

Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. {
  2. EventId=head
  3. EventType=vote
  4. EventDescription=You guys are preparing for a standard grab-and-bag bank job. First you have to decide how you're going to get in.
  5. EventOption=back|Enter through the back room. If the D20 rolls less than 5, things go loud.
  6. EventOption=planb|Enter through the front door and go loud.
  7. }
  9. {
  10. EventId=back
  11. EventType=roll
  12. EventDescription=On a roll greater than or equal to 5, your crew won't be caught entering the back.
  13. DieSize=20
  14. Roll=loudfirst|x<5
  15. Roll=stealthback|x>=5
  16. }
  18. {
  19. EventId=stealthback
  20. EventType=roll
  21. EventDescription=If you roll over 10, then you'll kill the camera guard without raising suspicion.
  22. DieSize=20
  23. Roll=loudfirst|x<=10
  24. Roll=camera| x>10
  25. }
  27. {
  28. EventId=camera
  29. EventType=forced
  30. EventDescription=You kill the camera guard. Time to set up the drill.
  31. NextEvent=drill
  32. }
  34. {
  35. EventId=loudfirst
  36. EventType=forced
  37. EventDescription=Bain: "God damn it! We were supposed to sneak this! Plan B I guess."
  38. EventNext=planb
  39. }
  41. {
  42. EventId=planb
  43. EventType=vote
  44. EventDescription=Do you want to set up the drill or control the civvies?
  45. EventOption=drill|Set up the drill.
  46. EventOption=civvies|Control the civvies.
  47. }
  49. {
  50. EventId=drill
  51. EventType=forced
  52. EventDescription=Your crew sets up the drill.
  53. EventNext=rollbreak
  54. }
  56. {
  57. EventId=rollbreak
  58. EventType=roll
  59. EventDescription=If less than 10 is rolled, the drill will have to be repaired.
  60. DieSize=20
  61. Roll=repair|x<10
  62. Roll=working|x>=10
  63. }
  65. {
  66. EventId=repair
  67. EventType=forced
  68. EventDescription=Your crew repairs the drill.
  69. EventNext=rollbreak
  70. }
  72. {
  73. EventId=working
  74. EventType=forced
  75. EventDescription=The vault is open! Bag the cash and run!
  76. EventNext=escape
  77. }
  79. {
  80. EventId=escape
  81. EventType=roll
  82. EventDescription=If less than 5 is rolled, your crew will be busted.
  83. DieSize=20
  84. Roll=busted|x<5
  85. Roll=goodend|x>=5
  86. }
  88. {
  89. EventId=civvies
  90. EventType=roll
  91. EventDescription=On a roll of one, the civvies will resist.
  92. DieSize=20
  93. Roll=resist|x==1
  94. Roll=tie|x>1
  95. }
  97. {
  98. EventId=resist
  99. EventType=forced
  100. EventDescription=You fail to tie up any of the civvies.
  101. EventNext=drill
  102. }
  104. {
  105. EventId=tie
  106. EventType=forced
  107. EventDescription=You tie up the civvies.
  108. EventNext=drill
  109. }
  111. {
  112. EventId=busted
  113. EventType=end
  114. EventDescription=You were busted! Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you. I'm sorry guys.
  115. Payout=0
  116. }
  117. {
  118. EventId=goodend
  119. EventType=end
  120. EventDescription=Excellent haul guys! We're going down in history for this. Payout of $1,500,000!
  121. Payout=1500000
  122. }
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