
OT4 Combat Exercise

Sep 12th, 2019
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  1. “ALL RIGHT!” Dagwren‘s voice cut through the air. “You guys know how it works. Group up, and wreck the other teams shit!”
  2. “FUCK THEM UP ZEN!!!” Yarha cried out, “Owww, Dags what the fuck was that?”
  3. The little dwarf clambered up her large spouse to sit on her shoulders. “Because they haven’t even picked a team yet!”
  4. “So! Zendak is my favorite… OWWW!”
  5. Dags slapped Yarha’s head gently. “Don’t be a baby! And don't say you have a favorite, its mean!”
  8. In the sand filled fighting pit below the four men stood talking, laughing at their friends above. Khisaha stood clad in his standard gear, his swords lose in their scabbards. Raith leaned against him, hair tied in a loose braid, his hands idly fidgeting with his new coat. Zendak stood with his hips cocked to the side. Idly spinning a dagger through his fingers, his usual clothes sitting tight to his body as he waited, tense as a coiled spring.
  10. Raze stood slightly apart from them, slightly hunched with his legs tensed and ready to run. His coat flapped gently in the faint breeze. The heavy straps clattering as the metal buckles bounced. He fidgeted with his bracers, channeling low levels of arcane energy and forcing the bone armor to extrude out, till the soft rounded edges grew longer and sharp like blades.
  12. “Have you picked your teams?” Dagwren called down to them.
  14. They shuffled, Khi and Raith standing just behind Zendak, the dagger now gripped in a loose backwards grasp. Raze moved his feet, a more combative stance as his tail went limp to the ground, the flanged end sporting a shimmering metal blade.
  16. “Seems unsporting!” Dags called, “Three on one. He's not even a fighter!”
  17. “Dags, YOU’VE never seen him fight.”
  18. “Hes a twig, if i spit on him i'm pretty sure he’d break!”
  19. “Just watch Dags, just watch.” Dagwren leaned on the railing, one hand extended out.
  21. “Combat begins in 3… 2… 1…”. She snapped her fingers, a thunderous boom as 4 large sand times fell from the ceiling, the mens names sat in glowing runes across them. The enchanted sand measuring their vitality.
  24. “Yarha!”
  25. “I want him to win…”
  29. As soon as he heard the snap Zendak jolted to the side, a blur of grey as he ran. The lack of cover left him out of his element, his hands rifled through the overlapping leather at his hips, finally pulling free the small brass and mithril daggers. One final turn on his heels as he slid to a halt, sand puffing up around him. A split second passed as he lined up his arm and threw the blades, four sharp knives flew towards Raze’s left side….
  32. Khi charged right for Raze, breath held as he closed the distance. His twin blades slid from their scabbards, a well practiced motion as he moved.
  33. He brought his blades to bear on his smaller friend. The black and white blade clashed as Raze tossed a magical barrier up, Khi pulled back and swung again, watching as four daggers rebounded off the barrier. He growled and smiled, ready for a challenge.
  36. Raith moved further back, drawing his longsword and waited. He saw the quick incantation as Raze cast it, the Shield spell was a staple of the mages style. Khi’s attacks bounced away, and he saw his opening.
  37. Raith threw his hands forward. The old scars flashed as he incanted and a well of lightning pooled between his fingers. With a pale blue and green flash the bolt of lightning streaked towards Raze.
  39. Raze moved his hands quick, a flare of gold from his eyes as he pulled the arcane energy surrounding him closer, a cocoon of energy. He could sense where Zendak was, their soul bond betrayed his location. He winced as the blades struck his barrier. Undamaged but annoyed. Then he saw the flash, the sharp flash as Raith cast a spell.
  40. He felt the lightning hit him, a muffled yelp as he fell to his knees. The lightning took his breath, a heavy gasp as he stood.
  41. He jolted backwards, watching as Khi’s blades struck the sand he had just vacated, swearing as he saw the terrifying look of battle born joy in the big mans eyes.
  43. “Steinn Detta!”
  45. The words erupted from his lips as his hands rapidly drew sigils in the air. A trail of red embers fell away and his eyes flashed, a sound like tearing came from above as four large meteors crashed upon his attackers.
  48. Zendak swore as the meteor smashed apart above him, the burning shards raining down over him. He rolled forward, skittering across the sand on all fours, hissing like a angry sand lizard.
  49. He felt the sharp stone piercing him, like a hail of daggers. He stood, brushing sand and dust from himself as he gazed at the sand time. The deep ruddy colored sand in his had barely dipped. A sly grin as he turned back towards his bonded mate.
  51. Khi danced through the hail of stones, his swords deflecting as best he could. But the heat as they passed or bounced off him left him grunting, a fury roiled in his blood at the pain. He looked in fear towards Raith…
  53. Raith hunkered down in the sand, holding his breath as two of the meteors crashed above him. Jaw closed tight as the heat washed over him, a spray of sharp slivered stone embedding itself in his back. He snarled quietly.
  54. He lifted himself with his sword, his braided hair loose as it bounced with his movement.
  56. Raze grinned, turns sharply on his heels and running to the far side of the arena. The sand under his feet was warm and soft, he enjoyed the feeling as it flowed over his toes. He spun, his feet going out from underneath himself. As he fell he traced a brief arcane sigil, shouting the verbal que. “Firar Vald: Mannfall Raith!”
  59. Zendak looked down again as he heard another incantation from Raze, a frown at the hastened spell. The words buzzed through the air but he failed to place them, looking around for some visual sign of danger.
  60. He saw it in the stirred dust as Khi moved, a walk turned into a brisk lope towards Raith. He sighed and looked towards Raze.
  61. “DICK MOVE!” He shouted in infernal.
  62. He spun his wrists, summoning the four enchanted daggers back to his belt. He pulled two back out and tossed them underhanded toward the tiefling. Watching as both sank into the meat of the orange thigh. He smiled, feeling the tug as he blinked to the daggers.
  63. “Heya Love!”
  64. “Oh fuck off Zen!”
  66. Khi felt the unfamiliar words sink, taking root into his head. Fighting against them, a fire in his muscles as he strained to control himself, as he fought the spell.
  67. Then it hit him.
  68. {Slaughter Raith}
  69. The blood boiled in him, but he couldn’t control his actions, he jogged, sprinted to Raith. He saw his husband before him, his eyes still wide from the meteors that had crashed down around him.
  70. He tried to cry out to him, to warn him, but instead he just grunted as his blades fell, biting into the thin frame.
  72. His heart ached at the action but his body would not relent…
  74. Raith was catching his breath from the meteor storm, leaning on the rune blade’s pommel, he gathered his breath, watching as Zendak appeared suddenly on Raze’s fallen form as two daggers sank into the boys leg.
  75. He heard it first, the slight rustle, and then the heavy breath.
  77. Raith turned in time to see Khi strike him, the long black blade bit into his chest, sinking through him, and before he could process it the white blade dug into his leg. He fell hard, leaning on his sword for support.
  78. “Khisaha!” He called to the big man but saw the face blank, but for the crimson eyes that burned now with an emotional pain and anger.
  79. “Khi, I know you didn’t choose this!”
  81. Raith Set his hand on the angry man’s chest, channeling his power and willed the spell to end, a flash of brilliant white pulsed through his arm, hitting Khi’s chest. The magic broke against him like waves on a cliff, and Raith panicked as he saw the rage unsubsided in the crimson eyes.
  82. “Well crap.”
  83. - - - - -
  84. “Holy Shit!” Dags covered her mouth at the sight of Khi’s brutality. “What… what in the shit was that!”
  86. Dagwren set a hand on the dwarven woman's shoulder. “Raze is tactical, he will find the biggest threat, and shred it. Unleash him, and there is no telling what violence he will do.”
  87. “I thought he was a non-combat Bastion?”
  89. “Mostly by choice, his choice!” Yarha spoke, keeping her eyes on the unfolding violence. “He's kind and gentle. Often soft spoken and polite.”
  91. “But he’s competitive. Gracious in victory or defeat. But to win against Raith like this?” She gestured uselessly to the mostly empty arena. “This is unfair to the three of them. They never stood a chance.”
  93. Dags looked in awe at the Tiefling….
  94. - - - - -
  95. Raze grimaced at the daggers in his leg, the magic of the Demi-Plane prevented injuries, but in place of it his leg now felt of static, to say nothing of the pain from being stabbed.
  96. He huffed at Zendak, watching him rear back for more attacks. Raze turned and watched as Khi slammed his blade into Raith, a frown at his actions. Shaking his head, he smacked at Zendak to try and knock other man free. He grabbed the drow by the waist of his pants and slammed his head into Zendak’s. He heard the drow plop into the sand with a giggle, his own sight blurred from the force of action.
  98. Zendak laughed at the attempt by Raze, pulling his daggers free he fell into the sand. His head reeled from the impact, but he could feel Raze’s hands still gripped his pants. He seized the chance and rolled, pulling Raze under him till he pinned the thin mage down.
  99. “Sorry Raze!” He placed his hand towards Raze’s face and cast a spell at his lover. “Eldr!”
  100. A bead of bright pink flame welled in his palm, before the flames swirled around his hand and a bolt of fire struck the orange face.
  102. Khi tried to cry out, anger and pain threatened to overflow. But his hands still raised the blades, and he felt fear as he watched them sink through Raiths back. The two blades protruding from the slight frame brought tears to his eyes. He saw the wince of pain as he pulled the blades free and raked them across the slight frame again.
  104. Raith tried to hold in the pained sound as the blades slammed into him, that same feeling as the first time he'd nearly died years ago. His gut churned at it, at the circumstances now. But he knew Khi would never choose this, the tears welling in the angry eyes were all he needed to know the depths of the conflict.
  105. He reached his hand up, gently resting it on Khi’s body and tried again.
  106. The shimmering white light pulsed, arcing up his arm this time, and spreading like cracks over Khi, gathering over his head like a storm. And just as fast it was gone, and he heard Khi crying lowly. The static feeling still coursed through him, the lingering mimicry of the wounds. He pushed himself up with his sword once more. Wrapping his arms around Khi and kissing him.
  107. “Shhh Khi, its fine, there is no danger here.” He held Khi as close as he could, “Im safe!”
  109. Raze saw the husbands embracing, smiling gently until he heard Zendak apologize. He turned his face to his own lover, pulling in his breath as the fire beaded, and then roared to life. The intense heat dulled by his own infernal blood.
  110. “Wasn’t I hot enough before?” Raze growled In infernal, the flames curling away from his face.
  111. He drew in a breath, huffing in mild amusement at the position he was in.
  112. “Sorry Zen.” He stabbed forward with his tail, feeling the bladed tip sink into Zendak. The drow hissed, but kept his position on top of Raze.
  113. “FINE!” He spat the word with a marked amount of spite, the word trailing off into a string of arcane power.
  115. Zendak felt the tail stab at him, burying itself in his hip, a static pain spreading through him. He grit his teeth, and worked his weight to hold his boyfriend down tighter. He drew one of the daggers from his waist once more, readying to strike at Raze’s chest.
  116. He saw his hair lift from his face. The soft pink floated out of view, Raze’s hair also began to float. The orange lips curled into a grin. His clothes began lifting,his heavy vest weightless as he felt himself leave the ground, his opponents ands still gripping the waist of his own pants.
  117. He took the dagger and swiped at Raze, feeling the blade glade through the mages chest with the slashes.
  118. - - - - - -
  119. “He's not physically strong, but he still tried to knock Zen off, what's he playing at Wren?”
  121. “He is riling Zendak up, trying to break his focus. The slap was half-assed, head head butting tho, that shit fucking hurts!” She leaned over the railing towards the boys “YOU’RE NOT USING ENOUGH MAGIC! YOU SHOULD BE CASTING AS I TALK!”
  122. “Okay Wren, calm down.”
  124. “Just motivating them!”
  126. “Right… motivating…” Dags leaned into Yarha, “is this really what fight with you guys were like, savage brawls and shouting?”
  128. ”Sometimes, other-times it was quiet and very serious.” Yarha set a hand on Dags shoulder, looking to comfort her small wife.
  130. “Iv seen Zen in a bar brawl, but nothing so jovial yet.. viscous. Would he turn his blade so quick on anyone?”
  131. Dags sounded almost appalled at the actions she witnessed.
  133. “Only if you turned on him… OH!! That's fucked up!” Dagwren, half stood on the stone banister nkw as she shouted. “THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT BY USE MORE MAGIC”
  135. “FUCK! HIM! UP! ZENNN!!!”
  137. Dags looked in stunned shock at the warriors around her, remembering how she missed running a tavern.
  138. - - - - - -
  139. Khi clutched Raith to him, soft sobs as he rubbed the teal hair and apologized. Raith’s affirmations that he was okay did little to appease the anger at Raze. He placed his head against Raith’s, kissing the smaller mans head. As he opened his eyes he saw the teal hair floating, quickly feeling himself lifted off the sand as well.
  140. “Raith! What is happening?”
  141. “Reverse Gravity!”
  142. “Got that much, can you get me to Raze?”
  143. “Yeah, but its gonna hurt, ready?”
  144. “Hell yeah, lets do it!”
  146. Raith felt his feet lift from the soft sand, his hand braced on Khi’s back as the large man turned in shock to Raze.
  147. He heard Khi’s affirmation, and with a deep breath he pulled his hands back, a second… two hearts beats…
  148. His hands slammed together, a ripple of red arcane power burst out paired with the shattering sound of thunder. Him and Khi where pushed away. He grinned as he watched Khi flung forward and up towards Raze.
  149. The he felt the sand as he fell out of the spells effective range. Once more static scurried across his body, and on the hourglass over head he saw his blink away, signaling him being knocked from the fight.
  150. ———
  151. The small mage blinked away, appearing in a seat alongside the onlookers. Dagwren pulled him into a one armed hug and complimented him on his well fought battle.
  152. ———
  153. Raze grinned at the familiar feeling of falling, the ground zooming away. He shrugged his coat off, his tail quickly bundling it up. A flash of dull light and a soft incantation, his wings flared out, a spray of crimson arcane sparks.
  154. He began giggling as he stopped his skyward decent, Zendak angrily zipped by his hands slipping off Raze’s feet as he struggled for purchase.
  155. Raze threw his hand towards Zendak, sending a fire bolt spiraling towards him. He winced as he saw the magical flame struck the drows ass, eliciting a pained yip from him.
  157. Zendak felt himself stabilize as he reached the top of the spells effect, his body almost weightless. He watched Raze, beneath yet above him. His head spun at the confusing thought, he shook his head, hair whipping his face.
  158. He struggled as he pulled his daggers free, and with all the force he could he hurled them against gravity. The dark green blades flew like arrows, all 4 plunging into Raze. He felt the tug as he once again blinked back to the daggers. His hands held tight to the dagger sticking from the thin man's shoulder, the other three dislocating back to his belt
  159. “That's gonna hurt!”
  160. “What?”
  162. Khi flew through the air, propelled and deafened by the thunderwave, his blades at the ready as he approached Raze. The winged mage had his back to Khi, a perfect target.
  163. He moved his blades, bringing the razor like edges to bear on the exposed back. He slashed, black then white blades gouging deep into Raze, he roared as the blades sank deep. He pulled the blades free, the protective magic sparking as they pulled free, he slammed them again into Raze, both blade sinking through him.
  164. - - - - - - -
  165. Raith leaned on the Rail beside Dagwren, a pair of mage hands slowly unbraiding and smoothing out his hair.
  166. “Jeeeez…. Raze is fucking terrifying…”
  168. “Yeah, hes always so nice and cute,” Dags voice sounded uncertain as she watched the wing pop into existence on the mages back. “He never seemed so… powerful I guess?”
  170. “I have NEVER seen him do this. Where the fuck was this every time we gods damned fought a fucking dragon! What in the holy fuck Raze!”
  172. Dags frowned, he eyes closed as she shook her head. “I thought you where all such nice boys…”
  174. “Babe… they run a sex gear shop.” Zarhas had sat in the ground, her head still towering over her wife.
  176. “Oh I know, that's fine, and adorable that they blend such craftsmanship with the magic. But this violence, I didn't expect it from them. I thought Raith was just the cute shop clerk who occasionally went on adventures!”
  178. “You think i'm cute?”
  179. “You think he's cute?”
  180. Yarha and Raith asked in unison, Dagwren chuckling.
  182. “Watch this you guys. Raith, Khi’s taken advantage of your magic. See how he moves”
  184. They all looked up to see Zendak bury a dagger into Raze’s shoulder, and Khi floating towards him. Raith and Dags gasped as Khi spun his blades the shimmering metal bit deep.
  186. “Fuck!” Raith pulled himself low on the railing. “Khi is pissed!”
  188. “Raze did make him attack you pretty roughly.” Dags sounded almost offended but the actions she'd seen.
  190. “Yeah… I think he ruined their date night tonight.”
  192. “Date night? Yeah thats fucked.” Yarha laughed her comment, a trail of acrid smoke escaping her mouth with the expletive.
  193. “Ohhh, hes gonna be sad about that.”
  195. “Its what he fuckin deserves… wait are they falling!” Dags stood and pointed to the men hanging in the air.
  196. - - - - - - -
  197. There was a slow beat where Raze stared at Zendak’s face, and in the reflection of the blue eyes he saw the glint as Khi’s blades slammed into him. He grunted as the blades pushed through him, the deep static numbed his wings,
  198. Then again he felt them slide through his back. The loud grunting roars from his friend rang in his head as his concentration failed him. A single heart beat before the magic faded and the three began to fall. He watched his wings flutter around him, numb and unable to hold his weight. Swearing he threw his hands down and arcane power flared around him, a cloud of red feathers faded away from him as his decent slowed, his friends falling past him.
  200. “Fucking, gods fuck it!”
  201. Zendak swore as he started to fall back to the ground, his hands reached for his daggers, the crystals in the pommel glowing faintly.
  202. “Shit on… urghh.” He hoped he hit his mark as he flung the dagger sky wards towards, the dagger spun through the air. His breath caught in his throat as the tip of the blade bounces off the leather wrap around Raze’s foot. He watched the crystal blink to dull red before it warped back to his belt, spent of the days magic. He huffed as he willed the leather waist cape to activate, his fall immediately slowed as the feather like leather unfurled like wings.
  204. Khi felt bad about the vicious attack, but he knew it was fair and well earned. But he was falling, and fast. He didn’t have spells or even any magical gear to save him. He saw Zendaks dagger fail to reach Razes foot, blinking away before it could plummet back to the rouge. An idea…
  205. He spun, facing the oncoming ground, his tongue stuck in his throat as he swallowed his fear. He threw his swords, the long blades rocketing to the sands below. He stretched his arms out, praying to Elistreea.
  206. Zendak grunted as Khi landed on him, his weight slammed them together like a pendulum.
  207. “Hey bro!”
  208. “Your pressing our luck.”
  209. “It's what we do Zen.”
  210. “Hang on tight, he's about to try something bad.”
  211. Khi watched the small pink hairs on the back of the drow neck stand on end, a sign that he was unfortunately accurate.
  213. Raze gasped as the dagger brushed against his foot wrap, his wings hanging limp as the static pain immobilized them. The sound of Zendak swearing eased him, his slowed decent now matched by the drow. Khi whizzed by his sight, and slammed into Zendak, a light spray of arcane feathers as the leather wings redoubled its enchantment.
  214. He smirked and pointed down to the ground. A bead of blue arcana swelled at the tip of his finger, and but a fraction of a heartbeat later it zipped to the soft sand a trail of imperceptible arcane haze left in its wake.
  216. Zendak watched Raze move, the mans confidence was attractive, it always had been. A faint streak of blue shot past him. His eyes closed as he fet the flare of warmth as it passes.
  217. “Khi, hold on. And do your best!”
  218. “Wait, what are you planning?”
  219. “This!”
  220. He kissed Khi’s neck, a sprout of chilling arcane energy spreading out from the kiss. A faint rime fell from Khi, their decent almost completed.
  222. Khi felt the chill settled over him, feeling like a decent summer back home. He almost laughed at the absurdity of it, but the look on Zen’s face told him everything he needed. He held the smaller man tight as his feet landed in the soft sand.
  223. - - - - - -
  224. There was a flash of light across the arena as a fireball ignited below the men's feet. The bright blue flames swelled to green, them orange, then a deep amber red as the dissipated.
  226. As the smoke curled away Khi was left standing in a circle of glassed sand. The could of Rime now rising as steam from him frame. Zendak appeared in a light haze beside Yarha.
  228. “Okay little shadow, you did pretty good!” She slapped his back before pulling him into a one armed hug. “I was rooting for ya of course!”
  230. “I heard. You really suck at being inspirational.”
  232. “What do i look like Zendak? A bard!”
  234. “Nope, certainly not a bard… more like someone stretched a crispy lizard.”
  236. “Insolent whelp!” She pulled him close, smothering his face with a giant hand. The others laughing as they waited for the next round of actions.
  237. - - - - - -
  238. Raze shook the static from his wing, catching himself well before needing to land. He circled above, as he waited for the smoke to clear. His breath was ragged and quick, the near misses and many hard attacks pushed him to his outermost limits.
  239. He stopped where he was. Bobbing with hard beating wings.
  240. He pulled his hand close to forehead. Hand pulling slowly over his face as if to don a mask, and in his hand he new held a vial of pulsing red liquid. He quickly drank the potion. He felt the warmth spread through him, his breathing steadying, his focus sharp as he saw Khi through the smoke
  242. Khi stood between his blades, the sand turned glass around him, his hands clutched at the hilts as steam rose from his body. Pale moon light shone from the blades till his body was awash in their glow, his eyes turned to Raze, two glowing red moons in a sea of green.
  243. “FIGHT!”
  245. He pulled his swords free, a spray of glassy shrapnel around him as the shattered the earth. He moved, slowly walking back to the edge of the glass, the moonlight still shone upon him till his energy was restored. “Come on Raze!”
  246. - - - - - -
  247. “Soooo, Raith, uhhhhmmm. I think their date nights canceled for a while.”
  249. “Yeah. I think its gonna be awkward at home for a while. Any suggestions.”
  251. “Hmm…” Zendakn leaned over and grabbed Raiths hand. “Winner takes a vacation to somewhere peaceful with their Husband?”
  253. “Deal… where are you two gonna go?”
  255. “I think we are gonna go visit his mom. Shes be missing him.”
  257. “Good idea.”
  258. - - - - - -
  259. Raze watched apprehensively as Khi called to him. The loud shouts tugged at his competitive nature. “Tími Létta!” A starburst of white and red arcane light erupted from Raze, the world slowing around him. The movement of the dust stopped, the sounds from the onlookers faded.
  260. Raze smirked again as he dropped to the ground in front of Khi. He looked the larger man over, sweat beaded the green skin, his tunic wet from the exertion. He waved his arm, his wings flaking away into smoke before donning his coat. He pulled the heavy coat closed, latching the buckles tight.
  261. A deep breath.
  262. A heart beat.
  263. Another.
  264. He summoned his sword, the long red blade inlaid with white runes. The guard a blackened mithril. And in the pommel was set a large angular red gem, deep and smooth.
  266. He moved into position, exactly as Zendak had shown him so many times. Feet spread even with his shoulders. Left forward, body turned slightly, blade forward.
  268. He let the spell fade, watching the look of confused anger roll through Khi’s eyes. He rushed forward, blade swinging down towards Khi. Ringing filled the air as Khi’s blade met against his. The force knocked Raze back, his tail lashed out, scraping the leather armor to to avail.
  271. Khi moved quick, every swing aimed at Raze was met by the small mages sword, he grunted with effort as each blow was blocked, the strain showing on the sharp face. His fervor bolstered by Raze’s furrowed brow, and the sweat the dripped down the orange skin. Raze moved impossibly fast, and what few hits he landed seamed trivial at best.
  272. Khi saw Raze tiring, wearing down, their competitive sides clashed and he knew he was winning. He pushed his advantage.
  274. His blades swept i together from the side as his leg kicked out, striking Raze’s hip. The mage fell backwards, barely keeping his feet. Stammering and coughing from the blow, Khi pounced. A rain of slashes as Raze faltered.
  277. Raze knew what Khi was planing, coughing out the words he summoned the arcane shield once more, enjoying the brief respite as the fierce blows glanced off the arcane defense. He grabbed at his sword and quickly cast again, feeling himself hasten as the magic set in. Heart racing, sweaty and tired, he charged forward.
  278. His blade slammed into Khi’s he quickly pulled back and swung again. His tail lashing at Khi, the bladed tip sinking deep as it cut through the armor. He heard Khi grunt, surprised at his resilience and endurance
  280. Khi pushed through the pain, feeling groggy as his energy ran low. He tried to heal himself but found he didn’t have the energy left for it. Sighing with exasperation he slung his sword around and charged i to Raze with the rest of his remaining strength…
  281. - - - - - -
  282. The watched from the stands in stunned silence as Raze appeared instantly in the sand, no longer flying but instead brandishing a broadsword. The sounds of the swords exchanging blows filled the arena as conversation ceased.
  284. They all gasped as they watched Khi charge into Raze, both his swords piercing the small mans chest till the blade hung out his back like grim shadows of his wings.
  285. - - - - - -
  286. Raze felt his feet lift off the ground as the air was pushed from his lungs. His whole body shook with static as the blades ran him through. Khi’s breath was heavy and warm as the large man panted, the words falling like hammers.
  287. “That was a bit much Raze.”
  288. “Agreed” he moved his hands onto the hilt of Khi’s swords, resting them on the bigger hands they held them tight. “But I warned you, Zendak warned you too.” His fingers pried at Khi’s, struggling to loosen the fierce grip. “I don’t like to lose. And when we can't be hurt…” he looked Khi in the eyes, hands still prying at Khi’s, feeling the grip tightening to an impossible amount. “When I know my family is safe, I. Don't. Hold. Back.”
  290. Raze pecked Khi on the nose with a kiss as flames erupted around them. The roaring fire burned for but a moment.
  292. Silence…
  294. The smoke and sand settled and Raze stood in the middle of the arena, red and white flashes of arcane energy crackling around him as his last spell faded.
  296. From the viewing area above Khi’s deep voice boomed
  297. “Date night is canceled till next week!”
  299. Raze smirked one last time as he pulled them all out of the demiplane, arriving back home in the living space of the Armory. Unharmed, but very very tired.
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