
Anon and the Circus: 4- Tribunal

Aug 4th, 2018
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  1. (the following comes after anon and the circus: ch. 3 rabid)
  3. >”I don't hate you! I'm not stupid.”
  4. >Those words confounded me. Dancy was not stupid, childish and evil obviously but not stupid.
  5. >After the verbal thrashing me and Dancy endured we had a surprise. As it turns out covering for the chessiers was not was actually doing the job of five people. That meant doing the work two and a half people for each of us. No, the breaks we're not compounded.
  6. >At the end of one day I found myself collapsed in the tent of Muggles, Fuggles, and Chuggles. They spoke while looking me over in a tone like wizards discussing what to do about an encroaching apocalypse and their many wizened plans.
  7. >After afew minutes I regain enough energy to pay attention. The three address me.
  8. >”Some day, Eh Straighty?”Said Fuggles. He always addressed people by their performer names.
  9. >”I'm okay. Just a little out of shape. Some water and peanut butter sandwiches and I'll be right.” I said, unmoving.
  10. >”What were you doing where this life let's you get out of shape?” Asked Muggles.
  11. >”Potato farmer.”
  12. >”How's the pay for that?” Chuggles said half heartedly. He was busy reading his phone.
  13. >”Wouldn't know, I was the son of a potato farmer. I was paid in the family getting to keep the farm.” I yammered. At this point I was more interested in dropping across what furniture I was on than weighing what I should and shouldn't reveal about myself.
  14. >”So how is Dancy?” Fuggles clearly was driving at something. “You two have been working slot together lately.
  15. >”What about her? She hasn't handcuffed me to anything or some other ludicrous joke since we got reprimanded. That's a plus. She hasn't really leveled with me besides 'help me with this, please.’ or 'we can't put that in friers anymore.’”
  16. >Muggles spoke up, “Reminds me of my first wife. It was amazing how long you can avoid talking to eachother when you both try.” He produced a pipe and started smoking it. Of course, a font of bubbles came from it.
  17. >”Wasn't that the Korean girl who didn't speak a lick of English?” Said Fuggles.
  18. >”Yes and no. She actually couldn't speak any Korean either. Turns out she was from New Jersey. Like I said, we didn't talk much.”
  19. >”Wasn't she a rat?”
  20. >”Rat Terrier.”
  21. >”She clearly likes you but can't express it, anon. Nancy only really expresses herself when she thinks she's detached from her identity. Her pranks are methods of getting your attention and asserting herself so as she can approach you as an equal. She likely has poor boundaries and can’t let people close to her while as a clown she can ignore boundaries, forgetting that others have them.” Exposited Chuggles as he looked at his phone. “... Okay, it's slide right.” He continued.
  22. >”Obviously.” agreed Fuggles, with a nod.
  23. >”Clearly.” said Muggles taking another bubbly puff.
  24. >”What a basket case.” I grunted.
  25. >”You are no worse, anon.” Pointed muggles.
  26. >”What do you mean?” The outrage of the incoming lecture sent fire into my blood, I raised one arm in their direction before it limply fell down.
  27. >”With your act. Clearly you express yourself as Straighty emotions you don't feel normally or don't feel secure in.” Fuggles join in the analysis.
  28. >”What do you mean? I just stand there doing nothing.”
  29. >”Quite the opposite.” Fuggles prepared both barrels, “You express love when you get flowers, terror when the flowers explode, sadness, joy, etc. It's quite the pantomime, even if it is subdued under the pretense of Straighty being a metaphor for dehumanized post industrial masculine values.”
  30. >”So, that's what clowns do isn't it?” I payed attention to only the first sentence of whatever that was.
  31. >”There is nothing standardized about what clowns do, anon. That is why clowning is an art form. It uses your inner soul as the brush… but that's all high level clowning.” Said muggles. “What is more telling is that you thought expressing emotions was 'doing nothing’ is likely showing you come from a strict upbringing.” Muggles puft again, making sure to wait bubbles over my collapsed body.
  32. >”C’mon guys. It's been a long day…” I say. Already I lost the strength to pay attention.
  33. >”You probably should just talk to Nancy, and I do mean Nancy. Dancy already knows what she wants but won't be complete with Nancy holding her back. And I don't think Straighty has the tools for that, Straighty is silent after all.” Fuggles said. People say Clowns are scary, they don't know the half of it.
  34. >”BB is coming.” Chuggles said as he showed his phone to the other elder clowns.
  35. >I drifted away. Last I remember of the night is the three men saying expletives
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