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a guest
Jul 19th, 2010
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C++ 2.90 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #include <sys/stat.h>
  2. #include <sys/time.h>
  3. #include <sys/types.h>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. using namespace std;
  7. //g++ -O2 -o sillybenchmark sillybenchmark.cpp
  10. typedef unsigned long long uint64;
  11. class ZTimer
  12. {
  13. public:
  14.     struct timeval t1, t2;
  15. public:
  16.     ZTimer() { gettimeofday(&t1,0); t2 = t1; }
  17.     void reset() {gettimeofday(&t1,0); t2 = t1;}
  18.     int elapsed() { return ((t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000) + ((t2.tv_usec - t1.
  19. tv_usec) / 1000); }
  20.     int split() { gettimeofday(&t2,0); return elapsed(); }
  21. };
  24. uint64 test1() {// standard scalar product
  25.     const int N =1024*32;
  26.     uint64 vector1[N];
  27.     uint64 vector2[N];
  28.     uint64 answer;
  29.     for(int k =0; k<N;++k)
  30.      answer += vector1[k] * vector2[k];
  31.     return answer;
  32. }
  34. uint64 test2() {//  scalar product 2x2
  35.     const int N = 1024*32;
  36.     uint64 vector1[N];
  37.     uint64 vector2[N];
  38.     uint64 answer;
  39.     for(int k =0; k+1<N;k+=2)
  40.      answer += vector1[k] * vector2[k]+vector1[k+1] * vector2[k+1];
  41.     return answer;
  42. }
  44. uint64 test3() {// not a scalar product (fewer multiplications)
  45.     const int N = 1024*32;
  46.     uint64 vector1[N];
  47.     uint64 vector2[N];
  48.     uint64 answer;
  49.     for(int k =0; k+1<N;k+=2)
  50.      answer += ( vector1[k] + vector2[k] ) * ( vector1[k+1] + vector2[k+1] );
  51.     return answer;
  52. }
  54. uint64 test4() {// standard scalar product with squares
  55.     const int N =1024*32;
  56.     uint64 vector1[N];
  57.     uint64 vector2[N];
  58.     uint64 answer;
  59.     for(int k =0; k<N;++k) {
  60.      answer += (vector1[k] + vector2[k])* (vector1[k] + vector2[k]);
  61.     }
  62.     return answer;
  63. }
  65. uint64 test5() {//  scalar product 4x4
  66.     const int N = 1024*32;
  67.     uint64 vector1[N];
  68.     uint64 vector2[N];
  69.     uint64 answer;
  70.     for(int k =0; k+1<N;k+=4)
  71.      answer += vector1[k] * vector2[k]+vector1[k+1] * vector2[k+1]+vector1[k+2] * vector2[k+2]+vector1[k+3] * vector2[k+3];
  72.     return answer;
  73. }
  75. uint64 test6() {//  just additions
  76.     const int N = 1024*32;
  77.     uint64 vector1[N];
  78.     uint64 vector2[N];
  79.     uint64 answer;
  80.     for(int k =0; k+1<N;k+=4)
  81.      answer += vector1[k] + vector2[k];
  82.     return answer;
  83. }
  85. int main(int params, char ** args) {
  86.     ZTimer t;
  87.     uint64 fakesum;
  88.     double timeelapsed;
  89.     t.reset();
  90.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test1();
  91.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  92.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;
  93.     t.reset();
  94.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test2();
  95.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  96.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;
  97.     t.reset();
  98.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test3();
  99.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  100.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;   
  101.     t.reset();
  102.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test4();
  103.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  104.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;
  105.     t.reset();
  106.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test5();
  107.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  108.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;
  109.     t.reset();
  110.     for(int loop = 1; loop<10000;++loop) fakesum += test6();
  111.     timeelapsed = t.split()/(1000.0);
  112.     cout<<timeelapsed<<endl;
  113.     cout<<endl;
  114.     cout<<fakesum<<endl;
  115. }
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