

Feb 4th, 2018
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  1. QnDebShadow: -The Queen looked to the second male as she stood and patted his arm- "You don't need to worry about that, just work on healing yourself." -She looked to the animal on the bed next to the first male and sighed. It really looked worried. At the words the second male spoke, she narrowed her eyes, and started walking towards the door, her eyes already turning black, letting Shai know she wasn't going to wait. She will have her forest clear of hunters, one way or another. She walked down the stairs, her hair already having gone black. She motioned for the doors to open as the guards bowed, then opened the doors. She walked outside, letting out a deep, guttural growl, her form already having changed to her demon form, black skin, black horns, her black hair wound around her horns, claws extending from her hands. Six tentacles grew from her lower back as they snapped, sounding like whips cracking, three scorpion like tails growing behind her as well, filled with deadly venom. Her black pvc skimpy outfit, hugged her form, making it look like she wasn't wearing anything. Her eyes kept in the direction of the forest as she walked slowly towards it. Her voice was deep as she spoke softly- "Let's see how like to be hunted. You had better run, for i shall show no mercy."
  3. QnDebShadow: -She stepped into the forest, her eyes able to see in the dark. She kept walking, her tendrils constently snapping as if she was whipping victims. Soon, she would be. She walked slowly, her head held high, her body rigid, an accassional growl escaping her lips. She slowed down as movement could not only be hear, but also see. She heard a sound coming closer and she stopped to wait. One of her tendrils shot out to grab an arrow from mid air, snapping it in half. She would slowly turn towards where if came from and walked cloer to the hunter, that at first did not seem afraid. His first mistake. He would raise his bow and aim it at her. His second mistake. He let the arrow go. His third and fatal mistake as she twisted to the left as the arrow whizzed past her. She reached the hunter as one of her razor sharp tendrils wound around his neck. Her voice was deep and low- "You move, you lose your head." -She would tighten the tendril enough for him to feel the sharp edges. He stood perfectly still. She looked deep into his eyes as she spoke.- "You are sentenced to death, for all the wrongdoings in your sad, pathetic life." -Her hand shot forward as it slammed into his chest, ripping his heart out. She took a bite of it as it was still beating, as he watched, wide eyed, not realizing he was already dying. As the body went limp, her tendril wrapped tighter, beheading him. She finished the heard, licking her claws slowly as she scanned the area for more victims.-
  5. IBEASTI Oh~ such a delightful sight it was, mouth watering if you will; The Queen was alone in the forest, the home of the pack of lycan's who were roaming at this time of day, hunting of course. Secondly, regardless of her now daring appearance the yellow glowing eyes saw nothing more- but yet another meal. Even if the human was down, laying there motionless, dead- his body was still good enough to eat; the Queen in the other hand had this annoying sound beating against her chest. A heart was it? There was a low growl of hunger from a distance as figures stepped out from the bushes. Four, four of them began to circle around her as they came into view, half naked, half shifted into their real appearance.Their faces could have not been called human, but they had not shifted enough to loose their ability to speak. The frozen state between human and animal at the moment in it's rage; visceral. They were a far more advance form of that of a werewolves in the movies and they were fearless, thirsty for hunger ever since the Alpha was forced to leave at least for the time being. However, it was out of their nature to come out while light still shine down into the forest. It was late afternoon, usually they would hide until the moon was up high in the dark sky with a sheet of twinkling stars. Their hunger must have drawn them out of hiding it seems. Things weren't like this before the Alpha, no- the Alpha kept the peace. "Queen Deb- what brings you here annnd soo alone?" There were snickering as they circle her all of then young in appearance and from the looks of it the lack of malnutrition they were smaller, thinner and ghostly pale skin. The pack after all- was dying. . . .the Demon was right. Only one approached the Queen first, his thick fur covered his body; his limbs looked deformed, twisted with muscle. His claws, sharp. He had not even noticed the lack of his appearance. There was no strain, no pain. The half state between that of a wolve and human felt natural to him. "I'll have the first bite-" He snarled, bearing teething as he finished his transformation, dropping to his hands and knees as he screamed in agony. His bones popping out of place, breaking and reconstituting itself under his skin, hard to watch with out feeling sick to your stomach. His mouth opened wide as foam gathered in his mouth oozing out like a disease. Within moments he was now a giant dog like creature with missing patches of furr on his thick gray fur. The others simply observe from a distance snarling in approval, waiting for that first bite. However, as the motionless body laid near the Queen one inched close enough to grab it and rag it back towards the others members as they shifted a quickly in that same agonizing pain and began to eat the hunter in a tug of war among them, pulling arms out of its socket and legs. A few barked at each other trying to dominate the other- all fighting for the torso.
  7. -She walked further into the forest and saw a campfire in the distance. She kept to the shadows, light on her feet, not making a sound. One of her tendrils shot out and impaled a hunter from the back, through the heart and out of his chest. She whipped him up and over her, his blood raining down on her, as she jerked the tendril, cutting him in half, lengthwise. The other four grabbed their swords and advanced on her. She just stood there, watching them come closer.- "The odds are pretty....even i would say." -They charge her as her tendrils shot out almost as fast as the speed of light, but not quite. She grabbed the neck of one, her scorpion tail knocking the sword out of his hand. By the time her tendrils went back to their spots, then men started falling apart into pieces. She looked to the one squirming in her hand and chuckled, sounding like many voices at once. Her scorpion tail came around and jabbed him deeply into his face, then let him fall to the ground as the poison would start to work into his blood stream. He let out blood curdling screams as she smirked. She whistled for her dragon, Ashyam, and told him to incinerate the camp. Ashyam flew above the campsite and started throwing flames from deep down, soon the camp was aflame. She walked further into the forest, knowing there were more. The hunter she poisoned, soon perished. She turned to see four lycans surround her as she chuckled, many voices could be heard in that chuckle. She saw one approach her, her tendrils snapping and cracking, as if anticipating. When the one coming towards her dropped, she heard and saw the agony he went through, finishing the change. She was about to snap the tendril at him when he grabbed the arm of the male, dragging it back. Well, they would soon die after ingesting the poison. She shrugged and continued on.-
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