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Aug 8th, 2021
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  1. 1. Gen 7 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  2. 1. Oricorio
  3. 2. Morelull
  4. 3. Comfey
  5. 4. Pyukumuku
  6. 5. Togedemaru
  7. 6. Bruxish
  8. (6 subtotal)
  9. 2. Gen 7 Moon Ball HA Aprimon
  11. 1. Salandit
  12. 2. Bounsweet
  13. 3. Oranguru
  14. 4. Mimikyu
  15. 5. Drampa
  16. (29 subtotal + 6 = 35 total)
  17. 3. Gen 6 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  18. All EXCEPT
  19. 1. Chespin
  20. 2. Fennekin
  21. 3. Froakie
  22. 4. Flabebe (White)
  23. 5. Furfrou
  24. 6. Goomy
  25. 7. Noibat
  26. (15 subtotal + 35 = 50 total)
  27. 4. Gen 5 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  29. 1. Snivy
  30. 2. Audino
  31. 3. Venipede
  32. 4. Petilil
  33. 5. Trubbish
  34. 6. Minccino
  35. 7. Gothita
  36. 8. Solosis
  37. 9. Litwick
  38. 10. Vullaby
  39. (30 subtotal + 50 = 80 total)
  40. 6. Gen 4 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  42. 1. Chimchar
  43. 2. Piplup
  44. 3. Burmy
  45. 4. Cherubi
  46. 5. Happiny
  47. 6. Mime Jr.
  48. 7. Rotom
  49. (25 subtotal + 80 = 105 total)
  50. (special request: would prefer if you hatched the evolved forms of incense baby pokemon (bonsly, chingling, mantyke, budew, and munchlax))
  51. 7. Gen 3 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  53. 1. Treecko
  54. 2. Torchic
  55. 3. Snorunt
  56. (48 subtotal + 105 = 153 total)
  57. (special request: would prefer if you hatched marill instead of azurill and wobuffet instead of wynaut)
  58. 8. Gen 2 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  60. 1. Cyndaquil
  61. 2. Totodile
  62. 3. Sentret
  63. 4. Houndour
  64. 5. Stantler
  65. 6. Smoochum
  66. 7. Miltank
  67. (39 subtotal + 153 = 192 total)
  68. 9. Gen 1 Love Ball HA Aprimon
  70. 1. Bulbasaur
  71. 2. Charmander
  72. 3. Squirtle
  73. 4. Caterpie
  74. 5. Pidgey
  75. 6. Rattata
  76. 7. Rattata-A
  77. 8. Spearow
  78. 9. Sandshrew-A
  79. 10. Nidoran Female
  80. 11. Vulpix-A
  81. 12. Kangaskhan
  82. 13. Horsea
  83. 14. Eevee
  84. (51 subtotal + 192 = 243 total)
  86. 244. Friend Rockruff (Own Tempo)
  87. 245. Moon HA Noibat
  88. 246. Moon HA Goomy
  89. 247. Moon HA Phantump
  90. 248. Moon HA Pawniard
  91. 249. Moon HA Axew
  92. 250. Level HA Scraggy
  93. 251. Level HA Sandile
  94. 252. Fast HA Sandile
  95. 253. Friend HA Sewaddle
  96. 254. Level HA Timburr
  97. 255. Fast HA Buizel
  98. 256. Safari Carnivine
  99. 257. Safari HA Budew (would prefer if you could breed it as Roselia)
  100. 258. Safari HA Bidoof
  101. 259. Lure HA Relicanth
  102. 260. Moon HA Absol
  103. 261. Safari HA Seviper
  104. 262. Friend HA Spinda
  105. 263. Heavy HA Spoink
  106. 264. Safari HA Torkoal
  107. 265. Safari HA Carvanha
  108. 266. Moon HA Minun
  109. 267. Moon HA Mawile
  110. 268. Level HA Mawile
  111. 269. Safari HA Azurill (would prefer if you could breed it as Azurill)
  112. 270. Friend HA Shroomish
  113. 271. Moon HA Ralts
  114. 272. Sport HA Wurmple
  115. 273. Heavy HA Larvitar
  116. 274. Safari HA Larvitar
  117. 275. Friend HA Smeargle
  118. 276. Level HA Corsola
  119. 277. Heavy HA Pineco
  120. 278. Safari HA Wooper
  121. 279. Level HA Aipom
  122. 280. Moon HA Natu
  123. 281. Friend HA Pichu
  124. 282. Level HA Dratini
  125. 283. Safari HA Lapras
  126. 284. Level HA Lickitung
  127. 285. Friend HA Exeggcute
  128. 286. Level HA Geodude-A
  129. 287. Lure HA Poliwag
  130. 288. Lure HA Vulpix-A
  131. 289. Level HA Vulpix
  132. 290. Beast HA Vulpix
  133. 291. Beast HA Magnemite
  134. 292. Beast HA Sneasel
  135. 293. Beast HA Bagon
  136. 294. Beast HA Beldum
  137. 295. Beast HA Riolu
  138. 296. Beast HA Dwebble
  139. 297. Beast Honedge
  140. 298. Beast HA Goomy
  141. 299. Beast Rockruff (Own Tempo)
  142. 300. Beast HA Comfey
  144. Grand total: 300
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