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Mar 18th, 2021
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YAML 25.49 KB | None | 0 0
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  3. metadata:
  4.   creationTimestamp: "2019-08-27T13:42:34Z"
  5.   generation: 1
  6.   name:
  7.   resourceVersion: "31237176"
  8.   selfLink: /apis/
  9.   uid: 8667526a-c8d0-11e9-952d-0a193e92b2b8
  10. spec:
  11.   conversion:
  12.     strategy: None
  13.   group:
  14.   names:
  15.     kind: PrometheusRule
  16.     listKind: PrometheusRuleList
  17.     plural: prometheusrules
  18.     singular: prometheusrule
  19.   preserveUnknownFields: true
  20.   scope: Namespaced
  21.   versions:
  22.   - name: v1
  23.     schema:
  24.       openAPIV3Schema:
  25.         properties:
  26.           apiVersion:
  27.             description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
  28.               of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
  29.               internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
  30.             type: string
  31.           kind:
  32.             description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
  33.               object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
  34.               submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
  35.             type: string
  36.           metadata:
  37.             description: ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must
  38.               have, which includes all objects users must create.
  39.             properties:
  40.               annotations:
  41.                 description: 'Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored
  42.                   with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve
  43.                   arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved
  44.                   when modifying objects. More info:'
  45.                 type: object
  46.               clusterName:
  47.                 description: The name of the cluster which the object belongs to.
  48.                   This is used to distinguish resources with same name and namespace
  49.                   in different clusters. This field is not set anywhere right now
  50.                   and apiserver is going to ignore it if set in create or update request.
  51.                 type: string
  52.               creationTimestamp:
  53.                 description: Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct
  54.                   marshaling to YAML and JSON.  Wrappers are provided for many of
  55.                   the factory methods that the time package offers.
  56.                 format: date-time
  57.                 type: string
  58.               deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  59.                 description: Number of seconds allowed for this object to gracefully
  60.                   terminate before it will be removed from the system. Only set when
  61.                   deletionTimestamp is also set. May only be shortened. Read-only.
  62.                 format: int64
  63.                 type: integer
  64.               deletionTimestamp:
  65.                 description: Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct
  66.                   marshaling to YAML and JSON.  Wrappers are provided for many of
  67.                   the factory methods that the time package offers.
  68.                 format: date-time
  69.                 type: string
  70.               finalizers:
  71.                 description: Must be empty before the object is deleted from the registry.
  72.                   Each entry is an identifier for the responsible component that will
  73.                   remove the entry from the list. If the deletionTimestamp of the
  74.                   object is non-nil, entries in this list can only be removed.
  75.                 items:
  76.                   type: string
  77.                 type: array
  78.               generateName:
  79.                 description: |-
  80.                   GenerateName is an optional prefix, used by the server, to generate a unique name ONLY IF the Name field has not been provided. If this field is used, the name returned to the client will be different than the name passed. This value will also be combined with a unique suffix. The provided value has the same validation rules as the Name field, and may be truncated by the length of the suffix required to make the value unique on the server.
  82.                   If this field is specified and the generated name exists, the server will NOT return a 409 - instead, it will either return 201 Created or 500 with Reason ServerTimeout indicating a unique name could not be found in the time allotted, and the client should retry (optionally after the time indicated in the Retry-After header).
  84.                   Applied only if Name is not specified. More info:
  85.                 type: string
  86.               generation:
  87.                 description: A sequence number representing a specific generation
  88.                   of the desired state. Populated by the system. Read-only.
  89.                 format: int64
  90.                 type: integer
  91.               initializers:
  92.                 description: Initializers tracks the progress of initialization.
  93.                 properties:
  94.                   pending:
  95.                     description: Pending is a list of initializers that must execute
  96.                       in order before this object is visible. When the last pending
  97.                       initializer is removed, and no failing result is set, the initializers
  98.                       struct will be set to nil and the object is considered as initialized
  99.                       and visible to all clients.
  100.                     items:
  101.                       description: Initializer is information about an initializer
  102.                         that has not yet completed.
  103.                       properties:
  104.                         name:
  105.                           description: name of the process that is responsible for
  106.                             initializing this object.
  107.                           type: string
  108.                       required:
  109.                      - name
  110.                       type: object
  111.                     type: array
  112.                   result:
  113.                     description: Status is a return value for calls that don't return
  114.                       other objects.
  115.                     properties:
  116.                       apiVersion:
  117.                         description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this
  118.                           representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized
  119.                           schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized
  120.                           values. More info:'
  121.                         type: string
  122.                       code:
  123.                         description: Suggested HTTP return code for this status, 0
  124.                           if not set.
  125.                         format: int32
  126.                         type: integer
  127.                       details:
  128.                         description: StatusDetails is a set of additional properties
  129.                           that MAY be set by the server to provide additional information
  130.                           about a response. The Reason field of a Status object defines
  131.                           what attributes will be set. Clients must ignore fields
  132.                           that do not match the defined type of each attribute, and
  133.                           should assume that any attribute may be empty, invalid,
  134.                           or under defined.
  135.                         properties:
  136.                           causes:
  137.                             description: The Causes array includes more details associated
  138.                               with the StatusReason failure. Not all StatusReasons
  139.                               may provide detailed causes.
  140.                             items:
  141.                               description: StatusCause provides more information about
  142.                                 an api.Status failure, including cases when multiple
  143.                                 errors are encountered.
  144.                               properties:
  145.                                 field:
  146.                                   description: |-
  147.                                     The field of the resource that has caused this error, as named by its JSON serialization. May include dot and postfix notation for nested attributes. Arrays are zero-indexed.  Fields may appear more than once in an array of causes due to fields having multiple errors. Optional.
  149.                                     Examples:
  150.                                      "name" - the field "name" on the current resource
  151.                                       "items[0].name" - the field "name" on the first array entry in "items"
  152.                                   type: string
  153.                                 message:
  154.                                   description: A human-readable description of the
  155.                                     cause of the error.  This field may be presented
  156.                                     as-is to a reader.
  157.                                   type: string
  158.                                 reason:
  159.                                   description: A machine-readable description of the
  160.                                     cause of the error. If this value is empty there
  161.                                     is no information available.
  162.                                   type: string
  163.                               type: object
  164.                             type: array
  165.                           group:
  166.                             description: The group attribute of the resource associated
  167.                               with the status StatusReason.
  168.                             type: string
  169.                           kind:
  170.                             description: 'The kind attribute of the resource associated
  171.                               with the status StatusReason. On some operations may
  172.                               differ from the requested resource Kind. More info:
  173.                    '
  174.                             type: string
  175.                           name:
  176.                             description: The name attribute of the resource associated
  177.                               with the status StatusReason (when there is a single
  178.                               name which can be described).
  179.                             type: string
  180.                           retryAfterSeconds:
  181.                             description: If specified, the time in seconds before
  182.                               the operation should be retried. Some errors may indicate
  183.                               the client must take an alternate action - for those
  184.                               errors this field may indicate how long to wait before
  185.                               taking the alternate action.
  186.                             format: int32
  187.                             type: integer
  188.                           uid:
  189.                             description: 'UID of the resource. (when there is a single
  190.                               resource which can be described). More info:'
  191.                             type: string
  192.                         type: object
  193.                       kind:
  194.                         description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST
  195.                           resource this object represents. Servers may infer this
  196.                           from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot
  197.                           be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
  198.                         type: string
  199.                       message:
  200.                         description: A human-readable description of the status of
  201.                           this operation.
  202.                         type: string
  203.                       metadata:
  204.                         description: ListMeta describes metadata that synthetic resources
  205.                           must have, including lists and various status objects. A
  206.                           resource may have only one of {ObjectMeta, ListMeta}.
  207.                         properties:
  208.                           continue:
  209.                             description: continue may be set if the user set a limit
  210.                               on the number of items returned, and indicates that
  211.                               the server has more data available. The value is opaque
  212.                               and may be used to issue another request to the endpoint
  213.                               that served this list to retrieve the next set of available
  214.                               objects. Continuing a consistent list may not be possible
  215.                               if the server configuration has changed or more than
  216.                               a few minutes have passed. The resourceVersion field
  217.                               returned when using this continue value will be identical
  218.                               to the value in the first response, unless you have
  219.                               received this token from an error message.
  220.                             type: string
  221.                           resourceVersion:
  222.                             description: 'String that identifies the server''s internal
  223.                               version of this object that can be used by clients to
  224.                               determine when objects have changed. Value must be treated
  225.                               as opaque by clients and passed unmodified back to the
  226.                               server. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info:
  227.                    '
  228.                             type: string
  229.                           selfLink:
  230.                             description: selfLink is a URL representing this object.
  231.                               Populated by the system. Read-only.
  232.                             type: string
  233.                         type: object
  234.                       reason:
  235.                         description: A machine-readable description of why this operation
  236.                           is in the "Failure" status. If this value is empty there
  237.                           is no information available. A Reason clarifies an HTTP
  238.                           status code but does not override it.
  239.                         type: string
  240.                       status:
  241.                         description: 'Status of the operation. One of: "Success" or
  242.                           "Failure". More info:'
  243.                         type: string
  244.                     type: object
  245.                 required:
  246.                - pending
  247.                 type: object
  248.               labels:
  249.                 description: 'Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize
  250.                   and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of
  251.                   replication controllers and services. More info:'
  252.                 type: object
  253.               managedFields:
  254.                 description: |-
  255.                   ManagedFields maps workflow-id and version to the set of fields that are managed by that workflow. This is mostly for internal housekeeping, and users typically shouldn't need to set or understand this field. A workflow can be the user's name, a controller's name, or the name of a specific apply path like "ci-cd". The set of fields is always in the version that the workflow used when modifying the object.
  257.                   This field is alpha and can be changed or removed without notice.
  258.                 items:
  259.                   description: ManagedFieldsEntry is a workflow-id, a FieldSet and
  260.                     the group version of the resource that the fieldset applies to.
  261.                   properties:
  262.                     apiVersion:
  263.                       description: APIVersion defines the version of this resource
  264.                         that this field set applies to. The format is "group/version"
  265.                         just like the top-level APIVersion field. It is necessary
  266.                         to track the version of a field set because it cannot be automatically
  267.                         converted.
  268.                       type: string
  269.                     fields:
  270.                       description: 'Fields stores a set of fields in a data structure
  271.                         like a Trie. To understand how this is used, see:'
  272.                       type: object
  273.                     manager:
  274.                       description: Manager is an identifier of the workflow managing
  275.                         these fields.
  276.                       type: string
  277.                     operation:
  278.                       description: Operation is the type of operation which lead to
  279.                         this ManagedFieldsEntry being created. The only valid values
  280.                         for this field are 'Apply' and 'Update'.
  281.                       type: string
  282.                     time:
  283.                       description: Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports
  284.                         correct marshaling to YAML and JSON.  Wrappers are provided
  285.                         for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.
  286.                       format: date-time
  287.                       type: string
  288.                   type: object
  289.                 type: array
  290.               name:
  291.                 description: 'Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required
  292.                   when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client
  293.                   to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically.
  294.                   Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration
  295.                   definition. Cannot be updated. More info:'
  296.                 type: string
  297.               namespace:
  298.                 description: |-
  299.                   Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique. An empty namespace is equivalent to the "default" namespace, but "default" is the canonical representation. Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for those objects will be empty.
  301.                   Must be a DNS_LABEL. Cannot be updated. More info:
  302.                 type: string
  303.               ownerReferences:
  304.                 description: List of objects depended by this object. If ALL objects
  305.                   in the list have been deleted, this object will be garbage collected.
  306.                   If this object is managed by a controller, then an entry in this
  307.                   list will point to this controller, with the controller field set
  308.                   to true. There cannot be more than one managing controller.
  309.                 items:
  310.                   description: OwnerReference contains enough information to let you
  311.                     identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same
  312.                     namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is
  313.                     no namespace field.
  314.                   properties:
  315.                     apiVersion:
  316.                       description: API version of the referent.
  317.                       type: string
  318.                     blockOwnerDeletion:
  319.                       description: If true, AND if the owner has the "foregroundDeletion"
  320.                         finalizer, then the owner cannot be deleted from the key-value
  321.                         store until this reference is removed. Defaults to false.
  322.                         To set this field, a user needs "delete" permission of the
  323.                         owner, otherwise 422 (Unprocessable Entity) will be returned.
  324.                       type: boolean
  325.                     controller:
  326.                       description: If true, this reference points to the managing
  327.                         controller.
  328.                       type: boolean
  329.                     kind:
  330.                       description: 'Kind of the referent. More info:'
  331.                       type: string
  332.                     name:
  333.                       description: 'Name of the referent. More info:'
  334.                       type: string
  335.                     uid:
  336.                       description: 'UID of the referent. More info:'
  337.                       type: string
  338.                   required:
  339.                  - apiVersion
  340.                   - kind
  341.                   - name
  342.                   - uid
  343.                   type: object
  344.                 type: array
  345.               resourceVersion:
  346.                 description: |-
  347.                   An opaque value that represents the internal version of this object that can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed. May be used for optimistic concurrency, change detection, and the watch operation on a resource or set of resources. Clients must treat these values as opaque and passed unmodified back to the server. They may only be valid for a particular resource or set of resources.
  349.                   Populated by the system. Read-only. Value must be treated as opaque by clients and . More info:
  350.                 type: string
  351.               selfLink:
  352.                 description: SelfLink is a URL representing this object. Populated
  353.                   by the system. Read-only.
  354.                 type: string
  355.               uid:
  356.                 description: |-
  357.                   UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT operations.
  359.                   Populated by the system. Read-only. More info:
  360.                 type: string
  361.             type: object
  362.           spec:
  363.             description: PrometheusRuleSpec contains specification parameters for
  364.               a Rule.
  365.             properties:
  366.               groups:
  367.                 description: Content of Prometheus rule file
  368.                 items:
  369.                   description: RuleGroup is a list of sequentially evaluated recording
  370.                     and alerting rules.
  371.                   properties:
  372.                     interval:
  373.                       type: string
  374.                     name:
  375.                       type: string
  376.                     rules:
  377.                       items:
  378.                         description: Rule describes an alerting or recording rule.
  379.                         properties:
  380.                           alert:
  381.                             type: string
  382.                           annotations:
  383.                             type: object
  384.                           expr:
  385.                             anyOf:
  386.                             - type: string
  387.                             - type: integer
  388.                           for:
  389.                             type: string
  390.                           labels:
  391.                             type: object
  392.                           record:
  393.                             type: string
  394.                         required:
  395.                        - expr
  396.                         type: object
  397.                       type: array
  398.                   required:
  399.                  - name
  400.                   - rules
  401.                   type: object
  402.                 type: array
  403.             type: object
  404.         type: object
  405.     served: true
  406.     storage: true
  407. status:
  408.   acceptedNames:
  409.     kind: PrometheusRule
  410.     listKind: PrometheusRuleList
  411.     plural: prometheusrules
  412.     singular: prometheusrule
  413.   conditions:
  414.   - lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-27T13:42:34Z"
  415.     message: no conflicts found
  416.     reason: NoConflicts
  417.     status: "True"
  418.     type: NamesAccepted
  419.   - lastTransitionTime: null
  420.     message: the initial names have been accepted
  421.     reason: InitialNamesAccepted
  422.     status: "True"
  423.     type: Established
  424.   - lastTransitionTime: "2019-11-12T10:45:07Z"
  425.     message: '[[metadata]: Forbidden: must
  426.       not specify anything other than name and generateName, but metadata is implicitly
  427.       specified,[spec].properties[groups][rules][expr].anyOf[0].type:
  428.       Forbidden: must be empty to be structural,[spec].properties[groups][rules][expr].anyOf[1].type:
  429.       Forbidden: must be empty to be structural,[spec].properties[groups][rules][expr].type:
  430.       Required value: must not be empty for specified object fields]'
  431.     reason: Violations
  432.     status: "True"
  433.     type: NonStructuralSchema
  434.   storedVersions:
  435.  - v1
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