
Previously, on BASH (23/10/17)

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. [00:35] <~Paladin_Johnathan> OKAY,
  2. [00:35] <~Paladin_Johnathan> So, in today's session, Monkman, Paladork, and Gloryhog all got together and were like "I'm bored, let's go."
  3. [00:36] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Paladork wanted to find the Healing Hand in the area and help them out.
  4. [00:36] <~Paladin_Johnathan> so Gloryhog was like "I know just where they'll be."
  5. [00:36] <~Paladin_Johnathan> He didn't know where they would be.
  6. [00:36] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Monkman had to ask a street civillian.
  7. [00:36] <~Paladin_Johnathan> For directions to the...
  8. [00:37] <~Paladin_Johnathan> ...rowdiest bar in town. Because Gloryhog's plan was "We'll go to a place where there will inevitably be a fight, and you'll surely see your healer friends there."
  9. [00:37] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Fucking genius.
  10. [00:38] <Trogg> That's like saying the fire isn't hot enough so the best solution is to toss in some TNT
  11. [00:38] <~Paladin_Johnathan> So we got there. There's an obvious racial divide. Lizard people, tiny lizard people. Elves. Lizard people with funny hats.
  12. [00:39] <~Paladin_Johnathan> And the same band from the last time we went to a bar, I'm pretty sure.
  13. [00:40] <&Jack> Only one lizard person with a hat, which was a big lily pad.
  14. [00:40] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Monkman gets a drink. Gloryhog encourages Paladork to go talk to the shiny magic lizards in the corner. He does, and basically gets told "Fuck off, humie." He, being an idiot, however, does not get the hint, and asks again if they know where the Healing Hand will be. They say they will oblige him, and one stands up.
  15. [00:40] <~Paladin_Johnathan> But *before* that.
  16. [00:40] <&Jack> (There were also several humans in the bar, both patrons and in the band)
  17. [00:41] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Monkman and Gloryhog are witness to a scene where some small blue frog lizard things get up onto the table and start harassing some of the elves, over taking their jobs, over the Shield, and other racial bullshit that the elves seem confused but frustrated about.
  18. [00:41] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Monkman finally says "Cut it out. You're interfering with my drink." And the lizards stop and turn to face him.
  19. [00:42] <~Paladin_Johnathan> The tiny lizard dude walks up to Monkman, looks him up and down - he's at least a head and a half smaller than him, but he turns around and says he's not worth the trouble.
  20. [00:42] <~Paladin_Johnathan> Monkman replies "I get the feeling you say that a lot. That must be why you're out of a job."
  21. [00:42] <~Paladin_Johnathan> *sip*
  22. [00:43] <~Paladin_Johnathan> More racial epithets are eventually slung, and Monkman tries a classic bar bluff that sadly fails, and a fight rings out - Johnathan rushing in to try and heal, but he gets backstabbed by the lizard dudes he spoke to, which another patron takes offense to the backstabbing and jumps in as well, and the barkeep grabs a chair and the lizard with a hat is a druid
  23. [00:43] <~Paladin_Johnathan> and they turn into a bear.
  24. [00:44] <~Paladin_Johnathan> The fight comes to an end, everyone's fine because Johnathan was constantly channelling, except for one small frog thing that Darius fucking killed.
  25. [00:45] <~Paladin_Johnathan> It's generally agreed that it was self defense because nobody does anything about that. Healing Hand come in. Johnathan hangs out with those fuckers while the other two go back to the hold.
  26. [00:45] <~Paladin_Johnathan> It... was literally just a pub crawl.
  29. In addition, a few minor plot threads were expanded upon and picked up, alongside worldbuilding details:
  31. Carnell Hold does have public transportation: namely wagons on the streets, and barges in the canals that criss-cross the city overhead. Private ones can be chartered, the taxi to the public transport's bus, but they are not free to use. They're generally cleaner, and don't make stops anywhere you don't ask them to.
  32. The forge district has the nicer, prettier, shops on the external side -- jewellers, people who sell more decorative or higher-end armaments, ornaments, and the like. The seedier or lower-end shops are deeper, as are the primary producers and smelters and forges.
  34. The lizardfolk tend to live largely in the forge district of Carnell Hold, which is almost constantly warm due to massive forges and smelters within it.
  36. Darius interrogated two elves, and found out that apparently about a century ago, while Nemora was under siege, there was an elvish smuggler who managed to get food past the shield wall. They didn't know how, however, but Darius is going to look into it.
  38. Bjoryr befriended Navaussh, the bar's proprietor -- an old, scarred lizardfolk -- and apparent community pillar, who tries to keep the fighting indoors so that nobody gets in trouble. Bjoryr is also trying to convince him to invest in building an arena to harness the fighting.
  40. Irtecis, the druid (who had the lily pad hat), seems to be some form of spiritual leader amongst the lizardfolk community -- and was arbitrating the funeral rites to the dead lizardfolk. Nobody looked into this, or what would be involved.
  42. Johnathan went with the two Healing Hand members to continue their rounds and healing anyone injured during the night. Later, he's going to go with them to somewhere called Bleakwall, which apparently needs more healers -- and requires one of them with him to get into. The Healing Hand are also petitioning the Court of Builders for some form of apprenticeship, and could use help making inroads with it.
  44. Nobody spoke to the band.
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