

Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. KarliahKnight: im im sorry i freaked for a just scared....
  2. KarliahKnight: hunter...
  3. NahkrahKhine: =p
  4. KarliahKnight: can i... can i hug you...... are you ok????
  5. NahkrahKhine: mhm
  6. NahkrahKhine: -opens my arms-
  7. KarliahKnight: ~hugs him tearing up then shyly steps away~
  8. NahkrahKhine: -cuddles her back-
  9. KarliahKnight: hunter.... do you know who i am?
  10. NahkrahKhine: mhm
  11. NahkrahKhine: your my sister correct
  12. KarliahKnight: yes
  13. KarliahKnight: wow... hearing you say it ids just... wow
  14. KarliahKnight: hunter... what happend.... how did you get to this point....
  15. NahkrahKhine: well
  16. NahkrahKhine: syrs took me to vick place
  17. NahkrahKhine: he wanted to kill my mother nikki
  18. NahkrahKhine: they told me to say i did it
  19. NahkrahKhine: it wa smy idea and i put the hit on nikki when i didnt
  20. NahkrahKhine: after that me and syrs didnt really talk much
  21. NahkrahKhine: i did go in his room once
  22. NahkrahKhine: but there was a girl in there
  23. NahkrahKhine: she didnt like the was
  24. NahkrahKhine: and she wouldnt let me talk to my father
  25. NahkrahKhine: i thin u was there
  26. NahkrahKhine: he had a go at me
  27. NahkrahKhine: actually
  28. NahkrahKhine: hang on
  29. Nythallia: She said that she wasn't going to let us come in and bad mouth him and such
  30. KarliahKnight: that was holly.
  31. KarliahKnight: i was there. hiding...
  32. KarliahKnight: was that the last time you tryed talking to him?
  33. NahkrahKhine: hey, you may need to talk with your mom and let her know that i deserve some time wih u too, we had an agreement that if i was in the room she would stay out and if she was i would stay out, so far i have had less than 2 hours with u in a week and she has been in every room with u to where i cant be there, that isnt fair, so please talk with her and tell her u want to spend some time with me too. bc its not going to be a good thing if i have to be in the same room with her just to see ya. i want nothing to do with her period, sure she feels the same about me but u belong to both of us but i cants spend time with u because of her selfish ass.. so please talk with her and let her know u want to spend time with me as well so if she wants to be in a room with ya fine but i deserve to be with ya as well. i wont leave next guess i'll talk with u whenever she leaves or is gone.. kinda said that she is so selfish but i guess its ll good.. love u son guess i'll see ya when u can get away.
  34. NahkrahKhine: hey son... when she isnt there i will come back.. also u seen right? her guard coming in gunning for me... it was for me he came in. i wasnt lying. i love u. but ur mom had no right to impose herself on my time.. that is the second time.. a third time and she wil defintely know not to forget again.. i'll explain later.. but when its my time with u she can get in pc ith ya or her rooms anything but not the room im in with u at.. that is not her area.. u besiure to tell her that too.. i love u and i;lll be back in when she leaves.. hugs
  35. NahkrahKhine: hey son, i'm sorry for poofing out again .. but with that person coming in thaat is her guard right before she did.. i am tellin you they are tryin to find a way to attack me or to kill me. soecialy when she pooofs after i do.. anyways, i love u and i am trying. but she has to know this is my area and try and respect my side too as i do hers. anyways, i gotta go for a while ill be back in a little whle after i sleep some and i wil finish ur graphic too.. i do love u my son. but she has to stpp tryin to get in between u and me period.. if she does it a 3rd time she isnt going to like it.. unless she has a good reason asnd u being in here with all of is not a good reason when she is with u elsewhere anyways.. i love u and i wil see ya in a while hugs u
  36. NahkrahKhine: he alsotook me in a room where someone wa sin there waitng till kill me
  37. NahkrahKhine: hey hunter, I want to know whats going on and why u are so upset with me that u wont even talk with me.. This isnt like u at all.. I thought we were close enough that u knew u could come to me about anything and talk to me.. was i wrong? I deserve to know if i have done something in order to straight it out.. I love ya and miss ya alot, I know your mom gets to see ya and u talk with her etc..but yet u wont even say hi to me.. anyways, please either msg me or come see me etc.. i miss u son..
  38. NahkrahKhine: okay dad the other night i fall asleep early and then after that if u havent forgotten . Ntye has traveled to come see me
  39. NahkrahKhine: I know one night u had fell asleep, but i have inboxed ya several times... I thought u were still mad at me, mainly bc u acted like it before u fell asleep thennot answering my msg and all. I'm so glad you and she are having time together, so hows it going? I hope you two are an awesome time... wooo hooo :) I have still beenworking on your graphic but i cant seem to get the edges feathered in but I have a friend that i have asked to help me with it and she is really good with graphics so between she and i maybe we can get it done.. if not then i will try a different graphic all together. i love ya son and i am happy for both of u being able to see each other.. u have a great time and no worries ok? everything will be ok.. i promise u son hugs
  40. NahkrahKhine: son i understand how u feel and i'm sorry for any offense i have made.. but u really hurt me with all the trash talkin u done.. anyways, come see me plz i love ya
  41. NahkrahKhine: ^
  42. NahkrahKhine: that idk
  43. NahkrahKhine: i never trashed talked him
  44. Nythallia: No you didn't
  45. NahkrahKhine: hunter son.. i was just informed thta nikki plans on takin full custody of u and kenna which isnt fair.. i didnt see where i was asked not to leave u alone.. i was standin up for u to that damn guy threatning u to me.. but hey its cool.. u have hurt me to no end.. guess nikki will get vik to be your dad now as she has been actoin anyways. i am sorry that i didnt stay in ur room with u and nyte and the other kids.. but i was tryin to do something for u.. hell no matter what u and kenna was going to be taken frm me anyways.. if u unfrind block or what ever then i will know i guess exactly what i meant to any of ya.. i made a mistake i'm sorry.. but u damn well know u are safe with me.. bu tu damn well arent with ur mom seeing that thatguy is princebloodlusts guard.. which is ur moms good friend.. but anyways all of nikiis frends i sblocked only u and kenna isnt. i hope u dojnt block me .. i did NOT see any messge not to leave u alone.. i love ya.. if it matters.. and as long as u
  46. Nythallia: closest thing to rude that ever happened was the message Great Granddad had me send
  47. NahkrahKhine: stay arond that crowd
  48. NahkrahKhine: u will have drama. u are always welcome wherever i am u and kenna both.. i love ya plz forgive me for needing to calm down..
  49. NahkrahKhine: So i get removed from ur chat and kicked out ur room how the fuck is that far -.-
  50. NahkrahKhine: that was me ^
  51. NahkrahKhine: i was on the phone with my net provider and not at myputer.. also why wee u so rude that isnt right either.. and i dont care who told uwhat i didnt put a hit anyone and u were there when that shit happened hunter. also, what the hel is all the drama starting up again? ughh and i do love u. I have seen when u came in and all i have seen whatever one has said they arent in the right either and i said so.. she booted u bc of u cussing and being mean.. u didnt have to be that way.. i'm not nikki hun i love u andi want u as my son but this cussing and all has gotta stop there is no need in it.. u can come see and talk to me anytime . btw i havent replaced u.. remember ur mom is the one that wants u stripped from me bc of roses nosy ass.. she should have left it alone but he was threatening u to my face and i was standing up for u and yet i get thrown out of the room etc. ucan thank rose for that shit.. she should've left it alone but couldnt .. she is not all that an a bag of chips.. anywys son. talk later. ilu
  52. NahkrahKhine: I do wish u would talk to me. I meant to tell u i didnt say u ordered any hit, in the log u did say dad doesnt want her dead he loves her but she has done wrong and then u were asked about wanting her dead and guess bc u were upset u said yes. i have the unedited log u can read if ud like to read it. That is what was talkin abotu ajnd that fuckin rose turned it all around and screwed with it. she is a liar & trouble maker hunter but u will one day see that but anyways, I am worried about you and if i'm ur dad u can always come and talk to me without getting anyones permission. anyways i love ya and plz talk to me..
  53. NahkrahKhine: wow hunter.. thanks for letting me know about ur name change.. guess i dont natter to ya anymore.. u still do to me but guess its only one way.. so, i take it u lied the last time we talked.. i figured as much to be honest.. but thought u were better than all that bullshit but guess not.. i do love ya and hope to see ya sometime soon when u can stop being directed on what to do how to do it and who to do it with.. remember u are the one not trying.. I didnt run away nor allow anyone to tell me i couldnt talk to u unless u went thru them.. thats not loyality .. but its fine.. anyways, u know where to find me if u ever come to your senses, just bc i'm not showing online doesnt mean i'm not. but anyways, have a good evening.. hope to see ya soon.
  54. NahkrahKhine: So because of the actions of others I'm also being punished? Meaning, even tho I had nothing to do with whatever has happened nor do i have anythng to do with whomever done it etc i have to completely lose my son? How is that fair? I do understand however... I would just like to know if I do still have a son... I have tried to only be good to ya and all but because of others and their crappy drama filled hate stuff nothing i have said or done really mattered anyway... i am sorry for whatever whoever said or done to you.. just know i had nothing to do with any of it. I truely care alot for ya and only wanted to be included.. but its up to u now.. ur welcome anywhere i am as well as nyte.. u both have my highest of respect and i do care alot for ya'll and i hold u both in the highest of regards! Just let me know if i still have a son or not.
  55. NahkrahKhine: that one wa s6 days a go
  56. NahkrahKhine: there all your father
  57. KarliahKnight: hunter... idk what to say cause i see it from both ends....
  58. Nythallia: He has also given out personal information on bot of us in open public chats. theres been other incidents... like our wedding we had our son stand closer to us because hes 6 and was the ring bearer and he had a massive fit because he wasnt standing closest to hunter
  59. Nythallia: These messages were getting really bad so Hunters great grandfather had me send him a message saying that if he wanted to talk to hunter he could come to him first and there was a rather nasty message back from that as well
  60. Nythallia: All kinds of little things one after anothe
  61. Nythallia: **another
  62. KarliahKnight: most of these you showed me i was on skype with her while the was writen... and i can say that her intent ( though it hasnt come across that way) was nothing but love and consern for you... there alot ALOT of pain on both ends..... and i know the hole just gets deeper and deeper..... i know daddy does love you. and i promised nahkrah i wouldnt preach about yall getting together and talking it out..... so im not going to... but if it was me... id go to a room just me and daddy and just spew out all the hurt and pain and let him do the smae... then walk away from it and make a fresh start with eachother... agree not to bring up the past unles its important... but get the pain and the anger out...... i wouldnt want this to destroy my relation ship..... because at the begining there always happy moment... and if there was befor. then there can be again... just gotta find comen ground.... im so sorry yall are going through this.....
  63. NahkrahKhine: its fine
  64. NahkrahKhine: its done
  65. NahkrahKhine: he has u ,sin and kenna now
  66. KarliahKnight: he still want YOU hunter
  67. KarliahKnight: your his son..
  68. KarliahKnight: he wants you.... kenna wants you..... i want you...
  69. NahkrahKhine: kenna
  70. NahkrahKhine: idc about
  71. NahkrahKhine: she not been around she just comes crying to me when thing go wrong for her doesnt take advice
  72. KarliahKnight: she is going through a dark time... im sure you already know...
  73. NahkrahKhine: she is always going thought a dark time
  74. NahkrahKhine: here
  75. NahkrahKhine: RavenFlame is one of my best friends. Kenna cheated on him with her daughter, and a few other guys. The Daughter came out and told Ravenflame the truth. They stayed together for a while because he didn't want her hurting herself blackmail I forced him to break up with her so he could move on and find someone who could actually make him happy. Turns out she was pushing for a Marriage package suuuuper hard and it made him uncomfortable as well because to him and me Marriage packages are like RL marriage. Once you get married you're married and in a serious relationship and can't just walk away.
  76. NahkrahKhine: Anyway, After he broke up with her she spammed the ever loving fuck out of him. I heard the kik going off, and watched his message count skyrocket. In only an hour 99 fucking messages had been sent from Kenna to Raven.
  77. NahkrahKhine: Anyway, she came into a room that we were all in and I spoke for Raven because he didn't want to talk to her in fear of getting guilted back into the relationship. Her and I got into it and she called me a bitch, word as per expected came to my rescue (<3). Anyway we all got into it and before she left she said that it was fine, she didn't want him, because she had others. Admitting that she was cheating on him.
  78. NahkrahKhine: kenna is drama
  79. NahkrahKhine: and causes her own problems
  80. NahkrahKhine: she tryed to get with me even tho she knew i was her twin, even tho she was married
  81. NahkrahKhine: naa me and kenna done
  82. NahkrahKhine: i will be nice to her but we are done
  83. NahkrahKhine: there more things u dont know about kenna
  84. NahkrahKhine: as for syrs
  85. NahkrahKhine: he has had al the time
  86. NahkrahKhine: but the onyl thing he can do is message me
  87. NahkrahKhine: never has he loction on
  88. NahkrahKhine: and never omes in my rooms
  89. NahkrahKhine: >_>
  90. NahkrahKhine: why should i bother with someone like that
  91. NahkrahKhine: plus its alright for u , u get the nice side of him
  92. NahkrahKhine: he puts on a loving show for you
  93. NahkrahKhine: where was he when there wa s ahit n my head
  94. NahkrahKhine: wit he put me in the room
  95. NahkrahKhine: and poofed
  96. NahkrahKhine: syrs says he loves me and wants me but i dont see it
  97. NahkrahKhine: a father is around and doesnt replace me with another people
  98. NahkrahKhine: aka u and sin
  99. NahkrahKhine: cus once he go close to holly u and sin
  100. NahkrahKhine: he stop trying and caring
  101. NahkrahKhine: he didnt fight for me when my grand father took over
  102. NahkrahKhine: he didnt do anything
  103. NahkrahKhine: he left me
  104. NahkrahKhine: you know who was there
  105. NahkrahKhine: ryo
  106. NahkrahKhine: but again he the same
  107. NahkrahKhine: got 3 daughters and replaced me
  108. NahkrahKhine: same as nikki
  109. NahkrahKhine: so
  110. NahkrahKhine: why shouold i even care
  111. NahkrahKhine: when my own partners
  112. NahkrahKhine: replace me
  113. NahkrahKhine: not one of theme ven care that am gone
  114. KarliahKnight: hunter i cant answer for him.... and he didnt replace you... honest.... amd i believe he cares. would you be willing to come to my room later and talk to him? just the too of you?
  115. NahkrahKhine: <_<
  116. NahkrahKhine: no
  117. KarliahKnight: ok i wont push
  118. NahkrahKhine: idk why i should
  119. NahkrahKhine: tell u somehting
  120. NahkrahKhine: i have invited him a few times
  121. NahkrahKhine: >_>
  122. NahkrahKhine: u know wht
  123. NahkrahKhine: he tells me to come to him
  124. NahkrahKhine: <_< naa if he cares about me that much
  125. KarliahKnight: because of nikkis friends
  126. NahkrahKhine: he knows where i am
  127. NahkrahKhine: >->
  128. NahkrahKhine: there r no nikki friennds in here
  129. NahkrahKhine: never is
  130. KarliahKnight: im really not trying to upset you... honest ...
  131. KarliahKnight: can he come here?
  132. NahkrahKhine: i have gone past the point of being upset
  133. NahkrahKhine: he has always been allowed in my rooms
  134. KarliahKnight: i know hes not scared... but the rooms are public... and yall have alot of privet stuff to talk about... thats why i suggested my rooms. they are pc... or maybe you could invite him to your pc?
  135. KarliahKnight: idk what to say and im trying to to take side because this isnt about me.... i just want you both happy... and i want to see more of you and i know he does too...
  136. KarliahKnight: not to take sides**
  137. NahkrahKhine: <_<
  138. KarliahKnight: i want a family... and its not complete with out you....
  139. NahkrahKhine: how is it not ?
  140. NahkrahKhine: u have been doing well so far o-o
  141. NahkrahKhine: u got a mum and dad and sister
  142. KarliahKnight: doing well and being whole and complete are nit the same..... i want my brother... to play with and itemedat my bullies and tech me how to do new things AND PICK ON ME. :)... I need you... you are my brother
  143. NahkrahKhine: 0.o
  144. NahkrahKhine: why me tho
  145. NahkrahKhine: there are others out there
  146. KarliahKnight: because YOU are my brother... even if sin got knocked up and had all boy sextuplets.... none of them would be you
  147. KarliahKnight: your not replaceable hunter.
  148. NahkrahKhine: what is sp special about me
  149. KarliahKnight: you are you. there is only one of you. you can change your avi and its name... but its still you... and i want you because you are you. you are my brother.
  150. KarliahKnight: weather you choose to be or not.... ill always hold that title and place in my heart for you. and you alone
  151. Nythallia: Okay sweetheart, what my husband wants to know--- Why ae you obsessing with HIM being your brother. Not "You are you" or "you are my brother" WHY do you want him as your brother so badly. You were obsessing with wanting to be friends with him in Vik's place as well.
  152. Nythallia: THAT is what he's trying to ask.
  153. KarliahKnight: when we was at viks. i wanted a friend. i had no one/ so seeing a kid there my age. i wanted to be friend. someone to play with. and hang out with. then after syrs and sin abopted me.... i realized i was going to have a family... like everyone else. and hunter is apart of that. i come to imvu. anjd i play a child.... because in rl i have no one.... my dad hated me. mom wasnt there half the time... and my brother.... is a very very sick twisted man... i wanted a family and siblings so i can for once have what was taken from me... and for a little while... pretend it real and that im normal.
  154. Nythallia: o-0
  155. Nythallia: I am sory to hear that hun but it really doesn't answe the question at all
  156. NahkrahKhine: well u have a mum and dad now
  157. Khine: hey sweetie
  158. NahkrahKhine: /me puts up arms
  159. Khine: -she lifts him up into her arms-
  160. Khine: you ok?
  161. NahkrahKhine: she is syrs daughter
  162. NahkrahKhine: you remember him dont you
  163. Khine: nope
  164. NahkrahKhine: o u o
  165. NahkrahKhine: well
  166. KarliahKnight: ....
  167. Khine: hmm?
  168. Khine: I dont remember people if i havent talked to them for a long time
  169. NahkrahKhine: i know.
  170. Khine: so
  171. Khine: who is he?
  172. Khine: and whats going on?
  173. KarliahKnight: >.>
  174. NahkrahKhine: other rp ex father
  175. Khine: ex father?
  176. NahkrahKhine: mhm
  177. Khine: o.o...
  178. NahkrahKhine: not my father anymore
  179. NahkrahKhine: u remember nikki
  180. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: ..she tossed me aside to have a sexual relationship with tonya when she was havin mental issues becaues shes been sexually assaulted...
  181. Khine: yes
  182. KarliahKnight: so you done..
  183. Khine: I dont get whats going on here?
  184. NahkrahKhine: nothing mum
  185. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: ((good morning))
  186. Khine: nah tell me
  187. NahkrahKhine: (( good morning rose ^^ ))
  188. NahkrahKhine: okay she syrs daughter
  189. Khine: ok?
  190. NahkrahKhine: in another rp he was ment to be my father
  191. Khine: ok?
  192. NahkrahKhine: there was a guy that wanted to kill me and he bascauly took me in the room and poof
  193. NahkrahKhine: <<--- she says he misses me
  194. NahkrahKhine: and stuff
  195. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: He can stay the hell away from you
  196. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: Ill rip his fucking head off
  197. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: And dont say calm down Nah...
  198. NahkrahKhine: >_>
  199. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: Im sure your mother will agree on that one
  200. NahkrahKhine: he actually forgot about me a while and got married and adopted this one <---
  201. Khine: i agree with Karma
  202. Khine: if i see his little fucking face in here
  203. Khine: ill rip it off
  204. Khine: no one threatens my fucking son
  205. Khine: -her eyes look down at Karliah- you best be on your way to then, i dont like little spys
  206. NahkrahKhine: x.x sorry they are over proctive
  207. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: Honestly, Nah, if you think on it, its likely why she's here...Syrs watches my stuff..
  208. KarliahKnight: :'( i thought we was getting some where,,.... :'( i want to be your friend but i cant hear you stist syrs into some kind of monster.... bye hunter
  209. KarmaRoseBloodMoon: ...caught him on my page more than once
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