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May 21st, 2018
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  1. Wolfskiee has joined the chat
  2. Wolfskiee: hey alex
  3. Eurydice: Hey. :o
  4. Wolfskiee: do you mind if I can talk to you..
  5. Eurydice: Not at all. :3
  6. Wolfskiee: Im a little worried..
  7. Eurydice: .-. How come?
  8. Wolfskiee: Today, Steph was questing if I really love her not.. I had to take a personal 20 min to talk to her to convice her how much I do care for her..
  9. Wolfskiee: See few days ago before the shit happened with riley and dayiment
  10. Wolfskiee: Riley posted a big comment to daymien
  11. Wolfskiee: and I was playfully saying to steph I will out do her.. And write something for steph.. but I mention to her I wrote that with my heart.. and not for only for to do compete with riley..
  12. Eurydice: I thought Daymien was back with Ally? o-o
  13. Wolfskiee: this is before Daymien hit riley
  14. Eurydice: O_O He hit her?
  15. Wolfskiee: You didnt see the convo..?
  16. Eurydice: .-. Wow you miss a lot in the hospital. v.v
  17. Eurydice: No..
  18. Wolfskiee: Yeah..
  19. Wolfskiee: Ill get the convo for you from steph when she comes back
  20. Wolfskiee: or can ask riley
  21. Eurydice: .-. Ok.
  22. Wolfskiee: but anyway.. I really never felt anyone for anyone as much I love stephanie.. I want to marry her one day for real.. and be with her aslong as were happy together (I want to say forever..)
  23. WolfskieeWolfskiee Whisper: Shes my dream girl. and today she was upset questing if I did love her..
  24. Wolfskiee: why do I care so much riley
  25. Wolfskiee: Which I dont
  26. Wolfskiee: i mean we gotten pass it..
  27. Wolfskiee: but she mention to me in the end .. "what if I mess up again" we have a issue before where she cheated on me..
  28. Wolfskiee: but we;re passed that now..
  29. Wolfskiee: I just dont want to lose steph..
  30. Eurydice: Ya. .-.
  31. Wolfskiee: Every day I tell her and show her how much she means to me.. and I want to be with her so badly already..]
  32. Eurydice: I can talk to her if you want.
  33. Wolfskiee: I would really love that..
  34. Wolfskiee: cause I dont know what ill ever truly do if I lose her..
  35. Wolfskiee: I think I would give up on love again..
  36. Eurydice: I understand how you feel. :/
  37. Wolfskiee: only reason I came back for love is for her..
  38. Wolfskiee: yeah.. v.v
  39. Wolfskiee: Im sorry I hope im not making you unconfortable in anyway
  40. Eurydice: No, you're not.
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