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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. some dumb asshole is friends with a princess. his name is billy. billy finds out theres a witch in the woods terrorizing people and if he kills the witch, then he gets to marry the princess and become a king. billy doesnt really believe in witches but goes anyway and gets hopelessly lost but then the "witch" finds him and saves his dumb self. the witch is actually a fae which is neat-o. also they have a flower instead of an eye. billy and the not-witch who calls themself nic decided to just fake nic's death so billy doesnt actually have to be a murderer and can still be king. billy has the weirdest boner for nic but wont admit it to himself, esp bc he's fairly sure nic is a dude. also nic goes to the castle too bc they needed an in anyway to go fuck with some royals. billy marries the princess and nic assumes the identity of nicole which is really fucking confusing so billy's like, guess they were a girl after all? king billy ends up really fucking hating being a king bc Responsibilty which is ok bc the princess just does most of the work instead. billy and nicole hang out a lot and billy finds out that actually the royal family is cursed. so he's like, well shit, that's my wife. so he wants to get rid of the curse and to do that, they have to cross over to the fae place to meet the queen and remove the curse. also at some point billy also finds out he's half fae bc why the fuck not??? so then they go but the queen makes this deal that if the princess-queen accepts billy as a fae then she'll remove the curse. so anyway after dicking around in the fae place for a few days they go back and the princess is a bitch bc of reasons that are not included in this summary (actually, she has already been established as being a bitch by this point). she tells her fae-hating dad and her dad tries to kill billy but then bc nicole whose actual name is roz kinda digs billy, they take the sword through the gut instead. so. roz is dead. kind of. but then some fucked up shit happens and the rose on their face turns out to be the actual curse and the fae queen basically just sent roz to die. bc when roz dies, their trapcard activates and in an act of utter body horror, briars start growing from their face and shit and they basically just kill everyone in the whole castle and afterwards, billy grabs roz (who, for a dead person, seems mostly fine actually) and they fucking book it. roz is an undead fae and cannot return to their own kingdom so they go back to the fae world and the king of the kingdom billy belongs to is there waiting with a carriage. the end.
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