
Valentine's Day (FR One-Shot)

Feb 13th, 2013
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  1. >Day Valentine’s in Equestria
  2. >You sit up and bed and take a look at your Earth calendar
  3. >February 14th
  4. >Valentine’s Day…
  5. >…the p0nies here don’t celebrate it, they celebrate something else, but you still feel that Earthly drive pulling you…
  6. >You sigh
  7. >…
  8. >From your window, you begin to hear a scraping noise
  9. >You get up and take a look
  10. >It’s Fluttershy, up to her usual antics
  11. >Today, she’s dragging a suitcase towards your house
  12. >The thing looks like it weighs a ton
  13. >Poor Fluttershy is struggling all she can to drag it
  14. >At that rate, she must have been at it for hours…
  15. >…
  16. >You get up and leave your room, skipping the holy ritual of the Triple S
  17. >You head downstairs, standing by your door and waiting for the scraping noise to reach its peak
  18. >Then, you open the door
  19. >There’s Fluttershy, hoof up, ready to knock
  20. >She darts it behind her
  21. >”O-Oh! Good morning, Anon!”
  22. Morning, Flutters.
  23. >She looks back at the suitcase
  24. >”Well, um, Anon. I was just wondering…”
  25. >She prepares to open the suitcase
  26. >”Wondering if—“
  27. Fluttershy…
  28. >You say, holding up your hand to stop her
  29. >She pauses mid sentence, frozen in place, looking puzzled toward you
  30. You don’t need to waste a guess today.
  31. >”W-What…?”
  32. >You look out behind her to the Equestrian morning
  33. >You take a deep breath and take it in
  34. >How beautiful it is
  35. Hey.
  36. >You say, getting her attention
  37. How about, instead, we go grab some breakfast. Just the two of us.
  38. >Her eyes open wide in shock
  39. >”J-Just the two of us…? L-Like a… like a date…?”
  40. >You smile
  41. Sure. Like a date.
  42. >Her mouth gapes
  43. >You walk past her, toward town
  44. >She quickly trots up next to you
  45. >Her mouth is open, like she wants to say something, but nothing comes out
  46. >You look over to her, then reach your hand out, grabbing her wing like it was her own hand
  47. >Her face immediately turns beet red, and she averts her eyes
  48. >You smile wide again
  49. >And sigh a relieving sigh
  50. >No one deserves to be alone on Valentine’s Day
  51. >Not even
  52. >Fucking Fluttershy
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