
Unnamed rp

Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. >Still haven't figured out a witty name<
  3. Long ago in a world much like our own, a group of foreign explorers had decided to embark on a government funded expedition onto an unexplored island in search for precious resources. Instead these group of explorers came across what appeared to be the landing site for a massive meteor. Upon touching it, each of these explorers found themselves branded with some kind of symbol. After further inspection they realized this symbol not only had to do with some defining point or factor of each of their lives but it also granted them some kind of corresponding ability.
  5. It was with this discovery that these group of explorers decided then and there that they were eventually going to be the leaders of the world, and they returned to their country under the guise of the island baring no significance to their respective king. Eventually using their powers to coup their way into control of their original country, they returned to the island where they researched the effects of the rock by granting their closer companions access to it's ability granting power.
  7. With a small army behind them, these gifted men carved the world into their own playground and set themselves and their children up as kings and queens throughout throughout the planet. In what they thought to be an act of great wisdom, they broke the massive rock apart and carted each piece away to their new respective countries as to avoid the chance of any of their ancestors attempting to claim it for themselves. Unfortunately they didn't plan for their grandchildren forgetting the pact of brotherhood that the explorers originally shared, and soon the new world turned on each other and the once friendly countries now competed against each other for resources once more and turned on their fellow super power nations.
  9. In a new unfair world littered with conflict, unfairness, and super powers, the various super nations that were born from the original group of explorers now are in constant conflict with each other. They use their portions of the rock to breed super soldiers to lead their armies and maintain control of their territories.from the rock use their portion to try and constantly stay above and beyond their neighbors. Many of the original nations had fallen into mayhem after their leaders had allowed too many of their subjects to be gifted with a power and were overthrown or carved into even smaller nations.
  11. You the players happened to have been born during these trifling times and had at some point or another in your lives decided to join up with the army either through promises of riches, to protect your home, a sense of loyalty to the king, or a more personal reason. This particular country has been going through both an economic and military downturn for quite some years and therefor have been allowing access to the rock at lower and lower ranks throughout it's military. That being said, it didn't take long for any of you to be allowed access to the rock and granted a power of yourselves.
  13. Sometime after that, the government had recognized it's mistake in allowing too many people access to the rock and after an unsuccessful coup they proceeded to purge the gifted members of it's military down to a more controllable size. For that reason, you each were locked up and had your powers sealed and currently found yourselves restrained in a small cell in one of the country's outermost prisons awaiting your unfair execution.
  15. After years of research the original group of explorers found that the powers gifted by the rock could be most of the time grouped into one of the below categories. They also found that the strength of the ability gifted corresponds directly with how taxing it is on the body to continuously activate it or keep it activated throughout a day. A full nights rest usually always reset the body's ability to handle an ability's activation.
  17. Transformation
  18. Elemental
  19. Weapon
  20. Self-Modifying
  21. Abstract
  22. Mind
  23. Creation
  25. Char Creation
  26. Name:
  27. Age: 18+
  28. Appearance:
  29. Original Ability (Talk to me beforehand):
  30. Backstory:
  31. Ability Mark: Has to correlate with a defining moment in backstory and your ability.
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