
Fitness - 10

Dec 9th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

~ Fitness ~

피트니스 --- Publisher Link

By Ko Son-Jak / 고손작 --- Jiho / 지호 & Eun Son / 은손

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Lee Hyunsoo (MC) Personal Trainer Single
Song Sangmi (FMC) Office Worker (?) Single
Ha Doonjoon (FB) Personal Trainer Single
Kim Seonju (Boss) Gym's Manager Single
Jin Miso (BH) [N/A] Single

(TLN: Changed Milf for Boss)

Chapter 10

Gym FMC x MC x Boss x FB

FMC and FB are walking towards MC.. She looks lost in her own world, all horny and keeps panting.. MC asks her what's happened and where she was just now.
She finally wakes up from her previous condition and notices how MC's right in front of her.. She mutters some words not knowing what to answer.

FB comes from behind saying how they just did a lower body workout and asks him why he's asking.
MC crosses his arms asking why they've to go outside to train her lower body, FMC tries to explain him something but FB puts his arm around FMC's shoulder asking if they don't have the right to go outside to do a jogging..

FMC and MC are both startled by FB's action.. MC doesn't buy this excuse and asks him why they went outside and didn't use the treadmill.. He says how there is a lot of training facilities here and there is no reason to run outside. Furthermore, doing a jogging is an aerobic training not a exercise for strengthening your lower body..

FB comes behind FMC and puts his hands on her shoulders saying how if you're using your legs you can call it a lower body work out and asks him why he's labeling running as only an aerobic exercise and asks him why he's caring so much about the training of someone else member. FMC stays still despite being surprised by FB's closeness..

MC is arguing with FB saying how it's normal to care about your friend when they aren't being trained properly, FB is pissed by MC's remark and asks him if he's implying, FB being a bad PT.

FB and MC are staring angrily at each other, with FMC between them not understanding what's happening. Boss comes and asks MC what he's doing here and how she asked him to go in her office..
She notices FMC and greets her, FMC bows a bit her head to return the greeting. Boss asks her if she trained well, FMC stands next to MC saying how it's all thanks to FB's advise.

She is leaning against FB's bulk body saying how FB is someone who is skilled in his job.. FB acts all proud and MC denies this fact in silence. Boss tells her how she heard she was friend with MC, she answers her by hugging MC's arm saying how they know each other since they're kid and can be called 'best friend'.. MC looks away trying to deny this fact. (Who is your best friend)

FMC doesn't like what she just heard and gives a displeased look to MC. Boss is happy to hear this and propose them to have a drink together tonight, how she's proposing her this because she doesn't go out often and tries to stay fit. But going out once in a while could be cool.
FMC looks at her wondering if they should have a drink together..


Restaurant FMC x MC x Boss x FB

They're in a restaurant.. MC is sited next to Boss and in front of FMC, while FB is sited next to her..
Boss is gulping down a pint of beer in one go.. FMC is amazed by Boss way of drinking, Boss asks her why she's looking at her like this.

FMC says how she's surprised to see two people (Boss and FB) having such an amazing body and being able to be good drinker too.. How even her tries to lower her own consummation to not grow fat..

MC asks her what about him, she makes fun of him saying how he should eat way more because he's too skinny. FB tries to act humble saying how even someone taking great care of his body like them can't stay on 'Diet' every time and only eating vegetables.. He tells her how it's not a bad thing to have a cheat meal once in a while.. Boss is shown cheering for what he just said.

FMC is surprised by this truth and says how she understands now.. Boss says how she was curious since the first time she saw MC being with MC and was wondering.. FMC asks her to say what she wants to ask.
Boss asks her with a red face how a man and a woman could only be friend even more when they know each other from that long.. FMC blushes saying how it's not totally like this..

She starts to narrates a story.. When MC was doing is military duty, she visited him overnight..

Flashback - Motel FMC x MC

She brings him in a motel saying how they shouldn't waste their money by booking two separate room and they should sleep in the same.. She's taking a shower.. Washing properly her gorgeous body.. MC is waiting.. They go to bed but he can't sleep, still thinking about FMC's pretty figure next to him.

She rolls on the bed and finish on MC.. She puts his legs on top of him and starts to rubs it against his crotch area.. Such a touch make him all hard.. Her tries to suppress his desire as much as possible by closing his eyes thinking how he should die for thinking about doing such lewd things with her..

Present - Restaurant FMC x MC x Boss x FB

They are all laughing after hearing this story aside MC, Fb makes fun of MC saying how he's truly a great friend.

Boss says how she doesn't know what FMC exactly feels for MC and what will happen if she suddenly holds MC's hand, will she be jealous of not. Boss puts her hand on top of MC's one and holds it, FMC looks at them a bit displeased but stays silent.

FMC retries her usual composure asking why she should feel jealous if they're just holding hands, Boss is now hugging MC's arm and puts it between her huge chest.. She even leans her body on him asking what she's feeling right now.

FB finds the scene interesting and FMC tries to stay calm.. She laughs nervously saying how they should stop playing this little game with her because she is feeling nothing by seeing this.
Boss wonders if it's really true and decides to push the experience a little further.. She hugs MC's neck and starts to kiss him.. FMC and FB are both startled by what's happening.

To be continued..
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