

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  5. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  8. CAT made AC an OP.
  9. CAT made UC an OP.
  10. CURRENT abominableCourier [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  11. CAC: OP is a yifflord
  12. CAT: That's a bit extreme. You should be careful with who you go around calling a yifflord. You don't know what kinds of lowkey furries you might enrage.
  13. CAC: But, I am a lowkey furry
  14. CAT: I see.
  15. CAC: Furry community is trash though
  16. CAT: I wouldn't know.
  17. CAC: Don't
  18. CAC: Just
  19. CAC: Don't
  20. CAT: Hah.
  21. CAC: Being a furry is one of the few things I can honestly regret
  22. CAC: But anyway ETA?
  23. CAT: Probably not for a bit.
  24. CAT: I'd say around 2:30-3 EST.
  25. CAC: Cool
  26. CAT made GG an OP.
  27. CAT made AC an OP.
  28. CAC: Doc's motto: CURE, CONTAIN, OR ERASE
  29. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  30. CUC: Yep
  31. CAT: Something to live by.
  32. CAC: Also is the Doc actually a medical professional, or just a witch doctor?
  33. CAT: Take a guess.
  34. CAC: Witch Doctor
  35. CAT: Correct.
  36. CAC: So why doesn't the good Doctor heal himself?
  37. CAT: That's GENERALLY not how bosses work.
  38. CAC: Fair enough
  39. CAC: If only we had apples...
  40. CAT: I mean, there can and likely will be some exceptions, but, unless you want me to have him shatter that gem and absorb its life essence, no healing for that shit.
  41. CAC: Fuck that guy
  42. CUC: Fuck no, no healing.
  43. CAT: Hah.
  44. CAC: Seriously, why would he do that?
  45. CAT: Compare the size of bird brains to those of humans for a sec.
  46. CAT: Also, your enemies are generally evil. Just saying.
  47. CAT: I mean, here's the thing. It really depends on who is doing it. I mean, if somebody did this sort of thing while cornerned in DTG, they would be regarded as a creative genius, likely.
  48. CAT: Here, however, I'd like to think we have the opportunity to care about people more.
  49. CAC: No it wouldn't
  50. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  51. CAC: Sure they would, it's happened to Erelye. 
  52. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  53. CGG: everyone lıked ıt when erelye vıvısected mınecraftıons
  54. CGG: *mınecraftıans
  55. CGG: 
  56. CAC: What the fuck
  57. CAT: I mean, I wrote some dubious shit back in the day, and my legacy is one of a creative hero, it seems.
  58. CGG: "even the mınecraftıans beıng vıvısected"
  59. CGG: 
  60. CAT: 
  61. CAC: Whatever, they aren't real people. 
  62. CAT: Hah.
  63. -- CURRENT abominableCourier [CAC] cough --
  64. CAC: Barkley
  65. CAT: Anyhow, would you like to begin the game?
  66. -- CURRENT abominableCourier [CAC] cough --
  67. CAC: >Sure
  68. CGG: "barkley also ısn't real"
  69. CAT: 1/4.
  70. CGG: *all my entıtıes defect*
  71. CAC: >Affrimative
  72. CAT: 2/4.
  73. CGG: anyways, ye
  74. CAT: 3/4.
  75. CAC: Is Charles Barkley a real person?
  76. CAC: Yes
  77. CAT: Yes.
  78. CAC: A Basketball Player
  79. CAT ceased responding to memo.
  80. CAO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  81. CAC: Was he in Space Jam or.
  82. CAC: Nope
  84. CAC: Charles Barkely
  85. CAC: Shut Up and Slam Gadien
  86. CAC: >Play game
  87. CAO: Is this your last saved game:
  88. CAC: >Probably
  89. CAO: Hah.
  90. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  91. ?AO: Loading...
  92. CAC: When will it not
  93. ?AO: Loading game...
  94. CAC: Because some eldritch asshole will switch saves
  95. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  96. CAC: I know it
  97. CAC: >use acess cube
  98. CAC: We already did.
  99. CAC: The second terminal just got activated?
  100. ?AO: It did.
  102. CAC: And Cyan is almost alive
  103. CAC: Hmm, I wonder if...
  104. CAC: Floating up to the balconies would be a good idea
  105. CAC: No thanks to Doctor Asshole
  106. CAC: He's a spindly shit
  107. CAC: We can take him
  108. ?AO: The guy instantly killed Cyan.
  109. CAC: Only if he can use his stolen gem
  110. CAC: Does the mask cover his eyes>
  111. CAC: I suggest we break his arm
  112. ?AO: His eyes are covered, yes.
  113. CAC: The one that has the computer
  114. CAC: What's to stop him from just using the other arm
  115. ?AO: Absolutely nothing.
  116. CAC: Break the other arm
  117. CAC: No arms
  118. CAC: No glory
  119. CAC: >Send a water bolt hard into the side of his face, hopefully also knocking has mask off
  120. ?AO: Given that the guy is presumably a bird person, the mask is pretty damn affixed to his face, given the beak.
  121. CAC: Oh..
  122. CAC: >Make a bolt of poison water and send it through his robes
  123. ?AO: If I recall correctly, you did already do something of that sort.
  124. ?AO: There's certainly poison under there, at least.
  125. CAC: I assume poision doesn't stack?
  126. CAC: poison*
  127. ?AO: Who knows? Me. I know.
  128. ?AO: And the answer is probably not.
  129. CAC: Can the thing fly?
  130. ?AO: No.
  131. CAC: My plan with the arms
  132. CAC: No arms, no glory
  133. CAC: >Use condensensed water to knock the thing off the balcony, onto the floor.
  134. CAC: Though my mistaken idea of him using his own gem damaging himself to attack us has given me an idea for an entity
  135. ?AO: The Plague Master is caught up by the tidal stream, and slammed painfully against the side of the balcony.
  136. ?AO: He begins to be dragged off the side...
  137. CAC: But doesn't
  138. ?AO: But manages to overpower you and leap back on, yes.
  139. CAC: Fuck this guy
  140. ?AO: Still, you can see the poison is affecting him.
  141. CAC: Does the poison last forever.
  142. ?AO: No.
  143. CAC: No silly
  144. CAC: Only till he dies
  145. CAC: Which shouldn't be long
  146. ?AO: I have been robbed of words.
  147. CAC: Git Gud
  148. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  149. ?AO: With a swift hand, the gnarled Plague Master pulls forth vials upon vials of toxic green fluid, as if to say 'you think your poison is good'?
  150. ?AO: He proceeds to toss five vials of the stuff in your direction. You have a chance to react.
  151. CAC: >Combat roll Dark Souls style
  152. CAC: >Do that, but also use water to parry them away from you
  153. ?AO: I was thinking more of a Bloodborne style, as the clearly superior game.
  154. ?AO: Very well.
  155. CAC: Not being Dark Souls 1 Master Race
  156. ?AO: Check passed at 75%.
  157. CAC: Eldritch Horrors, Morally Amibigous Gods, and Dragons
  158. CAC: What more can you want
  159. CAC: Nothing
  160. ?AO: You don't actually roll out of the way. You just rush back, because you aren't some sort of acrobat.
  161. ?AO: Anyhow, you manage to shatter the vials in midair.
  162. ?AO: Green fluid spills to the ground, creating a toxic wall between the two of you.
  163. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  165. CAC: I think we should throw him into his own toxins
  166. ?AO: He's on a balcony, but okay.
  167. CAC: For ironic purposes
  168. CAC: Also because it is funny
  169. CUC: Can we absorb the poison?
  170. CUC: Absorb with our own poison water, that is.
  171. CAC: Like a solution
  172. CUC: ^
  173. ?AO: There's quite a bit, but you might be able to give it a try.
  174. ?AO: It would certainly improve the deadliness of said water.
  175. CAC: Alright...
  176. CAC: >ASSAULT: engage the weaponized water solution motherfucker
  177. CAC: >Send a bolt of poisoned water across the floor, absorbing some of the poision as it goes. Have it shoot up just before the balcony and hit the master from below.
  178. ?AO: You absorb the substance up into your poisoned water, and strike the Plague Master straight in the legs.
  179. ?AO: He emits a growl, and presses a few more buttons on his computer, eliciting a great deal more apparent agony.
  180. ?AO: As he does so, however, you can see the increased poison at work.
  181. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  182. ?AO: The Plague Master pulls up a personal bubble of purple light, and steps into the room the tribalcony is connected to, slowly removing himself from the situation.
  183. ?AO: A click alerts you of two things.
  184. ?AO: One, the leftmost key terminal is open, and appears to connect to some sort of elevator system in the balcony above.
  185. ?AO: Two, all of the blast doors are beginning to hiss, the sounds of flesh on metal ringing through the air.
  186. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  188. CAC: >Observe
  189. ?AO: Plague Master: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A psychotic robed being with a plague doctor mask. Wields both highly enhanced and poisoned chemical armament and what appears to be a cut topaz gem sealed within a small computer screen, set of wires, and holokeyboard. Poisoned.
  190. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  191. ?AO: As for that, the apatite stone in your hands, carefully guarded, rises into the air.
  192. CAC: Doc is going down, hard.
  193. ?AO: The familiar glowing cyan figure of pure energy bursts into reality, and Cyan returns. She is surprisingly unshaken for having been killed instantly.
  194. CAC: >welcome Cyan back into the world of the living
  195. CAO made AU an OP.
  196. ?AO: You do so.
  197. ?AO: "Where is that little shit."
  198. CAC: >"Hiding.:
  199. CAC: "
  200. CAC: Alright...
  201. ?AO: Cyan nods. "Please, lead the way."
  202. CAC: >ask her to guard your back as you activate the final cube
  203. ?AO: She's already on that.
  204. CAC: >Head towards the terminal
  205. CAC: >Take out the last unused cub
  206. CAC: e
  207. ?AO: You reach the leftmost terminal, and pull out cube # 0612.
  208. CAC: >Open face 1
  209. ?AO: Face one is literally just a hologram of Alex Hirsch attempting to convince a Gravity Falls fan that Bill Cipher is indeed secretly a dorito.
  210. CAC: >Face 2
  211. ?AO: Face two is an interactive holoscreen with a tic-tac-toe board on it.
  212. CAC: >Play?
  213. CAC: >play tic tac toe like a champe
  214. ?AO: Where do you go?
  215. CAC: Middle
  216. ?AO: X or O?
  217. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  218. CAU: >X since you are going first, right?
  219. CAC: No, not middle.
  220. CAC: >X, upper left
  221. ?AO: You put an X in the upper left box.
  222. ?AO: The cube responds by putting an eye in the middle.
  223. CAC: >X lower right
  224. ?AO: You put another X in the lower right box.
  225. CAC: Wait
  226. ?AO: Too late.
  227. CAU: this is probably gonna end in a cat or whatever its called
  228. CAC: Instead of O's it is eyes?
  229. CAC: That is fucked up
  230. ?AO: The cube sticks an eye into the middle left box.
  231. CAC: Middle right.
  232. CAC: X
  233. CAC: >
  234. ?AO: Next, an eye in the upper right.
  235. CAC: >X, lower left
  236. ?AO: Eye, lower middle.
  237. CAC: >X, upper middle
  238. CAC: This is really intense
  239. ?AO: Tie. The board resets, wasting valuable time as the blast doors open up.
  241. CAC: I'd rather play thermonuclear warfare
  242. ?AO: There is already an eye in the lower left.
  243. CAU: >Uhhhh, face 3?
  244. CAC: What?
  245. CAU: huh what
  246. ?AO: You're PRETTY sure this is the right face.
  247. CAC: You can't play Os first.
  248. CAC: Like... that's
  249. CAC: Eh
  250. CAC: The Computer
  251. ?AO: These aren't Os.
  252. CAC: Is a cheating bastard
  253. CAU: hey man this is X's and Eyes
  254. ?AO: These are eyes.
  255. CAC: >Alright, X in middle
  256. ?AO: Eye in the lower right.
  257. CAC: >X in lower middle
  258. ?AO: Eye in upper middle.
  259. CAC: >X in middle left
  260. ?AO: Eye in middle right.
  261. CAC: >X in top right
  262. ?AO: Eye in top left. Tie, and reset.
  263. ?AO: The first blast door across the room opens up.
  264. CAC: >Cyan: Face it
  265. ?AO: Cyan mows whatever is in there down with a plasma bolt, and looks over to you. "Please hurry!"
  266. CAC: Alright, are we playing
  267. ?AO: Yes.
  268. CAC: >X, upper left
  269. ?AO: Eye in middle.
  270. CAC: >"I would but the computer is a cheating little shit!"
  271. ?AO: Do you want to say that?
  272. CAC: >X, lower right
  273. ?AO: Eye in lower left.
  274. CAC: No
  275. CAC: It could offend Cyan
  276. CAC: Alright, wait
  277. CAC: >X, upper right
  278. CAC: Haven't any of you watched War Games
  279. ?AO: Eye, middle right.
  280. CAC: It always ends in a tie
  281. CAC: We need to lose
  282. CAC: I think
  283. ?AO: Nah, he has this.
  284. CAC: >X, middle top
  285. ?AO: Congrats.
  286. CAC: It only ties if Erelye doesn't mess up, probably on purpose.
  287. ?AO: The cube is locked into the terminal magnetically.
  288. ?AO: The elevator platform comes down from the balcony.
  289. CAC: Thank you XKCD #832
  290. ?AO: Hah.
  291. CAC: >"Sorry about all of this!"
  292. CAC: >See if the blast doors are still opening
  293. ?AO: Cyan responds by rolling her eyes, grabbing you by the waist, and pulling the both of you onto the platform.
  294. ?AO: The plaform rises just as all the other blast doors open up.
  295. ?AO: You can now enter the room the Plague Master went into.
  296. CAC: >Both: Make shields, enter
  297. ?AO: You both make shields, and step in, covering each other.
  298. ?AO: The room appears to be empty, terminating in a long hallway. The walls are coated in some sort of sparkling dust, and there are several canisters about filled with cracked and shattered crystals.
  299. CAC: He is fucking dead
  300. ?AO: You can count four canisters.
  301. CAC: >Take canisters
  302. ?AO: +4 Murder Cylinders.
  303. CAC: Well
  304. CAC: >as you trudge onward, pay silent respects to the dead
  305. CAC: >Onward
  306. ?AO: You head onwards, cursing that bastard under your breath. The look in Cyan's eyes can quite clearly convey her opinion on the subject.
  307. CAC: Who is this guy?
  308. ?AO: As you sprint down the hallway together, a beam of yellow plasma crashes into your shields, forcing the both of you back a foot or so.
  309. CAC: I mean, fuck me, you don't have murder chambers lying around
  310. CAC: He's been doing this for a long time
  311. ?AO: I mean, when I was writing Grayhold, murder chambers were standard work for me.
  312. ?AO: Anyhow, you have moments to react.
  313. CAC: >Cyan: Launch a beam into the beam
  314. CAC: >toss a murder chamber at him
  315. ?AO: The beam has dissipated.
  316. CAC: Oh, then what are we reacting to
  317. CAC: >then attempt to take cover
  318. ?AO: The whole 'being startled by assault' thing.
  319. CAC: >Yeah, sure, take cover
  320. ?AO: Where would cover be? This is a four-foot-wide hallway, with nothing whatsoever on the walls, floor, or ceiling.
  321. CAC: >create cover via water
  322. CAC: >Cyan: Lay supressive fire
  323. CAC: >Look for source
  324. ?AO: The source is quite clearly in the chamber at the other end of the hall.
  325. CAU: >Deploy Murder Cylinders for cover
  326. CAC: >Run forward, shields up
  327. ?AO: You want to use foot-long tubes filled with corpses for cover?
  328. CAU: wait i imagined them as barrel sized even though they probably aren't
  329. ?AO: You charge into uncertain death.
  330. CAC: Can we beat him to death with the Murder Tubes?
  331. ?AO: The next room appears to be quite a long chamber, with the end serving as a sort of of raised platform, stairs leading up to it.
  332. ?AO: Probably not. They are made of psioglass.
  333. CAC: ...
  334. CAC: Is it bad
  335. CAC: That I want to make a psionic coffee machine out of it
  336. ?AO: Hah.
  337. CAC: >Look around for threats
  338. CUC: Hmm.
  339. CUC: ^
  340. ?AO: The Plague Master is quite obviously on the platform across from you. He appears to be prying something out of the computer.
  341. CAC: >smash it out of his hands via water
  342. CAC: No toys for the murder man
  343. CUC: >^, but gently
  344. ?AO: He's well over ninety feet away. You don't have enough water, or time.
  345. CUC: don't want to damage the Gem.
  346. CUC: Oh.
  347. CAC: >running tackle maybe
  348. CAC: >or Cyan can shoot him
  349. CGG: look meanıngfully at cyan
  350. CUC: >Have Cyan shoot him (well away from the computer) with a beam.
  351. CGG: 
  352. CAC: >Cyan: Distract master using plasma beams, making sure not to hit what is probably the gem
  353. CAC: >Azure: Run forth
  354. ?AO: The fellow pries the topaz gem from the computer, tossing the mechanical bits aside.
  355. CAC: NO
  356. ?AO: Please vote on a course of action from the given.
  357. CUC: Oh shit he has a hostage.
  358. CUC: Hmm.
  359. CUC: >Fseftr's plan.
  360. CAC: ...would the gem break just by hitting the floor?
  361. ?AO: If only you had the Interdimensional Riot Police, Hostage Division.
  362. CUC: Fseftr's question
  363. CAC: Why is their a SERIAL KILLER in space?
  364. CUC: is a good one.
  365. CAC: *there
  366. ?AO: Depends on how forcefully it is removed from the grasp of the Plague Master.
  367. ?AO: Which would vary depending on the strength of his grip, which you don't really know.
  368. CAC: Hmm, alright...
  369. CAC: >Do my thing
  370. CAC: >do the plasma beam thing
  371. ?AO: Very well.
  372. CUC: Too bad we don't have any equivalent of Rose's healing tears.
  373. ?AO: Cyan lays down suppressive fire.
  374. ?AO: Yet.
  375. CUC: Or Steven's healing spit, for that matter.
  376. CUC: Hah.
  377. CAC: Seriously
  378. CAC: Who is Doc
  379. ?AO: The blasts are all caught in the violet energy bubble around the guy.
  380. ?AO: You run forth.
  381. CAC: Space Jeffrey Damher?
  382. ?AO: The Plague Master raises the hand not currently holding the hostage.
  383. CAC: Well
  384. CAC: More of a HH Holmes
  385. ?AO: You've got a moment to do something.
  386. CAC: Is the bubble damaged?
  387. ?AO: Nope.
  388. CAC: Well then...
  389. CAC: slide and run him through with water?
  390. ?AO: Majority vote required.
  391. CAC: I doubt that'll get through his shield
  392. CUC: > Cyan: FULL BARRAGE OF PLASMA BEAMS, Azure: Try and get him with your enhanced poison water.
  393. CAC: Wait!
  394. ?AO: Want to go with Crystal's plan, or Revan's?
  395. CAC: Is the computer outside of the bubble?
  396. ?AO: The mechanical parts, yes.
  397. CAC: >break his toys
  398. CUC: The gem is with him.
  399. ?AO: ^
  400. CUC: Hmm.
  401. CAC: >Cyan: Use electricity to hit his bubble and blind him
  402. CAC: If he can use them, he's powerless
  403. CAC: >Azure: Do Crystal's thing
  404. CAC: *can't
  405. CUC: >Plan Fseftr, I guess.
  406. CUC: Sounds good.
  407. ?AO: Very well.
  408. CAC: >still need to dodge
  409. CAC: No?
  410. CAC: We're blinding him, hopefully
  411. ?AO: Cyan blinds the Plague Master by obfuscating his sight.
  412. ?AO: You are much less successful. A bolt of poisoned water glances off of the shield.
  413. ?AO: You are now right next to the bubble.
  414. CAC: Alright... how do we get through this thing's bubble?
  415. CUC: I wonder if we can overload it.
  416. CAC: Water Pressure?
  417. CAU: Apply enough force at a directed point?
  418. CAC: I don't think it's plasma or anything? It's like... witch doctor magic.
  419. ?AO: ^
  420. CAC: Maybe our plasma saw>
  421. ?AO: Witch doctor magic it is indeed.
  422. CAC: Is he going to do anything
  423. ?AO: You have no idea.
  424. ?AO: You likely would if you could see.
  425. ?AO: Well, if you could see him.
  426. ?AO: You can see.
  427. CAC: >Azure: Use plasma saw on the bubble, making sure not to hit the gem or something
  428. CAC: >Cyan: Let the light dissipate, approach while firing plasma beams
  429. ?AO: Very well.
  430. ?AO: You slice into the bubble with the welding gear's plasma saw, the opaque nature of the bubble fading with the electricity.
  431. CAC: Also
  432. CAC: Currently going to call this guy Doc Bundy
  433. ?AO: As in, the racists and anti-government militiamen Bundys?
  434. CAC: No
  435. CAC: As the serial killer
  436. CAC: who targeted women
  437. ?AO: Fair enough. It fits quite well.
  438. ?AO: Anyhow, Cyan reaches your side. After five minutes of sustained fire and cutting, cracks begin to form.
  439. ?AO: Light pours forth from the splinters in the sorcery.
  440. ?AO: Perhaps attempting to rectify the error.
  441. ?AO: Your move?
  442. CAC: So what, he just stood there for five minutes.
  443. ?AO: Absolutely. He poked at the topaz gem with his creepy elderly bird man claws for thirty seconds, and then just watched.
  444. CAC: >drown the bastard
  445. CAC: >Continue, but at a more careful pace
  446. ?AO: Despite your attempt at caution, cracks begin to form more and more swiftly. A growl comes forth from the throat of the serial killer.
  447. ?AO: Then, the bubble bursts.
  448. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  450. CUC: >Observe.
  451. ?AO: Plague Master: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A psychotic robed being with a plague doctor mask. Wields both highly enhanced and poisoned chemical armament and what appears to be a cut topaz gem sealed within a small computer screen, set of wires, and holokeyboard. Poisoned. Has a hostage.
  452. CUC: Hah.
  453. CUC: >Cover him in poison water.
  454. CUC: (Assault)
  455. ?AO: And Cyan?
  456. CAU: we gotta stack the poison debuff
  457. CAC: >blast him square in the chest
  458. CUC: Cyan shocks him after we cover him in the water.
  459. ?AO: Laser through the chest, or shocking?
  460. CAC: Robes can insulate
  461. ?AO: This is true.
  462. CUC: Not if they're wet like the rest of him. Still, true.
  463. CUC: Maybe hit him lower down?
  464. CUC: To minimize the chance of hitting the Gem.
  465. ?AO: Very well.
  466. CAC: Hopefully we got him in the groin
  467. ?AO: Well, the guy is absolutely doused in poison, then blasted through the ower chest, burning a hole straight through the fuck's body.
  468. CAC: I mean, he's a bird
  469. ?AO: *lower.
  470. ?AO: Dryblood pours forth from the gaping wound. He looks pretty much defeated.
  473. CUC: >Observe.
  474. ?AO: Plague Master: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A psychotic robed being with a plague doctor mask. Wields both highly enhanced and poisoned chemical armament and what appears to be a cut topaz gem sealed within a small computer screen, set of wires, and holokeyboard. Poisoned. Has a hostage.
  475. CAC: >kick him over
  476. CAC: >stop on his corpse
  477. CAC: >Cyan:Use a plasma beam to detach the arm carrying the gem, being very careful not to hit it
  478. ?AO: You sure you want to do that?
  479. CUC: So he's just basically beaten.
  480. CAC: >Azure: Make a water hand to catch the gem
  481. CAC: /arm
  482. CUC: >Pull the poison water off of him.
  483. CUC: >Also do all those other things.
  484. CAC: No
  485. ?AO: You prepare for the assault.
  486. CAC: On second thought
  487. ?AO: Too late.
  488. CAC: But
  489. CAC: Information
  490. ?AO: Fine.
  491. ?AO: Ask away.
  492. CAC: >"Who the hell are you?"
  493. ?AO: No response.
  494. ?AO: Might be hard to speak with all that blood in your lungs, just saying.
  495. CAC: >Attack
  496. ?AO: How?
  497. CAC: What was said above
  498. ?AO: Alright.
  499. ?AO: Cyan fires a beam of plasma, and it passes through the shoulder of the Plague Master. The arm sadly does not detach, but it is rather wounded.
  500. ?AO: Then, as you go for the water, you get something interesting, so to speak.
  501. ?AO: "Enough."
  502. ?AO: Both you and Cyan freeze.
  503. ?AO: That isn't to say you actively moved to freeze.
  504. ?AO: More, it is saying you suddenly cannot move your limbs. You feel a cold feeling in your gem.
  505. ?AO: What do you do?
  506. CUC: Can Cyan still use her Bioschema?
  507. ?AO: Not really. Electro and hydrokinesis are still functional, though.
  508. CUC: Hm.
  509. CAC: May as well talk a bit
  510. ?AO: You can't move your lips.
  511. CAC: Oh...
  512. CUC: >Water blade to decapitate the fuck?
  513. CUC: It's probably him that's doing this.
  514. ?AO: He spoke, so probably.
  515. ?AO: Majority vote required.
  516. CUC: Anyone else concu -- ah.
  517. CAC: Hmm.
  518. CAC: Can we just knock him out
  519. CAC: no
  520. CAC: I really want some context
  521. CAC: And then we kill him
  522. ?AO: The guy is supposed to be dead right now.
  523. CAC: Oh, then he dies
  524. CAC: And we loot his shit
  525. CAC: Yeah, decapitate him.
  526. ?AO: Very well.
  527. CAC: If it works, quickly make a water hand to catch the gem
  528. CAC: It it doesn't, fuck
  529. ?AO: You ready the water blade behind him. Cyan seems to understand what you're doing.
  530. ?AO: Then, a medium-length metal rod slides into the hand of the Plague Master not holding the topaz gem. Blood drains from the holes in his body, and flows from grooves in the rod, forming a blade about a meter and a half in length. You can see his eyes dart to the water blade.
  531. ?AO: He impales you.
  532. CAC: >Kill each other
  533. CAC: >Murder pact
  534. CUC: >^ :)
  535. ?AO: Your body can move once more, the water blade reduced to a puddle. Please enter viable command.
  536. CAC: >punch him in the face
  537. CUC: >Have Cyan blow his head off.
  538. ?AO: The blade of pure blood protrudes from you back.
  539. ?AO: Cyan can't move.
  540. CUC: Damn.
  541. CUC: >Inventory?
  542. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit, Water Vial x2, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3 Ylahrthuian Salt x3, Amalgam Interface, Access Cube #8751, Access Cube #5082, Access Cube #1011, Murder Cylinder x4.
  543. CAC: >Cyan: Shock him right in the wounds
  544. CUC: >Are we close enough for a physical attack?
  545. CUC: The electricity would hit us as well through the blood.
  546. ?AO: The guy is within a foot of you, holding the handle of the arcane bloodblade.
  547. ?AO: UC: ^
  548. CUC: Karmic death time!
  549. CAC: We can respawn
  550. CAC: He can't
  551. CAC: Ehhh
  552. CAC: Fuck him
  553. CUC: >Take out one of the Murder Cylinders and smash it as hard as you can over his head.
  554. CAC: YES
  555. CUC: >Knock the fucker dead.
  558. ?AO: Majority vote required for corpse desecration.
  559. CGG: kıll
  560. CGG: desecrate
  561. ?AO: 3/5. Motion carried.
  562. CUC: Those gems' sacrifices will now be harnessed to kill their killer.
  563. CUC: Perfect.
  564. CUC: (Defeat their killer? Whatever.)
  565. ?AO: You weakly bonk the fucker on the head, your strength fading from the, you know, blade sticking out of your back.
  566. ?AO: With a clean squelching sound, the blade erupts back out of your body, and the Plague Master turns around, letting you drop.
  567. CAC: >Stave off death for just a bit longer
  568. ?AO: Poof.
  569. CUC: we could have hit him with the welding equipment, dammit.
  570. CAC: Or not
  571. ?AO: Cyan regains bodily strength, and immediately screams, wide-eyed.
  572. CAC: Naw
  573. CUC: >Cyan: Shock him quickly.
  574. CAC: Karmic Justice
  575. CUC: >Full power.
  576. CUC: Wait.
  577. ?AO: The Plague Master reaches toward the teardrop gem on the ground.
  578. CUC: >Blast his head off with the Bioschema.
  579. CUC: Better.
  580. ?AO: He picks it up.
  581. CAC: NO
  582. ?AO: Please enter command.
  583. CAC: No
  584. CAC: >Shoot him
  586. CUC: >Shoot him, very fast.
  587. CUC: >Don't give him even a second to react.
  588. CUC: >Right for the head.
  589. ?AO: Cyan shoots him in the face, immediately.
  590. ?AO: In the guy still isn't fucking dead, evidently, but his grip loosens slightly on the gems.
  591. ?AO: Your move?
  592. CAC: >Slice his arm off
  593. CAC: >blast his shoulder off
  594. CUC: >Blast his arm off.
  595. CAC: >the retrive gem and keep firing
  596. CUC: How fucking resilient is this guy?!
  597. ?AO: Which gem would it be?
  598. CAC: Azure's
  599. CUC: >Azure, of course!
  600. CAC: He is powered by the souls of the damned
  601. ?AO: Hah.
  602. ?AO: "He ate the souls of his victims."
  603. ?AO: Anyhow, Cyan fires at the Plague Master's damaged shoulder.
  604. ?AO: It is a clean cut.
  605. ?AO: Thanks to the plasma.
  606. CAC: >keep shooting
  607. CAC: >make him stay down
  608. CUC: >Shoot and keep shooting until he can no longer even move.
  609. ?AO: Cyan immediately reaches for your gem, and cradles it close to her chest. The Plague Master responds by sweeping around, and catching the topaz gem in his sword hand.
  610. CAC: >shoot his other arm off
  611. CAC: >and then blow his chest out
  612. CAC: >then his head
  613. ?AO: A mixture of your blood and the Plague Master's flows from the blade, forming a cloak of vitae, of sorts.
  614. ?AO: If only Cyan were hydrokinetic.
  615. ?AO: Anyhow, you fill the guy with holes.
  616. ?AO: By you, I mean Cyan.
  617. ?AO: Cyan does that.
  618. CUC: Cyan can be 'you' while Azure is poofed?
  619. CUC: I guess?
  620. ?AO: Sure.
  621. CAC: Seriously
  622. CAC: Why can't this guy stay dead
  623. CAC: Is he a lich?
  624. ?AO: A hand of blood rises from the cloak, wielding the sword itself.
  625. CAC: Oh for fuck's sake
  626. ?AO: The Plague Master uses the opportunity offered by a free hand to raise the topaz gem slightly.
  627. ?AO: His grip on it begins to tighten.
  628. CAC: He's gonna crush it
  629. CAC: >Slice his arm off
  630. CAC: Blast the hand
  631. CAC: *>
  632. CAC: And I do mean slice stop saying blast
  633. CAC: >Slice it is then
  634. CUC: >Motherfucker. >Slice the arm with the topaz in it off.
  635. CUC: The impact will be cushioned by his DEAD FLESH!
  636. ?AO: You slice off the shit's arm with a plasma blade. The arm sails across the room, landing a full thirty feet away, with the gem still in its hand.
  637. ?AO: The Plague Master chuckles.
  638. CUC: Don't tell me he can control his limbs while they're cut off...
  639. CAC: I told you
  640. CAC: Vaporization
  641. CAC: Only way to be sure
  642. ?AO: The blood hand proceeds to spin around, and impale the Plague Master, the bits of your blood still in there glowing slightly, dripping away from the mix.
  643. ?AO: The chuckling does not cease.
  644. CAC: HA
  645. ?AO: Furthermore, the guy drops to the ground.
  646. CUC: Crap. Is this guy possessed or something?
  647. CAC: heheheheheheheheheh
  648. CAU: hue
  649. ?AO: The open flesh of the corpse begins to glow.
  650. CAC: That actually is pretty funny...
  651. CAC: Heh
  652. CAC: heheheh
  653. CAC: Alright
  654. CAC: Sanity slippage over
  655. ?AO: Within moments, the body bursts into flames, the metal rod collapsing into a pile of ashes.
  656. ?AO: The ash rises into the air.
  657. CUC: Oh shit.
  658. CUC: Oh fucking shit.
  659. CAC: Hah
  660. CUC: This one isn't just a bird.
  661. ?AO: It proceeds to form itself into a bolt, and race toward the topaz gem.
  663. ?AO: Cyan has a moment to react.
  664. CAC: Uh
  665. CUC: >Fire all weapons at the bolt of ash. Avoid hitting the fucking gem!
  666. CAC: Shouldn't we make a shield?
  667. CUC: Wait.
  668. CAC: >cut it off with your shield
  669. CUC: Oh.
  670. CUC: Right.
  671. CUC: Shield around the gem!
  672. ?AO: Electricity, plasma, none of itharms the eternal ash as it streaks over to the gem, faster than you can do anything. The ash is undeterred.
  673. CUC: >Plasma shield around the gem.
  674. ?AO: *it harms.
  675. ?AO: The shield breaks into nothing, the heat seemingly obeying the will of the ash.
  676. CAC: Are you kidding me
  677. CAC: He's an old one
  678. CUC: I bet a water shield would have fixed the guy.
  679. CAC: A fucking Eldritch Horror
  680. CAC: >Kick the gem out of the way
  681. CUC: Nop.
  682. ?AO: The gem is thirty feet away.
  683. CUC: He's a fucking Phoenix or something.
  684. CAC: It would be a mercy kill but should we?
  685. ?AO: Speaking of it, before the ash can reach it, the gem begins to glow.
  686. CUC: One that uses gems a vessels to revive.
  687. CAC: Should we attack the gem?
  688. CUC: No!
  689. CAC: Oh
  690. CAC: Nevermind
  691. CUC: We don't know if this one can possess bodied gems.
  692. CAU: We should protect it, because I doubt he can posess conscious gems.
  693. ?AO: The gem floats into the air, narrowly avoiding the ash as it slams into the ground where it lay formerly.
  694. CAU: possess*
  695. CUC: Oh crap, protect Azure's gem!
  696. ?AO: Then, an orange form spills forth from the gem, away from the ashen death.
  697. CAC: >Put Azure in your inventory
  698. CAC: Doc Bundy, holly hell
  699. ?AO: Azure is now protected.
  700. ?AO: The topaz regenerates.
  701. CAC: Yay
  702. CAC: Gemfriend
  703. ?AO: "I... what's going on?"
  704. CUC: Can Azure. Uh. Regenerate in the inventory?
  705. ?AO: Probably.
  706. CUC: Because that would be weird and probably bad.
  707. CUC: Meh.
  708. ?AO: The gem'll exit the inventory upon beginning the regeneration process.
  709. CUC: Oh, phew.
  710. CAC: Should we even try to explain
  711. CAC: >Deal with the ash first?
  712. ?AO: Anyhow, what shall Cyan say, if anything?
  713. CGG: predıctıon: topaz ıs thınly veıled jasper
  714. CUC: In any case, >"No time to explain, get away from that ash!"
  715. CAC: No
  716. CAC: ...I mean,Topaz probably can't be hurt by it but
  717. CAC: Jasper would be enraged
  718. CAC: We should still deal with it
  719. ?AO: The gem's eyes widen, and she scrambles away from the ash.
  720. ?AO: Speaking of the ash...
  721. CAC: Wait
  722. ?AO: It levitates into the air once more.
  723. CAC: Is this guy a mortal form of the ash we found
  724. ?AO: A cold word echoes throughout the chamber.
  725. ?AO: "Goodnight."
  726. ?AO: The ash races in the direction of Topaz, emitting embers of flame in the process, along with a sonic boom.
  727. ?AO: Her eyes widen, and she falls to the ground, the stuff plunging into her body.
  728. CUC: Shit.
  729. ?AO: Speaking of that, you make an untimely return.
  730. CAC: NO!
  732. ?AO: Topaz collapses entirely, screaming all the while.
  733. ?AO: Those screams are rather familiar.
  734. CAC: >Use water to pufiry the ash?
  735. ?AO: The ash is within Topaz.
  736. ?AO: How do you purify that?
  737. CAC: Doc Bundy, christ...
  738. ?AO: Poof.
  739. ?AO: The gem falls to the ground, covered in ash.
  740. CAC: Fucking hell
  741. CAC: We need Strangelove
  742. CAC: Now
  743. ?AO: It cracks upon striking the ground.
  744. CUC: Double shit.
  745. CAU: Oh isn't that just peachy KEEN
  746. CAC: Wait
  747. CAC: Can't we fix cracked gems?
  748. CAC: With the Void Shards?
  749. ?AO: Then, as if trying to desperate trying to escape, the glow returns to the gem, and it rises once more.
  750. ?AO: Not that I know of.
  751. CUC: Only with something tha -- huh.
  752. CUC: Oh, nope.
  753. CAC: ...
  754. CUC: We need some equivalent to a Rose Quartz to do that.
  755. CAC: Seriously
  756. ?AO: It once more forms the figure of Topaz, yet does not really quite solidify.
  757. CAC: What is this guy
  758. ?AO: The light begins to twist, screams pulsating forth madly all the while.
  759. CAC: Stop.
  760. CAC: Jesus Christ
  761. ?AO: The light retreats back into the gem, and it collapses to the ground, otherwise fine.
  763. ?AO: That was absolutely brutal.
  764. CUC: Fucking hell.
  765. CAU: >Take a deep breath. You uh, probably need it
  766. ?AO: The door at the end of the platform opens upon the apparent death.
  767. ?AO: You both take a deep breath, rushing over the topaz gem.
  768. ?AO: Please enter command.
  769. ?AO: Actually, shit. I have to go AFK.
  770. ?AO: Uh, just sort of comtemplate this for a bit, I suppose. I'm really sorry.
  771. ?AO: For more than just leaving, quite frankly.
  773. ?AO: /UNAFK.
  774. ?AO: Please enter command.
  775. CAC: Uh
  776. CAC: >Make sure the ash is no longer a threat
  777. CGG: >attempt to extract as much ash as possıble usıng water
  778. ?AO: The ash is now INERT.
  779. ?AO: You wash the gem.
  780. CUC: Well, shit. Did he somehow possess Topaz?
  781. ?AO: No ash separates from the gem.
  782. CAU: >Store the gem in a bubble for safe keeping, assuming you can do that. It will put it in a stasis that should keep it - and us - safe.
  783. CAC: >Put it in your inventory instead
  784. ?AO: You cannot do that, so you just take the Ashen Topaz Gem (Mildly Damaged).
  785. CAC: >Take an ash sample in case its needed
  786. ?AO: You cannot separate any of the ash from the gem.
  787. CAC: Well.
  788. CAC: >Onwards, I suppose
  789. ?AO: You proceed into the now-opened door.
  790. ?AO: You enter what appears to be a short room with a blast door on the far wall, several Death Cylinders hooked up to devices pumping them full of various liquids of unknown origin.
  791. ?AO: Murder Cylinder, sorry.
  792. CUC: >Azure: Can you control said liquids?
  793. ?AO: You cannot.
  794. CUC: Hmm. Is there any way to drain said liquids from the Murder Cylinders?
  795. ?AO: It does not appear so.
  796. CUC: Huh.
  797. CUC: Ok, try to open the blast door?
  798. ?AO: Cyan shudders as she sees a few Crystal Core Chassises lining the walls, uncannily similar to the one you found her in.
  799. ?AO: All empty.
  800. ?AO: Anyhow, there's a lever next to the blast door. You pull it, opening the next chamber. Shall you proceed?
  801. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  802. CAC: >Yes
  803. CAU: >Onwards
  804. ?AO: You head onwards.
  805. ?AO: There are two distinct features in this room. One, a large stone slab with a base inscribed with the familiar hand. It is strikingly similar to the one you found in the Mu Sector.
  806. ?AO: Two, a large pedestal with a hand containing two navy hashes upon it.
  807. ?AO: Please enter command.
  808. CUC: >>Pedestal?
  809. CAU: >Inspect the Pedestal
  810. ?AO: You place a hand on the pedestal. Cyan looks at you quizzically.
  811. ?AO: The navy hashes exude their essence, and you remove your hand from the thing.
  812. ?AO: The panel holding the hand slides up, revealing a large chassis beneath.
  813. ?AO: It is underneath.
  814. ?AO: It is quite contained by this chassis.
  815. ?AO: Shall you acquire It?
  816. CAC: It?
  817. ?AO: It.
  818. ?AO: You know what It is.
  819. CAU: >Describe It since you apparently know 
  820. ?AO: Let's just have a guess here.
  821. ?AO: What do you think it is.
  822. CGG: probably a shard because obvıous
  823. ?AO: There we go.
  824. CAU: yeah
  825. ?AO: Now that we are caught up, shall you take it?
  826. CGG: sure
  827. CAU: >Get ye shard
  828. ?AO: ████
  829. ?AO: Now, for the matter of this slab.
  830. CAC: Hmm.
  831. CAC: Was the previous one the thing that gave us the blessing/curse?
  832. ?AO: Was it?
  833. CAC: >Eh, put your hand on the slab
  834. ?AO: Fuchsia symbols glow on the monolith when you place your hand upon the base marking.
  835. ?AO: It is followed by several Rodarbi symbols, on the base, all in fuchsia as well.
  836. ?AO: 'Now, one for another.'
  837. ?AO: The dark ooze flows from the symbols and the cracks, filling the basin before the thing.
  838. CAC: >Take
  839. ?AO: Blf xzmmlg. Hlnv uli zmlgsvi.
  840. ?AO: Please enter command.
  841. CAC: ...
  842. CAU: well uh, what else is there for us in this room
  843. ?AO: An exit elevator, it appears.
  844. CAU: think we've covered everything here AC?
  845. CUC: Wait.
  846. CUC: Hmm.
  847. CUC: I'm decrypting that cipher.
  848. CAC: You cannot. Some for another.
  849. CUC: ^
  850. CUC: Should Cyan take some?
  851. ?AO: Should she?
  852. CUC: AC, GG, AU?
  853. CGG: uh
  854. CAU: Well from what I have heard last time Azure was uh, cursed by one of these?
  855. CGG: sure
  856. ?AO: 1/4.
  857. CAU: Correct me if I am wrong.
  858. CAC: >Try the elevator
  859. CUC: The Blessing/Curse.
  860. ?AO: You cannot proceed without making a decision.
  861. CAU: Any idea what it did though?
  862. CUC: We're unsure what it does.
  863. CUC: Ah.
  864. CAU: Hm.
  865. CUC: I suppose we can ask Cyan if she wants to take some.
  866. ?AO: Do you ask?
  867. CAC: >y
  868. CAU: >Ask the Cyan if she wants to interact with the weirdo slab
  869. CUC: >Ask.
  870. ?AO: "Uh, why?
  871. ?AO: *"
  872. CUC: (quick /afk)
  873. CAU: that is uh, a reasonable question there
  874. CAC: >"It seems I can't take any. I don't know if you want to try. I got something similar earlier, but... it's weird."
  875. ?AO: Are you sure you want to say that?
  876. ?AO: For that matter, you can just activate autopilot, if need be.
  877. CAC: Ehh.
  878. CAC: I say don't take any.
  879. ?AO: It appears like everyone else wishes to take it, however.
  880. CAC: No one else has really expressed an opinion, except generic.
  881. CAU: Yeah, probably neigh to taking it.
  882. ?AO: 2/4 for nay.
  883. ?AO: 3/4 will reverse your asking, and Cyan's response.
  884. CAC: GG
  885. CGG: ask crys
  886. CAC: He's afk
  887. CGG: oh
  888. CGG: not gonna
  889. ?AO: Thanks to the wonders of indecision, the asking and response have been forcefully reversed by executive command.
  890. ?AO: Please enter command.
  891. CAC: >Take exit elevator
  892. CUC: >Take exit elevator.
  893. CAU: >Exit
  894. ?AO: You pop out in the very room you started in, the entry door, open.
  895. CAC: >Leave
  896. ?AO: You board your ship, still rather shaken by the experience of both being murdered.
  897. CUC: Afk for gaming
  898. CAU: i'll be afk too, for that matter
  899. CAC: >Check map
  900. ?AO: Would you like to plot a course for the Nu Sector, which you recall is the location of the last(?) SHARD, or would you like to save and quit?
  901. CAC: Wasn't there that three hash door
  902. CAC: In the first dungeon in the sector
  903. ?AO: There was.
  904. CAC: >Set course there, then save and quit.
  905. ?AO: You set your course to there, with an ETA of about forty-five minutes.
  906. ?AO: Also, I forgot to do this, so: ████████
  907. ?AO: Saving game...
  908. ?AO: Saving...
  909. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Quitting in three seconds. You have ten seconds to disperse.
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