

Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. The [b]Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal[/b] started out chaotic, but eventually trickled down to a final 8 of The Big Show, Don English, Reigns, Sheamus, Stardust, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, and Ash Dixon. Show had cleared the ring early in the match, and Ash slipped under the bottom rope during that time, hiding at ringside and waiting for the time to strike. Don English tried to pay off Big Show, but got tossed over the top for his trouble. Rey Mysterio had a nice high flying spotlight, taking out Swagger with a rana before getting Brogued over the ropes to the floor. Ash took this opportunity to strike, grabbing Sheamus' leg and trying to pull him to the floor, but Stardust got Sheamus from the other side, sending him and Dixon to the mat. The refs weren't quite sure if Dixon was eliminated, but they eventually ruled that he was, putting Stardust's elimination total for the match just above Show by 2. This left just Stardust, Show, and Reigns to spar it out, and Stardust was more than happy to let Show and Reigns spar. They traded jabs and Reigns even got a Superman Punch in, but eventually he went for the Spear and got gorilla pressed to the outside. Stardust tried to take advantage, and almost got Show to the outside, but he eventually hit the floor, [b]and the refs declared Big Show the winner.[/b]
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