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Sep 29th, 2017
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
  4. INSTALLPATH=$(dirname "${SCRIPT}")
  5. TOPDIR=$(dirname "${INSTALLPATH}")
  6. default_ccnet_conf_dir=${TOPDIR}/ccnet
  7. default_seafile_data_dir=${TOPDIR}/seafile-data
  8. default_seahub_db=${TOPDIR}/seahub.db
  9. default_conf_dir=${TOPDIR}/conf
  11. export SEAFILE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib/:${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
  13. use_existing_ccnet="false"
  14. use_existing_seafile="false"
  16. server_manual_http=""
  18. function welcome () {
  19. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  20. echo "This script will guide you to config and setup your seafile server."
  21. echo -e "\nMake sure you have read seafile server manual at \n\n\t${server_manual_http}\n"
  22. echo -e "Note: This script will guide your to setup seafile server using sqlite3,"
  23. echo "which may have problems if your disk is on a NFS/CIFS/USB."
  24. echo "In these cases, we sugguest you setup seafile server using MySQL."
  25. echo
  26. echo "Press [ENTER] to continue"
  27. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  28. read dummy
  29. echo
  30. }
  32. function err_and_quit () {
  33. printf "\n\n\033[33mError occured during setup. \nPlease fix possible issues and run the script again.\033[m\n\n"
  34. exit 1;
  35. }
  37. function on_ctrl_c_pressed () {
  38. printf "\n\n\033[33mYou have pressed Ctrl-C. Setup is interrupted.\033[m\n\n"
  39. exit 1;
  40. }
  42. # clean newly created ccnet/seafile configs when exit on SIGINT
  43. trap on_ctrl_c_pressed 2
  45. function check_sanity () {
  46. if ! [[ -d ${INSTALLPATH}/seahub && -d ${INSTALLPATH}/seafile \
  47. && -d ${INSTALLPATH}/runtime ]]; then
  48. echo
  49. echo "The seafile-server diretory doesn't contain all needed files."
  50. echo "Please make sure you have extracted all files and folders from tarball."
  51. err_and_quit;
  52. fi
  53. }
  55. function read_yes_no () {
  56. printf "[yes|no] "
  57. read yesno;
  58. while [[ "${yesno}" != "yes" && "${yesno}" != "no" ]]
  59. do
  60. printf "please answer [yes|no] "
  61. read yesno;
  62. done
  64. if [[ "${yesno}" == "no" ]]; then
  65. return 1;
  66. else
  67. return 0;
  68. fi
  69. }
  71. function check_existing_ccnet () {
  72. if [[ -d ${default_ccnet_conf_dir} ]]; then
  73. echo "It seems that you have created a ccnet configuration before. "
  74. echo "Would you like to use the existing configuration?"
  76. if ! read_yes_no; then
  77. echo
  78. echo "Please remove the existing configuration before continuing."
  79. echo "You can do it by running \"rm -rf ${default_ccnet_conf_dir}\""
  80. echo
  81. exit 1;
  82. else
  83. echo
  84. echo "Existing ccnet configuration is being used."
  85. use_existing_ccnet=true
  86. fi
  87. fi
  88. echo
  89. }
  91. function check_python_executable() {
  92. if [[ "$PYTHON" != "" && -x $PYTHON ]]; then
  93. return 0
  94. fi
  96. if which python2.7 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  97. PYTHON=python2.7
  98. elif which python27 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  99. PYTHON=python27
  100. else
  101. echo
  102. echo "Can't find a python executable of version 2.7 or above in PATH"
  103. echo "Install python 2.7+ before continue."
  104. echo "Or if you installed it in a non-standard PATH, set the PYTHON enviroment varirable to it"
  105. echo
  106. exit 1
  107. fi
  109. echo "Find python: $PYTHON"
  110. echo
  111. }
  113. function check_python_module () {
  114. module=$1
  115. name=$2
  116. hint=$3
  117. printf " Checking python module: ${name} ... "
  118. if ! $PYTHON -c "import ${module}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  119. echo
  120. printf "\033[33m ${name} \033[m is not installed, Please install it first.\n"
  121. if [[ "${hint}" != "" ]]; then
  122. printf "${hint}"
  123. echo
  124. fi
  125. err_and_quit;
  126. fi
  127. echo -e "Done."
  128. }
  130. function check_python () {
  131. echo "Checking python on this machine ..."
  132. check_python_executable
  133. if ! which $PYTHON 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  134. echo "No $PYTHON found on this machine. Please install it first."
  135. err_and_quit;
  136. else
  137. if ($Python --version 2>&1 | grep "3\\.[0-9].\\.[0-9]") 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; then
  138. printf "\033[33m Python version 3.x \033[m detected\n"
  139. echo "Python 3.x is not supported. Please use python 2.x."
  140. err_and_quit;
  141. fi
  143. if [[ $PYTHON == "python2.6" ]]; then
  144. py26="2.6"
  145. fi
  146. hint="\nOn Debian/Ubntu: apt-get install python-setuptools\nOn CentOS/RHEL: yum install python${py26}-distribute"
  147. check_python_module pkg_resources setuptools "${hint}"
  148. hint="\nOn Debian/Ubntu: apt-get install python-imaging\nOn CentOS/RHEL: yum install python${py26}-imaging"
  149. check_python_module PIL python-imaging "${hint}"
  150. check_python_module sqlite3 python-sqlite3
  151. fi
  152. echo
  153. }
  155. function check_sqlite3 () {
  156. echo -n "Checking for sqlite3 ..."
  157. if ! which sqlite3 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  158. echo -e "\nSqlite3 is not found. install it first.\n"
  159. echo "On Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install sqlite3"
  160. echo "On CentOS/RHEL: yum install sqlite"
  161. err_and_quit;
  162. fi
  163. printf "Done.\n\n"
  164. }
  166. function check_system_dependency () {
  167. printf "Checking packages needed by seafile ...\n\n"
  168. check_python;
  169. check_sqlite3;
  170. printf "Checking Done.\n\n"
  171. }
  173. function ask_question () {
  174. question=$1
  175. default=$2
  176. key=$3
  177. printf "${question}"
  178. printf "\n"
  179. if [[ "${default}" != "" && "${default}" != "nodefault" ]] ; then
  180. printf "[default: ${default} ] "
  181. elif [[ "${key}" != "" ]]; then
  182. printf "[${key}]: "
  183. fi
  184. }
  186. function get_server_name () {
  187. question="What would you like to use as the name of this seafile server?\nYour seafile users will be able to see the name in their seafile client."
  188. hint="You can use a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -, and the length should be 3 ~ 15"
  189. ask_question "${question}\n${hint}" "nodefault" "server name"
  190. read server_name
  191. if [[ "${server_name}" == "" ]]; then
  192. echo
  193. echo "server name cannot be empty"
  194. get_server_name
  195. elif [[ ! ${server_name} =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,14}$ ]]; then
  196. printf "\n\033[33m${server_name}\033[m is not a valid name.\n"
  197. get_server_name;
  198. fi
  199. echo
  200. }
  202. function get_server_ip_or_domain () {
  203. question="What is the ip or domain of this server?\nFor example,, or,"
  204. ask_question "${question}\n" "nodefault" "This server's ip or domain"
  205. read ip_or_domain
  206. if [[ "${ip_or_domain}" == "" ]]; then
  207. echo
  208. echo "ip or domain cannot be empty"
  209. get_server_ip_or_domain
  210. fi
  211. echo
  212. }
  214. function get_ccnet_server_port () {
  215. question="What tcp port do you want to use for ccnet server?"
  216. hint="10001 is the recommended port."
  217. default="10001"
  218. ask_question "${question}\n${hint}" "${default}"
  219. read server_port
  220. if [[ "${server_port}" == "" ]]; then
  221. server_port="${default}"
  222. fi
  223. if [[ ! ${server_port} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  224. echo "\"${server_port}\" is not a valid port number. "
  225. get_ccnet_server_port
  226. fi
  227. echo
  228. }
  230. function get_seafile_server_port () {
  231. question="What tcp port would you like to use for seafile server?"
  232. hint="12001 is the recommended port."
  233. default="12001"
  234. ask_question "${question}\n${hint}" "${default}"
  235. read seafile_server_port
  236. if [[ "${seafile_server_port}" == "" ]]; then
  237. seafile_server_port="${default}"
  238. fi
  239. if [[ ! ${seafile_server_port} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  240. echo "\"${seafile_server_port}\" is not a valid port number. "
  241. get_seafile_server_port
  242. fi
  243. echo
  244. }
  246. function get_fileserver_port () {
  247. question="What tcp port do you want to use for seafile fileserver?"
  248. hint="8082 is the recommended port."
  249. default="8082"
  250. ask_question "${question}\n${hint}" "${default}"
  251. read fileserver_port
  252. if [[ "${fileserver_port}" == "" ]]; then
  253. fileserver_port="${default}"
  254. fi
  255. if [[ ! ${fileserver_port} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  256. echo "\"${fileserver_port}\" is not a valid port number. "
  257. get_fileserver_port
  258. fi
  259. echo
  260. }
  263. function get_seafile_data_dir () {
  264. question="Where would you like to store your seafile data?"
  265. note="Please use a volume with enough free space."
  266. default=${default_seafile_data_dir}
  267. ask_question "${question} \n\033[33mNote: \033[m${note}" "${default}"
  268. read seafile_data_dir
  269. if [[ "${seafile_data_dir}" == "" ]]; then
  270. seafile_data_dir=${default}
  271. fi
  273. if [[ -d ${seafile_data_dir} && -f ${seafile_data_dir}/seafile.conf ]]; then
  274. echo
  275. echo "It seems that you have already existing seafile data in ${seafile_data_dir}."
  276. echo "Would you like to use the existing seafile data?"
  277. if ! read_yes_no; then
  278. echo "You have chosen not to use existing seafile data in ${seafile_data_dir}"
  279. echo "You need to specify a different seafile data directory or remove ${seafile_data_dir} before continuing."
  280. get_seafile_data_dir
  281. else
  282. use_existing_seafile="true"
  283. fi
  284. elif [[ -d ${seafile_data_dir} && $(ls -A ${seafile_data_dir}) != "" ]]; then
  285. echo
  286. echo "${seafile_data_dir} is an existing non-empty directory. Please specify a different directory"
  287. echo
  288. get_seafile_data_dir
  289. elif [[ ! ${seafile_data_dir} =~ ^/ ]]; then
  290. echo
  291. echo "\"${seafile_data_dir}\" is not an absolute path. Please specify an absolute path."
  292. echo
  293. get_seafile_data_dir
  294. elif [[ ! -d $(dirname ${seafile_data_dir}) ]]; then
  295. echo
  296. echo "The path $(dirname ${seafile_data_dir}) does not exist."
  297. echo
  298. get_seafile_data_dir
  299. fi
  300. echo
  301. }
  303. function gen_seafdav_conf () {
  304. mkdir -p ${default_conf_dir}
  305. seafdav_conf=${default_conf_dir}/seafdav.conf
  306. if ! $(cat > ${seafdav_conf} <<EOF
  307. [WEBDAV]
  308. enabled = false
  309. port = 8080
  310. fastcgi = false
  311. host =
  312. share_name = /
  313. EOF
  314. ); then
  315. echo "failed to generate seafdav.conf";
  316. err_and_quit
  317. fi
  318. }
  320. function copy_user_manuals() {
  321. src_docs_dir=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/docs/
  322. library_template_dir=${seafile_data_dir}/library-template
  323. mkdir -p ${library_template_dir}
  324. cp -f ${src_docs_dir}/*.doc ${library_template_dir}
  325. }
  327. function parse_params() {
  328. while getopts n:i:p:d arg; do
  329. case $arg in
  330. n)
  331. server_name=${OPTARG}
  332. ;;
  333. i)
  334. ip_or_domain=${OPTARG}
  335. ;;
  336. p)
  337. fileserver_port=${OPTARG}
  338. ;;
  339. d)
  340. seafile_data_dir=${OPTARG}
  341. ;;
  342. esac
  343. done
  344. }
  346. function validate_params() {
  347. # server_name default hostname -s
  348. if [[ "$server_name" == "" ]]; then
  349. server_name=${SERVER_NAME:-`hostname -s`}
  350. fi
  351. if [[ ! ${server_name} =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,14}$ ]]; then
  352. echo "Invalid server name param"
  353. err_and_quit;
  354. fi
  356. # ip_or_domain default hostname -i
  357. if [[ "$ip_or_domain" == "" ]]; then
  358. ip_or_domain=${SERVER_IP:-`hostname -i`}
  359. fi
  360. if [[ "$ip_or_domain" != "" && ! ${ip_or_domain} =~ ^[^.].+\..+[^.]$ ]]; then
  361. echo "Invalid ip or domain param"
  362. err_and_quit;
  363. fi
  365. # fileserver_port default 8082
  366. if [[ "${fileserver_port}" == "" ]]; then
  367. fileserver_port=${FILESERVER_PORT:-8082}
  368. fi
  369. if [[ ! ${fileserver_port} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  370. echo "Invalid fileserver port param"
  371. err_and_quit;
  372. fi
  374. if [[ "${seafile_data_dir}" == "" ]]; then
  375. seafile_data_dir=${SEAFILE_DIR:-${default_seafile_data_dir}}
  376. fi
  377. if [[ -d ${seafile_data_dir} && $(ls -A ${seafile_data_dir}) != "" ]]; then
  378. echo "${seafile_data_dir} is an existing non-empty directory. Please specify a different directory"
  379. err_and_quit
  380. elif [[ ! ${seafile_data_dir} =~ ^/ ]]; then
  381. echo "\"${seafile_data_dir}\" is not an absolute path. Please specify an absolute path."
  382. err_and_quit
  383. elif [[ ! -d $(dirname ${seafile_data_dir}) ]]; then
  384. echo "The path $(dirname ${seafile_data_dir}) does not exist."
  385. err_and_quit
  386. fi
  387. }
  389. function usage() {
  390. echo "auto mode:"
  391. echo -e "$0 auto\n" \
  392. "-n server name\n" \
  393. "-i ip or domain\n" \
  394. "-p fileserver port\n" \
  395. "-d seafile dir to store seafile data"
  396. echo ""
  397. echo "interactive mode:"
  398. echo "$0"
  399. }
  401. # -------------------------------------------
  402. # Main workflow of this script
  403. # -------------------------------------------
  405. for param in $@; do
  406. if [[ "$param" == "-h" || "$param" == "--help" ]]; then
  407. usage;
  408. exit 0
  409. fi
  410. done
  412. need_pause=1
  413. if [[ $# -ge 1 && "$1" == "auto" ]]; then
  414. # auto mode, no pause
  415. shift
  416. parse_params $@;
  417. validate_params;
  418. need_pause=0
  419. fi
  421. check_sanity;
  422. if [[ "${need_pause}" == "1" ]]; then
  423. welcome;
  424. fi
  425. sleep .5
  426. check_system_dependency;
  427. sleep .5
  429. check_existing_ccnet;
  430. if [[ ${use_existing_ccnet} != "true" ]]; then
  431. if [[ "${server_name}" == "" ]]; then
  432. get_server_name;
  433. fi
  434. if [[ "${ip_or_domain}" == "" ]]; then
  435. get_server_ip_or_domain;
  436. fi
  437. # get_ccnet_server_port;
  438. fi
  440. if [[ "$seafile_data_dir" == "" ]]; then
  441. get_seafile_data_dir;
  442. fi
  443. if [[ ${use_existing_seafile} != "true" ]]; then
  444. # get_seafile_server_port
  445. if [[ "$fileserver_port" == "" ]]; then
  446. get_fileserver_port
  447. fi
  448. fi
  450. sleep .5
  452. printf "\nThis is your config information:\n\n"
  454. if [[ ${use_existing_ccnet} != "true" ]]; then
  455. printf "server name: \033[33m${server_name}\033[m\n"
  456. printf "server ip/domain: \033[33m${ip_or_domain}\033[m\n"
  457. else
  458. printf "ccnet config: use existing config in \033[33m${default_ccnet_conf_dir}\033[m\n"
  459. fi
  461. if [[ ${use_existing_seafile} != "true" ]]; then
  462. printf "seafile data dir: \033[33m${seafile_data_dir}\033[m\n"
  463. printf "fileserver port: \033[33m${fileserver_port}\033[m\n"
  464. else
  465. printf "seafile data dir: use existing data in \033[33m${seafile_data_dir}\033[m\n"
  466. fi
  468. if [[ "${need_pause}" == "1" ]]; then
  469. echo
  470. echo "If you are OK with the configuration, press [ENTER] to continue."
  471. read dummy
  472. fi
  474. ccnet_init=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/bin/ccnet-init
  475. seaf_server_init=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/bin/seaf-server-init
  477. # -------------------------------------------
  478. # Create ccnet conf
  479. # -------------------------------------------
  480. if [[ "${use_existing_ccnet}" != "true" ]]; then
  481. echo "Generating ccnet configuration in ${default_ccnet_conf_dir}..."
  482. echo
  483. if ! LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SEAFILE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${ccnet_init}" \
  484. -F "${default_conf_dir}" \
  485. -c "${default_ccnet_conf_dir}" \
  486. --name "${server_name}" \
  487. --host "${ip_or_domain}"; then
  488. err_and_quit;
  489. fi
  491. echo
  492. fi
  494. sleep 0.5
  496. # -------------------------------------------
  497. # Create seafile conf
  498. # -------------------------------------------
  499. if [[ "${use_existing_seafile}" != "true" ]]; then
  500. echo "Generating seafile configuration in ${seafile_data_dir} ..."
  501. echo
  502. if ! LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SEAFILE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${seaf_server_init} \
  503. --central-config-dir "${default_conf_dir}" \
  504. --seafile-dir "${seafile_data_dir}" \
  505. --fileserver-port ${fileserver_port}; then
  507. echo "Failed to generate seafile configuration"
  508. err_and_quit;
  509. fi
  511. echo
  512. fi
  514. # -------------------------------------------
  515. # Write seafile.ini
  516. # -------------------------------------------
  518. echo "${seafile_data_dir}" > "${default_ccnet_conf_dir}/seafile.ini"
  520. # -------------------------------------------
  521. # Generate seafevents.conf
  522. # -------------------------------------------
  524. gen_seafdav_conf;
  526. # -------------------------------------------
  527. # generate seahub/
  528. # -------------------------------------------
  529. dest_settings_py=${TOPDIR}/conf/
  530. seahub_secret_keygen=${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/tools/
  532. if [[ ! -f ${dest_settings_py} ]]; then
  533. key=$($PYTHON "${seahub_secret_keygen}")
  534. cat > ${dest_settings_py} <<EOF
  535. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  536. SECRET_KEY = "$key"
  537. EOF
  538. fi
  540. # -------------------------------------------
  541. # Seahub related config
  542. # -------------------------------------------
  543. if [[ "${need_pause}" == "1" ]]; then
  544. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  545. echo "Seahub is the web interface for seafile server."
  546. echo "Now let's setup seahub configuration. Press [ENTER] to continue"
  547. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  548. echo
  549. read dummy
  550. fi
  552. # echo "Please specify the email address and password for the seahub administrator."
  553. # echo "You can use them to login as admin on your seahub website."
  554. # echo
  556. function get_seahub_admin_email () {
  557. question="Please specify the email address for the seahub administrator:"
  558. ask_question "${question}" "nodefault" "seahub admin email"
  559. read seahub_admin_email
  560. if [[ "${seahub_admin_email}" == "" ]]; then
  561. echo "Seahub admin user name cannot be empty."
  562. get_seahub_admin_email;
  563. elif [[ ! ${seahub_admin_email} =~ ^.+@.*\..+$ ]]; then
  564. echo "${seahub_admin_email} is not a valid email address"
  565. get_seahub_admin_email;
  566. fi
  567. }
  569. function get_seahub_admin_passwd () {
  570. echo
  571. question="Please specify the password you would like to use for seahub administrator:"
  572. ask_question "${question}" "nodefault" "seahub admin password"
  573. read -s seahub_admin_passwd
  574. echo
  575. question="Please enter the password again:"
  576. ask_question "${question}" "nodefault" "seahub admin password again"
  577. read -s seahub_admin_passwd_again
  578. echo
  579. if [[ "${seahub_admin_passwd}" != "${seahub_admin_passwd_again}" ]]; then
  580. printf "\033[33mThe passwords didn't match.\033[m"
  581. get_seahub_admin_passwd;
  582. elif [[ "${seahub_admin_passwd}" == "" ]]; then
  583. echo "Password cannot be empty."
  584. get_seahub_admin_passwd;
  585. fi
  586. }
  588. # get_seahub_admin_email;
  589. # sleep .5;
  590. # get_seahub_admin_passwd;
  591. # seahub_admin_passwd_enc=$(echo -n ${seahub_admin_passwd} | sha1sum | grep -o "[0-9a-f]*")
  592. # sleep .5;
  594. # printf "\n\n"
  595. # echo "This is your seahub admin username/password"
  596. # echo
  597. # printf "admin username: \033[33m${seahub_admin_email}\033[m\n"
  598. # printf "admin password: \033[33m**************\033[m\n\n"
  600. # echo
  601. # echo "If you are OK with the configuration, press [ENTER] to continue."
  602. # read dummy
  604. # usermgr_db_dir=${default_ccnet_conf_dir}/PeerMgr/
  605. # usermgr_db=${usermgr_db_dir}/usermgr.db
  607. # if [[ "${use_existing_ccnet}" != "true" ]]; then
  608. # # create admin user/passwd entry in ccnet db
  609. # if ! mkdir -p "${usermgr_db_dir}"; then
  610. # echo "Failed to create seahub admin."
  611. # err_and_quit;
  612. # fi
  614. # sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS EmailUser (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, email TEXT, passwd TEXT, is_staff bool NOT NULL, is_active bool NOT NULL, ctime INTEGER)";
  616. # if ! sqlite3 "${usermgr_db}" "${sql}" ; then
  617. # rm -f "${usermgr_db}"
  618. # echo "Failed to create seahub admin."
  619. # err_and_quit;
  620. # fi
  622. # sql="INSERT INTO EmailUser(email, passwd, is_staff, is_active, ctime) VALUES (\"${seahub_admin_email}\", \"${seahub_admin_passwd_enc}\", 1, 1, 0);"
  624. # if ! sqlite3 "${usermgr_db}" "${sql}" ; then
  625. # rm -f "${usermgr_db}"
  626. # echo "Failed to create seahub admin."
  627. # err_and_quit;
  628. # fi
  629. # fi
  631. echo "Creating seahub database now, it may take one minute, please wait... "
  632. echo
  634. seahub_db=${TOPDIR}/seahub.db
  635. seahub_sqls=${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/sql/sqlite3.sql
  637. if ! sqlite3 ${seahub_db} ".read ${seahub_sqls}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
  638. echo "Failed to sync seahub database."
  639. err_and_quit;
  640. fi
  641. echo
  642. echo "Done."
  644. # prepare avatar folder
  646. media_dir=${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/media
  647. orig_avatar_dir=${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/media/avatars
  648. dest_avatar_dir=${TOPDIR}/seahub-data/avatars
  650. if [[ ! -d ${dest_avatar_dir} ]]; then
  651. mkdir -p "${TOPDIR}/seahub-data"
  652. mv "${orig_avatar_dir}" "${dest_avatar_dir}"
  653. ln -s ../../../seahub-data/avatars ${media_dir}
  654. fi
  656. # Make a seafile-server symlink, like this:
  657. # /data/haiwen/
  658. # -- seafile-server-2.0.4
  659. # -- seafile-server-latest # symlink to 2.0.4
  660. seafile_server_symlink=${TOPDIR}/seafile-server-latest
  661. echo
  662. echo -n "creating seafile-server-latest symbolic link ... "
  663. if ! ln -s $(basename ${INSTALLPATH}) ${seafile_server_symlink}; then
  664. echo
  665. echo
  666. echo "Failed to create symbolic link ${seafile_server_symlink}"
  667. err_and_quit;
  668. fi
  669. echo "done"
  670. echo
  672. chmod 0600 "$dest_settings_py"
  673. chmod 0700 "$default_ccnet_conf_dir"
  674. chmod 0700 "$seafile_data_dir"
  675. chmod 0700 "$default_conf_dir"
  677. # -------------------------------------------
  678. # copy user manuals to library template
  679. # -------------------------------------------
  680. copy_user_manuals;
  682. # -------------------------------------------
  683. # final message
  684. # -------------------------------------------
  686. sleep 1
  688. echo
  689. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  690. echo "Your seafile server configuration has been completed successfully."
  691. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  692. echo
  693. echo "run seafile server: ./ { start | stop | restart }"
  694. echo "run seahub server: ./ { start <port> | stop | restart <port> }"
  695. echo
  696. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  697. echo "If the server is behind a firewall, remember to open these tcp ports:"
  698. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
  699. echo
  700. echo "port of seafile fileserver: ${fileserver_port}"
  701. echo "port of seahub: 8000"
  702. echo
  703. echo -e "When problems occur, refer to\n"
  704. echo -e " ${server_manual_http}\n"
  705. echo "for more information."
  706. echo
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