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Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. worth:
  2. stonebutton: 1.0
  3. wood: 0.5
  4. arrow:
  5. '0': 0.0
  6. diamondpickaxe: 50.0
  7. rawfish:
  8. '3': 50.0
  9. '0': 8.0
  10. minecart: 23.0
  11. leatherchestplate: 15.0
  12. storageminecart: 30.0
  13. leaves: 1.0
  14. feather: 3.0
  15. goldchestplate: 6.5
  16. mushroomsoup: 4.5
  17. bread:
  18. '0': 10.0
  19. stationarywater: 1.0
  20. workbench: 2.5
  21. stonehoe:
  22. '0': 0.0
  23. brownmushroom: 2.0
  24. wool:
  25. '0': 9.0
  26. '1': 9.0
  27. '2': 9.0
  28. '3': 9.0
  29. '4': 9.0
  30. '5': 9.0
  31. '6': 9.0
  32. '7': 9.0
  33. '8': 9.0
  34. '9': 9.0
  35. '10': 9.0
  36. '11': 9.0
  37. '12': 9.0
  38. '13': 9.0
  39. '15': 9.0
  40. '14': 8.0
  41. mossycobblestone:
  42. '0': 30.0
  43. diamondhoe: 100.0
  44. woodsword:
  45. '0': 0.0
  46. torch:
  47. '0': 0.0
  48. grass:
  49. '0': 3.0
  50. poweredminecart: 32.0
  51. snowball:
  52. '0': 0.0
  53. goldenapple: 100.0
  54. leatherleggings: 75.0
  55. log:
  56. '3': 4.0
  57. '2': 4.0
  58. '1': 4.0
  59. '0': 4.0
  60. diamondaxe: 100.0
  61. slimeball: 50.0
  62. fence:
  63. '0': 0.5
  64. stonespade:
  65. '0': 0.0
  66. claybrick: 5.0
  67. noteblock:
  68. '0': 18.0
  69. ironaxe: 22.0
  70. coalore: 15.0
  71. clayball: 3.0
  72. fishingrod:
  73. '0': 0.0
  74. ironhoe: 22.0
  75. goldrecord: 100.0
  76. ironpickaxe: 22.0
  77. irondoor:
  78. '0': 198.0
  79. bucket: 22.0
  80. redrose: 2.0
  81. grilledpork: 7.0
  82. gravel:
  83. '0': 2.0
  84. wooddoor:
  85. '0': 27.0
  86. chainmailhelmet: 40.0
  87. ironchestplate: 22.0
  88. diamondblock: 2000.0
  89. diamondhelmet: 400.0
  90. goldhelmet: 6.0
  91. redstonetorchon:
  92. '0': 0.0
  93. ironspade: 22.0
  94. furnace: 8.5
  95. ironsword: 22.0
  96. dispenser: 58.0
  97. woodaxe: 2.0
  98. seeds: 2.0
  99. painting: 25.0
  100. woodplate: 1.0
  101. redstoneore: 30.0
  102. diamondspade:
  103. '0': 0.0
  104. '400': 20.0
  105. waterbucket: 40.0
  106. water: 1.0
  107. bedrock: 100.0
  108. irondoorblock: 15.0
  109. goldhoe: 6.0
  110. sand: 1.0
  111. goldsword: 6.0
  112. stoneaxe:
  113. '0': 0.0
  114. bookshelf: 140.0
  115. ironblock:
  116. '0': 225.0
  117. jackolantern:
  118. '0': 15.0
  119. boat:
  120. '0': 0.0
  121. diamondchestplate: 300.0
  122. redstonewire: 30.0
  123. redmushroom: 2.0
  124. string: 5.0
  125. stoneplate: 6.0
  126. wallsign: 1.0
  127. cactus:
  128. '0': 3.0
  129. sulphur: 20.0
  130. rails: 22.0
  131. ironore: 18.0
  132. leatherhelmet:
  133. '0': 0.0
  134. stone: 3.0
  135. egg: 1.0
  136. diamondore: 200.0
  137. woodhoe: 2.0
  138. goldleggings: 6.0
  139. chainmailleggings: 50.0
  140. yellowflower: 2.0
  141. ironhelmet: 22.0
  142. obsidian:
  143. '0': 40.0
  144. dirt:
  145. '0': 1.5
  146. leather: 10.0
  147. leatherboots: 42.0
  148. lever: 1.0
  149. cobblestone: 1.0
  150. cake: 180.0
  151. woodstairs: 1.0
  152. ironingot:
  153. '0': 30.0
  154. goldore: 45.0
  155. pumpkin:
  156. '0': 10.0
  157. bed:
  158. '0': 15.75
  159. watch:
  160. '0': 480.0
  161. ironleggings: 22.0
  162. sign:
  163. '0': 15.75
  164. doublestep: 1.0
  165. woodpickaxe: 2.0
  166. stonepickaxe:
  167. '0': 0.0
  168. chainmailboots: 30.0
  169. diamondleggings: 300.0
  170. cookedfish:
  171. '0': 10.0
  172. saddle:
  173. '0': 200.0
  174. cobblestonestairs: 1.5
  175. tnt:
  176. '0': 10.0
  177. glowingredstoneore: 30.0
  178. apple: 10.0
  179. woodspade: 1.0
  180. goldingot:
  181. '0': 80.0
  182. diode: 11.0
  183. soil: 1.0
  184. clay: 12.0
  185. goldblock:
  186. '0': 1080.0
  187. stick:
  188. '0': 0.05
  189. paper:
  190. '0': 0.11
  191. brick: 21.0
  192. stationarylava: 1.0
  193. chest: 4.0
  194. sandstone: 3.0
  195. goldpickaxe: 6.0
  196. compass:
  197. '0': 132.0
  198. sugarcane:
  199. '0': 0.1
  200. diamondsword: 300.0
  201. goldboots: 6.0
  202. sponge: 80.0
  203. stonesword:
  204. '0': 0.0
  205. coal:
  206. '0': 2.0
  207. '1': 4.0
  208. goldaxe: 6.0
  209. bone: 2.0
  210. diamond: 200.0
  211. glass: 3.0
  212. goldspade: 6.0
  213. lapisblock:
  214. '0': 60.0
  215. lavabucket: 40.0
  216. wheat:
  217. '0': 2.0
  218. ladder: 0.5
  219. sugarcaneblock: 15.0
  220. bowl: 0.5
  221. chainmailchestplate: 40.0
  222. sapling: 2.0
  223. diamondboots: 850.0
  224. lapisore: 100.0
  225. lava: 25.0
  226. milkbucket: 40.0
  227. redstone:
  228. '0': 0.0
  229. greenrecord: 100.0
  230. inksack:
  231. '1': 3.0
  232. '4': 5.0
  233. '3': 5.0
  234. '2': 4.0
  235. '5': 3.0
  236. '6': 3.0
  237. '7': 3.0
  238. '8': 3.0
  239. '9': 3.0
  240. '10': 3.0
  241. '12': 3.0
  242. '13': 3.0
  243. '14': 3.0
  244. '0': 4.0
  245. glowstonedust: 10.0
  246. book:
  247. '0': 15.0
  248. bow:
  249. '0': 0.0
  250. '359': 2.0
  251. ironboots: 22.0
  252. step: 1.5
  253. sugar:
  254. '0': 0.2
  255. flint:
  256. '0': 1.75
  257. cookedbeef:
  258. '0': 7.0
  259. potatoitem:
  260. '0': 2.0
  261. carrotitem:
  262. '0': 3.0
  263. bakedpotato:
  264. '0': 3.0
  265. netherstalk:
  266. '0': 3.0
  267. harvestcraftsaltitem:
  268. '0': 2.0
  269. glassbottle:
  270. '0': 10.0
  271. anvil:
  272. '2': 200.0
  273. skullitem:
  274. '3': 100.0
  275. blazerod:
  276. '0': 100.0
  277. emerald:
  278. '0': 100.0
  279. vine:
  280. '0': 5.0
  281. fencegate:
  282. '0': 5.0
  283. enderpearl:
  284. '0': 35.0
  285. eyeofender:
  286. '0': 40.0
  287. blazepowder:
  288. '0': 80.0
  289. glowstone:
  290. '0': 70.0
  291. harvestcrafthardenedleatheritem:
  292. '0': 14.0
  293. hardclay:
  294. '0': 13.0
  295. harvestcraftfishtrapbaititem:
  296. '0': 1.0
  297. harvestcraftgrubitem:
  298. '0': 10.0
  299. deadbush:
  300. '0': 3.0
  301. jukebox:
  302. '0': 210.0
  303. hayblock:
  304. '0': 30.0
  305. waterlily:
  306. '0': 5.0
  307. netherrack:
  308. '0': 1.0
  309. netherbrick:
  310. '0': 11.0
  311. netherbrickitem:
  312. '0': 1.25
  313. netherstar:
  314. '0': 55000.0
  315. tcgraphite:
  316. '0': 4.0
  317. pistonbase:
  318. '0': 33.0
  319. pistonstickybase:
  320. '0': 87.0
  321. railcraftingot:
  322. '1': 50.0
  323. '0': 50.0
  324. railcraftcube:
  325. '9': 675.0
  326. tcingotcopper:
  327. '0': 50.0
  328. tcsteel:
  329. '0': 50.0
  330. railcraftbrickbloodstained:
  331. '2': 11.0
  332. '0': 11.0
  333. '1': 11.0
  334. '3': 11.0
  335. '4': 11.0
  336. '5': 11.0
  337. railcraftbrickabyssal:
  338. '3': 11.0
  339. '2': 11.0
  340. '1': 11.0
  341. '5': 11.0
  342. '4': 11.0
  343. '0': 11.0
  344. railcraftbrickbleachedbone:
  345. '0': 11.0
  346. '1': 11.0
  347. '2': 11.0
  348. '3': 11.0
  349. '4': 11.0
  350. '5': 11.0
  351. railcraftbrickfrostbound:
  352. '0': 11.0
  353. '1': 11.0
  354. '2': 11.0
  355. '3': 11.0
  356. '4': 11.0
  357. '5': 11.0
  358. railcraftbrickinfernal:
  359. '5': 11.0
  360. '4': 11.0
  361. '3': 11.0
  362. '2': 11.0
  363. '1': 11.0
  364. '0': 11.0
  365. railcraftbrickquarried:
  366. '0': 11.0
  367. '1': 11.0
  368. '2': 11.0
  369. '3': 11.0
  370. '4': 11.0
  371. '5': 11.0
  372. railcraftbricksandy:
  373. '5': 11.0
  374. '4': 11.0
  375. '3': 11.0
  376. '2': 11.0
  377. '1': 11.0
  378. '0': 11.0
  379. railcraftbricknether:
  380. '1': 11.0
  381. '2': 11.0
  382. '3': 11.0
  383. '4': 11.0
  384. '5': 11.0
  385. redstonelampoff:
  386. '0': 100.0
  387. trapdoor:
  388. '0': 5.5
  389. quartz:
  390. '0': 6.0
  391. quartzblock:
  392. '0': 25.0
  393. '1': 25.0
  394. '2': 25.0
  395. quartzore:
  396. '0': 5.0
  397. soulsand:
  398. '0': 5.0
  399. harvestcraftcottonitem:
  400. '0': 0.5
  401. beacon:
  402. '0': 0.0
  403. air:
  404. '-1': 1.0
  405. harvestcraftblueberryitem:
  406. '0': 2.0
  407. harvestcrafteggnogitem:
  408. '0': 150.0
  409. packedice:
  410. '0': 30.0
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