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Feb 7th, 2019
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  1. instances:
  2. - host: localhost
  3. name: kafka_instance
  4. port: 9999 # This is the JMX port on which Kafka exposes its metrics (usually 9999)
  5. # user: username # If JMX authentication is enabled, set the username and the password here
  6. # password: password
  7. # #java_bin_path: /path/to/java #Optional, should be set if the agent cannot find your java executable
  8. # #trust_store_path: /path/to/trustStore.jks # Optional, should be set if ssl is enabled
  9. # #trust_store_password: password
  10. tags:
  11. app: kafka
  12. # newTag: test
  16. init_config:
  17. is_jmx: true
  19. # Metrics collected by this check. You should not have to modify this.
  20. conf:
  21. #
  22. # Aggregate cluster stats
  23. #
  24. - include:
  25. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  26. bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsBytesOutPerSec"'
  27. attribute:
  28. MeanRate:
  29. metric_type: gauge
  30. alias:
  31. - include:
  32. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  33. bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsBytesInPerSec"'
  34. attribute:
  35. MeanRate:
  36. metric_type: gauge
  37. alias:
  38. - include:
  39. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  40. bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsMessagesInPerSec"'
  41. attribute:
  42. MeanRate:
  43. metric_type: gauge
  44. alias: kafka.messages_in
  45. - include:
  46. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  47. type: '"BrokerTopicMetrics"'
  48. #
  49. # Request timings
  50. #
  51. - include:
  52. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  53. bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsFailedFetchRequestsPerSec"'
  54. attribute:
  55. MeanRate:
  56. metric_type: gauge
  57. alias: kafka.request.fetch.failed
  58. - include:
  59. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  60. bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsFailedProduceRequestsPerSec"'
  61. attribute:
  62. MeanRate:
  63. metric_type: gauge
  64. alias: kafka.request.produce.failed
  65. - include:
  66. domain: '""'
  67. bean: '"":type="RequestMetrics",name="Produce-TotalTimeMs"'
  68. attribute:
  69. Mean:
  70. metric_type: gauge
  71. alias: kafka.request.produce.time.avg
  72. 99thPercentile:
  73. metric_type: gauge
  74. alias: kafka.request.produce.time.99percentile
  75. - include:
  76. domain: '""'
  77. bean: '"":type="RequestMetrics",name="Fetch-TotalTimeMs"'
  78. attribute:
  79. Mean:
  80. metric_type: gauge
  81. alias: kafka.request.fetch.time.avg
  82. 99thPercentile:
  83. metric_type: gauge
  84. alias: kafka.request.fetch.time.99percentile
  85. - include:
  86. domain: '""'
  87. bean: '"":type="RequestMetrics",name="UpdateMetadata-TotalTimeMs"'
  88. attribute:
  89. Mean:
  90. metric_type: gauge
  91. alias: kafka.request.update_metadata.time.avg
  92. 99thPercentile:
  93. metric_type: gauge
  94. alias: kafka.request.update_metadata.time.99percentile
  95. - include:
  96. domain: '""'
  97. bean: '"":type="RequestMetrics",name="Metadata-TotalTimeMs"'
  98. attribute:
  99. Mean:
  100. metric_type: gauge
  101. alias: kafka.request.metadata.time.avg
  102. 99thPercentile:
  103. metric_type: gauge
  104. alias: kafka.request.metadata.time.99percentile
  105. - include:
  106. domain: '""'
  107. bean: '"":type="RequestMetrics",name="Offsets-TotalTimeMs"'
  108. attribute:
  109. Mean:
  110. metric_type: gauge
  111. alias: kafka.request.offsets.time.avg
  112. 99thPercentile:
  113. metric_type: gauge
  114. alias: kafka.request.offsets.time.99percentile
  116. #
  117. # Replication stats
  118. #
  119. - include:
  120. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  121. bean: '"kafka.server":type="ReplicaManager",name="ISRShrinksPerSec"'
  122. attribute:
  123. MeanRate:
  124. metric_type: gauge
  125. alias: kafka.replication.isr_shrinks
  126. - include:
  127. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  128. bean: '"kafka.server":type="ReplicaManager",name="ISRExpandsPerSec"'
  129. attribute:
  130. MeanRate:
  131. metric_type: gauge
  132. alias: kafka.replication.isr_expands
  133. - include:
  134. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  135. bean: '"kafka.server":type="ControllerStats",name="LeaderElectionRateAndTimeMs"'
  136. attribute:
  137. MeanRate:
  138. metric_type: gauge
  139. alias: kafka.replication.leader_elections
  140. - include:
  141. domain: '"kafka.server"'
  142. bean: '"kafka.server":type="ControllerStats",name="UncleanLeaderElectionsPerSec"'
  143. attribute:
  144. MeanRate:
  145. metric_type: gauge
  146. alias: kafka.replication.unclean_leader_elections
  148. #
  149. # Log flush stats
  150. #
  151. - include:
  152. domain: '"kafka.log"'
  153. bean: '"kafka.log":type="LogFlushStats",name="LogFlushRateAndTimeMs"'
  154. attribute:
  155. OneMinuteRate:
  156. metric_type: gauge
  157. alias: kafka.log.flush_rate.1
  158. FiveMinuteRate:
  159. metric_type: gauge
  160. alias: kafka.log.flush_rate.5
  161. FifteenMinuteRate:
  162. metric_type: gauge
  163. alias: kafka.log.flush_rate.15
  165. # JVM & GC Shit
  166. - include:
  167. domain: java.lang
  168. type: MemoryPool
  169. name: CMS Old Gen
  170. attribute:
  171. - Usage
  172. - include:
  173. domain: java.lang
  174. type: MemoryPool
  175. name: CMS Perm Gen
  176. attribute:
  177. - Usage
  178. - include:
  179. domain: java.lang
  180. type: MemoryPool
  181. name: Par Eden Space
  182. attribute:
  183. - Usage
  184. - include:
  185. domain: java.lang
  186. type: MemoryPool
  187. name: Par Survivor Space
  188. attribute:
  189. - Usage
  190. # Young Gen Collectors (Minor Collections)
  191. - include:
  192. domain: java.lang
  193. type: GarbageCollector
  194. name: Copy
  195. attribute:
  196. CollectionCount:
  197. metric_type: counter
  198. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_count
  199. CollectionTime:
  200. metric_type: counter
  201. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_time
  202. - include:
  203. domain: java.lang
  204. type: GarbageCollector
  205. name: PS Scavenge
  206. attribute:
  207. CollectionCount:
  208. metric_type: counter
  209. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_count
  210. CollectionTime:
  211. metric_type: counter
  212. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_time
  213. - include:
  214. domain: java.lang
  215. type: GarbageCollector
  216. name: ParNew
  217. attribute:
  218. CollectionCount:
  219. metric_type: counter
  220. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_count
  221. CollectionTime:
  222. metric_type: counter
  223. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_time
  224. - include:
  225. domain: java.lang
  226. type: GarbageCollector
  227. name: G1 Young Generation
  228. attribute:
  229. CollectionCount:
  230. metric_type: counter
  231. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_count
  232. CollectionTime:
  233. metric_type: counter
  234. alias: jmx.gc.minor_collection_time
  235. # Old Gen Collectors (Major collections)
  236. - include:
  237. domain: java.lang
  238. type: GarbageCollector
  239. name: MarkSweepCompact
  240. attribute:
  241. CollectionCount:
  242. metric_type: counter
  243. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_count
  244. CollectionTime:
  245. metric_type: counter
  246. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_time
  247. - include:
  248. domain: java.lang
  249. type: GarbageCollector
  250. name: PS MarkSweep
  251. attribute:
  252. CollectionCount:
  253. metric_type: counter
  254. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_count
  255. CollectionTime:
  256. metric_type: counter
  257. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_time
  258. - include:
  259. domain: java.lang
  260. type: GarbageCollector
  261. name: ConcurrentMarkSweep
  262. attribute:
  263. CollectionCount:
  264. metric_type: counter
  265. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_count
  266. CollectionTime:
  267. metric_type: counter
  268. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_time
  269. - include:
  270. domain: java.lang
  271. type: GarbageCollector
  272. name: G1 Mixed Generation
  273. attribute:
  274. CollectionCount:
  275. metric_type: counter
  276. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_count
  277. CollectionTime:
  278. metric_type: counter
  279. alias: jmx.gc.major_collection_time
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