
Anon's excellent adventures in Tartarus pt7

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. In which Anon becomes credit to team.
  3. >You are Anonymous, marooned in Tartarus and fighting for survival.
  4. >And right now, things aren't as going as smoothly as they were a few minutes ago.
  5. >"Shit! Take covah!" A dog screams as they all leap clear, save William, who's caught like a deer in headlights.
  6. >You've fought through too many unholy floating eyeballs with him to see him just get vaporised,
  7. >so you take it upon yourself to make sure that doesn't happen.
  8. You too, dipshit!
  9. >Seriously, did he take a few good ones to the head pre-mortem?
  10. >You manage to shove him aside, even as the massive spear of crimson lightning lances into the hall, blasting in a sizeable amount of the wall as well as hitting you dead on.
  11. >A chuck of said wall catches you bodily, pushing you back.
  12. >You slam into the back wall, vision swimming as the back of your head follows suit.
  13. >Half buried under rubble, you lie there for a minute or two, mumbling gibberish as the eye simply floats there, searching for any sign of life.
  14. >It finds none, but there is a period of stillness before a storm.
  15. >However, you find you could currently care less about the eye.
  16. >Brain?
  17. >Kinda busy getting my shit together here, Anon.
  18. >Why us?
  19. >Because we're in Tartarus, bro. I keep telling you this.
  20. >But...
  21. >Dude. Tartarus. Eternal punishment. Home of the damned. Essentially Hell. C'mon, /I'm/ the one who should be having trouble here, we took one to the back of the head.
  22. >...
  23. >Shut up, brain.
  24. >Slowly shaking your head, you clear out the murkiness in your vision.
  25. >All is still.
  26. >Glancing out from under the rubble, you notice William, lying limp under his own slab, seemingly unconcious.
  27. >you do your best to keep your voice to a low whisper.
  28. Will?
  29. >For a moment, there is no response, and you fear he may actually be out, or worse.
  30. >And then one eye snaps open, meeting yours in a wary glare.
  31. >as lowly as he can, he sushes you. "Play dead, idiot!"
  32. >Nodding, you take his advice and remain still...
  33. >Until your eardrums are nearly split by an unearthly roar, as Half of your chunk of rubble is blown to pieces by another flash of red.
  34. >he knows.png
  35. >You return you gaze to the Dog.
  36. Can't. He knows I'm not dead.
  37. >"Dammit!" he growls, eyes filling with panic and desperately searching for an answer.
  38. >Anon? Got a sec?
  39. >Kinda busy, brain.
  40. >I got us an idea, but you might not--
  41. >Hit me.
  42. >The eye narrowly misses with an optic bolt.
  43. >By that time, you make eye contact with will once again.
  44. Whatever happens, stay there.
  45. >repositioning yourself, you grit your teeth you begin to push with your legs, steadying yourself against the wall.
  46. >the piece of wall stands tall... and falls over.
  47. You got real /shitty/ aim, you know that?
  48. >"Oh shit human, what the fuck are you doing?"
  49. Stand the fuck back, I got this.
  50. >Dusting yourself off, you rise, standing defiant in the face of the eye.
  51. >Its response is, of course, another Thunderbolt to the face.
  52. >Rubbing the whiteness out of your vision, you give a magnificent shit-eating grin.
  53. Is that your best? Come on, step it up!
  54. >You don't know if the eye can understand your words but you know it understand the tone.
  55. >How do you know?
  56. >Well, you can stell from the dilations and having seen some eyes in your time.
  58. >Also, yeah, it's kind of roaring in a pissed off manner.
  59. Aww, you ma-
  60. >you are cut off by another flash of red thunder.
  61. >and another
  62. >and another
  63. >and another.
  64. >When the smoke finally clears, you smirk, idly brushing off your now slightly charred shirt.
  65. Yeah, you mad.
  66. >With a fairly disgusting squelching sound, the eye splits into a massive maw, easily capable of swallowing a SUV whole.
  67. >It lets out another roar so loud you can feel it.
  68. Oh look, a mouth.
  69. >you begin, gesturing to your crotch
  70. Perfect, all the easier for you to suck my-
  71. >you cut that sentence off as you dodge the eye's charge
  72. >Hopping back, you make sure to keep its attention, nicking a small gash in its side with Starfury.
  73. That's it, big guy!
  74. >You raise your arms once more in the iconic pose.
  75. Come at me, bro!
  76. >The eye does so, and you bolt with the speed of Kenyans.
  77. >gottagofast.gif
  78. >Even as your feet tear up the dust under you, you glance back at the eye, which has all but forgotten about the fortress.
  79. >The idea here was basically the same as your last one: Use your natural magical resistance to distract the eyes from the dogs.
  80. >Turning and backpedaling for a moment, you take the time to cement the eye's focus on you.
  82. >You show the eye your friend, Mr. Birdy.
  83. >The maw closes.
  84. >An orb of red lightning forms at the pupil.
  85. >And You flip a thumbs up to the direction of the fortress.
  86. >Meanwhile, gazing out from behind a still standing wall, William looks on in awe and gives a small salute.
  87. >"Godspeed, you crazy bastard..."
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