

Mar 22nd, 2019
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  1. Patch Release 8.33
  3. Fixed:
  4. -Using the Dpad when rebinding a button (in the Controls menu) messes up the UI.
  5. -Rebinding gamepad sticks messes up the controls.
  6. -Footnotes sometimes appear as a single vertical line.
  7. -The credits scroll stops before reaching the end.
  8. -Can’t return to the main menu when the credits have stopped.
  9. -The Green Flame intro is skipped if you do a Start New Game after you already watched the intro once during your gaming session.
  10. -Lines in the quest tasks feedback UI sometimes overlap.
  11. -Rare cases where markers for a completed quest remain on the map.
  12. -After Tilo sends up an incorrect banner to the magpie and gets the expected negative to the EXP, should Tilo jump off the brazier the Magpie reacts again as though you just sent up the wrong banner (resulting in a secondary negative to the EXP reward).
  13. -Rare cases where Tilo acts as though he’s under attack by spiders even though they’re all dead.
  14. -Geometry holes.
  15. -Dead spiders sometimes make a noise and play their dead animation even though they’re already dead.
  16. -The save-while-you’re-hiding UI remains visible on screen if you do a Start New Game while Tilo is hiding in your current playing session.
  17. -Arachnophobia achievement is not granted after killing all spiders.
  18. -Section visibility issue near the starting cell in the jail.
  20. Changed:
  21. -Torches' flickering has been greatly reduced as to not be so distracting.
  22. -Performance has been improved after Tilo's kidnapped to the Far Tower.
  23. -Debug options menu renamed to “Misc”.
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