
Scootaloo meets a whore

May 31st, 2014
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  1. >"Hey Miss?"
  2. >A little orange filly is looking at you
  3. >You'd heard her little scooter slowly tracking through the mud and withdrew into your box like a turtle to dodge the splash
  4. >Instead of racing by she petered to a stop in front of your 'house' and peeked inside
  5. "Go away kid."
  6. >You didn't like being mean to kids
  7. >You didn't like them seeing you even worse
  8. >As an unaccomplished slut you wished girls like her just never knew you existed
  9. >But this little pegasus had to be pretty dense
  10. >She just frowns under her little helmet and plants her forelimbs inside your 'front door'
  11. >"Thats's rude Miss I just wanted to ask a question."
  12. >You stare her down
  13. >"I just wanted to know what your cutie mark was and ask how you got it."
  14. >Her bare little flank is visible as you tilt your head
  15. >An awful sinking feeling hits you in the stomach
  16. >This filly was too old to be blank
  17. >If she didn't have her mark by now she probably wouldn't ever get it
  18. >No mark, no talent, no job, never good at anything
  19. >Just a lonely screw up living in a box and sucking cock
  20. >You make sure your newspaper blankets cover your own blank flank
  21. "None of your business kid, get back to your parents."
  22. >She gives you the same accidental look you just gave her
  23. >Her head looks away, she stares at your sign a minute before actually reading it
  24. >"What are these prices for, Miss?"
  25. "Adult stuff. Now get out."
  26. >With a loud little 'hmmph' she plants all four hooves and stands tall
  27. >Her wings unfold a little as she rifles herself up to look bigger
  28. >"I'm pretty much an adult."
  29. >This kid was getting on your nerves now, your self pity and empathy for her wearing thin
  30. "So what do you want then, kid?
  31. >Two ten bit coins hit the ground
  32. >Anything."
  33. >You can't help but laugh out loud
  34. "Anything? Kid, you don't even know what you're asking for."
  35. >"Oh yeah? Well I bought it. If you got to do anything then you should follow me."
  36. "Ain't leavin the box, kid. In it, on it, or under it, but we ain't leaving it."
  37. >"It's gonna rain again. I'm a pegasus, l know."
  38. >She spreads her tiny little wings
  39. >They look too small to fly but she talks like a wise weather sage
  40. "So? I got my box, rain don't bother me none."
  41. >"You're pretty dumb for a grown up. Nobody is gonna want to kiss a muddy mare."
  42. >Your sharp little 'heh' catches in your throat before you can stifle it
  43. >Kid thinks this is some kind of a kissing booth
  44. >Isn't that far off, really
  45. >"Last time l'm asking, do you want to sleep over at he clubhouse or get muddy and ugly?"
  46. "Clubhouse?"
  47. >"Yeah. Just us."
  48. >Then again maybe this kid does understand what you do
  49. "Are you still trying to buy me, kid?"
  50. >"Yeah. I'm a grown up so treat me like one. I got more bits than you, don't l?"
  51. >Ouch, that actually stings a little
  52. >A thunderclap coaxes you into this little arrangement
  53. >She was right after all, few colts wanted 'kisses' from a mangey wet stormed on mare
  54. >Only that fucking trash can colt
  55. >You shudder as you stand up
  56. >Gathering your precious posessions to keep them safe you put the last crumbs of a salt lick and 9 bits in a ratty saddlebag
  57. >You take the kid's money too
  58. >'Anything' was probably going to wind up being something like 'braid my tail'
  59. >It hurts to remember the last time you actually did something like that
  60. >You were probably her age
  61. >Ugh
  62. >The price sign is the fourth wall on your box, you shut the little cube up
  63. "Lead the way, kid."
  64. >On her little scooter she leads you out of town and down a little path, you have to break into a trot for the first time in weeks as the clouds open overhead
  65. >She jumps off her scooter so fast it crashes into a little picnic table as she runs up a ramps and kicks the door open
  66. >Your tired old body races in a moment later
  67. >Rain starts pouring down in earnest as the kid runs around shifting all the shutters and lighting the lantern
  68. >With a little stoke of horror you actually recognize this place
  69. "You an Apple, kid?"
  70. >She looks at you funny but shakes her head
  71. >"No, but my friend is."
  72. >About three years ago a nice colt tried to 'fix' you
  73. >Paid for you, didn't fuck you, made you eat a bowl of eggs
  74. >It was sweet and sickening at the same time
  75. >He even put you up in this little shack, but it was far from fixed up like this at the time
  76. >You don't even know what he was expecting
  77. >Were you supposed to fall in love with him?
  78. >Did he just want to feel like he owned you like a pet?
  79. >Did he really want to help a stranger, or just a mare?
  80. >Either way it didn't matter
  81. >Your pride wouldn't have it and you walked out a few days later
  82. >"You look mad, Miss."
  83. >You shake it off
  84. "Forget it kid. What do you want, anyway?"
  85. >She sets the lantern down beside the two of you, the shadows playing across her face and stretching long across the walls
  86. >"Anything."
  87. >A laugh skips out before you see just how sincere she looks
  88. >Her little lips are tight together, those purple eyes catching the reflection of the flame
  89. "You don't get anything if you don't ask, kid."
  90. >This back and forth was getting tiring
  91. >No matter how wet it was outside another ten minutes of ' no you pick' would drive you crazy
  92. >"I want..."
  93. >You stare at this filly while she stares at you, stretching it out slowly as you see the wheels turn in her head
  94. >"A massage."
  95. >That was a new one
  96. "Me? And, a massage? Kid, the Spa girls charge 70 bits for a massage."
  97. >"Do you think you're as good as the spa girls?"
  98. >Her sass actually got you to laugh
  99. >It's been a long, long time since you laughed like that
  100. >As soon as you get yourself back together you try to play serious
  101. "Just roll over kid."
  102. >In the dark you can't really see what she pulls out but she throws down a mat of what looks like cloth and towels
  103. >She plops down spread eagle, wings out
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