

Mar 22nd, 2013
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  1. Spyke lies down in the guards quarters taking a break for a bit. He tosses and turns in bed covering his ears. "He is worthless...they should've put him on trial right away...." Spyke begins to sweat and panic as the voices get louder and louder. "That fool the so called dark being...He doesn't deserve that position if he wasn't going to conquer this world..." Spyke puts a pillow on his head oping to muffle the voice. "He is running out of time and options and soon...He will have no place to run and no more excuses." Spyke screams loudly somewhat pained by the voices in his head. He then stumbles out of the quarters and heads towards the throne room in a daze...his eyes lucid.
  3. Spyke arrives at the throne room and stumbles inside before collapsing. The voices in his head keep on going. "The fool...he wont be able to do anything soon...time is running out for him...."
  5. Spyke looks at Sciz. "Where you been...ugh my head is killing me." The voices then start up again. "His time is running out...his punishment will be great...he will not survive." Spyke grabs his head and screams out. "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!"
  7. Enerjak smirks. "How certain are you that certain people won't start a for example that Swift fellow."
  9. Enerjak chuckles. "Ah cause a bit of chaos for old other words pester him a bit..that is if you don't want to be skinned alive by me and that is far worse than what Blood would do to you." He then laughes some more. "Kidding kidding..nah I'm just here to kill you or turn you into one of my legionaries."
  11. Enerjak snaps his fingers and he and Sciz reappear siting down in balcony chairs with a large bowl of popcorn. "This is going to be good...I'm neutral in this whole thing...but I'm going to enjoy myself."
  13. Enerjak glared at C.E.O. "Listen here..Undying Flame..This was my playpen before you and that bitch Aur..whats her name kicked me out and put me in Limbo..beside all I am doing is just watching events unfold and not interfering so just give me a GOD DAMN BREAK...I haven't cause any trouble in a long time and i sure as hell won't want to miss out on seeing Blood do some harm on Swift or fail doing so."
  15. Jaybomb glares at Blood. "Like hell...somehow I don't believe that you I'm keeping a eye on you."
  17. Jaybomb throws a ice dagger that hits the wall close to Blood nearly hitting him. "Shut the fuck had a chance...a lot of them but you blew it...why shouldn't we put you on trial and kill you."
  19. Jaybomb looks at Swift. "Look...even though i maybe rude I have a good reason for doing so...think about it. Blood is known for his dirty tricks so he would want get close to us in order to harm you or anyone of your family. Besides are you really going to believe him....This is Blood we are talking about."
  21. Spyke heads up to the castle and notices VLAD there. "Hmmm..this robot could be useful in dealing with Blood." He walks up to the guards who salute him. "At ease men.." He then looks at VLAD. "You are the new guy right..follow me..I'll take you to the king." He motions for the robot to follow him.
  23. Spyke nods. "I want you to stay out of this then Fenrir....This matter is between me and Swift." He then motions for VLAD to follow him. He then arrives at the dining hall. "Before you start let me say this...What I do is none of your business..I am only doing something about Blood as Guardian not as your brother-in-law or the Royal Guard you can just shut up now." He then sighs. "Do you know what Blood is even plotting..I have a feeling that he is going to do what ever it takes to make you suffer....I rather not have that happen for my sister's sake."
  25. Spyke glares at Sciz and Blood. "I don't have a grudge against Blood..I just don't want to deal with another despot like Eggman again." He then turns around and starts to leave. "And for your information...I was friends with the both of you but not anymore....Next time we are enemies." He then jumps into the sky and glides back to the castle.
  27. Spyke nods and leaves to get the guards ready for anything. "If anything...You shouldn't punish a guy for trying to protect his family."
  29. Spyke glares at the cultists. "Did you just laugh at me..." He then quickly cuts on of the cultists in half down the middle before burning another one to a crisp. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!!"
  31. Spyke gets up from the ground and punches Swift hard in the face. "YOU DIDN"T TRY ANYTHING!!!!" Spyke engulfs himself in fire and faces Swift. "IN CASE IF YOU FORGOT MY WIFE WAS TAKEN AWAY TOO!!!" Spyke growls in anger. "I SHOULD HAVE KILLED BLOOD AND SCIZ BUT NO...I had to listen to a coward like you." Spyke then readies a fire sword. "SHOW ME...Show me why I should follow your order...why i should respect you and why I should call you my brother." He then points the sword at Swift. "One on help from anyone...we fight till one of us is out cold." "You win I will acknowledged you as my king but lose...then I will take the throne."
  33. Jaybomb nods and quickly binds Swift in thick layers of ice while Frozen rushes Fenrir to the hospital. Jaybomb looks at Swift. "I'm going to put a control collar on you so hold till." He then places a control collar on Swift's neck preventing him from using his powers.
  35. Spyke dodges the fake River's attack only getting scratched a few times. He begins to growl loudly flames dancing around him. "WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" Spyke then creates a huge explosion engulfing the entire room in fire. "Come out come out whereever you are...I won't hurt you..I WILL KILL YOU." Spyke looks around in a almost insane daze.
  37. Spyke dodges the bullet and calmly walks towards Rain and puts the gun to her head. "Rain, I'm not in a good mood...Blood had hurt my wife and sister in a way that he has to die for and I don't want to hurt you but if you get in my way...I will fucking kill you not even caring what happens afterwards."
  39. Roman walks up to Sciz and grabs him by the head up and whispers in his ear. "This is what you get for hurting a woman." With out warning Roman delivers a super sonic scream right into Sciz's ear.
  41. The Commandos continue to keep the cultists busy making sure none of them brother the king and Spyke.
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