
Skies of Arcaninea

Jul 16th, 2014
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  1. Okay, so we're actually going to go ahead and use PTU + Leviathans. Some things will be reiterated here, other things will be changed. I suggest you read over this paste carefully.
  3. First of all, this is hex-based movement with units (your ships) taking up two or more hexes in a line. Facing is important as you'll have weapon systems on certain sides of the ship - more on that later. To cover things in full detail, we should start with defining the two general types of ships:
  5. Type 1: Two hex ships, lighter. Base 10 MP (Movement Points). Generally speedy little shits. Bonus: Not only is their movement speed and initiative movement better, but their Speed stat defaults to +1 CS.
  6. Type 2: Three hex ships, larger, typically more durable. These are usually flagships, but not always. Base 7 MP. Tend to be more bulky. Bonus: A type 2 can pick a bonus Move or a bonus 10 Base Stats (which can be distributed as you see fit), making this choice for each part of their ship. Unfortunately, the Starboard and Port sections of a Type 2 take a -2 penalty to all evasion versus attacks due to being almost literally the broad side of a barn.
  8. No matter what your ship type is, each part of the ship has 50 base stats to work with (Natures aren't a thing), which may be individual from each other with the EXCEPTION of speed, which must remain constant across the entire vehicle. There are four different parts of the ship:
  10. Bow: Where the Bridge is located. 2 Move slots. One ability slot.
  11. Port: The left side of the ship. 4 move slots. One ability slot. -2 evasion on type 2 ships.
  12. Starboard: The right side of the ship. 4 move slots. One ability slot. -2 evasion on type 2 ships.
  13. Stern: Where the Engine block is located. 2 move slots. One ability slot.
  15. When a ship part takes an Injury, roll to determine what move is Disabled on that part. If that ship part has its HP depleted, then it is Wrecked and all moves in that part of the ship are Disabled and abilities rendered nonfunctional. This only applies once per attack no matter how many Injuries are given with a single attack.
  17. If the Bow is under 50% HP, the ship's communication systems are in disarray and Orders may no longer be given as a Crew Action. If the Bow is Wrecked, then Bridge's crew has men down and the pilot is forced to make tough decisions as they struggle to keep things from falling apart. The airship is either Blinded or cannot apply Evasion to incoming attacks (injured party's choice). This lasts until the Bow is no longer Wrecked (assuming one has the proper Moves to repair Wrecked parts) but the penalty may be switched at the start of the injured party's turn.
  19. If the Stern is under 50% HP, the Engine is Straining. When Straining, the ship's available MP are halved, rounded down. If the Stern is restored to above 50% HP, it is no longer Straining but still takes a -1 MP penalty for every injury accumulated, up to a maximum of half of the ship's MP. If the Stern is Wrecked, the Engine loses the power to do anything but remain aloft and the ship becomes Stuck and may not pivot its facing. The ship may still use any other offensive or defensive options it possesses, however.
  21. If three or more locations are Wrecked, the ship is forced to make an emergency landing and is removed from the fight.
  23. RANGES
  25. Melee moves gain a Range of 4 hexes, Dash moves no longer require the ship to move, and Pass moves work as a 4 hex Line, potentially striking multiple ships, or multiple areas on a single ship.
  27. Area of Effect moves (any move that affects more than one target) are Resisted one step further when they strike two adjacent locations on one ship, but not when they strike one location on two separate ships. Which they're able to do depends on the range of the move. The Bow and Stern are the only locations on the ship not adjacent to each other.
  29. Distance for considering flanking is four squares.
  33. A ship must expend 1 MP per hex they advance into. To advance into other hexes, a ship must first turn to face the direction it wants to head. Turning itself costs 1 MP, and you must advance at least two hexes to turn. When you turn, the ship has a pivot point that stays in place during the movement. For Type 1 Ships, this is the front of the ship and for Type 2 this is the middle.
  35. A ship can also drift a bit to the side while moving forward. This is called Sideslipping. To Sideslip, you must move forward, in the direction the ship is facing, then pay 2 MP to shift the entire ship one hex left or right. You may sideslip as many times as you like provided you have the necessary MP to do so.
  37. COMBAT
  39. Initiative: Ships with slower Speeds are forced to move forward first. Thus, ships with higher Speed can put themselves into more preferable positions. However, attack actions all resolve simultaneously. Turns might still be taken in initiative order to reduce chaos, but be mindful, this means that even if you Disable a ship's move or Wreck them, you may still be countered by a move you were trying to prevent! Abilities, Priority, Interrupt, and Crew Actions may resolve before attacks as wished.
  41. Actions: Each ship has three actions per turn. Two standard actions, which may not be used for the same part of the ship, and one Crew Action. During the Crew Action, the PC crew member may take player-specific actions such as Geomancy or Darkside, Order features, or common actions like Repair or Aim.
  43. Status Effects: Unchanged, except for a few fluff effects. Poison might be a smog that chokes the crew and eats away at the ship's integrity, Burn is a Fire on deck, Tripped becomes an engine sputter, etc. Some status effects may not be wholly effective, such as Enraged on any part of a ship besides the Bow, which controls the ship's movement. On the other hand, Enraging a Bow could possibly draw the entire ship in so keep that in mind!
  47. You already know how to apply the raw stats, but what about the level-up stats, moves and abilities? Apply 50 stats across your ship as if they were level-up stats. For those of you wanting to customize things yourself, ask me about moves or abilities you feel would be appropriate. Otherwise, I'll assign them myself. Each of you also get, say, 12 Trainer Features from any classes you feel might be appropriate for your character that can be applied during Crew Actions. Don't apply stat tags, use ship stats where available, and consider yourself Master rank for any appropriate skill checks (unless of course, your character isn't good at that skill - in which case why did you pick the feat, dummy?). You can also have whatever Edges you want. You have 10 AP available to use at your leisure for the purposes of features.
  49. If you choose a feature that gives a Move, you can use a Crew Action and a Standard Action to use that move from a given part of the ship - and this also covers any special effects that might be given to the move by the feature, like Power Chord, Magic Twist, Power Play, and so on and so forth.
  51. By the way, Groundsource moves aren't really much of a thing in sky battles. They're more used to bombard ground targets. Other moves... well, you had best tell me WHY your ship is using Bonemerang.
  55. As your crew action during your turn, you can do one of the following:
  57. * Repair certain conditions by having one part of the ship Take a Breather (they are not tripped, do not shift, and do not lose evasion as a result of Taking a Breather, but that part of the ship may not take a Standard Action that turn)
  58. * Work to put out fires or ventilate poison gas (Same as above, but this requires a Systems or Negotiation roll of 12+)
  59. * Take Aim. Gain a +1 bonus to your next accuracy check and critical hit range. This stacks with training features but has a frequency of EOT.
  60. * -Most- anything you could do with trainer actions normally.
  61. * Repair - A ship can only carry limited resources with which to repair itself, so this should be managed carefully lest you find yourself cannibalizing different parts of the ship in a rush. This is a DC 6 Systems check and restores 25% HP. This DC gains +2 for each previous Repair action you've taken, however.
  62. * Remove Injuries - Repairing critical parts of the ship takes a DC 8 Systems check. This doesn't rise.
  63. * Repairing a Wrecked ship side - This is a DC 12 Systems check to restore 25% to a ship part with 0 HP. This may be done only once per part.
  65. Alternately for the Repair, Remove Injuries or Repairing a Wrecked Side actions, you can give up one or both of your offensive Standard actions to temporarily divert crew over for a +4 bonus each.
  67. TYPING
  69. Ships don't really have typing in the usual sense. They're fairly typeless, in fact. With some exceptions, however, the rules are generally this:
  71. Bows contain the top level command personnel. They're usually vulnerable to Psychic (mental assault), Fighting (heavy assault versus weaker armored areas), Ghost (2spooky) and Poison (noxious gas that can't be vented easily) type moves.
  72. Port and Starboard are usually warded against (resist) Fire because fire could easily ignite the cannon powder and cause disastrous results, possibly even more so than if the engines were set on fire. Warding against an element is difficult and expensive for large ships, so it's usually saved explicitly for this purpose. Good pilots don't let enemies get behind them anyway, right? On the other hand, Lightning can still cause minor chain reactions, though the effect of these isn't quite as catastrophic since everything can't just ignite at once. The sides of the ship are also the most vulnerable to being pushed against with strong winds, and the cannons don't react well to becoming wet, either. Smart opponents might try to freeze ship propellers, as well. (Weak to Electric, Flying, Water, and Ice.)
  73. The Stern is vulnerable to quite a few types of attacks, mainly Fire, Steel, Rock, and Fighting. But due to the already warm temperatures back here, Ice is ineffective (resist).
  75. Individual ships might build on this basis, editing things a bit here and there.
  77. Generally, Normal, Dark, Dragon, Bug, Grass, and Fairy are neither resisted or strong against very much, though again there are some exceptions. Most of these types aren't very common either, though.
  81. Lenore:
  83. Ability: <strikethrough>Stacked Deck</strikethrough> Lustrous Lightning ☆ - Static. Lenore gains +1 ACC to Laplace Laser for each --Trump Count-- Voltage she has, to a maximum of +6.
  85. Lenore may use Laplace Laser from any part of the ship! But only once around.
  87. <s>Trump Card</s> Laplace Laser
  88. Type: Electric
  89. At Will
  90. AC: 2
  91. Damage Base 6: 2d6+8
  92. Class: Special
  93. Range: 6, 1 Target
  94. Effect: Whenever Laplace Laser is used, the user gains a Voltage after the attack is resolved. Laplace Laser's Damage Base is increased by +2 for each Voltage.
  96. Theta:
  98. Ability: Geomancy - At Will, Free/Crew Action. As part of making a Repair action, Theta may give the target an additional 12 temporary HP, and increase its DR by 10 until the end of his next turn. As a separate Crew Action, Theta may shift the type of any Move used by a particular side of the ship to Fire, Ground, Water, Ice, Electric, Flying, or Steel.
  100. Ammy:
  102. Ability: Darkside - At Will, Crew Action. The next attack you make is shifted to Dark type and is automatically a critical hit, but gains Recoil 1/3.
  104. The Ark
  106. Bow Ability: Zen Mode
  107. Bow Move: Gains Sacred Sword.
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