
RP Attacks #12(Everlasting Mystic Fusion)

Jun 12th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. *Suddenly The Clouds Split,A Bright Light shined it seemed like a star descending upon the planet,A Double Voice roared echoing throught the Area,i landed on a mountain nearby emitting a powerful aura.*
  3. "Electrocutioner Crash!" *I darted towards you smashing my shoulder into your chest,I spun slamming my foot into your neck i overhead you into the ground,i tped in front of you slamming a ki blade into your rib cage cracking it.*
  5. "Orbital Flash!" *I instantly slammed my fist into gut i grabbed your face slamming it into the wall causing your nose to break,I backhanded you causing you to dart away I stuck 2 fingers up causing a gigantic explosion under you*
  6. *I skid on the ground like it was water,I spun kicking your ankle,I jumped spinning mid-air i slammed my foot onto your head cracking your skull slightly,I tped in front of you firing a ki blast in your face*
  8. "Meteor Assault." *I shot a ki blade into your chest pulling you towards me,I slammed my fist into your jaw causing you to dart away i tped behind kicking you into air i tped above you firing a massive a ki wave in your face*
  9. *I suddenly appeared in front of you,i slammed my knee into your gut I jumped kicking your head towards the ground i tped in front of you slamming a ki blade into your gut I turned firing a ki blast into your gut causing you to dart away*
  11. "Star Tremor." *I tped behind smashing my fist into your spine the impact caused your spine to rattle,I Sweeped your feet slamming my knee into your back I grabbed your head starting to form a ki blast in my hands*
  12. (Part 2)
  13. *I formed a ki blast incasing your head inside it,instantly your face began to be charred also your hair began to slowly burn away,I laughed menacingly as i watched.*
  15. "Galactic Bolt." *The Man rose his finger firing a gigantic silver final flash at you*
  16. (Part 2)
  17. *As your blocked,your arms were burned as the beam pushed you back more and more,It exploded vaporizing your shirt and it burned your arms and chest causing them to steam*
  18. *I rose my finger firing a gigantic silver final flash at your beam,I smirked noticing you were strong,I put more power into my beam roaring releasing my doubled voice causing our beams to cancel out each others*
  19. *I rose my finger firing a gigantic silver final flash at your beam,I put more power into my beam roaring releasing my doubled voice causing my beam to negate yours and slam into your chest going through your one of your ribs cracking it*
  21. "Pulsing Turbulence!" *I grabbed your arm stopping your attack,i smashed my palm into your nose breaking it i tped to your left kicking you in the face causing you dart away i tped behind slamming my fist into your back cracking your spine slightly*
  22. *I ducked your kick like a 4 legged beast,i slashed your leg with a ki blade burning it,i darted at you headbutting your nose breaking it,I formed a ki blade slashing you causing you to dart into a mountain/tree*
  23. *I Grinned as your beam came towards me,veins appeared on my arms suddenly i started to barrage your beam hitting it so hard It split i jumped through grabbing you and slamming you into your beam causing it to close in on you and explode*
  25. "Rotating Crasher." *I tped in front of you kicking your neck to so hard,it caused you to spin in place i tped in front of you barraging your gut so hard 3 of your ribs cracked i slammed my foot into your face causing you to dart away and slam into a rock*
  27. "Piercing Bash." *I put my hand on your chest smiling,suddenly a ki blade went through your heart instantly causing you to barf up blood,i lifted you up forming another ki blade with my other i slammed it into your throat causing agonizing pain*
  28. *I fired a ki blade into your leg burning hole in it,Suddenly i was in front of you i charged my fist with energy slamming it into your causing your eyes to go white,i backflipped over you grabbing your head slamming it into the ground*
  30. "Radiating Extinction." *Suddenly A Overwhelming Murderous Aura Leaked off of me,I darted at you causing the rocks behind me to crack i smashed my fist into your gut lifing you up i placed my hand on your chest firing a barrage of ki blast through your gut causing you to barf up blood.*
  31. (Part 2)
  32. *I Smiled as The Ki blasts slowly turned around They fired at you at like an LMG into your chest causing you to fly into the ground,They began to explode burning your body and the surrounding area*
  34. "Negative Burst!" *I roared releasing my double voice,Suddenly my Aura flared up and formed a wall in front of me catching your beam,your beam broke into molecules I clapped causing the energy to fly into my hands forming 2 energy balls*
  35. *I glared at you slamming the 2 energy balls together causing The Surroundings Rocks to float,as the 2 connected I spoke* "KA..ME..HA..ME.."
  36. (Part 2)
  37. "HAAAAAAAA!!!"*I suddenly tped behind you firing the it into your back causing an explosion and a crater to form Your back was burned extremely to point your muscles in your back were visible*
  39. "Edging Crack." *I tped in front of you slamming my fist into your jaw causing the rocks/tree's around us to fly,I jumped smashing my foot into your chest instantly cracking 1 or 2 ribs,I spun mid-air slamming the bottom of my foot on your head*
  40. (Part 2)
  41. *I held my foot on your head,as if you were a servant I stomped your head into the ground causing some of your teeth to fall out*
  43. "Hammer Combination!" *I screamed releasing my doubled voice and Aura like UI goku charging up against kefla,I tped in front of you uppercutting you,I darted behind you Hammerfisting your head so hard some of your teeth chipped and it sent a shockwave through your entire body*
  45. "Lightning Demon." *Suddenly Me and You were in a field of grass,The Sky was red while the stars were on fire,I appeared in front of you i walked through you causing you to be barraged 10,000 times breaking your arm and 2 ribs*
  46. (Part 2)
  47. *I flew from above you stomping your head into the ground,I tped up charging a gigantic ball,I threw it into your back making it explode bruising your back causing us to return to the normal world.*
  49. "Blade Dance." *I flew at you slashing your neck with a ki blade,I fired another blade through your shoulder putting a hole in it,I tped in front of you with 2 ki blades i flew threw you causing you to be slashed 4,000 times*
  50. *I made 2 ki blades,i darted at you slashing your ankles,I jumped sending a ki blade through your skull causing your brain to burn and boil inside your head,I stabbed you through your chest putting a hole in it*
  52. "Shredding Eclipse." *I charged my fists with ki,i punched the ground causing gigantic tornado to form around you I smiled causing ki blades to pierce your body,I jumped Charging A Massive Ki ball i threw it into the tornado causing it to implode, some of your hair burned away,one of you eyes were burned,and your body was a dark shade and steaming*
  54. "Solar Thrust!" *My Fist began to vibrate extremely fast to the point it began to seem solid and heat up,I flew roaring at you slamming my fist into your jaw the impact caused your eyes to go white and some mountains behind you to be blow away*
  55. *My Fist began to vibrate extremely fast to the point it began to seem solid and heat up,I flew roaring at you slamming my fist into your jaw the impact broke teeth in your mouth causing it to bleed*
  57. "Reactor Flare." *I smiled Raising my hand suddenly i tped in front of you grabbing your face,I placed my hand on your liver a air ball formed I added my energy to it causing it to boil i fired it into your liver,Your liver slowly burned causing agonizing pain*
  59. "Necrotic Strike!" *I tped in front of you uppercutting you causing you to fly up,i tped to where you were flying i slammed my palm into your temple causing a shockwave to go through it,I formed a Ki blade i jumped cutting your whole ear off*
  60. *I flew at you at Universal Speeds,I smashed my palm into your chest causing a shockwave to go through your back,I formed a ki blade i stabbed the nerves in your arms causing them to go numb,I grabbed your head stabbing your eye*
  62. "Atomo Blow." *I jumped extremely high going behind the clouds,I darted down like a rocket slamming my foot into your gut,I spun charging my fist with a white aura,I roared slamming it into your gut the impact caused your eyes to go white and your entire rib cage to break*
  64. "Cresent Barrage!" *I smiled slamming my fist into your liver,I tped to your right forming a ki blade it went through your neck instantly burning your throat causing you to barf up blood,I jumped slashing you from head to toe forming a Moon.*
  65. *I formed ki blades as i darted at you,i tped behind you slashing your back,i tped in front of you stabbing you in the chest sending a shockwave through your back,i tped behind you slashing you from head to toe forming a Moon.*
  67. "Furious Fracture!" *I roared releasing a double voice,i darted at you at Universal Speeds i grabbed your wrist instantly breaking it,I slammed my knee into your chest cracking 2 of your ribs,I spun smashing my foot into your head causing you dart into a rock/tree instantly breaking you arm.*
  68. *I roared releasing a double voice,i tped above you overheading you i tped in front of you before you hit the ground,i right hooked you causing you to dart away,I tped in front of where you flying I smashed a ki blade into your gut flying in a mountain/tree*
  70. (Transformation)
  71. *The Man smirked as He stood up wiping the blood from his mouth,He Suddenly Began to be Incased in a white aura,The Mountains/Tree's around us Began to lift up,I clenched my fist roaring releasing a Surge of Golden and Mystic energy that could be felt from Space,The Man smiled as He glared at you,His glare alone sent a massive shockwave towards you as He walked to you,You could feel the earth shake silently every step he made.*
  73. *I Threw a punch colliding with yours,this caused us to clash*
  74. *I weaved your attack I made a knife hand cupping it,I slammed my cupped hand onto your ear causing a gigantic shockwave to go through your head stunning you*
  75. *The Man rose his fist charging it with energy,I punched a gigantic shockwave towards your beam causing it to be canceled out*
  76. *I jumped stepping on your chest,he smiled as he sent his foot into your face causing you to dart away*
  77. *I flew at you spinning sending a faint-kick,I instantly uppercut you and tped behind you overheading you into the ground*
  78. *I barraged your chest,I grabbed you slamming you on my knee*
  79. *I jumped firing a Ki barrage,I tped behind kicking your leg i tped away letting you get hit by the barrage.*
  80. *I flipped you over my shoulder,I turned right hooking you into a mountain/tree*
  81. *I backflipped over you dodging,I landed behind you chopping your neck causing you to dart into a mountain*
  82. *I ducked the punch,I grabbed your shoulder and neck slamming you into the ground creating a cratier*
  83. *I sent my elbow into your jaw causing you to be staggered,I followed up by sending my knee into your gut the impact caused you to slide back*
  84. *I Roared releasing a powerful shockwave that forced you back stopping your attack*
  85. *I weaved your attack darting to your side grabbing your finger,i flipped your entire body slamming you into the ground causing your finger to be broken*
  86. *The man easily weaved your attacks,He cracked his neck slamming his palm into your chest a shockwave to go throughout your back*
  87. *I sent a ki blast behind me knowing where you teleported stopping your attack,i smiled putting my hand down*
  88. *I palmed your chin causing you to fly up i sent my fist into your gut causing a shockwave to go throughout your back*
  89. *I Chuckled as i tped behind you dodging your attack,I sweeped your feet causing you fall down*
  90. *The man began using kung-fu he grabbed your wrist striking you 10 times in your chest with his fingers causing you to cough up blood*
  91. *I ducked putting my hands behind my back,I backflipped slamming my foot onto your head*
  92. *I Weaved Your attacks oddly i didn't attack back,I just smiled jumping back suddenly your arms and legs began to become numb causing you to fall on your back*
  93. *I jumped spin kicking your arms,breaking your guard,I tped behind you slapping you into a mountain/Tree*
  94. *I ducked striking your liver i darted up striking your chin i followed up with a hard right hook from the left causing a few of your teeth to be knocked out*
  95. *I chopped your neck i grabbed your face slamming you into the ground the impact caused you to fly up i sent my fist into your jaw causing you to dart away*
  96. *I was hit staggering back,I recovered darting at you shoulderbashing your chest i fired a ki wave point-blank in your face*
  97. *I skid back holding my chest,i tped to your left backhanding you into a mountain/Tree*
  98. *I grabbed your ankle stopping your kick,I broly slammed you into the ground causing you eye's to go white*
  99. *I fired a ki blade into your hand stopping your punch,I fired another one into your gut this caused your insides to burn*
  100. *I created ki blades and spun creating a tornado,I slashed your arms and chest*
  101. *I fell forward dodging the back kick,I skid back sweeping your feet causing you to fall forward i tped above you stomping on your back causing the mountains to crack*
  102. *I shot 1 ki blast to the right i jumped grabbing it dodging your attack i threw the ki blast in your face i created another ki blast teleporting behind you shooting it into the back of your head causing you to dart away*
  103. *I grabbed your fist,I stabbed your arm with a ki blade burning it,I slammed my foot into your chin causing you to dart away*
  104. *The Man smiled as He released His Super Saiyan Aura,It was calm but it made you feel like you were danger for some reason.*
  105. (part 2)
  106. *I go into a stance tping in front of you,I charged my fist with energy I smashed it into your jaw causing it to bruise slightly*
  107. *I rose 2 fingers putting them on your chest,I slammed 2 of my knuckles into your heart this caused you to dart away and smash into a tree/Mountain slightly cracking your spinal cord*
  108. *I'd stagger, recovering with a knee to your liver it sent a shockwave through your body*
  109. *I jumped spinning back dodging your attack,i sent a ki blade into your neck causing you to be unable to breathe*
  111. (Mystic Super Saiyan Form Moves.)
  112. *I Weaved laughing at your effort,I sent my fist into your jaw with haste causing your tooth to chip*
  113. *I jumped at you throwing a faint-punch,I tped to your left sending my heel into your left eye*
  114. *I sent a ki blade into your foot causing your foot to burn i shot another into your heart causing your chest to burn*
  115. *The man sweeped your feet he followed up with striking you like a tiger as you feel to the ground*
  116. *I shot a ki blade into your gut soon as your appeared causing you to be staggered and unable to move*
  117. *I grabbed your neck headbutting you i followed up by sending a ki blast through your gut*
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