

Dec 9th, 2019
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  1. local Client = {};
  2. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  3. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  4. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  5. local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  6. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  8. local lasttick = tick()
  9. local library, frames, Callbacks, Enabled = loadstring(game:HttpGet("[STR_ENCRYPT]"))();
  11. local Combat = library:CreateWindow({text = "Combat"});
  12. local Teleport_ = library:CreateWindow({text = "Teleport"});
  13. local Team = library:CreateWindow({text = "Team"});
  14. local Utility = library:CreateWindow({text = "Utility"});
  15. local Gives = library:CreateWindow({text = "Gives"});
  16. local PortableRadio = library:CreateWindow({text = "Portable Radio"});
  18. local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
  19. local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  20. local Character = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
  21. local WC = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.WeaponCore);
  22. local RobbedTable = {};
  23. local PROTECTED_NAME = false;
  24. local MouseDown = false
  25. local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  26. local Character = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
  27. local Crosshair = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("CrosshairGUI"):WaitForChild("Center")
  29. local SoundL ="Sound", Character.UpperTorso)
  30. SoundL.Playing = false
  31. SoundL.Looped = true
  33. Mouse.Button1Up:Connect(function()
  34. MouseDown = false
  35. end)
  37. Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
  38. MouseDown = true
  39. end)
  41. local GetPlayerByAproxName;
  42. local HasDiffuel;
  43. local GetRob;
  44. local FindFirstRemote;
  45. local CopAround;
  46. local Teleport;
  47. local Notif;
  48. local BagLimit;
  49. local spawn;
  50. local TelePart = workspace.Pyramid.Tele.Core2;
  51. local OldTelepartPos = TelePart.CFrame;
  53. do -- Utility
  54. function spawn(f, ...)
  55. return coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f), ...);
  56. end;
  58. function Notif(Title, Text)
  59. if not Title:find("<Color=") then
  60. Title = "<Color=Yellow>" .. Title .. "<Color=/>"
  61. end;
  63. Client.MessageFunc({{
  64. Text = Title .. "\n\n" .. Text,
  65. Delay = 1
  66. }})
  67. end
  69. function GetPlayerByAproxName(Text)
  70. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  71. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Text) == Text:lower() then
  72. return v
  73. end
  74. end
  76. return nil
  77. end
  79. function HasDiffuel()
  80. return MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(LocalPlayer.UserId,5275408)
  81. end
  83. function GetRob()
  84. local AvailaibleRob = {}
  85. local LastBagLimit = 0
  86. local BetterRob = nil
  89. for a,b in pairs(ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus:GetChildren()) do
  90. if b.Locked.Value == false and b.Robbing.Value == false and not RobbedTable[b.Name] or b.Robbing.Value == true and not RobbedTable[b.Name] then
  91. AvailaibleRob[a] = b
  92. end
  93. end
  95. for a,b in pairs(AvailaibleRob) do
  96. if LastBagLimit < BagLimit[b.Name] then
  98. LastBagLimit = BagLimit[b.Name]
  99. BetterRob = b
  100. end
  101. end
  103. return BetterRob
  104. end
  106. function FindFirstRemote(Obj)
  107. for i, v in pairs(Obj:GetDescendants()) do
  108. if v:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  109. return v;
  110. end;
  111. end;
  112. end;
  114. function CopAround()
  115. for a,b in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  116. if not b.Character or not b.Character.PrimaryPart or not LocalPlayer.Character or not LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart then return end
  117. local Dist = (b.Character.PrimaryPart.Position-LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude
  118. if tostring(b.Team) == "Heroes" or tostring(b.Team) == "Police" then
  119. if Dist <= 20 then
  120. return true
  121. end;
  122. end;
  123. end;
  124. end;
  126. function Teleport(Pos)
  127. assert(type(Pos) == "userdata", "Invalid position");
  129. local OldMag = Character.PrimaryPart.Position.Magnitude;
  130. local Wait = tick();
  131. local OLD;
  133. TelePart.CanCollide = false;
  134. TelePart.Transparency = 1;
  135. TelePart.CFrame = Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame
  137. repeat
  138. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  139. until OldMag ~= Character.PrimaryPart.Position.Magnitude or tick() - Wait > 2
  141. OLD = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
  142. Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame =;
  143. end);
  145. TelePart.CanCollide = true;
  146. TelePart.Transparency = 0;
  147. TelePart.CFrame = OldTelepartPos;
  148. wait(0.4);
  149. OLD:Disconnect();
  150. if Character:FindFirstChild("AntiTeleport") then
  151. Teleport(Pos);
  152. else
  153. wait(0.5);
  154. end;
  155. end;
  157. BagLimit = {
  158. ["Jewel"] = HasDiffuel() and 10000 or 5000,
  159. ["Club"] = HasDiffuel() and 12000 or 6000,
  160. ["Pyramid"] = HasDiffuel() and 15000 or 7500,
  161. ["Casino"] = HasDiffuel() and 8000 or 4000,
  162. ["Bank"] = HasDiffuel() and 6000 or 3000,
  163. }
  164. end;
  166. do -- Get robbery state
  167. for i, v in pairs(ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus:GetChildren()) do
  168. v.Locked.Changed:Connect(function()
  169. if v.Locked.Value == false then
  170. if RobbedTable[v.Name] then
  171. RobbedTable[v.Name] = nil;
  172. end;
  173. end;
  174. end);
  175. end;
  176. end;
  178. do -- Scan and get agrs
  179. do -- WeaponCore hook
  180. Client.OldWeaponCore = {}
  182. local function GetMousePoint(X, Y)
  183. local ignore = {
  184. workspace.Ignore,
  185. Character,
  186. workspace.Water
  187. }
  189. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  190. if v ~= nil then
  191. if Character then
  192. table.insert(ignore, Character);
  193. end;
  194. end;
  195. end;
  197. local Mag = Camera:ScreenPointToRay(X, Y);
  198. local NewRay =, Mag.Direction * 2000);
  199. local Target, Position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(NewRay, ignore, false, true);
  200. return Position;
  201. end;
  203. for i, v in next, WC do
  204. Client.OldWeaponCore[i] = v
  206. if i:find("Shoot") or i:find("ThrowGrenade") then
  207. WC[i] = function(...)
  208. if not Crosshair then
  209. return v(...);
  210. end;
  212. for i, v in pairs(getreg()) do
  213. if type(v) == "function" then
  214. for i2, v2 in pairs(getupvalues(v)) do
  215. if i2 == "Ammo" or i2 == "Clip" then
  216. debug.setupvalue(v, i2, math.huge);
  217. elseif i2 == "Db" then
  218. debug.setupvalue(v, i2, false);
  219. end;
  220. end;
  221. end;
  222. end;
  224. local Args = {...};
  226. if i == "ShootGun" and ultragunmod.Text == "ON" then
  227. repeat
  228. for i2, v2 in pairs(WC) do
  229. if i2:find("Shoot") and i2 ~= "ShootGun" then
  230. pcall(function()
  231. Args[3] = GetMousePoint(Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.X, Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.Y);
  232. Args[6] = 0;
  233. Client.OldWeaponCore[i2](unpack(Args));
  234. end);
  235. end;
  236. end;
  238. Args[3] = GetMousePoint(Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.X, Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.Y);
  239. Args[6] = 0;
  240. v(unpack(Args));
  241. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  242. until not MouseDown or ultragunmod.Text == "OFF"
  243. elseif gunmod.Text == "ON" then
  244. repeat
  245. Args[3] = GetMousePoint(Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.X, Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.Y);
  246. Args[6] = 0;
  247. v(unpack(Args));
  248. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  249. until not MouseDown or not LocalPlayer.Character or not Crosshair or gunmod.Text == "OFF"
  250. elseif firemode.Text == "ON" and i == "ShootGun" then
  251. repeat
  252. Args[3] = GetMousePoint(Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.X, Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.Y);
  253. Args[6] = nil;
  254. Args[5] = Character.LeftHand;
  255. Client.OldWeaponCore.ShootFireball(unpack(Args));
  256. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  257. until not MouseDown or not LocalPlayer.Character or not Crosshair or firemode.Text == "OFF"
  258. elseif icemode.Text == "ON" and i == "ShootGun" then
  259. repeat
  260. Args[3] = GetMousePoint(Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.X, Crosshair.AbsolutePosition.Y);
  261. Args[6] = 0;
  262. Client.OldWeaponCore.ShootIce(unpack(Args));
  263. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  264. until not MouseDown or not LocalPlayer.Character or not Crosshair or icemode.Text == "OFF"
  265. else
  266. v(unpack(Args));
  267. end;
  268. end;
  269. end;
  270. end;
  271. end;
  273. do -- Msg2
  274. spawn(function()
  275. for i, v in pairs(getgc()) do
  276. if type(v) == "function" and getfenv(v).script.Name == "UI_Main" then
  277. if getfenv(v).Msg2 then
  278. Client.MessageFunc = getfenv(v).Msg2;
  279. return;
  280. end;
  281. end;
  282. end;
  283. end);
  284. end;
  286. do -- Anti ragdoll
  287. spawn(function()
  288. for i, v in pairs(getgc()) do
  289. if type(v) == "function" and getfenv(v).script.Name == "WeaponCore" then
  290. if getfenv(v).DogAttack then
  291. local OldDogAttack = getfenv(v).DogAttack;
  292. local OldTazer = getfenv(v).Tazer;
  294. getfenv(v).DogAttack = function(...)
  295. if antidogattack.Text == "ON" then
  296. return;
  297. end;
  299. return OldDogAttack(...)
  300. end;
  302. getfenv(v).Tazer = function(...)
  303. if antitazer.Text == "ON" then
  304. return;
  305. end;
  307. return OldTazer(...);
  308. end;
  310. return;
  311. end;
  312. end;
  313. end;
  314. end);
  315. end;
  318. Client.ANI_Fly = getsenv(LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.Animate.ANI_Fly);
  320. for i, v in pairs(getupvalues( do
  321. if v == 1.25 then
  322. Client.ANI_Fly.SpeedUpValue = i;
  323. end;
  324. end;
  325. end;
  327. do -- Combat
  328. gunmod = Combat:AddToggle("Gun mode");
  329. superpunch = Combat:AddToggle("Super punch", function()
  330. if superpunch.Text == "ON" and Client.MainUI.Punch then
  331. repeat
  332. Client.MainUI.Punch(Character);
  333. wait();
  334. until superpunch.Text == "OFF";
  335. end;
  336. end);
  337. ultragunmod = Combat:AddToggle("Ultra gun mode");
  338. firemode = Combat:AddToggle("Fire mode");
  339. icemode = Combat:AddToggle("Ice mode");
  341. badaboum = Combat:AddButton("Badaboum!", function()
  342. local Found = LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") or Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool");
  344. if Found then
  345. for i = 1, 60 do
  346. local Pos = Character.PrimaryPart.Position + , 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50));
  347. Client.OldWeaponCore:ShootFireball(Character, Pos, Found.Name, Character.LeftHand);
  348. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  349. end;
  350. end;
  351. end);
  352. end;
  354. do -- On new char
  355. local function onNewChar(Chr)
  356. Chr:WaitForChild("Humanoid");
  357. Chr:WaitForChild("UpperTorso");
  359. SoundL ="Sound", Chr.UpperTorso);
  360. SoundL.Playing = false;
  361. SoundL.Looped = true;
  363. LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.TeleportEffect.Visible = false;
  365. Chr.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(Obj)
  366. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait()
  367. if Obj:IsA("BodyPosition") and Obj.Parent and Obj.Parent.Name == "Head" then
  368. Obj:Destroy();
  369. end;
  370. end);
  372. Chr.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function()
  373. local WS = tonumber(speedbox.Text);
  374. local JP = tonumber(jumpbox.Text);
  376. if WS then Chr.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = WS end;
  377. if JP then Chr.Humanoid.JumpPower = JP end;
  378. end);
  380. for i, v in pairs(getreg()) do
  381. if type(v) == "function" then
  382. if getfenv(v).HoldProgress then
  383. Client.MainUI = getfenv(v);
  384. local OLD = getfenv(v).HoldProgress;
  385. getfenv(v).HoldProgress = function(...)
  386. if nowait.Text == "ON" then
  387. return true;
  388. else
  389. return OLD(...)
  390. end;
  391. return;
  392. end;
  393. end;
  394. end;
  395. end;
  397. Character = Chr;
  399. if PROTECTED_NAME then
  400. local NameTag = Chr:WaitForChild("NameTag");
  401. wait(1);
  402. NameTag:Destroy();
  403. Notif("Protect Name", "You were dead we protected your name again !");
  404. end;
  405. end;
  407. onNewChar(LocalPlayer.Character);
  408. LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(onNewChar);
  409. end
  411. do -- Give stuff
  412. garage = Gives:AddButton("Give mobile garage", function()
  413. Notif("Mobile Garage", "You got the Mobile Garage!");
  414. local gamepasses = {5285945};
  416. for _,v in next, gamepasses do
  417. if not game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild(tostring(v)) then
  418. local l ="BoolValue", game.Players.LocalPlayer);
  419. l.Name = tostring(v);
  420. l.Value = true;
  421. end;
  422. end;
  423. end);
  425. giveemotes = Gives:AddButton("Give emotes", function()
  426. Notif("Give emotes", "You now have all emotes");
  427. local gamepasses = {5786950, 5945566};
  429. for _,v in next, gamepasses do
  430. if not game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild(tostring(v)) then
  431. local l ="BoolValue", game.Players.LocalPlayer);
  432. l.Name = tostring(v);
  433. l.Value = true;
  434. end;
  435. end;
  436. end);
  438. Radio = Gives:AddButton("Give radio", function()
  439. Notif("Give radio", "You now have the radio")
  440. local gamepasses = {5283883};
  442. for _,v in next, gamepasses do
  443. if not game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild(tostring(v)) then
  444. local l ="BoolValue", game.Players.LocalPlayer);
  445. l.Name = tostring(v);
  446. l.Value = true;
  447. end;
  448. end;
  449. end);
  451. givefiregem = Gives:AddButton("Give fire gem", function()
  452. workspace.ObjectSelection.FireGem.FireGem.FireGem.Event:FireServer();
  453. end);
  455. givedeathray = Gives:AddButton("Give deathray", function()
  456. local OldPos = Character.PrimaryPart.Position;
  458. Teleport(, 13273.7822, 631.195129));
  459. ReplicatedStorage['Event']:FireServer("Worthy", true);
  460. workspace.ObjectSelection.ArkOfTheCluck.ArkOfTheCluck.ArkOfTheCluck['Event']:FireServer();
  461. Teleport(, 25.5499821, 600.238098));
  462. workspace.ObjectSelection.DeathRay.DeathRay.DeathRay.Event:FireServer();
  463. Teleport(OldPos);
  464. end);
  466. givejetpack = Gives:AddButton("Give jetpack", function()
  467. local OldPos = Character.PrimaryPart.Position;
  469. workspace.ObjectSelection.BossKey.Nope.BossKey.Event:FireServer();
  470. Teleport(, 29.0133343, -1552.59692));
  471. workspace.ObjectSelection.TakeJetpack.TakeJetpack.TakeJetpack.Event:FireServer();
  472. wait(0.1);
  473. Teleport(OldPos);
  474. end)
  475. end;
  477. do -- Utility stuff
  478. speedbox = Utility:AddBox("Speed");
  479. jumpbox = Utility:AddBox("Jump");
  480. flyspeed = Utility:AddBox("Fly speed", function()
  481. local Val = tonumber(flyspeed.Text) or 1.25;
  482. if Val == 1 then
  483. Val = 1.25
  484. end;
  485. debug.setupvalue(, Client.ANI_Fly.SpeedUpValue, Val);
  486. end);
  488. nowait = Utility:AddToggle("No wait");
  489. noclip = Utility:AddToggle("Noclip", function()
  490. if noclip.Text == "ON" then
  491. repeat
  492. if Character then
  493. Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11);
  494. end;
  495. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  496. until noclip.Text == "OFF";
  497. end;
  498. end);
  500. annoy = Utility:AddToggle("Annoy", function()
  501. Notif("Annoy", "You are now making a annoying noise (you'll not ear it).")
  502. repeat
  503. game.ReplicatedStorage.Event:FireServer("PlaySound", 547475704, Character.PrimaryPart);
  504. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  505. until annoy.Text == "OFF";
  506. end);
  508. crashaura = Utility:AddToggle("Crash aura", function()
  509. if crashaura.Text == "ON" then
  510. Notif("Crash Aura", "Other peoples around of you will now crash.")
  511. repeat
  512. for i = 1, 100 do
  513. game.ReplicatedStorage.Event:FireServer("PlaySound", 240040664, Character.PrimaryPart, 1, 10);
  514. end;
  515. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  516. until crashaura.Text == "OFF";
  517. end;
  518. end);
  520. autoarrest = Utility:AddToggle("Auto arrest", function()
  521. local Remote = ReplicatedStorage['Event'];
  523. repeat
  524. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  525. if v.Team and v.Team.Name == "Criminals" and v.Character and v.Character.PrimaryPart then
  526. Teleport(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position +, 5, 0));
  527. repeat
  528. if Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs") then
  529. Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(LocalPlayer.Backpack.Handcuffs);
  530. end;
  532. if Character.PrimaryPart and v.Character.PrimaryPart then
  533. Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = +, 5, 0));
  534. Remote:FireServer("Arrest", v);
  535. end;
  536. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  537. until autoarrest.Text == "OFF" or not v or not v.Character or not v.Team or v.Team.Name ~= "Criminals";
  538. end;
  539. end;
  540. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  541. until autoarrest.Text == "OFF";
  542. end);
  544. xpfarm = Utility:AddToggle("XP Farm", function()
  545. local Remote = ReplicatedStorage['Event'];
  547. repeat
  548. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  549. if v.Team and v.Team.Name == "Criminals" and v.Character and v.Character.PrimaryPart then
  550. Teleport(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position +, 5, 0));
  551. repeat
  552. if Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Tazer") then
  553. Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(LocalPlayer.Backpack.Tazer);
  554. end;
  556. if Character.PrimaryPart and v.Character.PrimaryPart then
  557. Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = +, 5, 0));
  558. Remote:FireServer("TAZ", v.Character.PrimaryPart);
  559. Remote:FireServer("TAZ", v.Character.PrimaryPart);
  560. end;
  561. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  562. until xpfarm.Text == "OFF" or not v or not v.Character or not v.Team or v.Team.Name ~= "Criminals";
  563. end;
  564. end;
  565. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  566. until xpfarm.Text == "OFF";
  567. end);
  569. hovermode = Utility:AddToggle("Hover mode", function()
  570. local Car = workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s Vehicle");
  572. if hovermode.Text == "ON" then
  573. Notif("Hovermode","you can now drive on water!")
  574. repeat
  575. if Car then
  576. Car.CarChassis.HoverMode.Value = true
  577. end;
  578. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  579. until hovermode.Text == "OFF"
  580. else
  581. if Car then
  582. Car.CarChassis.HoverMode.Value = false
  583. end;
  584. Notif("Hovermode","Hovermode is disabled!")
  585. end
  586. end)
  588. infnitro = Utility:AddToggle("Inf nitro", function()
  589. local Car = workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s Vehicle");
  591. if infnitro.Text == "ON" then
  592. repeat
  593. if Car then
  594. Car.CarChassis.Boost.Value = 300;
  595. end;
  596. RunService.Heartbeat:Wait();
  597. until infnitro.Text == "OFF"
  598. end
  599. end)
  601. antidogattack = Utility:AddToggle("Anti dog attack");
  602. antitazer = Utility:AddToggle("Anti tazer");
  604. autofarm = Utility:AddToggle("Auto farm", function()
  606. while autofarm.Text == "ON" do
  607. do
  608. local VirtualUser = game:GetService("VirtualUser")
  609. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
  610. VirtualUser:CaptureController()
  611. VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
  612. end)
  613. wait()
  614. if GetRob() then
  615. local Rob = GetRob().Name
  616. if Rob == "Bank" then
  617. Teleport(, 26.5212555, 529.736694))
  618. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  619. if b.Name == "HackComputer" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  620. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  621. end
  622. end
  623. Teleport(, 1.52048075, 489.297516))
  624. Teleport(, 1.52021134, 478.228577))
  625. wait(14)
  626. repeat
  627. wait()
  628. until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.StatsHUD.CashBagHUD.Cash.Amount.Text:match("%d+")) >= BagLimit[Rob] or autofarm.Text == "OFF" or CopAround() or ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Bank.Robbing.Value == false
  629. Teleport(, 25.8151836, 446.250061))
  630. RobbedTable[Rob] = true
  631. elseif Rob == "Jewel" then
  632. Teleport(, 85.7885284, 805.830872))
  633. Teleport(, 25.6350899, 799.112732))
  634. wait(5)
  635. for a, b in pairs(workspace.JewelryStore.JewelryBoxes:GetChildren()) do
  636. if b:FindFirstChild("HP") and b.HP.Value > 0 then
  637. for c = 1, 5 do
  638. workspace.JewelryStore.JewelryBoxes.JewelryManager.Event:FireServer(b)
  639. end
  640. end
  641. end
  642. wait(1)
  643. Teleport(, 25.8227158, 448.256073))
  644. RobbedTable[Rob] = true
  645. elseif Rob == "Club" then
  646. Teleport(, 44.9956322, -151.475937))
  647. Teleport(, 144.152405, -101.011322))
  648. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  649. if b.Name == "HackKeyPad" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  650. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  651. end
  652. end
  653. Teleport(, 146.195587, -127.74015))
  654. wait(10)
  655. repeat
  656. wait()
  657. until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.StatsHUD.CashBagHUD.Cash.Amount.Text:match("%d+")) >= BagLimit[Rob] or autofarm.Text == "OFF" or CopAround() or ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Club.Robbing.Value == false
  658. Teleport(, 25.8151836, 446.250061))
  659. RobbedTable[Rob] = true
  660. elseif Rob == "Casino" then
  661. Teleport(, 40.1548805, 570.045532))
  662. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  663. if b.Name == "Lever1" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  664. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  665. end
  666. end
  667. Teleport(, 40.1548805, 447.774811))
  668. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  669. if b.Name == "Lever2" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  670. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  671. end
  672. end
  673. Teleport(, 40.1548805, 449.710144))
  674. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  675. if b.Name == "Lever3" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  676. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  677. end
  678. end
  679. Teleport(, 26.2548923, 492.133392))
  680. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  681. if b.Name == "Lever4" and (b:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position - Character.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= 50 then
  682. FindFirstRemote(b):FireServer()
  683. end
  684. end
  685. Teleport(, 26.9989281, 524.69635))
  686. wait(10)
  687. repeat
  688. wait()
  689. until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.StatsHUD.CashBagHUD.Cash.Amount.Text:match("%d+")) >= BagLimit[Rob] or autofarm.Text == "OFF" or CopAround() or ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Casino.Robbing.Value == false
  690. Teleport(, 25.8151836, 446.250061))
  691. RobbedTable[Rob] = true
  692. elseif Rob == "Pyramid" then
  693. Teleport(, 19.0243912, -568.009583))
  694. wait(0.1)
  695. Teleport(workspace.Pyramid.Tele.Core1.Position)
  696. Teleport(, 13269.9785, 565.45929))
  697. repeat
  698. wait()
  699. until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.StatsHUD.CashBagHUD.Cash.Amount.Text:match("%d+")) >= BagLimit[Rob] or autofarm.Text == "OFF" or CopAround() or ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Pyramid.Robbing.Value == false
  700. Teleport(workspace.Pyramid.Tele.Core2.Position)
  701. Teleport(, 25.8151836, 446.250061))
  702. RobbedTable[Rob] = true
  703. end
  704. end
  705. if not GetRob() then
  706. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("Phone") or workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("Laptop") then
  707. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  708. if not b:FindFirstChild("Nope") and b.Name == "Phone" or b.Name == "Laptop" and b:FindFirstChild("Steal") and not GetRob() then
  709. Teleport(b.Steal.Position)
  710. if b:FindFirstChild("Steal") then
  711. b.Steal.Steal.Event:FireServer()
  712. end
  713. wait(0.2)
  714. end
  715. end
  716. end
  717. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("ATM") then
  718. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  719. if b:FindFirstChild("ATM") and b.Name == "ATM" and b.Screen.BrickColor =="Steel blue") and not GetRob() then
  720. Teleport(b.Screen.Position)
  721. if b:FindFirstChild("ATM") then
  722. b.ATM.ATM.Event:FireServer()
  723. end
  724. wait(3)
  725. end
  726. end
  727. end
  728. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("Luggage") then
  729. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  730. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") and b.Name == "Luggage" and not GetRob() then
  731. Teleport(b.SmashCash.Position)
  732. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") then
  733. b.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  734. end
  735. wait(3)
  736. end
  737. end
  738. end
  739. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("Cash") then
  740. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  741. if b:FindFirstChild("Cash") and b.Name == "Cash" and not GetRob() then
  742. Teleport(b.Cash.Position)
  743. if b:FindFirstChild("Cash") then
  744. b.Cash.Cash.Event:FireServer()
  745. end
  746. wait(3)
  747. end
  748. end
  749. end
  750. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("SlotMachine") then
  751. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  752. if b:FindFirstChild("SlotMachine") and b.Name == "SlotMachine" and not GetRob() then
  753. Teleport(b.SlotMachine.Position)
  754. if b:FindFirstChild("SlotMachine") then
  755. b.SlotMachine.SlotMachine.Event:FireServer()
  756. end
  757. wait(3)
  758. end
  759. end
  760. end
  761. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("CashRegister") then
  762. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  763. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") and b.Name == "CashRegister" and not GetRob() then
  764. Teleport(b.SmashCash.Position)
  765. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") then
  766. b.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  767. end
  768. end
  769. end
  770. end
  771. if workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild("DiamondBox") then
  772. for a, b in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  773. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") and b.Name == "DiamondBox" and not GetRob() then
  774. Teleport(b.SmashCash.Position)
  775. if b:FindFirstChild("SmashCash") then
  776. b.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  777. end
  778. end
  779. end
  780. end
  781. end
  782. end
  783. end
  784. end)
  786. modcar = Utility:AddButton("Mod car", function()
  787. local Car = workspace.ObjectSelection:FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s Vehicle");
  788. local Settings = require(Car.Settings);
  789. Settings.MaxSpeed = 250;
  790. Settings.Torque = 7;
  791. Notif("Mod car", "Please get out of the car");
  792. end);
  794. protectcharacter = Utility:AddButton("Protect character", function()
  796. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants()) do
  797. if v:IsA("Clothing") then
  798. v:Destroy();
  799. end;
  800. end;
  802. for _,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  803. if (v:IsA("Accessory")) then
  804. v.Handle.Mesh:remove();
  805. end;
  806. end;
  807. Notif("Protect Character","Enabled")
  808. end);
  810. protectname = Utility:AddButton("Protect name", function()
  811. PROTECTED_NAME = true
  812. if Character:FindFirstChild("NameTag") then
  813. Notif("Protect Name", "Other peoples can no longer see what's your name")
  814. Character.NameTag:Destroy()
  815. end
  816. end)
  817. end;
  819. do -- Team stuff
  820. joinhero = Team:AddButton("Join hero", function()
  821. ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer("SetTeam", "Heroes")
  822. end)
  824. joinpolice = Team:AddButton("Join police", function()
  825. ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer("SetTeam", "Police")
  826. end)
  828. joinprisoner = Team:AddButton("Join prisoner", function()
  829. ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer("SetTeam", "Prisoners")
  830. end);
  831. end;
  833. do --PortableRadio Client
  834. Vol = PortableRadio:AddBox("Volume");
  835. Pitch = PortableRadio:AddBox("Pitch");
  836. ID = PortableRadio:AddBox("ID");
  838. Play = PortableRadio:AddButton("Play", function()
  839. ReplicatedStorage.Event:FireServer("StopSound", Character);
  840. SoundL:Destroy()
  841. SoundL ="Sound", Character.UpperTorso)
  842. SoundL.Playing = true
  843. SoundL.Looped = true
  844. SoundL.Volume = tonumber(Vol.Text) or 2
  845. SoundL.Pitch = tonumber(Pitch.Text) or 1
  846. SoundL.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. ID.Text
  847. local PitchVal = tonumber(Pitch.Text) or 2;
  848. local VolVal = tonumber(Vol.Text) or 2;
  849. ReplicatedStorage.Event:FireServer("PlaySound", ID.Text, Character.UpperTorso, PitchVal, VolVal, true)
  850. end)
  852. Stop = PortableRadio:AddButton("Stop", function()
  853. ReplicatedStorage.Event:FireServer("StopSound", Character)
  854. SoundL:Destroy()
  855. end)
  856. end;
  857. -- Teleport Client
  858. do
  859. local Locations = {
  860. Airport =, 28.4298058, -1407.47253),
  861. GarageCar =, 25.2074814, -495.906647),
  862. PyramidOut =, 18.7272224, -497.751251),
  863. CriminalBase =, 25.8151836, 446.250061),
  864. BankOut =, 26.3202858, 493.676971),
  865. BankIn =, 1.51922655, 480.476135),
  866. ClubIn =, 145.705399, -121.327522),
  867. ClubOut =, 26.1548405, 32.9664612),
  868. CasinoOut =, 26.1266747, 681.617859),
  869. CasinoIn =, 26.9989338, 523.871338),
  870. JewelryIn =, 27.0941372, 803.862976),
  871. JewelryOut =, 26.0048256, 725.524719),
  872. GunShop =, 43.56744, 677.389771),
  873. JailOut =, 53.4290771, -2621.21045),
  874. JailIn =, 53.8590355, -3103.92041),
  875. GarageBoat =, 11.1047783, 262.945068),
  876. CarDealer =, 26.1537762, -619.521973),
  877. GasStation =, 26.0267735, 1004.63342),
  878. HeroBase =, 75, 1601),
  879. VolcanoTop =, 366.245483, 1579.44983),
  880. }
  882. tptoplayer = Teleport_:AddBox("Tp to player", function()
  883. local Target = GetPlayerByAproxName(tptoplayer.Text);
  885. if Target then
  886. Teleport(Target.Character.PrimaryPart.Position);
  887. tptoplayer.Text = "";
  888. end;
  889. end)
  891. for i, v in pairs(Locations) do
  892. Teleport_:AddButton(i, function()
  893. Teleport(v);
  894. end);
  895. end;
  897. Teleport_:AddButton("PyramidIn", function()
  898. Teleport(workspace.Pyramid.Tele.Core1.Position)
  899. wait(0.1)
  900. Teleport(, 13272.9795, 529.529175))
  901. end)
  902. end
  904. local CameraShaker = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.CameraShaker);
  905. CameraShaker.ShakeOnce = function() end;
  906. CameraShaker.Shake = function() end;
  908. for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  909. if v:IsA("Sound") and v.Name == "Laser" then
  910. v.Parent:Destroy()
  911. end;
  912. end;
  913. workspace.Lava:Destroy();
  915. Notif("Loaded","[STR_ENCRYPT]MadCityHaxx V2 loaded created by <Color=Red>spidercraft781<Color=/> and <Color=Blue>Aztup<Color=/>.")
  916. wait(0.3)
  917. Notif("Close the gui","To close the gui press Right Shift.")
  919. for i, v in pairs(frames) do
  920. v.Visible = true;
  921. end;
  923. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Key, _)
  924. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift and not _ then
  925. library.gui.Enabled = not library.gui.Enabled;
  926. end;
  927. end);
  929. --
  930. --
  931. --
  932. --
  933. --
  934. --
  935. --
  936. --
  937. --
  938. --
  939. --
  940. --
  941. --
  942. --
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