECOS: ha.o
  76. int[] getCURVESIN: ha.h
  77. int getMinimapInt2: pc.n
  78. int getMinimapInt1: rb.p
  79. NodeList[][][] getNodeListArray: md.ab
  80. RSString[] getChatMessages: he.d
  81. RSString[] getChatNames: de.U
  82. int[] getChatTypes: a.o
  83. int getMenuOptionsCount: i.A
  84. boolean isMenuOpen: cc.jb
  85. int getMenuX: ih.c
  86. int getMenuY: ed.n
  87. RSString[] getMenuOptions: nf.Y
  88. RSString[] getMenuActions:
  89. short[] getActionID: l.g
  90. long[] getActionCmd1: ga.E
  91. int[] getActionCmd2: ad.A
  92. int[] getActionCmd3: uf.qb
  93. Signlink getSignlink: pa.d
  94. boolean isFlagged: fc.z
  95. boolean isSpellSelected: nh.vb
  96. int getItemSelected: c.d
  97. RSString getSelectedItemName: hd.l
  98. int spellUsableOn: mc.S
  99. RSString getSelectedSpellName: oc.e
  100. MRUNodes getItemDefMRUNodes: wg.z
  101. boolean isMembers: de.M
  102. MRUNodes getObjectDefMRUNodes: rb.k
  103. Sprite getMinimapSprite: (Sprite)de.N
  104. Sprite[] getMapDots: (Sprite[])te.k
  105. long[] getFriendListAsLongs: cj.j
  106. int[] getFriendNodeIDs: gk.M
  107. int getFriendCount: pj.N
  108. int getDestX: ea.Q
  109. int getDestY: cg.u
  110. Sprite[] getMapMarkers: (Sprite[])kg.N
  111. int[][] getCost: fa.M
  112. int[][] getVia: gj.y
  113. GroundData[] getGroundDataArray: li.j
  114. Successfully executed
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