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- 1. Gen 7 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Oricorio
- 2. Morelull
- 3. Comfey
- 4. Pyukumuku
- 5. Togedemaru
- 6. Bruxish
- (6 subtotal)
- 2. Gen 7 Moon Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Salandit
- 2. Bounsweet
- 3. Oranguru
- 4. Mimikyu
- 5. Drampa
- (29 subtotal + 6 = 35 total)
- 3. Gen 6 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Chespin
- 2. Fennekin
- 3. Froakie
- 4. Flabebe (White)
- 5. Furfrou
- 6. Goomy
- 7. Noibat
- (15 subtotal + 35 = 50 total)
- 4. Gen 5 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Snivy
- 2. Audino
- 3. Venipede
- 4. Petilil
- 5. Trubbish
- 6. Minccino
- 7. Gothita
- 8. Solosis
- 9. Litwick
- 10. Vullaby
- (30 subtotal + 50 = 80 total)
- 6. Gen 4 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Chimchar
- 2. Piplup
- 3. Burmy
- 4. Cherubi
- 5. Happiny
- 6. Mime Jr.
- 7. Rotom
- (25 subtotal + 80 = 105 total)
- (special request: would prefer if you hatched the evolved forms of incense baby pokemon (bonsly, chingling, mantyke, budew, and munchlax))
- 7. Gen 3 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Treecko
- 2. Torchic
- 3. Snorunt
- (48 subtotal + 105 = 153 total)
- (special request: would prefer if you hatched marill instead of azurill and wobuffet instead of wynaut)
- 8. Gen 2 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Cyndaquil
- 2. Totodile
- 3. Sentret
- 4. Houndour
- 5. Stantler
- 6. Smoochum
- 7. Miltank
- (39 subtotal + 153 = 192 total)
- 9. Gen 1 Love Ball HA Aprimon
- 1. Bulbasaur
- 2. Charmander
- 3. Squirtle
- 4. Caterpie
- 5. Pidgey
- 6. Rattata
- 7. Rattata-A
- 8. Spearow
- 9. Sandshrew-A
- 10. Nidoran Female
- 11. Vulpix-A
- 12. Kangaskhan
- 13. Horsea
- 14. Eevee
- (51 subtotal + 192 = 243 total)
- 244. Friend Rockruff (Own Tempo)
- 245. Moon HA Noibat
- 246. Moon HA Goomy
- 247. Moon HA Phantump
- 248. Moon HA Pawniard
- 249. Moon HA Axew
- 250. Level HA Scraggy
- 251. Level HA Sandile
- 252. Fast HA Sandile
- 253. Friend HA Sewaddle
- 254. Level HA Timburr
- 255. Fast HA Buizel
- 256. Safari Carnivine
- 257. Safari HA Budew (would prefer if you could breed it as Roselia)
- 258. Safari HA Bidoof
- 259. Lure HA Relicanth
- 260. Moon HA Absol
- 261. Safari HA Seviper
- 262. Friend HA Spinda
- 263. Heavy HA Spoink
- 264. Safari HA Torkoal
- 265. Safari HA Carvanha
- 266. Moon HA Minun
- 267. Moon HA Mawile
- 268. Level HA Mawile
- 269. Safari HA Azurill (would prefer if you could breed it as Azurill)
- 270. Friend HA Shroomish
- 271. Moon HA Ralts
- 272. Sport HA Wurmple
- 273. Heavy HA Larvitar
- 274. Safari HA Larvitar
- 275. Friend HA Smeargle
- 276. Level HA Corsola
- 277. Heavy HA Pineco
- 278. Safari HA Wooper
- 279. Level HA Aipom
- 280. Moon HA Natu
- 281. Friend HA Pichu
- 282. Level HA Dratini
- 283. Safari HA Lapras
- 284. Level HA Lickitung
- 285. Friend HA Exeggcute
- 286. Level HA Geodude-A
- 287. Lure HA Poliwag
- 288. Lure HA Vulpix-A
- 289. Level HA Vulpix
- 290. Beast HA Vulpix
- 291. Beast HA Magnemite
- 292. Beast HA Sneasel
- 293. Beast HA Bagon
- 294. Beast HA Beldum
- 295. Beast HA Riolu
- 296. Beast HA Dwebble
- 297. Beast Honedge
- 298. Beast HA Goomy
- 299. Beast Rockruff (Own Tempo)
- 300. Beast HA Comfey
- Grand total: 300
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