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Apr 7th, 2018
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  1. OP1XeR - Today at 2:53 AM
  2. Hey
  3. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:53 AM
  4. Whats up
  5. OP1XeR - Today at 2:53 AM
  6. you wanted that HWID spoofer
  7. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:53 AM
  8. How much for the spoofer and does it work as of Thursday
  9. OP1XeR - Today at 2:53 AM
  10. I have a chinese one
  11. yesterday worked.
  12. I can sell it to you cheap
  13. for like 20$
  14. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:54 AM
  15. hmm tempting
  16. can you screenshare how it works?
  17. cause i can't read chinese lol
  18. OP1XeR - Today at 2:55 AM
  21. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:55 AM
  22. did you code it and is it private?
  23. OP1XeR - Today at 2:56 AM
  24. it is private
  25. but I didn't code it
  26. It works for EAC
  27. but not for BattleEye
  28. so it wil work for rust/battalion and etc
  29. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:56 AM
  30. Are you just a reseller or do i have to reach out to the developer
  31. OP1XeR - Today at 2:57 AM
  32. Developer is chinese so I doubt you will be able to talk to him
  33. I'm pretty much reselling it cheap
  34. normally you would be asked for 35-40$
  35. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:57 AM
  36. hmm
  37. is that how much you paid
  38. OP1XeR - Today at 2:57 AM
  39. yes.
  40. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:57 AM
  41. And you are sure this will unban my HWID
  42. OP1XeR - Today at 2:58 AM
  43. well it helped me.
  44. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:58 AM
  45. are there any other steps on the process
  46. OP1XeR - Today at 2:58 AM
  47. unless facepunch REALLY hates you and banned your BIOS ,it should help.
  48. Well I personally use VPN+hwid spoofer+do some cleaning
  49. Healthy Dad - Today at 2:59 AM
  50. what do you mean by cleaning
  51. OP1XeR - Today at 2:59 AM
  52. all available steps from here
  53. +hwid spoofer
  54. +vpn
  55. but VPN isn't really needed anymore
  56. they stopped IP banning
  57. I believe
  58. OP1XeR - Today at 3:00 AM
  59. Haven't heard from anybody that they were getting banned for not changing their IP for a long time rigt now
  60. Healthy Dad - Today at 3:00 AM
  61. How private is this spoofer like less than 50 users?
  62. OP1XeR - Today at 3:02 AM
  63. I'm not sure actually but yea around that
  64. Healthy Dad - Today at 3:02 AM
  65. what payment do you accept?
  66. OP1XeR - Today at 3:03 AM
  67. paypal/pubg skins(more expensive)
  68. paypal family&friends tho only.
  69. Healthy Dad - Today at 3:04 AM
  70. how much in pubg skins
  71. OP1XeR - Today at 3:04 AM
  72. around ~28
  73. Healthy Dad - Today at 3:04 AM
  74. or $25 for paypal?
  75. OP1XeR - Today at 3:05 AM
  76. yea we can do that
  77. Healthy Dad - Today at 3:05 AM
  78. ok give me one moment
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