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Dec 16th, 2014
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  1. [10/23/2014 8:44:40 PM] *** Strange added Brendan, James, Musica, Deathlok ***
  2. [10/23/2014 8:47:40 PM] *** Valterri added Shini, thedarqsyde ***
  3. [10/23/2014 8:47:54 PM] Strange: O.o
  4. [10/23/2014 8:47:58 PM] Groot: who is darq?
  5. [10/23/2014 8:48:01 PM] thedarqsyde: ummm hi
  6. [10/23/2014 8:48:08 PM] Shini: Hi?
  7. [10/23/2014 8:48:08 PM] thedarqsyde: I play like 8 characters.
  8. [10/23/2014 8:48:12 PM] Valterri: Darq is alot of diff characters
  9. [10/23/2014 8:48:18 PM] Groot: a name would help lol
  10. [10/23/2014 8:48:21 PM] Strange: dimitri
  11. [10/23/2014 8:48:25 PM] Valterri: christian(Vir's brother)
  12. [10/23/2014 8:48:34 PM] Groot: see that helps me
  13. [10/23/2014 8:48:35 PM] thedarqsyde: Dimitri, Void, The Payne Twins, Christian, Teagan, etc.)
  14. [10/23/2014 8:48:49 PM] Strange: i finally got photoshop to stop being a bitch
  15. [10/23/2014 8:48:53 PM] Valterri: lol
  16. [10/23/2014 8:49:01 PM] Groot: is shini there?
  17. [10/23/2014 8:49:05 PM] Shini: I am here.
  18. [10/23/2014 8:49:06 PM] Groot: we also need spear's typist
  19. [10/23/2014 8:49:07 PM] Valterri: Yes, she said Hi
  20. [10/23/2014 8:49:18 PM] Shini: I dont know WHY Im here.
  21. [10/23/2014 8:49:22 PM] Groot: and christie, she plays loki right?
  22. [10/23/2014 8:49:23 PM] *** Valterri added Samantha Deschner ***
  23. [10/23/2014 8:49:40 PM] Valterri: we'll explain in a moment, Shini
  24. [10/23/2014 8:49:49 PM] Valterri: and Loki isn't on
  25. [10/23/2014 8:49:50 PM] Strange: i'm clueless too
  26. [10/23/2014 8:49:59 PM] Shini: Christie isn't online at the moment, so you can probably begin.
  27. [10/23/2014 8:50:01 PM] TheDarqsyde: Ok, so I know Strange and Valterri. I kinda figure Groot is Groot, but who is everyone else and why am I here?
  28. [10/23/2014 8:50:10 PM] Jess: Oh what the flying fuck?
  29. [10/23/2014 8:50:16 PM] Valterri: Jess plays Black Widow
  30. [10/23/2014 8:50:22 PM] Valterri: Groot plays Coulson
  31. [10/23/2014 8:50:28 PM] TheDarqsyde: Oh, and I knoe Musica/Phenom.
  32. [10/23/2014 8:50:34 PM] Groot: i am groot
  33. [10/23/2014 8:50:36 PM] TheDarqsyde: Gotcha
  34. [10/23/2014 8:50:51 PM] Shini: I am Red Spetre, Crimson Cowl, Liora(everyones fave), and... others to bridge the intros.
  35. [10/23/2014 8:51:03 PM] TheDarqsyde: sweet. Nice to meet you all.
  36. [10/23/2014 8:51:08 PM] Musica: and you are?
  37. [10/23/2014 8:51:21 PM] Valterri: Darq already gave her list of characters
  38. [10/23/2014 8:51:28 PM] TheDarqsyde: Musica, I used to be Rayne. Remember her?
  39. [10/23/2014 8:51:30 PM] Valterri: pay attention Musica
  40. [10/23/2014 8:51:32 PM] Valterri: :P
  41. [10/23/2014 8:51:37 PM] Musica: ah yes
  42. [10/23/2014 8:51:52 PM] Groot: also Delinda, mainly ANYWAY... there is if anyone hasnt caught onto it
  43. [10/23/2014 8:51:58 PM] Groot: an issue with doom and his friend
  44. [10/23/2014 8:52:27 PM] Groot: it went from a great plot for the room to go into civil war.. to.. ego stroke for turn based fighters
  45. [10/23/2014 8:52:36 PM] Shini: >_>
  46. [10/23/2014 8:52:42 PM] Shini: That's what it was from the beginning.
  47. [10/23/2014 8:52:57 PM] Jess: This is such an ass ache.
  48. [10/23/2014 8:52:59 PM] Shini: When they claimed that nobody played canon characters in the room.
  49. [10/23/2014 8:53:03 PM] Groot: yeah that note was made a wile ago.. hoped that had been curbed. but it hasnt
  50. [10/23/2014 8:53:30 PM] Groot: point in bringing as many of the typists together.. was to ask what do you each feel management needs to do about it
  51. [10/23/2014 8:53:45 PM] Groot: if you have storylines with them.. i REALLY want to hear what you have to say especially
  52. [10/23/2014 8:53:46 PM] Jess: I have a feeling I'm gonna need a bowl and if that's the case I need water so brb.
  53. [10/23/2014 8:54:17 PM] Strange: well honestly since Doom keeps putting me on hold, I'm gonna say I don't mind what happens next
  54. [10/23/2014 8:54:38 PM] Shini: I think management should do 0 about it.
  55. [10/23/2014 8:54:45 PM] Shini: I think you have it backwards.
  56. [10/23/2014 8:54:55 PM] Shini: It started as an ego stroke but turned into a great SL.
  57. [10/23/2014 8:54:59 PM] TheDarqsyde: I've been trying to get involved, but keep getting put on hold. I was finally able to get Void in with Doom, but then he ran off to do other shit. I'm pretty much the NPC player over here, playing all the extras that don't mean a damned thing.
  58. [10/23/2014 8:55:01 PM] Groot: management does not want to have players getting screwed out of fun, but how they choose to act and have no regard for the rooms rules designed to keep things as fair as possible..
  59. [10/23/2014 8:55:10 PM] Shini: Please just let it play out, is my opinion.
  60. [10/23/2014 8:55:29 PM] Groot: darq kinda shows the major problem...
  61. [10/23/2014 8:55:31 PM] Musica: Doctor Doom : Eh, I won't be back. //
  63. Doctor Doom has left the conversation.
  65. ᴄᴏᴍᴜᴤ : Yeaaah, I'm on the same page. No point in playing in a room that will void anything you try to do to enhance or add dimensional context to a place.]
  67. ᴄᴏᴍᴜᴤ : So...Deuces!]
  69. ᴄᴏᴍᴜᴤ has left the conversation
  70. [10/23/2014 8:55:42 PM] Strange: O.o
  71. [10/23/2014 8:55:53 PM] Groot: players feel left out or cant get involved because they are confused
  72. [10/23/2014 8:56:02 PM] Musica: I think the debates been settles gents
  73. [10/23/2014 8:56:05 PM] Musica: and ladies
  74. [10/23/2014 8:56:05 PM] Groot: and thats just with one location
  75. [10/23/2014 8:56:15 PM] Shini: Not every player needs to be involved.
  76. [10/23/2014 8:56:21 PM] Shini: I haven't been.
  77. [10/23/2014 8:56:35 PM] Shini: It doesn't make me feel left out.
  78. [10/23/2014 8:56:43 PM] Strange: but it does make others feel left out
  79. [10/23/2014 8:57:02 PM] Shini: Some people are just going to be left out.
  80. [10/23/2014 8:57:07 PM] Strange: as Darq just pointed out
  81. [10/23/2014 8:57:13 PM] Shini: No matter the situation.
  82. [10/23/2014 8:57:15 PM] Strange: yeah well as management we should be helping them get involved
  83. [10/23/2014 8:57:22 PM] Valterri: Ive been trying
  84. [10/23/2014 8:57:24 PM] Strange: insteado f saying , oh well it happens
  85. [10/23/2014 8:57:24 PM] Shini: And also that.
  86. [10/23/2014 8:57:36 PM] TheDarqsyde: I'm cool just being there when people need me, but it would be nice to be able to be a part of something rather than having everyone and their brother be locked in SLs they can't alter.
  87. [10/23/2014 8:57:38 PM] Strange: sorry my fingers don't work right
  88. [10/23/2014 8:57:57 PM] Samantha Deschner: *Sigh*
  89. [10/23/2014 8:58:01 PM] Strange: and that's all I have to say right now, i'm too drunk for this -_-
  90. [10/23/2014 8:58:12 PM] Valterri: Hey Sam
  91. [10/23/2014 8:58:22 PM] TheDarqsyde: I'm not drunk enough.
  92. [10/23/2014 8:58:25 PM] Shini: Anyways, Im probably not going to respond for a bit.. but my opinion is it should be left alone, but it looks it's over anyways.
  93. [10/23/2014 8:58:38 PM] Musica: guys, Doom says he isn't coming back
  94. [10/23/2014 8:58:42 PM | Edited 8:58:47 PM] Musica: and comus isn't gonna bother
  95. [10/23/2014 8:58:45 PM] Strange: so all this sl is what void?
  96. [10/23/2014 8:58:52 PM] Shini: No.
  97. [10/23/2014 8:58:57 PM] Valterri: No, we'll just keep moving forward
  98. [10/23/2014 8:58:59 PM] Shini: It can be carried on.
  99. [10/23/2014 8:59:02 PM] Groot: no, nothing thats been played atm will be voided..
  100. [10/23/2014 8:59:06 PM] Samantha Deschner: I'm not going through with my end of it.
  101. [10/23/2014 8:59:07 PM] Shini: There are still other members.
  102. [10/23/2014 8:59:12 PM] Valterri: I can't really void what was done to Virus, his death was legit
  103. [10/23/2014 8:59:16 PM] Shini: k
  104. [10/23/2014 8:59:17 PM] Strange: okay
  105. [10/23/2014 8:59:19 PM] Strange: was just asking
  106. [10/23/2014 8:59:28 PM] Shini: anyways.. good talk guys.
  107. [10/23/2014 8:59:32 PM] Valterri: so now he can just go into SHIELD custody
  108. [10/23/2014 8:59:34 PM] Groot: there are a few members i need opinions from
  109. [10/23/2014 8:59:46 PM] Groot: but they arent here so yeah! lol
  110. [10/23/2014 8:59:57 PM] Strange: i'll be in photoshop figuring out what do do with this picture i'm making
  111. [10/23/2014 9:00:23 PM] Samantha Deschner: My opinion of the earlier matter is this.
  112. [10/23/2014 9:00:32 PM] Samantha Deschner: It should not be the role of management to force people to play together.
  113. [10/23/2014 9:00:49 PM] Valterri: that wasn't the issue
  114. [10/23/2014 9:00:50 PM] Groot: no one in management was forcing others to play
  115. [10/23/2014 9:01:07 PM] Groot: quite the opposite.. people wanted to play but felt lost in all that was happening
  116. [10/23/2014 9:01:16 PM] Groot: or felt if they posted, it would just get lost
  117. [10/23/2014 9:01:17 PM] Musica: these guys just wanted to cause trouble and not have to seek approval for it
  118. [10/23/2014 9:01:20 PM] Samantha Deschner: If they feel left out, then get involved.
  119. [10/23/2014 9:01:31 PM] Samantha Deschner: And if they are lost, plenty of people know what's going on.
  120. [10/23/2014 9:02:00 PM] TheDarqsyde: It's not as easy as all that, Sam. Take it from me, someone who's tried six ways from sunday to get involved.
  121. [10/23/2014 9:02:08 PM] Groot: up until this morning? management had to pull teeth to know what was going on or get updates..
  122. [10/23/2014 9:02:30 PM] Valterri: Doom was being a pain in the ass about it
  123. [10/23/2014 9:02:46 PM] Samantha Deschner: Who have you tried to RP with that was involved in the storyline?
  124. [10/23/2014 9:02:48 PM] Groot: and that included asking other managers who were involved... CLAIRE
  125. [10/23/2014 9:03:09 PM] Strange: hmm?
  126. [10/23/2014 9:03:12 PM] Valterri: Groot was rping with me a bit last night
  127. [10/23/2014 9:03:14 PM] Valterri: actually
  128. [10/23/2014 9:03:16 PM] Valterri: as Delinda
  129. [10/23/2014 9:03:20 PM] Samantha Deschner: I knew what was going on.
  130. [10/23/2014 9:03:25 PM] Samantha Deschner: I could have helped people get involved.
  131. [10/23/2014 9:03:37 PM] Brendan: wait did I just get invited to another group?
  132. [10/23/2014 9:03:37 PM] Groot: delinda is likely in the ICU by now. lol
  133. [10/23/2014 9:03:38 PM] TheDarqsyde: Doom, Fury, Virus, and several others.
  134. [10/23/2014 9:03:42 PM] Strange: i played last night but I'm not always up to date on waht's going on people don't always tell me O.O
  135. [10/23/2014 9:03:47 PM] Samantha Deschner: I make it my mission to be able to RP with anyone, unless your name is Eden
  136. [10/23/2014 9:03:52 PM] Valterri: lol
  137. [10/23/2014 9:03:54 PM] Samantha Deschner: Because I fucking hate Eden.
  138. [10/23/2014 9:03:57 PM] Valterri: Good one Same
  139. [10/23/2014 9:03:57 PM] Musica: don't we all
  140. [10/23/2014 9:03:59 PM] Groot: no one wants to play with eden
  141. [10/23/2014 9:04:09 PM] Strange: except for like 3 people
  142. [10/23/2014 9:04:18 PM] TheDarqsyde: I used to play with Eden, but only as Tempest.
  143. [10/23/2014 9:04:36 PM] Brendan: Adam and Eve thought eden was cool, then once they learned they got the hell out of there
  144. [10/23/2014 9:04:46 PM] Brendan: the bits and pieces are there... make it funny
  145. [10/23/2014 9:04:53 PM] Strange: and lucky for me i got sscrewed over by all three!
  146. [10/23/2014 9:05:05 PM] Samantha Deschner: But we're getting off topic.
  147. [10/23/2014 9:05:10 PM] TheDarqsyde: Who's Brendan?
  148. [10/23/2014 9:05:15 PM] Musica: a mate of ours
  149. [10/23/2014 9:05:15 PM] Brendan: I'm Brendan
  150. [10/23/2014 9:05:19 PM] Samantha Deschner: I would have helped people get involved if the had asked me.
  151. [10/23/2014 9:05:30 PM] Groot: sadly i think eden part of the issue.. well at least what she's done and how the room flows..
  152. [10/23/2014 9:05:38 PM] TheDarqsyde: Figured that, but was looking for a chara to recognize.
  153. [10/23/2014 9:05:43 PM] Brendan: OH!
  154. [10/23/2014 9:05:45 PM] Brendan: Gabriel
  155. [10/23/2014 9:05:51 PM] TheDarqsyde: oh! hi.
  156. [10/23/2014 9:05:54 PM] Brendan: howya
  157. [10/23/2014 9:05:54 PM] Valterri: So
  158. [10/23/2014 9:06:10 PM] Valterri: Let's get back on track. Forget Doom and Comus
  159. [10/23/2014 9:06:26 PM] Valterri: how can we move the s/l forward so no one loses their place
  160. [10/23/2014 9:06:37 PM] TheDarqsyde: So, if Doom's gone, what the bloody hell am I doing with Void and Charistian?
  161. [10/23/2014 9:06:38 PM] Valterri: Like Loki and Sin can keep up the attack
  162. [10/23/2014 9:06:45 PM] Strange: i don't know cause I know doom and strange were gonna duke it out
  163. [10/23/2014 9:07:02 PM] Samantha Deschner: Like I said, I'm not sure Sin attacking is going to happen now.
  164. [10/23/2014 9:07:10 PM] Samantha Deschner: It's a suicide mission now.
  165. [10/23/2014 9:07:11 PM] Valterri: we'll figure it out Sam
  166. [10/23/2014 9:07:19 PM] Brendan: we lost doom?
  167. [10/23/2014 9:07:23 PM] Strange: yup
  168. [10/23/2014 9:07:25 PM] Musica: seems we did
  169. [10/23/2014 9:07:35 PM] TheDarqsyde: Doom and Tomi both quit.
  170. [10/23/2014 9:07:41 PM] Valterri: Not necessarily, just be more...discreet..use tactics, not outright fighting.
  171. [10/23/2014 9:08:16 PM] Valterri: as for Virus..He'll prob sense that Doom's gone and do a 180
  172. [10/23/2014 9:08:39 PM] Strange: well I'm not sure if I can arrest him tonight might have to do it in the morning
  173. [10/23/2014 9:08:41 PM] TheDarqsyde: That'll keep Chris happy.
  174. [10/23/2014 9:08:42 PM] Valterri: but that doesn't change all the SHIELD agents he's murdered
  175. [10/23/2014 9:08:46 PM] Strange: me and alcohol are not friends
  176. [10/23/2014 9:08:49 PM] Strange: no it does not
  177. [10/23/2014 9:09:08 PM] Groot: where is the room at, the characters that is.
  178. [10/23/2014 9:09:29 PM] Valterri: Virus is standing on a car on the bridge outside SHIELD HQ.
  179. [10/23/2014 9:09:31 PM] Strange: fury is still chatting or about to chat with Fury
  180. [10/23/2014 9:09:33 PM] Brendan: so if I may ask, what is the bigger goal you are working towards plot wise? Are we still striving to get this civil war a brewing?
  181. [10/23/2014 9:09:48 PM] Valterri: yes we are Brendan
  182. [10/23/2014 9:09:53 PM] Valterri: that hasn't changed
  183. [10/23/2014 9:10:00 PM] Musica: and it still can work
  184. [10/23/2014 9:10:03 PM] Strange: claire I guess will be free to leave the pharmacy if there aren't soldiers running around anymore
  185. [10/23/2014 9:10:24 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, the Payne Twins still need a place to be. So do Dimitri, Void (now that Doom's gone) and a few of my others. Kona, Demon, Ghost and Andi are all floating.
  186. [10/23/2014 9:10:39 PM] Samantha Deschner: We need a dues ex machina, I think.
  187. [10/23/2014 9:10:42 PM] Samantha Deschner: A plot device.
  188. [10/23/2014 9:10:42 PM] Valterri: Void can join Sintheia
  189. [10/23/2014 9:10:43 PM] Groot: Personally? i think the doombots should go off.
  190. [10/23/2014 9:10:47 PM] Strange: i'mm thinking of dropping a few oc's
  191. [10/23/2014 9:10:56 PM] Samantha Deschner: SPEARS emp bomb can disable the bots.
  192. [10/23/2014 9:11:19 PM] Brendan: well it would seem to me that the damage is already done, the world has been shown how dangerous mutants are once again and so that would be reason enough to begin the registration movement, ja?
  193. [10/23/2014 9:11:24 PM] TheDarqsyde: Kona and Demon can take the bots to another place entirely, like the bottom of the ocean.
  194. [10/23/2014 9:11:37 PM] Brendan: sorry if I'm behind on all this, I missed the beginning of the discussion
  195. [10/23/2014 9:11:48 PM] Valterri: that's a good point, actually Brendan
  196. [10/23/2014 9:12:12 PM] TheDarqsyde: Void was created, so to speak, to hunt and destroy mutants, even though he is one himself.
  197. [10/23/2014 9:12:36 PM] Valterri: then he can be part of the mutant hunting task force..or a guard at one of the camps
  198. [10/23/2014 9:12:40 PM] Groot: as of sunday this is where i had everything
  201. it needs an update
  202. [10/23/2014 9:12:40 PM] Musica: ok guys. I'm gonna hit the hay
  203. [10/23/2014 9:12:49 PM] Valterri: Night Mike
  204. [10/23/2014 9:12:50 PM] TheDarqsyde: night
  205. [10/23/2014 9:12:53 PM] Strange: i'm gonna need to do the same thing here shortly
  206. [10/23/2014 9:12:55 PM] Brendan: oiche mhaith!
  207. [10/23/2014 9:13:02 PM] Strange: i'm not quite seeing straight so my photoshop jjob is a miracle
  208. [10/23/2014 9:13:04 PM] Musica: have a nice chat
  209. [10/23/2014 9:13:12 PM] Strange: i might have to catch up tomorrow
  210. [10/23/2014 9:13:14 PM] Strange: sorry guys
  211. [10/23/2014 9:13:20 PM] Valterri: Okay
  212. [10/23/2014 9:13:20 PM] Brendan: booo
  213. [10/23/2014 9:13:34 PM] Samantha Deschner: Also, might I make a suggestion?
  214. [10/23/2014 9:13:37 PM] Valterri: Sure
  215. [10/23/2014 9:13:46 PM] TheDarqsyde: Anyone who wants to add me, please do.
  216. [10/23/2014 9:13:57 PM] Samantha Deschner: We need a member of management who has the specefic duty to record story arcs.
  217. [10/23/2014 9:14:09 PM] Valterri: that's Groot's job
  218. [10/23/2014 9:14:34 PM] Samantha Deschner: Logs and summaries.
  219. [10/23/2014 9:14:37 PM] Samantha Deschner: not just one or the other
  220. [10/23/2014 9:14:42 PM] Groot: yeah i was trying to keep track of everything
  221. [10/23/2014 9:14:54 PM] Groot: but as the main issue with doom.. they wanted to drop things suddenly
  222. [10/23/2014 9:15:03 PM] Groot: and expect players to adjust or die....
  223. [10/23/2014 9:15:31 PM] Strange: yeah I was practically forced to die if it hadn't been for Steph
  224. [10/23/2014 9:15:45 PM] Valterri: Yea
  225. [10/23/2014 9:16:01 PM] Valterri: I deliberately posted Vir stepping in and knockin fury over
  226. [10/23/2014 9:16:10 PM] Valterri: that's why he's so pissed off now. icly speaking
  227. [10/23/2014 9:16:11 PM] Strange: and he's telling me that Strange would have no power to defeat Doom
  228. [10/23/2014 9:16:24 PM] Strange: that pissed me off cuase I know that char in and out
  229. [10/23/2014 9:16:49 PM] Strange: strange not doom
  230. [10/23/2014 9:16:50 PM] Samantha Deschner: *Shrugs*
  231. [10/23/2014 9:16:57 PM] Samantha Deschner: You'll get no sympathy from me.
  232. [10/23/2014 9:16:58 PM] Valterri: Okay
  233. [10/23/2014 9:17:00 PM] Strange: the issue is he was forcing thigns on players
  234. [10/23/2014 9:17:10 PM] Jess: Okay so that took way longer than expected.
  235. [10/23/2014 9:17:13 PM] Strange: like death's
  236. [10/23/2014 9:17:23 PM] Samantha Deschner: Two of my characters died within a week of each other in the old room.
  237. [10/23/2014 9:17:26 PM] Valterri: Can ya'll pause for a second.
  238. [10/23/2014 9:17:27 PM] Samantha Deschner: It happens.
  239. [10/23/2014 9:17:33 PM] Valterri: please?
  240. [10/23/2014 9:17:48 PM] Strange: it's cool I realy do need to crash gotta get the kid up for shool in the morning
  241. [10/23/2014 9:17:57 PM] TheDarqsyde: night sweetness)
  242. [10/23/2014 9:17:58 PM] Valterri: One moment Claire
  243. [10/23/2014 9:18:15 PM] Strange: night luv)
  244. [10/23/2014 9:18:19 PM] Strange: adn I got a moment
  245. [10/23/2014 9:18:19 PM] Samantha Deschner: Later
  246. [10/23/2014 9:18:31 PM] Brendan: ciao
  247. [10/23/2014 9:18:48 PM] Jess: I have NO idea what you guys are on about now but I say let the story play out but don't let them add more clusterfucks without approval and for them to make sense.
  248. [10/23/2014 9:19:40 PM] Valterri: So, we have all the Doombots in the city still, but Doom's we go with them detonating due to distance and destroying sections of the city...that will lead directly into Civil war and the MRA. Sin/Hydra can set up the camps and form the teams for hunting them down.
  249. [10/23/2014 9:19:46 PM] Valterri: does that work?
  250. [10/23/2014 9:19:57 PM] Strange: fine with me
  251. [10/23/2014 9:20:07 PM] Jess: Wait
  252. [10/23/2014 9:20:08 PM] Samantha Deschner: So....
  253. [10/23/2014 9:20:11 PM] Jess: Can I uhm...
  254. [10/23/2014 9:20:12 PM] Jess: no
  255. [10/23/2014 9:20:16 PM] Samantha Deschner: the government is going to cooperate with HYDRA?
  256. [10/23/2014 9:20:28 PM] Jess: I'm sorry but I feel that there needs to be more than just one attack to justify Civil War.
  257. [10/23/2014 9:20:38 PM] Valterri: the one on the school?
  258. [10/23/2014 9:20:39 PM] Jess: And you need two public sides to kick the war into gear.
  259. [10/23/2014 9:20:46 PM] Brendan: one attack was all it took for the American civil war
  260. [10/23/2014 9:20:50 PM] Jess: And maybe some that others come up with.
  261. [10/23/2014 9:20:52 PM] Strange: i'm gonna give up Cap
  262. [10/23/2014 9:20:52 PM] TheDarqsyde: I'm just along for the ride and waiting for someone to tell me what the hell I'm doing.
  263. [10/23/2014 9:20:57 PM] Brendan: well... two if you count harpers ferry
  264. [10/23/2014 9:21:14 PM] Samantha Deschner: And that's totally ignoring decades of politcal tension.
  265. [10/23/2014 9:21:20 PM] Samantha Deschner: Nothing is ever that simple.
  266. [10/23/2014 9:21:25 PM] Valterri: true there Sam
  267. [10/23/2014 9:21:35 PM] Brendan: no of course not, but the tension is already there in our circumstance as well
  268. [10/23/2014 9:21:37 PM] Jess: Brendan, I love you and your brain.
  269. [10/23/2014 9:22:10 PM] Brendan: the history lover in me is hating myself for trying to draw comparisons between the American Civil War and our rp :P
  270. [10/23/2014 9:22:20 PM] Valterri: your fine Brendan
  271. [10/23/2014 9:22:53 PM] Strange: Captian America is free now for anyone who wants to play him
  272. [10/23/2014 9:23:18 PM] Valterri: Okay.
  273. [10/23/2014 9:23:20 PM] Valterri: how bout this
  274. [10/23/2014 9:23:20 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, since all my characters are OCs, I really have no place to really be unless someone pulls me in. Void's apparently going back to working for the governement, which is what he escaped from to begin with.
  275. [10/23/2014 9:23:34 PM] Valterri: everywhere here put your ideas on the forum
  276. [10/23/2014 9:23:40 PM] Valterri: everyone*
  277. [10/23/2014 9:23:59 PM] Samantha Deschner: I'm okay with HYDRA's role in the detention camps.
  278. [10/23/2014 9:24:03 PM] Valterri: Okay
  279. [10/23/2014 9:24:05 PM] Samantha Deschner: But it really only makes sense one way.
  280. [10/23/2014 9:24:10 PM] Valterri: how so?
  281. [10/23/2014 9:24:17 PM] Samantha Deschner: HYDRA gets it's seat on the WSC.
  282. [10/23/2014 9:24:27 PM] Jess: Darq, you oc's belong wherever you feel they would be.
  283. [10/23/2014 9:24:33 PM] Valterri: that potentially could happen.
  284. [10/23/2014 9:24:35 PM] Jess: You are more than welcome to join in.
  285. [10/23/2014 9:24:58 PM] TheDarqsyde: Who's going to br running the government task force to hunt mutants?
  286. [10/23/2014 9:25:14 PM] Valterri: Possibly Hydra
  287. [10/23/2014 9:25:21 PM] Jess: Jess has a character in charge of that I thought.
  288. [10/23/2014 9:25:26 PM] Strange: I am working on him yes
  289. [10/23/2014 9:25:30 PM] Strange: my detective
  290. [10/23/2014 9:25:33 PM] Groot: no offense.. but hydra shouldnt..
  291. [10/23/2014 9:25:34 PM] Strange: I'm hoping to have him up tomorrow
  292. [10/23/2014 9:25:48 PM] Samantha Deschner: HYDRA would run the camps.
  293. [10/23/2014 9:25:53 PM] Samantha Deschner: Another agency could hunt them down.
  294. [10/23/2014 9:26:00 PM] Strange: I'd love to have more people who would work in his group
  295. [10/23/2014 9:26:03 PM] Jess: And anyone who wants to be a part of that task force can be.
  296. [10/23/2014 9:26:12 PM] Strange: yeah I think Void could be part of that task force
  297. [10/23/2014 9:26:23 PM] Strange: i'll post it on the board tomorrow?
  298. [10/23/2014 9:26:28 PM] Jess: Samantha.
  299. [10/23/2014 9:26:34 PM] Jess: I love your skype picture.
  300. [10/23/2014 9:26:35 PM] Valterri: I suggested Hydra running the camps (Because) historically speaking, their experts at concentration camps
  301. [10/23/2014 9:26:37 PM] Jess: It's so damn hot.
  302. [10/23/2014 9:26:42 PM] Groot: that is rather hot lol
  303. [10/23/2014 9:26:44 PM] Samantha Deschner: Thanks hun
  304. [10/23/2014 9:26:45 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, like I said, he was created to hunt mutants.
  305. [10/23/2014 9:26:47 PM] Brendan: where is SHIELD going to stand on all of this?
  306. [10/23/2014 9:26:49 PM] Jess: Np. (heart)
  307. [10/23/2014 9:26:56 PM] Groot: shield got its ass beat
  308. [10/23/2014 9:27:03 PM] Strange: yes SHIELD did
  309. [10/23/2014 9:27:13 PM] Strange: probably have to go under ground for a while and work from their
  310. [10/23/2014 9:27:16 PM] Strange: there*
  311. [10/23/2014 9:27:19 PM] Brendan: HYDRA was formed out of the Nazi party ja?
  312. [10/23/2014 9:27:24 PM] Valterri: yes it was
  313. [10/23/2014 9:27:31 PM] Samantha Deschner: it was formed by a Nazi.
  314. [10/23/2014 9:27:31 PM] Brendan: oh going guerilla, I love it!
  315. [10/23/2014 9:27:40 PM] Samantha Deschner: But also by Japanese nationalists
  316. [10/23/2014 9:27:54 PM] Jess: Brendan is my friend I recruited. :D He's new to Marvel. *pets*
  317. [10/23/2014 9:27:59 PM] Groot: given whats happened in room, SAFE would be the best option for enforcement of the laws within the states.. dunno about elsewhere
  318. [10/23/2014 9:28:00 PM] Valterri: lol
  319. [10/23/2014 9:28:12 PM] Jess: I love that he's getting involved.
  320. [10/23/2014 9:28:13 PM] Samantha Deschner: SPEAR will remain neutral.
  321. [10/23/2014 9:28:23 PM] Valterri: Okay so SAFE does the hunting, Hydra runs the camps.
  322. [10/23/2014 9:28:24 PM] Valterri: ?
  323. [10/23/2014 9:28:26 PM] Groot: maybe hydra has a part in safe? lol
  324. [10/23/2014 9:28:34 PM] Strange: can we involved my task force?
  325. [10/23/2014 9:28:36 PM] Groot: using safe as a puppet? lol
  326. [10/23/2014 9:28:44 PM] Valterri: yes we can Jessi
  327. [10/23/2014 9:28:55 PM] Strange: i'm gonna post that idea up on the board and see who wants to be involved in the task force
  328. [10/23/2014 9:29:01 PM] Valterri: Okay
  329. [10/23/2014 9:29:15 PM] Valterri: Ive got more cleaning up to do on the boards now
  330. [10/23/2014 9:29:19 PM] Valterri: deleting the Cabal
  331. [10/23/2014 9:29:19 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, I think Loki has an interest in Teagan.
  332. [10/23/2014 9:29:25 PM] Valterri: Heh
  333. [10/23/2014 9:29:37 PM] Samantha Deschner: What happens when someone tries to haul in Bartons unregistered ET babby daddy? :P
  334. [10/23/2014 9:29:41 PM] Groot: i want in loki's pants
  335. [10/23/2014 9:29:43 PM] Brendan: ok then so if we want to draw WW2 parallels we have the mutants against registration representing the allied forces, and supportive organizations working sort of like the maquis?
  336. [10/23/2014 9:29:44 PM] Valterri: Rofl
  337. [10/23/2014 9:29:50 PM] TheDarqsyde: Loki wants in mine. :P
  338. [10/23/2014 9:29:51 PM] Strange: I won't do that -__-
  339. [10/23/2014 9:30:01 PM] Strange: lol
  340. [10/23/2014 9:30:07 PM] Valterri: yes, Groot
  341. [10/23/2014 9:30:10 PM] Strange: not sure he'd get involved anyway lol
  342. [10/23/2014 9:30:31 PM] Samantha Deschner: He's a superhuman.
  343. [10/23/2014 9:30:36 PM] Samantha Deschner: He's unregistered.
  344. [10/23/2014 9:30:42 PM] Jess: Wait
  345. [10/23/2014 9:30:44 PM] Samantha Deschner: They are bound to come after him sooner or later.
  346. [10/23/2014 9:30:54 PM] Strange: good luck with that
  347. [10/23/2014 9:30:59 PM] Strange: he doesn't even live on earth
  348. [10/23/2014 9:31:00 PM] Jess: So are we going to first do Mutant Registration and then Superhuman? Or going straight for Superhuman?
  349. [10/23/2014 9:31:17 PM] Samantha Deschner: I think Superhuman would be easier.
  350. [10/23/2014 9:31:20 PM] Samantha Deschner: Covers all the bases.
  351. [10/23/2014 9:31:24 PM] Strange: he barely comes to visit Claire what makes you think he'll stick around to get 'registered'
  352. [10/23/2014 9:31:49 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, people like Kona will be able to slip under the radar. she's a street kid and used to avoiding people.
  353. [10/23/2014 9:31:59 PM] Valterri: So..who's gonna arrest Virus?
  354. [10/23/2014 9:32:01 PM] Strange: sorry I did not mean for that to sound bitchy or whatever I'm tired and drank too much
  355. [10/23/2014 9:32:05 PM] Groot: i want to see them try to register thor...
  356. [10/23/2014 9:32:10 PM] Valterri: Lol
  357. [10/23/2014 9:32:10 PM] Strange: lol
  358. [10/23/2014 9:32:18 PM] TheDarqsyde: Demon will rip someone's throat out.
  359. [10/23/2014 9:32:25 PM] Strange: Strange is technically registered but he does not get involved
  360. [10/23/2014 9:32:30 PM] Valterri: brb
  361. [10/23/2014 9:32:38 PM] Groot: thor was dead with the whole process started
  362. [10/23/2014 9:32:44 PM] Strange: yeah lol
  363. [10/23/2014 9:32:51 PM] Brendan: thor died?
  364. [10/23/2014 9:32:54 PM] Groot: leaving stark and richards to create ragnarok
  365. [10/23/2014 9:32:55 PM] Strange: strange is like, nope i'm on the next train to nope ville
  366. [10/23/2014 9:33:00 PM] TheDarqsyde: lol
  367. [10/23/2014 9:33:19 PM] Brendan: now who will slay the midgard serpent?
  368. [10/23/2014 9:33:25 PM] TheDarqsyde: I tihnk the Payne Twins need to get picked up by someone. They are a great asset to anyone looking for info.
  369. [10/23/2014 9:33:28 PM] Strange: Strange ;)
  370. [10/23/2014 9:33:52 PM] Strange: kidding
  371. [10/23/2014 9:34:01 PM] Samantha Deschner: So SAFE will do the tagging
  372. [10/23/2014 9:34:03 PM] Groot: oh thor is around currently..though avoiding the room because he is OP. LOL
  373. [10/23/2014 9:34:05 PM] Samantha Deschner: HYDRA will do the bagging.
  374. [10/23/2014 9:34:05 PM] Strange: wait wait wait
  375. [10/23/2014 9:34:10 PM] Strange: I awnted Tia to go all dark side
  376. [10/23/2014 9:34:13 PM] Samantha Deschner: Right?
  377. [10/23/2014 9:34:14 PM] Strange: can she help?
  378. [10/23/2014 9:34:18 PM] Valterri: yes Sam
  379. [10/23/2014 9:34:40 PM] Groot: umm technically.. SAFE is doing all the work, now if Hydra is behind SAFE? thats your choice lol
  380. [10/23/2014 9:34:44 PM] TheDarqsyde: I'll leave most of my OCs out of shit and just bring in who's wanted.
  381. [10/23/2014 9:35:06 PM] Samantha Deschner: I'd prefer not to actually.
  382. [10/23/2014 9:35:09 PM] TheDarqsyde: Of course, Zayne's not going to be a good one to try and pin down.
  383. [10/23/2014 9:35:12 PM] Strange: Tia would be a great asset I bet to Sin or whatever
  384. [10/23/2014 9:35:13 PM] Samantha Deschner: I have two agencies already
  385. [10/23/2014 9:35:25 PM] Samantha Deschner: I don't want to come off as a modder.
  386. [10/23/2014 9:35:48 PM] Strange: alright well now that my photoshop is mildly okay i'm gonna crash
  387. [10/23/2014 9:35:54 PM] TheDarqsyde: night hun
  388. [10/23/2014 9:35:55 PM] Samantha Deschner: Nnini
  389. [10/23/2014 9:36:07 PM] Strange: Sam, think on the Tia thing?
  390. [10/23/2014 9:36:19 PM] Strange: please?
  391. [10/23/2014 9:36:19 PM] TheDarqsyde: Ok, so Groot.
  392. [10/23/2014 9:36:25 PM] Samantha Deschner: Will do.
  393. [10/23/2014 9:36:37 PM] Strange: i cam give yo more details tomorrow if you'd like
  394. [10/23/2014 9:36:47 PM] Samantha Deschner: Please do.
  395. [10/23/2014 9:36:52 PM] Strange: alright hun
  396. [10/23/2014 9:36:54 PM] Groot: I am Groot
  397. [10/23/2014 9:37:29 PM] Samantha Deschner: HYDRA directly running the camps will give the anti-reg forces yet another rallying cry.
  398. [10/23/2014 9:37:42 PM] TheDarqsyde: Groot, I'm leaving my many, many characters in your hands. I'm a background player. Always have been. As Strange and Valterri know, I can create anyone for any purpose at any time. All you need do is ask.
  399. [10/23/2014 9:37:44 PM] Samantha Deschner: "Look, the Nazis are running camps! In America! "
  400. [10/23/2014 9:38:05 PM] TheDarqsyde: So, I am placing myself in the hands of the hammers
  401. [10/23/2014 9:40:12 PM] Groot: though i am honored you would leave your vast catalog of characters in my hands? i am often that same background player LOL
  402. [10/23/2014 9:40:31 PM] Groot: until last night i had not posted in room.. dunno if i will again or not for the time being
  403. [10/23/2014 9:40:36 PM] Groot: room needs alot of ooc attention
  404. [10/23/2014 9:40:45 PM] TheDarqsyde: Agreed.
  405. [10/23/2014 9:41:05 PM] TheDarqsyde: I just wanted to put my characters in the hands of those who seem to be running things.
  406. [10/23/2014 9:41:59 PM] Groot: well if i find a need for them? they will likely get added to fill the plots ill post on the forums for starters
  407. [10/23/2014 9:42:23 PM] Valterri: Christian will likely go wherever Virus does so there is that
  408. [10/23/2014 9:42:30 PM] TheDarqsyde: True enough.
  409. [10/23/2014 9:42:43 PM] Samantha Deschner: Also, Groot.
  410. [10/23/2014 9:43:02 PM] Samantha Deschner: I was thinking. Even if it had been a joke, that joint task force sounds pretty awesome.
  411. [10/23/2014 9:43:16 PM] Groot: Groot, James, Delinda, Sarah i`ll answer to any of those lol
  412. [10/23/2014 9:43:24 PM] Groot: oh i thought it would be bad ass
  413. [10/23/2014 9:43:38 PM] Valterri: Then let's do it, It'll help keep Sin active
  414. [10/23/2014 9:44:18 PM] Samantha Deschner: If only Northguard weren't dead. :(
  415. [10/23/2014 9:44:33 PM] Groot: maybe she isnt
  416. [10/23/2014 9:44:34 PM] Groot: lol
  417. [10/23/2014 9:44:44 PM] TheDarqsyde: Fair enough Groot. Just use them as you see fit. I should likely register them all.
  418. [10/23/2014 9:45:28 PM] Valterri: Northguard doesn't have to be dead in MI.
  419. [10/23/2014 9:45:44 PM] Samantha Deschner: She fell from orbit, burnt up on re-entry and hit the ground at mach speed. Meat and tubes. Dead D:
  420. [10/23/2014 9:45:56 PM] Valterri: It's marvel..characters don't stay dead
  421. [10/23/2014 9:45:57 PM] Valterri: :P
  422. [10/23/2014 9:46:00 PM] Samantha Deschner: I had plans to bring her back.
  423. [10/23/2014 9:46:07 PM] Samantha Deschner: But Jon leaving kinda set them back.
  424. [10/23/2014 9:46:07 PM] Groot: then lets bring her back!
  425. [10/23/2014 9:46:59 PM] Samantha Deschner: In due time.
  426. [10/23/2014 9:47:26 PM] Jess: Jon left? o.O
  427. [10/23/2014 9:47:28 PM] TheDarqsyde: Well, if I'm no longer needed, I'm going to go kill shit.
  428. [10/23/2014 9:47:34 PM] Groot: alrighty!
  429. [10/23/2014 9:47:37 PM] Groot: have funs
  430. [10/23/2014 9:47:41 PM] TheDarqsyde: Later!
  431. [10/23/2014 9:47:42 PM] Groot: aim for the head
  432. [10/23/2014 9:47:44 PM] Samantha Deschner: Night.
  433. [10/23/2014 9:47:46 PM] TheDarqsyde: Always!
  434. [10/23/2014 9:48:04 PM] Groot: yeah i have no idea when jon left
  435. [10/23/2014 9:48:07 PM] TheDarqsyde: Again, anyone who wants to add me, please feel free.
  436. [10/23/2014 9:48:12 PM] Jess: Who's going to bed?
  437. [10/23/2014 9:48:27 PM] Jess: I'm so lost.
  438. [10/23/2014 9:48:34 PM] TheDarqsyde: I am
  439. [10/23/2014 9:48:37 PM] Samantha Deschner: Feel free to add me, if you feel so inclined as well.
  440. [10/23/2014 9:48:51 PM] Jess: Goodnight!
  441. [10/23/2014 9:49:27 PM] *** TheDarqsyde has left ***
  442. [10/23/2014 9:49:54 PM] Valterri: So the morons have all gathered over in a Naruto room
  443. [10/23/2014 9:50:04 PM] Groot: fitting
  444. [10/23/2014 9:50:04 PM] Jess: Added
  445. [10/23/2014 9:50:14 PM] Jess: o.o
  446. [10/23/2014 9:50:24 PM] Samantha Deschner: Thanks.
  447. [10/23/2014 9:50:37 PM] Brendan: the morons?
  448. [10/23/2014 9:50:47 PM] Valterri: Doom, etc
  449. [10/23/2014 9:51:49 PM] Valterri: that guy, "Dei" came in just to whisper me with some retarded shit about or "OOC Being stupid"
  450. [10/23/2014 9:51:55 PM] Valterri: our*
  451. [10/23/2014 9:52:21 PM] Valterri: Anyway
  452. [10/23/2014 9:52:33 PM] Jess: I got their IP.
  453. [10/23/2014 9:52:37 PM] Jess: So if they keep up the booshit.
  454. [10/23/2014 9:52:39 PM] Valterri: Dei's?
  455. [10/23/2014 9:52:39 PM] Jess: Lemme know.
  456. [10/23/2014 9:52:41 PM] Jess: Si
  457. [10/23/2014 9:52:46 PM] Jess: *gets ghetto*
  458. [10/23/2014 9:52:49 PM] Valterri: I already got him and Comus'
  459. [10/23/2014 9:52:52 PM] Valterri: and added em
  460. [10/23/2014 9:52:54 PM] Jess: Ahh
  461. [10/23/2014 9:52:55 PM] Jess: k
  462. [10/23/2014 9:53:00 PM] Valterri: I need Doom's
  463. [10/23/2014 9:53:01 PM] Jess: I take it they started trouble?
  464. [10/23/2014 9:53:12 PM] Jess: previously I mean
  465. [10/23/2014 9:53:15 PM] Valterri: One of em just came in yea
  466. [10/23/2014 9:53:51 PM] Jess: Well, I mean... oh nvm lol.
  467. [10/23/2014 9:53:58 PM] Jess: Don't mind me.
  468. [10/23/2014 9:53:59 PM] Jess: lol
  469. [10/23/2014 9:55:33 PM] Valterri: hms?
  470. [10/23/2014 9:56:11 PM] Jess: No, really. I'm kinda loopy.
  471. [10/23/2014 9:56:21 PM] Valterri: Ah
  472. [10/23/2014 9:58:48 PM] Valterri: So who's gonna be the lucky one to arrest Virus? >>
  473. [10/23/2014 9:59:16 PM] Groot:
  474. [10/23/2014 9:59:18 PM] Groot: not delinda
  475. [10/23/2014 9:59:19 PM] Groot: lol
  476. [10/23/2014 9:59:32 PM] Groot: kinda up to fury or maria hill atm
  477. [10/23/2014 9:59:42 PM] Groot: everyone else kinda.. left? <.<
  478. [10/23/2014 9:59:56 PM] Valterri: heh
  479. [10/23/2014 10:00:48 PM] Samantha Deschner: Pathfinder coulddo it >_>
  480. [10/23/2014 10:00:51 PM] Samantha Deschner: if you wanted.
  481. [10/23/2014 10:00:56 PM] Valterri: sure
  482. [10/23/2014 10:01:52 PM] Valterri: Banned Doom and Comus from the forums
  483. [10/23/2014 10:01:59 PM] Valterri: I^
  484. [10/23/2014 10:02:38 PM] Groot:
  485. [10/23/2014 10:02:48 PM] Shini: Ive been catching up after I AFK'd x.x
  486. [10/23/2014 10:02:48 PM] Valterri: That poor cat
  487. [10/23/2014 10:02:53 PM] Valterri: wb Shini
  488. [10/23/2014 10:03:14 PM] Shini: I needed to get something. if we're still on the topic of "Who leads the anti-Super human" think
  489. [10/23/2014 10:03:16 PM] Shini: thing*
  490. [10/23/2014 10:03:22 PM] Shini: I could potentially have that covered.
  491. [10/23/2014 10:03:35 PM] Valterri: Okay
  492. [10/23/2014 10:03:55 PM] Shini: If it's wanted. I had an SL in the past that never got played out but was along those lines.
  493. [10/23/2014 10:04:15 PM] Shini: So keep that in mind when you guys are deciding this (cat)
  494. [10/23/2014 10:04:20 PM] Valterri: will do
  495. [10/23/2014 10:04:23 PM] Samantha Deschner: Nope.
  496. [10/23/2014 10:04:26 PM] Samantha Deschner: Chuck testa.
  497. [10/23/2014 10:04:30 PM] Valterri: Post it on the forums so we don't forget
  498. [10/23/2014 10:04:39 PM] Groot:
  499. [10/23/2014 10:05:04 PM] Shini: Sam, this mysterious villain is attacking Manhattan.
  500. [10/23/2014 10:05:11 PM] Shini: Nope, it's just chuck testa.
  501. [10/23/2014 10:05:16 PM] Valterri: lol
  502. [10/23/2014 10:11:52 PM] Shini: So.. ya
  503. [10/23/2014 10:12:10 PM] Groot: indeed
  504. [10/23/2014 10:12:15 PM] Shini: Quitely so.
  505. [10/23/2014 10:12:41 PM] Samantha Deschner: Gonna call it on my end boys and girls.
  506. [10/23/2014 10:12:45 PM] Valterri: Okay Sam
  507. [10/23/2014 10:12:47 PM] Samantha Deschner: If you need me, you know where to find me.
  508. [10/23/2014 10:12:50 PM] Shini:
  509. [10/23/2014 10:12:50 PM] Valterri: see you tomorrow
  510. [10/23/2014 10:13:20 PM] Groot:
  511. [10/23/2014 10:14:04 PM] Samantha Deschner: Night.
  512. [10/23/2014 10:14:30 PM] Groot:
  513. [10/23/2014 10:14:33 PM] Groot: night dear
  514. [10/23/2014 10:14:58 PM] Jess: I totally spaced out.
  515. [10/23/2014 10:15:03 PM] Groot: lol
  516. [10/23/2014 10:15:05 PM] Valterri: heh
  517. [10/23/2014 10:15:08 PM] Groot: hows that bowl?
  518. [10/23/2014 10:15:18 PM] Jess: gone
  519. [10/23/2014 10:15:47 PM] Groot: is dr who better high?
  520. [10/23/2014 10:16:01 PM] Jess: It's just awesome either way.
  521. [10/23/2014 10:16:12 PM] Groot: what about halloween?
  522. [10/23/2014 10:16:13 PM] Groot: lol
  523. [10/23/2014 10:16:18 PM] Jess: I totally watched those.
  524. [10/23/2014 10:16:20 PM] Jess: And was fine.
  525. [10/23/2014 10:16:25 PM] Jess: Jackass. lol
  526. [10/23/2014 10:16:27 PM] Groot: really?
  527. [10/23/2014 10:16:30 PM] Jess: Really
  528. [10/23/2014 10:16:33 PM] Groot: figured you'd lose it
  529. [10/23/2014 10:16:37 PM] Jess: Nah
  530. [10/23/2014 10:16:47 PM] Jess: Did I tell you what happened at the haunted house?!
  531. [10/23/2014 10:16:52 PM] Groot: yeah
  532. [10/23/2014 10:16:53 PM] Jess: lololol
  533. [10/23/2014 10:17:01 PM] Jess: Scared the ever loving shit right out of me.
  534. [10/23/2014 10:17:54 PM] Groot:
  535. [10/23/2014 10:17:57 PM] *** Shini has left ***
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