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Epsilon 2

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Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. As he sits down on the couch, Lily quickly clambering onto his lap, the otherwise unimaginative Epsilon suddenly notices two things.
  2. Lily's coat is a familiar shade of yellow, and likewise, her eyes, a familiar shade of green. His face ever inexpressive, takes a moment to glance towards Riley as he studies her features. Grey fur and blue eyes... he spares a few moments to study her face, engrossed at the way she speaks, the sharpness of her eyes and the sheer confidence of her posture. "Excuse me Sergeant" he interrupts Riley who is no doubt enthusiastically telling him a story about one of her pups "I am sorry to inconvenience you but would it be possible to have a glass of water?"
  3. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  4. Frowning, she'd shrug- heading off for the kitchen, leaving him with Lily~
  5. OOC - 09/29/2017
  6. Epsilon watches Riley leave, making sure she is no longer in the room and regards Lily whose head he's been absently stroking throughout all this "Lily" he says, snapping the pup out of her blissfully sleepy expression "could you tell me about your father? What color fur does he have, how about his eyes?"
  7. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  8. She's blink, looking up in thought. "Um, daddy has this wonderful Brown fur... and, um, his eyes are just as blue as mama's!"
  9. OOC - 09/29/2017
  10. "I see" he says, making his best attempt at cooing at the pup before setting her down on his lap and resuming his attentions on her head. As he does so, he takes a moment to study the other pups in the room.
  11. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  12. All of them shared their parents colours and eyes~
  13. OOC - 09/29/2017
  14. Epsilon continues to stroke the puppy's head as he waits for Riley to return. When she finally does, he sets Lily down and encourages her to play with her siblings.(edited)
  15. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  16. Which she does with vigor- piling into the dogpile~
  17. OOC - 09/29/2017
  18. "Pardon me Drill sergean- er, Sir... no- Riley" He begins, gathering resolve as he faces the Nefeste
  19. "I have noticed that Lily and I have certain resemblances, I do not mean to presume but I must lest this haunt my forever. I hope you can forgive me for asking but... Does Lily share my genome?"
  20. Epsilon takes a moment to recall that while it was a professional relationship, they did share a bond of sorts back in the day
  21. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  22. She'd smirk, leaning back in her massive chair. "Indeed she does. I got it from a old Thetan friend- couldn't stand the idea what his collegues were doing."
  23. "For old times sake, I discussed it with my husband and he agree." She'd slowly glance off to the side. "One day she'll be typical Thetan soldier. Preferably without the many years of being broken down into a killing machine."
  24. OOC - 09/29/2017
  25. "I see... and by the look of things... it seems to be specifically mine."
  26. Epsilon turns to the mass of pups as his world begins to come crashing down on him
  27. "I realize that I was am merely property to the Empire's eyes, to the extent of my seed... but I wish I was consulted in these matters."(edited)
  28. Epsilon turns to face riley again
  29. "What plans do you have for her future? Do you intend to return her to theta?"
  30. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  31. "...I'm not sure how much you've heard about Theta Pup, but much like everyone- once the empire fell apart, Theta became neutral. Now it's a large gathering of half-mad scientists trying to breed better and better.... I'd say soldiers but they aren't even that. Let's go with killing machines. They're using their science facilities there to create monstrocities even the Dragran purge the moment they spot."
  32. "The old friend I mentioned snuck your batches genome in a small case of them in case some human warlord ever forks enough to own them.
  33. She'd glance to Lily. "As for her. I plan for her to grow as any Nafeste. I plan to have her trained. To acquire her one of those magical implants so that she may use her gift freely."
  34. "And then? She'll be free to do whatever she'd like."
  35. "Like any child."
  36. OOC - 09/29/2017
  37. Epsilon nods as he feebly mouths "But why Thetan genome, and why me?" He takes a moment to gather himself as a greater concern overtakes him "Does she know?"(edited)
  38. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  39. "What that she's genetically only half of the party?" She'd shrug. "I imagine she'll figure it outherself- unless she ends up skipping out biology classes. As for why you? Wild chance mostly- I didn't handpick which one, I was just handed one."
  40. OOC - 09/29/2017
  41. Epsilon accept's this fact, while everything the Thetan legion has done has been calculated, more often than not, things do boil down to sheer luck
  42. OOC - 09/29/2017
  43. He turns back to the pile as he replies, unable to keep his eyes off his progeny "I wish I could stay and watch her grow..."
  44. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  45. She'd shrug. "Could always visit."
  46. OOC - 09/29/2017
  47. "Can I?" he says absently, not turning away as he see watches the pup play with her siblings "I- I'll do so as often as possible..." he continues weakly as he see's in her something that he would never experience first hand
  48. Such pleasure
  49. Simple
  50. Potent(edited)
  51. Pure...
  52. So different from the joys of battle
  53. So different from the raptures of worship
  54. there is no aim to it... no reason... it simply is...
  55. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  56. The giant woman would cough and nod. "Nothing stopping you. "My husband obviously know of all this and as long as you present yourself well, I don't think he'd mind either."
  57. OOC - 09/29/2017
  58. "I do not wish for her to follow in my footsteps"
  59. "I am bound by my oath but I do not wish for her to remotely even consider this path"
  60. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  61. "Gods let's hope not. That'd involve me putting her through what I put you through."
  62. OOC - 09/29/2017
  63. He feels his communicator vibrate and see's the time, it is getting late
  64. "It was good to see you Riley, but I do not believe it would be decent for me to stay for any longer, not at this hour."
  65. Epsilon gets up, leaves the pup to her siblings. As he says his goodbyes he exchanges communication details with his old drill sergeant.
  66. "You know our doctrines sir, while I would try to visit as often as I could, I am not certain if I will survive to do so."
  67. He looks at the streets watching the mass of people go about their daily lives. With luck, Lily would be satisfied with this.
  68. "I will leave the Death mask with you, perhaps when the day ever comes you can use it to dissuade her from following my footsteps."
  69. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  70. She'd just smirk. "Will do. It's god damn awful for Nafeste to wear anyway. No breathing space."
  71. OOC - 09/29/2017
  72. With that he extends his hand no doubt into another crushing grip "Thank you for your hospitality Riley, I wish it was under better circumstances and with better news but it was pleasant to see you again after all these years."
  73. Sindyl Al'Tiamat - 09/29/2017
  74. She'd nod, grinning~
  75. OOC - 09/29/2017
  76. As he watches the door close he turns to the streets and wanders the hab for a time, gathering his thoughts and pondering on his future. Finally he returns to the ship and rejoins the group.
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