

Oct 28th, 2020
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  1. In spa­cious meet­ing hall only then two peo­ple, but at­mos­phere at this mo­ment some­what is de­press­ing.
  2. The Mag tran­quil gaze Do­minic, mer­i­to­ri­ous Mar­shal of this em­pire, is ac­tu­ally low­er­ing the head at this mo­ment slightly.
  3. „I know that this is his mean­ing, as em­pire Mar­shal, you are un­able to re­ject this re­quest.” Mag broke silent, looks at Do­minic say­ing: „But, Mar­shal, you now are the as­sis­tant com­man­dant of al­lied armies, shoul­ders is lead­ing the al­lied armies to guard the heavy re­spon­si­bil­ity of Nolan con­ti­nent, no longer is only Roth Em­pire’s Mar­shal.”
  4. Do­minic looks up Mag.
  5. „Be­fore be­com­ing the sol­dier, we first take an oath to be­come knight, what we should pro­tect is the weak one, this is the dur­ing that time first meet­ing time, words that you and I spoke.” Mag looks at Do­minic, „pre­sent var­i­ous races sin­cere dis­patches troops to aid Roth Em­pire, the com­po­si­tion al­lied armies goes north, if Roth Em­pire pur­sues the em­pire supreme prin­ci­ple as be­fore, this is I am not able to ac­cept.”
  6. „dur­ing that time ad­mon­ishes your words, I ac­tu­ally can­not achieve, men­tion­ing also is re­ally some­what taunts.” Smil­ing of Do­minic some­what self-ridicules, then look one aus­tere, sets out to stand at at­ten­tion to stand firm, „I will re­sign from the Roth Em­pire Mar­shal duty, the sta­tus of by Al­lied armies vice di­rec­tor par­tic­i­pates in this war, ex­hausts abil­ity.”
  7. Mag also stands up, de­cid­ing stands, looks at Do­minic, „co­op­er­a­tion is happy, Mar­shal.”
  8. ......
  9. Roe City, Lumo Street.
  10. „Saipan Tav­ern......” a wear black Lolita's miss stands in the tav­ern en­trance, raises head to read the sign­board, has a look is shut­ting tightly the door, the ex­pres­sion is a lit­tle dis­ap­pointed.
  11. Three sil­ver coins, sup­ported two days later painstak­ingly, Vicke took the paper to ar­rive at Lumo Street fi­nally.
  12. The side knows the daily ne­ces­si­ties to be ex­pen­sive, Vicke also un­der­stood this truth re­cently.
  13. Does not have the means that the peo­ple in Roe City do not un­der­stand any­thing are the op­eras, let alone spent dozens cop­per coin to watch an opera to per­form.
  14. Nat­u­rally, the opera house is too poor is also a rea­son.
  15. Ini­tially she re­cruited the mem­ber time, was lofty as­pi­ra­tions and high ideals, drew a giant cake to them.
  16. Now can­not eat the cake trash, one by one hun­gry ema­ci­ated......
  17. This morn­ing five mem­bers kept a let­ter/be­lieves, left with­out say­ing good-bye.
  18. They went to Maca Opera Troupe, there can eat to sate the ap­petite, can rest to be good to think, this was at­trac­tive enough.
  19. But today Pas­cal is draw­ing cash to shame her and en­tices other mem­bers, di­rectly causes her to be de­ter­mined to come here rea­son.
  20. When she re­ceives this griev­ance......
  21. Com­pares in Pas­cal and that dread­ful son of the in­flu­en­tial, can ap­pre­ci­ate their uncle of per­for­mance, was too sim­ply af­fa­ble.
  22. If must make the choice, that cer­tainly is that uncle.
  23. Can look from his at­ti­tudes to two lit­tle misses, he cer­tainly is not the un­prin­ci­pled per­son.
  24. How­ever, the tav­ern is closed, more­over in the gate is also hang­ing to­gether the an­nounce­ment that sus­pends op­er­a­tions.
  25. „Oh......”
  26. Dozens cop­per coin that Vicke sighed, after touch­ing in the pocket to give the mem­bers to buy break­fast, only re­mained, if only sipped gruel, can sup­port ac­tu­ally again for sev­eral days.
  27. But walks five today, to­mor­row walks five, could not take sev­eral days, she be­came the one-man army.
  28. This year painstak­ing care, was wasted com­pletely.
  29. But these were shoul­dered the mem­bers of dream by her, is to make her not have the face coun­te­nance to be right.
  30. „Hello, you are drink?” To­gether sound after be­hind re­sound­ing of Vicke.
  31. Vicke turned around, saw a pretty miss, roughly ten 5~6 years.
  32. „I am look for the tav­ern uncle, it seems like he not.” Vicke shakes the head, a lit­tle dis­ap­pointed say/way.
  33. „Are you Vicke?” Mala is prob­ing ask­ing.
  34. Vicke eyes lit up, some­what fine looks at Mala say­ing: „Do you know me? Have you watched our per­for­mance?”
  35. „Per­for­mance? I have not looked.” Mala shakes the head.
  36. „This......” Vicke a lit­tle in­jured, „how do that you know my name?”
  37. „Is the mas­ter, he will make me pay at­ten­tion to a next two days pos­si­bly to have a miss to look for him.” Mala smiles was say­ing: „I just in that side looked that you stood in the en­trance some lit­tle time, had the ap­pear­ance of mat­ter prob­a­bly, there­fore came to ask.”
  38. „Orig­i­nally is this.” Vicke nods, has not thought that uncle also re­ally cared the be­fore­hand mat­ter.
  39. „When will he come back? I in­deed have the mat­ter to look for him.” Vicke asked.
  40. „He said that must go out for sev­eral days, which day but with­out say­ing was con­crete to come back.”
  41. Vicke hear­ing this is some­what dis­ap­pointed, if in two days, the mem­ber may be ex­posed.
  42. „Thanks.” Vicke and Mala nod, turn around to be about to leave.
  43. She must go to the street to stroll, can look find the method that any­thing makes money, or sells out the 1~2 type the thing that brings from the fam­ily/home.
  44. The thing that pos­si­bly sells for money has sold sim­i­larly, re­main­ing is the won't sells, un­sellable.
  45. Oh......
  46. Re­ally the one cent wor­ries dead this young lady!
  47. „Wait!”
  48. Mala stopped by call­ing out Vicke.
  49. „Ah?” Vicke doubts looks at Mala
  50. „Be­fore my mas­ter just be­fore leav­ing, holds me to give you one thing, but also makes me lead you to go to a place.” Mala said.
  51. „What thing?” Vicke ig­nited for sev­eral points to an­tic­i­pate at heart.
  52. „I am not clear, you and oth­ers my.” Mala slightly is run­ning Titan Tav­ern, be­fore long takes an oil skin paper bag to come out, gives Vicke.
  53. Vicke re­ceived the some­what heavy paper bag, looked at Mala, dis­as­sem­bled the bag di­rectly.
  54. In­side has a black purse, one bunch of keys, as well as a let­ter/be­lieves.
  55. Vicke first opens the purse, 50 sil­ver bright sil­ver coins, il­lu­mi­nated her eyes.
  56. Then she takes up that bunch of keys, is some­what per­plexed.
  57. „Walks, I lead you to go to that place.” Mala is say­ing the lunch first stand forth.
  58. Vicke re­ceives the thing hastily, fol­lows quickly.
  59. Quick, Mala stops be­fore a house.
  60. This is a two story of build­ing, com­pared with both sides house, the area wants on big one time, build­ing tall is also higher, two houses, can be as good as nearby three build­ings to be like that high.
  61. The sign­board in gate has cast off, the slightly ob­so­lete fa­cade, seems like some ashes to throw, should no one pass in and out for a long time.
  62. „Is this?” Vicke looks at Mala puz­zled.
  63. „Mas­ter any­thing had not said with me.” Mala shrugged, looked at the key in eye her hand, „you can try to open.”
  64. Vicke goes for­ward, takes up the pad­lock that the ash throws, in­serts the key, twists gen­tly.
  65. „kacha.”
  66. A re­sound­ing of spring, locked is opened.
  67. Mala put out a hand harder to open the front door, the ray also il­lu­mi­nated.
  68. A broad main hall ap­pears in her line of sight, falls the full dust a sliver of back­less stool to build at will in the cor­ner.
  69. But what the vi­sion stub­bornly at­trac­tion of Mala is in­side the main hall that stage.
  70. light the win­dow that opened from the room falls in the stage to­gether, the dust broom corn mil­let fluc­tu­ated, ac­tu­ally one and il­lu­mi­nated her dream.
  71. Previous Table of ContentsNext
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