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Sep 16th, 2017
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  1. import sys
  2. import socket
  4. def authdbtoarray():
  5. f=open('authdb.txt','r')
  7. f.close()
  8. niz2 = niz2.split('\n')
  9. cols = 3
  10. rows = len(niz2)
  11. niz = [[0 for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]
  12. for i in range(0,len(niz2)):
  13. niz[i]=niz2[i].split('\t')
  14. return niz
  16. def authdbadd(auth,access):
  17. f=open('authdb.txt','a')
  18. f.write ( '\n*\t' + access + '\t' + auth + '\t-' )
  19. f.close()
  21. def arrayadd(auth,access,authdb):
  22. newauthdb = [[0 for i in range(4)] for j in range(len(authdb)+1)]
  23. for i in range (0,len(newauthdb)):
  24. if (i < len(newauthdb)-1):
  25. newauthdb[i] = authdb[i]
  26. if (i == len(newauthdb)-1):
  27. newauthdb[i] = ['jea','jea','jea','jea']
  28. newauthdb[-1][0]= '%d' % (len(newauthdb))
  29. newauthdb[-1][1]= access
  30. newauthdb[-1][2]= auth
  31. newauthdb[-1][3]= '-'
  32. return newauthdb
  33. def numbertopic(topic,nick,operator):
  34. topic2= ''
  35. fqm = 0
  36. for i in range(0,len(topic.split())):
  37. if operator == '+' and topic.split()[i] == '?' and fqm == 0:
  38. fqm = 1
  39. topic2 = topic2 + nick + ' '
  40. elif operator == '-' and topic.split()[i] == nick and fqm == 0 :
  41. fqm = 1
  42. topic2 = topic2 + '?' + ' '
  43. elif i == 4:
  44. if operator == '+':
  45. broj = int(topic.split()[4][1])+1
  46. broj = str(broj)
  47. if operator == '-':
  48. broj = int(topic.split()[4][1])-1
  49. broj = str(broj)
  50. topic2 = topic2 + '(' + broj + '):4' + ' '
  51. else:
  52. topic2 = topic2 + topic.split()[i] + ' '
  53. topic = topic2[:len(topic2)-1]
  54. if broj == '10':
  55. send (s, 'PRIVMSG #shitnub :' + 'GAME READY')
  56. topic = 'Modes: (0) // Players (0):4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Obs: ? ? //'
  57. send (s, 'TOPIC #shitnub :' + topic)
  58. return topic
  60. #TODO2 : access level
  61. #data for todo:('event_handler handling:', ' 330 StockBOT StockTME2 StockTME :is authed as')
  63. def nick( data ): #pharses :nick!@blahlbah.blah to nick
  64. nick = ''
  65. for i in range(1,len(data)):
  66. if (data[i] == '!'): break
  67. nick = nick + data[i]
  68. return nick
  70. def send( s, data ):
  71. s.send( data + '\r\n' )
  72. print ( 'sent: ', data )
  74. def parse_data( data, buffer ):
  75. data = buffer + data
  76. events = data.split( '\n' ) # split events by \n as EFNet doesn't include \r
  77. buffer = events.pop()
  78. return( events, buffer )
  80. def event_handler( s, data , authdb,topic): # create list of events
  81. channel = '#shitnub'
  82. data = data.rstrip( '\r' ) # remove \r at end (for EFNet compability)
  83. print ( 'event_handler handling:', data )
  84. if data.split()[0] == 'PING': send( s, 'PONG ' + data.split()[1] )
  86. #perform after identifying on server
  87. if data.split()[1] == '221':
  88. send( s, 'PRIVMSG :auth StockTME kamikaza')
  89. #('event_handler handling:', ':Q! NOTICE StockBOT :You are now logged in as StockTME.')
  90. if data.split()[1]== 'NOTICE':
  91. if data == ':Q! NOTICE StockBOT :You are now logged in as StockTME.':
  92. send(s,'JOIN #shitnub')
  93. if data.split()[1] == 'MODE' and data.split()[2] == '#shitnub' and data.split()[3] == '+o' and data.split()[4] == 'StockBOT':
  94. send(s,'TOPIC #shitnub :' + topic)
  98. #when whois store in table nick to auth
  99. #data for todo:('event_handler handling:', ' 330 StockBOT StockTME2 StockTME :is authed as')
  100. if data.split()[1] == '330':
  101. indatabase = 0
  102. for i in range(0,len(authdb)):
  103. # debuger: print ('%d : %s == %s ') % (len(authdb), authdb[i][2], data.split()[3])
  104. if (authdb[i][2] == data.split()[4]):
  105. authdb[i][3] = data.split()[3]
  106. indatabase=1
  107. if (indatabase == 0):
  108. send( s, 'ban #shitnub ' + data.split()[3])
  109. send( s, 'kick #shitnub ' + data.split()[3])
  113. #tod2: Change players in topic on events NICKCHANGE . And remove them if PART QUIT SERVER
  114. #tododoremaining:
  115. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ':StockTME2! NICK :StockTME') - nickchange
  116. if (data.split()[1] == 'NICK'):
  117. print(data.split()[2][2:len(data.split()[2])])
  118. topic = topic.replace(nick(data.split()[0]),data.split()[2][1:])
  119. send(s,'TOPIC #shitnub :' + topic)
  120. send (s, 'WHOIS ' + data.split()[2][1:])
  121. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ':StockTME! PART #stocktest') - leave
  122. if ((data.split()[1] == 'PART') and (data.split()[2] == channel)):
  123. topic = topic.replace(nick(data.split()[0]),'?')
  124. topic = numbertopic(topic,nick(data.split()[0]),'-')
  125. for i in range(0,len(authdb)):
  126. if (authdb[i][3] == nick(data.split()[0])):
  127. authdb[i][3] = '-'
  128. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ':StockTME4! QUIT :Signed off')
  129. if (data.split()[1] == 'QUIT'):
  130. topic = topic.replace(nick(data.split()[0]),'?')
  131. topic = numbertopic(topic,nick(data.split()[0]),'-')
  132. for i in range(0,len(authdb)):
  133. if (authdb[i][3] == nick(data.split()[0])):
  134. authdb[i][3] = '-'
  135. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ':StockTME! JOIN #stocktest') - join
  136. if (data.split()[1] == 'JOIN') and (data.split()[2] == channel):
  137. send (s, 'WHOIS ' + nick(data.split()[0]))
  138. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ' 353 StockBOT = #shitnub :StockBOT @StockBAus @Q')
  139. if (data.split()[1] == '353') and (data.split()[2] == 'StockBOT') and (data.split()[3] == '=') and (data.split()[4] == channel):
  140. for i in range(6,len(data.split())):
  141. if data.split()[i][0] == '@' and data.split()[i] != '@Q' and data.split()[i] != '@S':
  142. send (s, 'WHOIS ' + data.split()[i][1:len(data.split()[i])])
  143. else:
  144. send (s, 'WHOIS ' + data.split()[i])
  145. #data for todo - ('event_handler handling:', ':StockTME! PRIVMSG #stocktest :yea') -privmsg
  146. if ((data.split()[1] == 'PRIVMSG') and (data.split()[2] == channel)) :
  147. #todo3: EVENTS ADDING IN TABLE AUTH WHEN : PRIVMSG ; if accesslvl(nick) = not exists , rest is in else
  148. exists = 0
  149. for i in range(0,len(authdb)):
  150. if (authdb[i][3] == nick(data.split()[0])):
  151. exists = 1
  152. authlevel=authdb[i][1]
  153. if (exists == 0):
  154. send (s, 'WHOIS ' + nick(data.split()[0]))
  155. #commands
  156. if (exists == 1):
  157. #owner commands
  158. if (authlevel == 'owner'):
  159. #!authdb --- shows authdb variable
  160. if (data.split()[3] == ':!authdb'):
  161. print(authdb)
  162. #!send --- makes bot send any raw?? text
  163. if (data.split()[3] == ':!send'):
  164. sending = ''
  165. for i in range(4,len(data.split())): sending= sending + data.split()[i] + ' '
  166. send ( s, sending[:len(sending)-1])
  167. #!authlevel auth level
  168. if (data.split()[3] == ':!authlevel'):
  169. authdbadd(data.split()[4],data.split()[5])
  170. authdb = arrayadd(data.split()[4],data.split()[5],authdb)
  171. print (authdb)
  172. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :added')
  174. #mamber
  175. if ((authlevel == 'owner') or (authlevel == 'mamber')) :
  176. #!commands --- this command shows commands
  177. if (data.split()[3] == ':!commands'):
  178. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :COMMANDS are as fallows: ')
  179. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!commands --- this command shows commands')
  180. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!i --- this command shows some informations about you')
  181. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!add --- this command adds you to game')
  182. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!remove --- this command removes you from game')
  183. if (authlevel == 'owner'):
  184. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!authdb --- shows authdb variable')
  185. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!send --- makes bot send any raw?? text')
  186. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :!authlevel auth access --- adds user')
  187. if (data.split()[3] == ':!i'):
  188. send (s, 'NOTICE ' + nick(data.split()[0]) + ' :User level = ' + authlevel)
  189. if (data.split()[3] == ':!add'): #Modes: (0) // Players (0): ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Obs: ? ? // i topic = 'Modes: (0) // Players (0): ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Obs: ? ? //'
  190. added = 0
  191. if added == 0:
  192. for i in range(0,len(topic.split())):
  193. if topic.split()[i] == nick(data.split()[0]):
  194. added = 1
  195. if added == 0:
  196. topic = numbertopic(topic,nick(data.split()[0]),'+')
  198. if (data.split()[3] == ':!remove'):
  199. added = 0
  200. if added == 0:
  201. for i in range(0,len(topic.split())):
  202. if topic.split()[i] == nick(data.split()[0]):
  203. added = 1
  204. if added == 1:
  205. topic = numbertopic(topic,nick(data.split()[0]),'-')
  208. return authdb,topic
  210. s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
  211. authdb = authdbtoarray() # from local db txt file to 2d array [Row][Column]
  212. topic = 'Modes: (0) // Players (0):4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Obs: ? ? //'
  213. print('Attempting to connect...')
  214. try:
  215. s.connect( ('',6667) )
  216. print('Connected!')
  217. connected = True
  218. registered = False
  219. buffer = ''
  220. except:
  221. print('Failed to connect.', sys.exc_info() )
  222. connected = False
  223. while connected:
  224. data = s.recv(4096)
  225. if data == '': connected = False
  226. else:
  227. if not registered: # register at first server response
  228. print ( 'Registering:' )
  229. send( s, 'NICK StockBOT' )
  230. send( s, 'USER StockBOT StockBOT StockBOT :Stock IRC Client' )
  231. registered = True
  232. events, buffer = parse_data( data, buffer )
  233. for e in events: authdb,topic = event_handler( s, e ,authdb,topic)
  235. print('Exiting.')
  236. s.close()
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