
Handyman In Equestria CH 10

Jul 31st, 2013
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  1. >Luna smiles as she takes the hint, rearing her head back slightly while closing her eyes.
  2. >Her horn emits a faint glow before the garden itself bursts into a blinding light.
  3. >A shock is sent throughout your body, similar to that time you fiddled with that electrical socket when you were a kid.
  4. >The light fades as quickly as it appeared, causing you to jolt from what you thought was still the park bench.
  5. >You fall to a flat stone floor, almost sending Luna with you, but she catches herself mid air.
  6. >”Anon! Are you alright?”
  7. “What the fuck was that?!”
  8. >”A teleportation spell.”
  9. >She says it in a matter of fact fashion as you roll to your back, examining your person to make sure everything was there.
  10. >Arms, legs, organs, penis. Checks all around. A wave of relief comes back to you.
  11. >Full body pat down done, you bring yourself back up to take in your surroundings.
  12. >You're in a large, dimly lit room. Everything from the walls to the tiled floor is colored in a deep blue with candles only offering light illumination. A large bed is against the far wall, while various furnishings adorn the rest of the room.
  13. “Where are we?”
  14. >”My personal chambers. I apologize. I forget that the first teleportation can be a little jarring.”
  15. “That's putting it lightly. Why does everything taste blue?”
  16. >She giggles slightly.
  17. >”Temporary, I assure you. I promise to give you more warning next time.”
  18. “I'll take the stairs, thanks.”
  19. >Her giggling continues as she makes her way to a large wardrobe.
  20. >Using her magic, she opens the doors and grabs a pair of wine glasses from the top shelf.
  21. >As she makes her way back to you, she hops onto the lounge chair that you had apparently been teleported to in the first place.
  22. >She gets herself comfy and places a hoof onto an open area of the lounge, inviting you back up.
  23. >You pick yourself up from the floor, grabbing the thankfully unbroken bottle and opening it.
  24. >Luna sends the glasses your way.
  25. >You fill one you grab from her magic and the other as Luna holds it in air.
  26. >Placing the bottle back on the side table, you raise your glass for a toast.
  27. “To the stairs.”
  28. >Luna continues her giggling as she reciprocates the toast.
  29. >The two of you enjoy the wine, but an awkward silence falls over the room, Luna looking particularly down.
  30. “Everything alright, Luna.”
  31. >She comes back to reality in a visible jostle before turning her attention to you.
  32. >”Yes. I'm fine. In fact, I'm overjoyed to hear of your feelings.”
  33. >Her expression glows. You can tell she's serious.
  34. >Well, that's good.
  35. >”Still... I'm troubled by Lyra.”
  36. >Fuck.
  37. >You swirl your glass, pondering the fact that you'll need to break the news to her yourself.
  38. “Yeah. I'm not really looking forward to telling her that I won't be able to give her what she wants, but I'm sure she'll be fine.”
  39. >”I suppose. Still. I don't want to see one of my subjects in such a state because of me.”
  40. >She falls back into the funk.
  41. >You place your free hand on the back of her head, running your fingers through her mane.
  42. >It's almost cool to the touch as it flows freely in the stable air.
  43. “I messed that up. It's nothing you need to worry about.”
  44. >She turns to meet your eyes, a playful expression comes to her face.
  45. >Closing one eye, she brings a hoof to her head.
  46. >”Seems you have a habit of causing mares agony.”
  47. >You wince at the recollection of learning how to use that stone she gave you the hard way. You had no idea it was THAT good of a throw.
  48. >You bring your hand from her mane to the spot Luna was rubbing with her hoof.
  49. >The bump wasn't that large, but it must have shrunk since that one night.
  50. >Pulling her closer, you bring her head into your chest.
  51. “I'm going to pay for that aren't I?”
  52. >She nuzzles herself into the embrace.
  53. >”Indeed.”
  54. >The two of you remain in that state for a few minutes before you feel Luna start to pull away.
  55. >She returns to her glass, glancing at you from the corner of her eye.
  56. >You do the say, well aware there was still something on her mind.
  57. >”One more question, Anon.”
  58. “I doubt that, but shoot.”
  59. >”Why did you not pick Lyra?”
  60. >You pause for second before swilling the rest of your glass. This was going to be a long night...
  61. “How about a little fresh air, yeah?”
  62. >She looks at you puzzled as you grab the bottle.
  63. >You start to make your way to the balcony that you had only seen from the garden, previously.
  64. >Luna quickly joins you as you walk out to the Equestrian night air.
  65. >Fishing around in your pocket, you pull out a cigarette and look for a suitable way to light it.
  66. “Don't suppose you have a light out here.”
  67. >She smiles a little as her horn begins to glow.
  68. >The tip of the cigarette erupts in flame, surprising you.
  69. “Thanks...”
  70. >”You were saying?”
  71. >You take your first drag as you refill your glass and place it on the ledge of the balcony.
  72. “Remember when I told you about Rainbow Dash?”
  73. >She nods quietly, keeping her face straight.
  74. “Well it's pretty much the same vein as than.”
  75. >You lean agains the edge of the balcony, continuing to enjoy your vices.
  76. >Luna makes her way to your side, bringing her hoofs to the balcony ledge and looking out to the night sky.
  77. “She's great and I love hanging out with her. I just don't see myself going for a relationship with her.”
  78. >”And myself?”
  79. “Well for one, you keep better hours.”
  80. >She chuckles before coming back to the floor of the balcony.
  81. “So what about you, Luna? A tradesman is kind of a step down for you, no?”
  82. >”Don't sell yourself short, Anon. Aside from some... quirks, you are quite charming.
  83. >Her hoof is back to the bump.
  84. >”I've enjoyed the time we've spent together. It's not often we've been able to enjoy the night with such intriguing company.”
  85. >You smirk at the compliment, trying to keep you blush buried in your glass.
  86. >Once the blush leaves, you go for another drag of your cigarette, noticing a curious gaze from Luna.
  87. >”Anon...”
  88. >You knew there would be more questions.
  89. “What's up?”
  90. >”May I try that?”
  91. >The comment almost causes you to choke on the smoke.
  92. “You serious?”
  93. >”Yes. I'm only a little curious.”
  94. >Reluctantly, you bring the cigarette down to her level, holding the butt out to face her.
  95. >Luna walks to you, wrapping it in her lips and lightly inhaling.
  96. >Her eyes then grow wider than you had ever seen, her cheeks puffed out in protest.
  97. >She pulls back, going into a heavy coughing fit.
  98. >Fucking called that one. Still cute though.
  99. >”Anon... (cough) How do you...”
  100. >Her hacking continues as you smile at the display, continuing where Luna left off with the cigarette.
  101. “Like I said, the coffee here never did it for me.”
  102. >During the next drag, you notice a hint of fruit flavor on the end of the cigarette.
  103. >Knowing it came from Luna sends a twinge up your spine. You're strangely excited at the implications.
  104. >Eventually, she swills some wine to gain some composure, turning back to you.
  105. >”Right, experiment over.”
  106. >You smile wider, her regal tone hiding her embarrassment but only to a point.
  107. >”Now put that out and come back inside. I want to hear more stories from your time on Earth.”
  108. >She heads back to the room, almost dismissively.
  109. >You ash the smoke on the bottom of your boot before grabbing the bottle and your glass, following Luna back in.
  110. >Closing the door behind you, you start to swap stories with Luna, taking a couple hours to do so.
  111. >You hear of Luna's life to this point, her exile being a sort of awkward moment to start, but the time she spent with Celestia was more light hearted.
  112. >Seems you actually got the reason Luna avoided whiskey. It was due to a dare gone wrong when they were children. Seems she got the what for from Mom for that one.
  113. >Celestia didn't seem to be the type to pull something like that, but kids will be kids.
  114. >You eventually start your own little tale, trying to gin up what you could to make things a little more interesting.
  115. >Not that it helped at all. Luna saw through you almost instantly.
  116. >”Oh, Anon! Do tell me more of these 'mechs' you piloted.”
  117. >You're pretty red at this point as Luna enjoys her laughter.
  118. >Curse this hubris of yours.
  119. >Swilling the last glass the bottle will afford, you place the glass on the table to the side of the lounge chair the two of you shared, sprawled out to get comfortable.
  120. >If nothing else, you finally managed to find a pony who could go toe to toe with you. Luna didn't miss a beat all night.
  121. >Your arm has been around Luna for some time now. It felt amazing to have her draped over your chest like she was. Her body warming you in the coolness of night.
  122. >Barley really did have a point. This sure as shit beat the late night grind.
  123. >Luna eventually calms down, coming in for another kiss.
  124. >Her tender embrace melts you deeper into the couch, your free hand coming to the side of her face, holding it gently.
  125. >All too soon, however, Luna pulls back before smiling at you.
  126. >”Well, Anon. I've had a lovely night, but morning will be here shortly. It may be best for us to call it a night.”
  127. “One more bottle.”
  128. >She giggles.
  129. >”There will be plenty of time for that later, Anon. Now go.”
  130. >She lifts herself from the lounge and makes for the wardrobe to return the glasses.
  131. >”Perhaps next time we can go to that Tavern again. I would love to see that friend of yours. What was his name again?”
  132. “Barley. He's married, by the way.”
  133. >She looks back at you, smiling wryly.
  134. >”Very amusing, Anonymous. Now hurry and go. I need to make sure my duties are fulfilled before I rest.”
  135. >You pick yourself up from the lounge, leaving the bottle where it was. Luna probably had staff to take care of it for her.
  136. >Before you reach the door, you turn to Luna one more time who is making her way for the balcony.
  137. “You sure you don't want me to-”
  138. >”Anonymous. Are you going to make me force you out?”
  139. >Her horn begins to glow again.
  140. >Fuck that noise.
  141. “No ma'am...”
  142. >She smiles as the glow dissipates.
  143. >”Good. I expect you to come visit again soon.”
  144. “You got it.”
  145. >Opening the door, you take your leave from the room and into the castle hall.
  146. >Once the door closes, you lean you back into wall, taking in the new state of affairs. Your face makes no effort to hide the immense joy you felt.
  147. >However, in your delirium, you fail to notice you have some company.
  148. >”Anonymous?”
  149. >You snap to reality, turning your attention to the voice.
  150. >Seems that Celestia had seen your exit and was now giving you a look of shocked curiosity.
  151. >Blue would taste pretty awesome right now.
  152. >”What were you doing in my sister's chambers?”
  153. “Uhh...”
  154. >She raises an eyebrow as she looks at you with a look of judgment.
  155. >For a second, you're a little nervous to say anything, hoping to keep the smell of wine to yourself.
  156. >”I was hoping to have a word with my sister. Is she still in her room?”
  157. “Yes.”
  158. >Her gazes shifts, clearly expressing that she has you cornered.
  159. >Damn and blast...
  160. >”I see. Well, if you'll excuse me.”
  161. >You try your best to walk the other way. Where the fuck are the stairs in this place?
  162. >”Anonymous...”
  163. >Your body freezes mid step as you hear the telltale clopping of bad news heading your way.
  164. >”I see that you and my dear sister have become close.”
  165. >A mint would be lovely right now.
  166. >”And I am grateful to you for providing her company when I am not able.”
  167. >The clopping becomes louder to where you know she's right behind you. Your body still frozen in place.
  168. >”But she is still my sister and her happiness is my concern, especially after reuniting with her after a millennium.”
  169. >...
  170. >She brings her mouth right next to your ear.
  171. >”I can send anyp0ny to the moon on a whim. I can certainly send somep0ny to the sun, as well. Do we have an understanding?”
  172. >She steps back for a second. Her stern expression vanishes, being replaced by a warm smile.
  173. “Yes Princes...
  174. >She chuckles heartily.
  175. >”Celestia will suffice at this point. With that, I wish you two happiness. Now if you'll excuse me.”
  176. >It isn't until you hear the door close that you continue your search for the nearest exit.
  177. >It takes some doing, but you finally manage to find a way out of the labyrinth of the castle halls.
  178. As you leave the castle, you find yourself back in the castle garden, jimmies thoroughly rustled by Celestia's friendly reminder.
  179. >With a slightly shaky hand, you dig out another cigarette and make you way back to the city streets.
  180. >Making your way back to the shop, you turn your attention back to the night sky.
  181. >The castle walls had that same glow to them.
  182. >It even helps to calm you down from Celestia's 'friendly advice'.
  183. >You always did prefer the night.
  184. >As you continue, you start to make your way past the city circle. The workshop was only around the corner by now.
  185. >Suddenly, something catches your attention.
  186. >Once again, you're frozen in stride.
  187. >A familiar face, draped over a park bench in a similar seating style that you would have.
  188. >The way she seemed to slump into the back only served to showcase her mood.
  189. >Less than sunny, you'd wager. It looks like she has been there for a while.
  190. >You flick your cigarette and make you way to the bench.
  191. >As you approach, her golden eyes, tinged with redness take notice, the sadness only intensifying.
  192. >She makes no attempts to leave, though. She's in a rough way.
  193. >You eventually make your way to the bench, sitting next to her.
  194. >Leaning on your knees with your elbows and clasping your hands together, you turn your head to her.
  195. >She's staring at the ground, sniffing periodically.
  196. >You really hoped to have more time to think this part over, but there was no way you could leave her like this.
  197. >There's a pause before you eventually break the silence.
  198. “Hey, Lyra...”
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