
765Pro Member Profiles

May 13th, 2013
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  1. Haruka Amami
  2. Weapon: Mace & Shield
  3. Notable skills: Magic (light), morale
  4. Useful notes: Haruka is a fairly well-rounded addition to most any party. She's decent in combat, and her magic is good for healing and general support. Her real strength, though, is her endless optimism and dedication to team cohesion. As an experienced adventurer, I'm sure you're familiar with the tendency of parties to suffer from dwindling morale and interpersonal friction on long and stressful quests, and Haruka is very good at mitigating this. She can be kind of clumsy, though, so watch out for that!
  6. Chihaya Kisaragi
  7. Weapon: Rapier
  8. Notable skills: Magic (spellsong)
  9. Useful notes: Chihaya's a fair fencer, but her real strength is her spellsong. She can channel magical effects by singing, and her magic is great for bewildering opponents and enhancing party capabilities. It can also manipulate environmental conditions to an extent. However, she does have a tendency to be overly serious and gloomy.
  11. Miki Hoshii
  12. Weapon: Any (prefers poleaxe)
  13. Notable skills: Magic (air), versatility
  14. Useful notes: Miki is perhaps the most talented member of our guild. She's proven herself capable of fighting equally well with most any weapon, and generally can competently accomplish most any task assigned to her. However, she's rather difficult to get motivated, and has a tendency to be rather stubborn and impulsive. She's a fantastic asset to the party...assuming you can handle her.
  16. Makoto Kikuchi
  17. Weapon: Martial arts
  18. Notable skills: Superb athlete
  19. Useful notes: Makoto is the only one of our girls without any notable magical capability, but she makes up for it with tremendous martial skill. Even bringing the full force of their magic to bear, none of our girls can really match Makoto in raw combat ability.
  21. Yukiho Hagiwara
  22. Weapon: Shovel
  23. Notable skills: Magic (earth)
  24. Useful notes: Yukiho's main contribution to a party is her magic, which she can use to manipulate large quantities of earth and stone. This alone would make her a potent addition to a party, but to top it off she can also inflict some serious damage with that shovel of hers. There's just one little problem...she's extremely timid. She has very little self-confidence, and is easily frightened and discouraged. She tries hard to overcome this weakness, but there's only so much she can do by her own willpower alone. If you can keep her confidence up, she's an invaluable asset to have around, but if you're not careful she can become a liability.
  26. Azusa Miura
  27. Weapon: Staff
  28. Notable skills: Magic (water/aether)
  29. Useful notes: Azusa has strong healing and defensive magic, but isn't a very strong fighter. Even her offensive magic is generally more a matter of hindering the enemy than actually causing harm. Perhaps it's a reflection of her caring personality? She also dabbles in fortunes and omen-reading. She tends to be pretty scatterbrained, though, and gets lost easily, so don't let her wander off!
  31. Iori Minase
  32. Weapon: Dagger
  33. Notable skills: Magic (arcane); wealth & connections
  34. Useful notes: Iori has some skill in the arcane arts, but if it's strictly a powerful mage that you're looking for then there are better options in our guild. Her real strength lies in her status as a daughter of the famous Minase Group merchant company. She knows all the ins and outs of high society formalities, and the wealth and connections she has access to through her family could be valuable resources. Try to keep her out of the thick of things in a fight, though -- she's not very good with that dagger of hers.
  36. Yayoi Takatsuki
  37. Weapon: Hammer & shield
  38. Notable skills: Magic (fire); persistence
  39. Useful notes: Yayoi is neither a particularly strong fighter nor a powerful mage, but she more than makes up for it with her unshakeable persistence. She's quite capable of pulling her weight in the party if you give her a chance, and with some training she might just have the potential to be one of the strongest fighters in the guild.
  41. Ami & Mami Futami
  42. Weapon: Daggers
  43. Notable skills: Magic (shadow); trickery and mischief
  44. Useful notes: They're identical twins, but you can easily tell them apart by the hairstyle -- Ami has a short ponytail tied on the right side of her head, while Mami's ponytail is longer and sticks out to the left. Both of them are tricksters to the core, which can make them hard to handle, but those same skills can be put to use in adventuring. The Futamis are ideal for any quest that might require stealth, infiltration, or guile. They're also fairly decent in combat with their daggers, often using underhanded tricks to their advantage, and can use magic to create illusions and bewilder the senses. They prefer to stick together when possible, and while it's true that they work far more effectively together than when separated, they also tend to be far more rambunctious together. It might be wise to keep them separated until you're sure you can keep their pranks in check.
  46. Hibiki Ganaha
  47. Weapon: Bow/Knife
  48. Notable skills: Magic (shamanic); wilderness survival
  49. Useful notes: Hibiki comes from an island in the Southern Sea, and uses a traditional form of shamanic magic from that region. She can commune with various spirit animals to enhance her capabilities and summon them as allies in combat. Aside from her magic, she's good with a bow and a knife, and is 765Pro's resident wilderness survival expert.
  51. Takane Shijou
  52. Weapon: Magic
  53. Notable skills: Magic (unknown type)
  54. Useful notes: Takane is something of a mystery. Nobody knows much about her background, and any questions in that direction are consistently met with the simple claim that this information is "secret". Her abilities are similarly mysterious. She's a powerful mage, there's no doubt about that, but it's hard to put a finger on what kind of magic it is. The kinds of effects she certainly couldn't be accomplished with elemental magic. It seems most like arcane magic, and she does tend to use incantations when she casts...but nobody's ever seen her using a wand or a spellbook, and her incantations are in Common rather than the usual wizardly gobbledygook. It could be some kind of shamanic magic like what Hibiki uses, but if that is the case then Takane does a really good job of keeping her appeasements to the spirits out of sight of the rest of us. Whatever it is, it's versatile, it's potent, and she never seems to run out of juice. In fact, we've never seen her use an actual weapon in combat -- when enemies get too close for comfort, she just fries them with touch-based and short-range magic.
  56. Ritsuko Akizuki
  57. Weapon: Sword & shield
  58. Notable skills: Magic (light)
  59. Useful notes: Ritsuko is our other Producer here at 765Pro. You probably won't work with her too much, since you'll usually be taking separate quests. She's quite a skilled fighter, and her magic leans offensive (though she does have some healing ability). She's a very no-nonsense kind of person, so she'll probably chew you out if you break the guild rules.
  61. Kotori Otonashi
  62. Your lovely clerk here at 765Pro! I stay here at the guildhall and take quest offers from clients, so come to me if you're looking for a quest to take, ok?
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