

Dec 10th, 2014
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  1. Magic for CMFRP
  3. Mages in this world are born affiliated with 1 of 10 different trees of magic. Each of the 10 different trees has it's own unique mark that babies are born with to help identify which tree of magic they will grow into. In the continent of Braeter, early people used this trait and came up with a pantheon of 10 gods to symbolize each of the magical trees. It's widely believed now in various corners of the world that these 10 gods are the ones blessing human kind with their abilities while there are of course other various beliefs, religions, and explanations out there as well.
  5. The extent of a mage's magical abilities is determined by their tree, physical capabilities, and creativity that comes with using the tools that they are given. Commonly, those in the same tree have the same base abilities that are easy to master and from there branch out into their own unique forms of utilizing their branch of magic to be able to combat mages of a similar type. This is a universal rule throughout the world due to how a mage's worst threat is other mages of a similar branch.
  7. Since all players will be starting as residents of the CouncilLand, they'll be treated to professional training in their tree and will be exposed to the usual uses of manner that the mages of each tree employ. While all characters would be trained in this fashion, they would also be encouraged to explore new paths with their tree and make it their own and train in their own gear and style of dress.
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  10. Illusion: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of altering the minds of others, tricking the gullible, and being able to conjure up illusions limited by their own imagination. This gives them a wide assortment of ways to get out of trouble as well as cause trouble, and it's for this reason that they're one of the least trusted types of mage. With most having the ability to conjure up a fake appearance at will, it's no surprise.
  12. In Braeter, Illusionist are a rare commodity even there due to the fact that upon reaching a certain age any illusionist can drop off the map to follow their own agenda so few stay within the Council Land after receiving training. Those that do stay loyal to the cause, are usually employed as informants, stealing the identities of those around the continent and world to collect information for the country. Those that aren't used in this form are sent as assassins, set up as puppet rulers, or sent abroad as hunters of dangerous other mage.
  14. Due to the flexibility of their usual jobs and the fact that not many stay in the country, Illusionist are mainly taught the basics of their trade and usually choose projectile weapons such as small caliber guns or blades to train in. Some even choose to take a bow or crossbow over a gun.
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  16. Spatial: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of manipulating space around them, manipulating gravitational forces, and being able to have a limited use of portals. Spatial Mages are known to be one of the most powerful and difficult to kill mages mostly due to their ability to go escape quickly from enemies and just as easily pursue their targets by being able to phase through walls or utilize portals as well as put up force fields and use gravity to pull or push enemies towards or away from them.
  18. In the Counciland, Spatial Mages are popularly used for situations that call for straight forward combat such as raids on castles or estates, handling dangerous and monstrous creatures, hunting down other mages, and the like. It's common practice in the CouncilLand for spatial mages to be trained in basic repelling/attracting forces, phasing through solid objects, and lessening or increasing the weight of themselves or objects.
  20. Spatial mages are prone to being more flashy in this country and therefor don't mad openly representing the council by wearing a traveling cloak bearing the country's insignia and colors. Besides that, they usually don't travel with any armor but are pretty diverse in the weapons and fighting style they choose to be trained in during their apprenticeship. Spatial mages can be found utilizing anything from their hands and feet, to swords, and some even carrying nothing else but a shield.
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  22. Body: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of manipulating their body to make themselves, stronger, faster, resistant to elements, and self-sustaining. Around the world, these mages are most commonly found as kings, generals, chiefs, mercenaries, and things of that sort and are stereotyped as being brutish, snarky, and warmongers. Body Mages are also notoriously known for being efficient at fighting other mages. Specifically in the the continent most of the roleplay is taking place in, they are often the lords of feudal states where only by an authorized challenge, they can be removed from power through a one on one honest fight.
  24. In the CouncilLand, Body Mages are used for raids, wars, hunting down powerful creatures, and acting as champions to dethrone corrupt or war-hungry feudal lords and replace them with new approved and appointed leaders from the council. During their apprenticeship they are taught how to make themselves stronger, faster, and more durable and are thoroughly drilled in various forms of combat and survival.
  26. Body Mages trained in the country for this reason, usually choose to carry the biggest and heaviest weapons, are the most likely of the mages to wear actual armor, and usually bare their country's insignia and colors on their armor without fear of attracting the attention of locals and other mages when traveling abroad.
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  28. Nature: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of manipulating plant life, being able to accurately predict and subtly manipulate the weather, and purifying impure substances such as water, air, or toxic/poisonous foods. In certain parts of the world, nature mages are hailed as shamans for their ability to predict the weather and subtly manipulate it. In other places, they are utilized in farms, some even enslaved en masse to help increase a country or state's food-stuff production. Then there are also those Nature Mages who use their ability to enact subtle assassinations through poison.
  30. In the CouncilLand, older and elderly Nature Mages are put to work as weather analysis, to predict storm patterns and other deadly natural phenomena that might tear through the continent. Besides that, younger Nature Mages are put on battle fields to change the tides of battle by calling upon fierce rain or light fog or sent in as assassins to poison targets set by the council.
  32. Nature Mages trained in the country, are educated on common plants and trees found across the continent and some from even across the world to be able to grow them near instantly if the conditions are right. Along with this they are taught the names and classifications of various weather terms and natural phoneme and would be taught the basics on how to influence rain or wind speed around them. What they wear and arm themselves with is pretty diverse, most aren't straight forward fighters.
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  34. Healing: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of magically healing themselves, others, and worsening the wounds or inflictions of their enemies. Usually in high demand by people across the world, healing mages are one of the better treated types of mages world-wide. It's common for kings of large countries to keep two or more healers in his court. Healing magic has been known to be used to slow the aging of elderly or old rulers so that they could rule for a much longer time.
  36. In the CouncilLand, once most Healing Mages get to a certain age or hit their quote of assignments, they retire and stay within the country's borders and pretty much are the result of most of the people in the country having an above-average lifespan for most of it's citizens. Before they reach that point, they are sent in times of emergencies to heal people of great importance or are placed with other mages who are going to likely need to be healed during or after a mission that requires heavy combat.
  38. Healing Mages are basically taught everything they can learn during their apprenticeship, with few going above and beyond with their tree. With their healing being at it's strongest through contact, Healing Mages are taught how to fight along with the other types of mage and usually carry an easy to use melee weapon on them at all times.
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  40. Light+Dark: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of manipulating light and shadows. This can be accomplished by illuminating dark areas, enchanting certain items or weapons with light, making areas darker, blending in with shadows, solidifying shadows and light, and created sudden flashes to disorient or blind others nearby.
  42. In the CouncilLand, after Light+Dark Mages reach their assignment quota and settle down they often are employed in aiding the country's architects and are paid to go around and establish magical lighting in buildings or public places. When they are still young and adventuring, Light+Dark mages often are the ones to volunteer to take jobs that involve going into incredibly dark places! Mines, caves, dungeons, ruins etc etc.
  44. Common things taught to Light+Dark Mages involve being able to create various shaped mage-lights, being able to temporarily embed weapons and other items with artificial light, solidify shadows and travel through shadows for short distances, and to make dark areas even darker. Most Light+Dark mages utilize their magic in a fight more than weapons but it's not uncommon to see them have some form of a back up such as a small caliber firearm or a dagger.
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  46. Elemental: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of harnessing, producing, and manipulating the elements, mainly wind, fire, earth, and water. For this reason they are considered one of the stronger types of mages under spatial and are known to be extremely resourceful in various situations. Around the world, elemental mages have one of the longer lifespans and are able to avoid capture and prosecution more easily than other mages when faced against non-mages and dangerous beasts.
  48. In the CouncilLand, Elemental Mages are sent out as part of raiding teams, mage hunters, guards, beast hunters, and scavengers. Their abilities make them pretty well versed in dealing with any situation that happens to come up and when groups of mages are sent out, most groups always have at least an Elemental Mage with them and a Healing Mage with them. Elemental Mages in the country usually work on out of the country jobs into old age where they then retire to become teachers to new elemental mages or act as guards for the country.
  50. There's such a wide array of things to be covered in this tree, that during an elemental mage's apprenticeship, young mages are allowed to choose two of the four elements that elemental mages usually manipulate and are taught how to manipulate, generate, and harness those two elements. Due to the wide arrange of things that they can do with their abilities, Elemental Mages aren't that prone to using weapons just like Light+Dark Mages and instead rely mostly on their magic in a fight.
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  52. Beast: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of communicating, controlling, and taking on aspects of various beasts and critters. The extent as to which they can communicate, control, and take on aspects depends on a Beast mage's experience and natural capabilities to do such. Some Beast Mages can only interact completely with small mammals or birds while some have been known to control groups of griffons or krakens. Beast Mages have the capacity to cause quite a lot of trouble if they have the talent to do so and carry a sort of bad aurora throughout the world because of this. Some of the greatest mishaps in world history has been caused by a Beast Mage with too much power taking control of a flying kraken or dragon and razing a country or civilization.
  54. In the CouncilLand, Beast Mages that have retired to stay within the country's borders are given the task of training steeds for the rest of the country's mages. Be it horses, griffons, aquatic creatures, or anything else the country has in stock as transportation. They also are primarily in charge in the distribution and receiving of information coming in and out of the country via messenger birds. Besides that, there's a special council of Beast Mages who each have tamed some large locked away creature of great power. These mages act as an emergency response team incase any other beast mage happens to get his hands on his own large beasts and attempts to stir up trouble for the continent. Younger Beast Mages engage in all kinds of work for the country.
  56. During apprenticeship, Beast Mages are generally taught how to communicate with small birds and mammals for reconnaissance and message delivering purposes. They are also taught how to take on traits of average day critters such as enhancing their senses, growing claws, canine teeth, etc etc. While physically intimidating they don't come close to being as powerful Body Mages can be. For this reason, they also are heavily taught in the use of various weapons, some who actively go out on missions or assignments that require heavy combat even going as far as to wear armor as a lot of Body Mages do.
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  58. Time: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of manipulating time. Considered one of the more mysterious and reclusive types of mages, just under Illusionist, Time mages are perhaps the most prosecuted type of mage across the world only because Illusionist are better able to escape after reaching a certain age. Being able to do a range of time-related abilities such as perceive the world at a slower pace, make themselves move and react faster, age themselves and other things, and seemingly teleport short distances it's no wonder why they're so distrusted. Around the world in high cultured civilizations during a time of frequent rebellions and uprisings, a lot of said conflict was caused by a sudden generation filled with Time Mages who used their abilities to undermine governments, reveal secrets, and cause mayhem.
  60. In the CouncilLand, Time mages often retire into historians or go travel abroad across the world and occasionally return to the country with new knowledge and information. Before that point, they are sent out across the continent as information gathers and spies. Usually, Time and Illusionary mages get along great and go on joint assignments and missions together of their own free will.
  62. During apprenticeship, Time Mages are taught on how to speed up their perception skills so that the world seems to slow down to a trickle around them. Along with that they are taught how to speed up their own bodies and how to age certain things and materials through touch. They, along with other mage types are often trained in the use of various light weapons, some even choosing to use projectiles.
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  64. Pestilence: Mages born under this tree are given the gift of generating and spreading disease, rot, and have been known to manipulate the dead or dying. Stereotyped as dark and broody types, Pestilence Mages around the world are often shunned and left alone due to the fact that any experienced Pestilence mage can be a serious threat to a city or town. In recent generations, the number of pestilence mages around the world have dwindled and this could be partially accounted to Mage Hunting groups who actively hunt them down due to the threat they pose to society and how few of them have above-par fighting abilities.
  66. In the CouncilLand, Pestilence Mages after retirement basically live their life out in peace as farmers or whatever else they always dreamed of in the country's rural lands. Before that time, they're used as last resorts, sometimes being sent in as part of a raid force to wear down a city or even an entire ruled state or country. Besides that, they go on jobs as they'd like although most work in groups with other mage types when not being given official assignments by the council.
  68. During apprenticeship, Pestilence Mages are taught how to produce mild and weak forms of sickness which generally don't kill off those infected by it. These sicknesses can be passed through contact with other people or food/animals that come into contact with other people. Pestilence Mages are also taught how to cure diseases brought on by themselves or by other pestilence mages as well. They usually shy away from close combat and some utilize bows, crossbows, or firearms.
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