

Jan 29th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Cadence was in the kitchen getting the dishwasher loaded. Titus was happily outside playing with the little dogs, even though he was like 3 times their size. Thank god for big yards. She stood up from putting the plates in and stretched her back wincing a little. "Can you get away from my spine please" She said to her stomach. I assume that Steph pretty much had Trick the whole time, which was nice so Cadence could get stuff done.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was sitting at the counter island on one of the stools with her legs crossed and Trick in her lap bouncing on her knee. When she got dressed this morning she'd become hyper aware of how skinny she'd gotten over the last couple of months and is now super uncomfortable with it so she'd packed healthy snacks to bring along with her on her walk down the block. But also to feed Nugget along the way because she didn't want him to quit halfway there. She had a bag of carrot spears open on the counter, picking one out to hold for Trick to gum to death. "Do you want me to help you if she's being a little jerk?"-
  3. Covet: "Nah, I'm just about done. Her favorite spot is tucked right up against my spine, unfortunately, that's been causing my left leg to fall asleep, regardless of standing or sitting. All my kids are jerks, the furry and scaley ones included. Course.. look at their parents, is anyone surprised?"
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, you said it, not me." She spoke quickly, wigglign the carrot stick a bit for Trick as he tried to follow it with his mouth. "Have you talked to Remy?"-
  5. CovetCovet : "As much as I need to." Cadence said finishing up the dishwasher, slamming it closed a little harder than intended. "Are you teasing my son with a carrot, Dick?" She asked her blinking as she watched Trick opening his mouth while putting his hands up for the carrot.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Well I can't just let him have it. He'll choke." SHe said defensively, bringing the carrot up to her mouth to take a loud crunching bite before holding it back out to Trick, making 'mmm' noises. "Surprisingly enough, your house is so much quieter than mine right now."-
  7. Covet: "Yeah? That's cause he's happy, and the dog is outside, and not in here terrorizing the cats. He's gotten rather bored without Petey here. And the cats don't play the way he wants to play " She said with a laugh. "Why is it so loud at your place?"
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like you need to adopt another dog." She said with literally zero hesitation, keeping her eyes on Trick in her lap. "Felix and I have been arguing over stuff. And I was sick yesterday. This morning Penny was barking at birds outside. There is literally no peace in my house."-
  9. Covet: "I have a big enough zoo without getting another one." Cadence said flatly. "What are you arguing over now?" She asked her taking a wash cloth to wipe down the counters, mostly just doing busy work to keep her mind off of her own problems.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Titus disagreeeees." She spoke in a sing songy voice, giving Trick a few good bounces and taking the carrot away from him because it was just slimed to death. "He thinks I need to be in therapy and I would rather get locked in a box of pythons than go back to therapy."-
  11. Covet: "Titus is a dog, the only thing he knows, is treats, walk, shush and get down. Oh and I guess Good Boy." She said with a shrug, biting the inside of her cheek. "Huh... who knew we had so much in common." She said as she moved about the kitchen.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Well then I guess my dogs have him beat because in addition to those, they know toy, bed time, and my personal favorite, who's at the door? Which just sends them barking at the door when no one's there." She smirked because it's so evil. "Wait, you agree with him?"-
  13. Covet: "I never thought about that one... that's a good one. But Titus already goes and barks at the door for no reason. He'll just wander the house and bark once or twice. I think he does it just to hear himself." Cadence said, "Meaning, that My significant other has said the same to me, recently."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Lonely Titus..." She mumbled because now she wants Cadence to adopt another dog. That's it. It's over. "Why the hell does Remy think he has any say in your mental health or how you choose to go about taking care of yourself?"-
  15. CovetCovet : "I mean.. I get it.. he is concerned, but he doesn't get to be concerned, when it's partially his fault. He thinks it might be some post partum depression stuff. I told him he was full of shit, because I haven't been post partum, just perpetually partum." She said rolling her eyes.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "But also fuck him because any depression you have suffered recently is his damn fault. Sorry Trick." She said, gently covering his ears even thought he F bomb was already out.-
  17. CovetCovet : "Yeah... That's kind of what I said." Cadence said with a shrug. "I don't feel like going, because one I don't have the time. and two It's not going to fix the issues between me and him, which is what is a major contributing factor to the depression."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly!" She said, tossing one hand into the air even though YOUR SITUATION IS NOT THE FUCKING SAME, SHUT UP. "I feel like it's a man thing. They just automatically assume they know how to fix everything all the damn time."-
  19. Covet: "I think that they feel obligated. Like because we're committed to them, they have to make sure we're okay. God forbid we be fucking independent." Cadence said rolling her eyes.
  20. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "I mean sure you can make sure I'm okay, but if I say I don't want to do something it doesn't need to be a weekend long argument of badgering and attitude and pouting." She said, rolling her eyes.-
  21. Covet: "Yeah.. and I both have the problem of not doing the things we probably should. Ignoring it for our own stubborn sake." Cadence said. "But Still...That's something we have to do on our own, not for them to demand of us."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "If I want to condemn myself, let me. I see the light eventually if it's the right path." Liar. "See this is why we're best friends because we get each other. Actually..." She shifted Trick in her lap so she could free up her other hand, reaching into the totebag of snacks and things she brought with her to pull out the bedazzled headband that said 'maid of honor' on it. "Would you be my maid of honor even though you kind of already knew I'd ask you?"-
  23. Covet: "About fucking time." Cadence said taking the headband from her, and put it on immediately. "I thought you were never going to ask. Do you have a date set yet? Cause I need to know how big I'm going to be so I can plan accordingly."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "We do not. This whole... heart attack thing..." She said, waving her hand through the air like it was no big deal, but really she was just trying to make a joke. "...put our planning on a little bit of a hold, but I'm hoping that he can manage to stop talking about therapy for long enough that we can get moving on planning again."-
  25. Covet: "Okay, well keep me posted, because dress wise, we're going to have to find something stretchy, or something that will be comfortable over this brat." She said pointing to her stomach.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I will definitely make sure you are aware when my wedding is so that you can be present and dressed appropriately. Also though, you and Mom have to come with me to pick a dress so there's that too."-
  27. Covet: "Well yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss that shit for the world." Cadence told her. "I'm excited to see what looks good on you. Do you have a style in mind?"
  28. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Definitely no ball gown type of things. None of that princess garbage." She said, sticking her tongue out in disgust. "I think I like the idea of lace in some aspect."-
  29. Covet: "Oh thank god. I should be the only one that looks puffy on your wedding." Cadence said with a laugh. "Lace is definitely up your alley though."
  30. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa Alexithymiaa : "You're not going to look puffy, stop it. I'm leaning towards a vintagy look in my head which shouldn't really be all that surprising." She shrugged, reaching into the bag to pull out a little onesie for Trick also. "We were also hoping that Trick might be walking by the time we get married..."- ( )
  31. Covet: "Oh my god, This is too fucking cute." Cadence said getting all giddy over the onesie. "I will make sure he's walking by thte time you get married. Just so he can be your ring bearer."
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Even if it's not, we both kind of agreed we'd make it work somehow." She smiled. "I think that's all that's left in my bag of tricks for the evening. Does that mean I have to go home?"-
  33. Covet: "Not if you don't want to." Cadence laughed. "I mean, It's not like anyone else is here in this huge house." Her tone went a little more sardonic. " We could stay up watching shitty movie reruns."
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a groan, sliding off her stool and walking into the living room with Trick to set him in his swing. "That sounds awesome, but I feel like Felix is going to blow a gasket if I just stay here tonight."-
  35. Covet: "Well then let him. You're safe here. You can say I was upset and needed you. He can't be mad about that." Cadence added as she followed Steph into the kitchen.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Should we take bets on that?" SHe asked with a huff, just assuming anything she did was going to ssend him into an attitude. Dropping down onto the couch with a huff, she made herself comfortable for movies because NO FUCKS GIVEN, but also no phone call because shes a stubborn bitch.-
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