Guest User


a guest
Apr 13th, 2019
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  1. DataSource:
  2. # What type of database do you want to use?
  3. # Valid values: SQLITE, MYSQL
  4. backend: 'SQLITE'
  5. # Enable the database caching system, should be disabled on bungeecord environments
  6. # or when a website integration is being used.
  7. caching: true
  8. # Database host address
  9. mySQLHost: ''
  10. # Database port
  11. mySQLPort: '3306'
  12. # Connect to MySQL database over SSL
  13. mySQLUseSSL: true
  14. # Username to connect to the MySQL database
  15. mySQLUsername: 'authme'
  16. # Password to connect to the MySQL database
  17. mySQLPassword: '12345'
  18. # Database Name, use with converters or as SQLITE database name
  19. mySQLDatabase: 'authme'
  20. # Table of the database
  21. mySQLTablename: 'authme'
  22. # Column of IDs to sort data
  23. mySQLColumnId: 'id'
  24. # Column for storing or checking players nickname
  25. mySQLColumnName: 'username'
  26. # Column for storing or checking players RealName
  27. mySQLRealName: 'realname'
  28. # Column for storing players passwords
  29. mySQLColumnPassword: 'password'
  30. # Column for storing players emails
  31. mySQLColumnEmail: 'email'
  32. # Column for storing if a player is logged in or not
  33. mySQLColumnLogged: 'isLogged'
  34. # Column for storing if a player has a valid session or not
  35. mySQLColumnHasSession: 'hasSession'
  36. # Column for storing the player's last IP
  37. mySQLColumnIp: 'ip'
  38. # Column for storing players lastlogins
  39. mySQLColumnLastLogin: 'lastlogin'
  40. # Column storing the registration date
  41. mySQLColumnRegisterDate: 'regdate'
  42. # Column for storing the IP address at the time of registration
  43. mySQLColumnRegisterIp: 'regip'
  44. # Column for storing player LastLocation - X
  45. mySQLlastlocX: 'x'
  46. # Column for storing player LastLocation - Y
  47. mySQLlastlocY: 'y'
  48. # Column for storing player LastLocation - Z
  49. mySQLlastlocZ: 'z'
  50. # Column for storing player LastLocation - World Name
  51. mySQLlastlocWorld: 'world'
  52. # Column for storing player LastLocation - Yaw
  53. mySQLlastlocYaw: 'yaw'
  54. # Column for storing player LastLocation - Pitch
  55. mySQLlastlocPitch: 'pitch'
  56. # Overrides the size of the DB Connection Pool, -1 = Auto
  57. poolSize: -1
  58. # The maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool, default = 1800 seconds
  59. # You should set this at least 30 seconds less than mysql server wait_timeout
  60. maxLifetime: 1800
  61. ExternalBoardOptions:
  62. # Column for storing players passwords salts
  63. mySQLColumnSalt: ''
  64. # Column for storing players groups
  65. mySQLColumnGroup: ''
  66. # -1 means disabled. If you want that only activated players
  67. # can log into your server, you can set here the group number
  68. # of unactivated users, needed for some forum/CMS support
  69. nonActivedUserGroup: -1
  70. # Other MySQL columns where we need to put the username (case-sensitive)
  71. mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
  72. # How much log2 rounds needed in BCrypt (do not change if you do not know what it does)
  73. bCryptLog2Round: 10
  74. # phpBB table prefix defined during the phpBB installation process
  75. phpbbTablePrefix: 'phpbb_'
  76. # phpBB activated group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by phpBB
  77. phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
  78. # IP Board table prefix defined during the IP Board installation process
  79. IPBTablePrefix: 'ipb_'
  80. # IP Board default group ID; 3 is the default registered group defined by IP Board
  81. IPBActivatedGroupId: 3
  82. # Xenforo table prefix defined during the Xenforo installation process
  83. XFTablePrefix: 'xf_'
  84. # XenForo default group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by Xenforo
  85. XFActivatedGroupId: 2
  86. # Wordpress prefix defined during WordPress installation
  87. wordpressTablePrefix: 'wp_'
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