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a guest
Nov 19th, 2019
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text 1.78 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Prefix: '&7[&cFarmRobot&7] '
  2. Permission: farmrobot.admin
  3. Messages:
  4. Add: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &cadd <name> &7| &cAdd Robot'
  5. BlockLink: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &clink <Type> <dataId> <name> &7| &cLink Block
  6. > Robot'
  7. UnBlockLink: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &cunlink <name> &7| &cUn-Link Block > Robot'
  8. List: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &clist &7| &cList all Robots'
  9. Remove: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &cremove <name> &7| &cRemove Farm Robot'
  10. Reload: '%prefix%&7/&7farmrobot &creload &7| &cReload the Configuration'
  11. Added: '%prefix%&7Robot with Name: &c%name% &7added.'
  12. BlockLinked: '%prefix%&7Block has been linked to Robot ( &c%name% &7).'
  13. UnBlockLinked: '%prefix%&7Block has been un-linked from Robot ( &c%name% &7).'
  14. Listed: '%prefix%&7The following Robots are available: %names%'
  15. Removed: '%prefix%&7Robot with Name &c%name% &7has been removed.'
  16. Reloaded: '%prefix%&eConfiguration &7has been reloaded.'
  17. EmptyList: '%prefix%&cThere are no Robots registered!'
  18. DoesNotExist: '%prefix%&cThe Robot with Name: &7%name% &cdoesn´t exist!'
  19. DoesAlreadyExist: '%prefix%&cThe Robot with Name: &7%name% &cdoes already exist!'
  20. LinkDoesAlreadyExist: '%prefix%&cThe Block is already added to Robot with Name:
  21. &7%name%&c!'
  22. LinkDoesNotExist: '%prefix%&cThe Block doesn´t exist!'
  23. WrongBlockType: '%prefix%&cThe entered BlockType Name does not exist in your Version!'
  24. RobotSettings:
  25. Texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDhkNmUzMzVkN2E1NjE4Njg5OWQzOGMzYzZiMjViNTA1MWQ1NTUxNGY1N2JmYjNkZDFmNzExZjFmZmQ4OTQ3ZiJ9fX0=
  26. WaitTicks: 40
  27. FlySpeed:
  28. Pending: 0.1
  29. Last: 0.2
  30. FarmRobots:
  31. Szczepcio:
  32. Location:
  33. World: world
  34. X: -6893.017105604889
  35. Y: 64.0
  36. Z: 1046.8807699805789
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