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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2019
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text 2.61 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Program(
  2. ImportDeclList(
  3. ImportDecl(
  4. printf
  5. ),
  6. null
  7. ),
  8. null,
  9. MethodDeclList(
  10. MethodDecl(
  11. ReturnType(
  12. void
  13. ),
  14. bar,
  15. ParamList(
  16. Param(
  17. Type(
  18. int
  19. ),
  20. a
  21. ),
  22. null
  23. ),
  24. Block(
  25. FieldDeclList(
  26. FieldDecl(
  27. Type(
  28. int
  29. ),
  30. IdList(
  31. i,
  32. null,
  33. null
  34. )
  35. ),
  36. null
  37. ),
  38. StatementList(
  39. ForStatement(
  40. i,
  41. LiteralExpr(
  43. 0
  44. ),
  45. LocationExpr(
  46. a,
  47. null
  48. ),
  49. LocationExpr(
  50. a,
  51. null
  52. ),
  53. AssignExpr(
  54. +=,
  55. BinaryExpr(
  56. LocationExpr(
  57. a,
  58. null
  59. ),
  60. ArithOp(
  61. +
  62. ),
  63. BinaryExpr(
  64. LocationExpr(
  65. a,
  66. null
  67. ),
  68. ArithOp(
  69. /
  70. ),
  71. BinaryExpr(
  72. LocationExpr(
  73. a,
  74. null
  75. ),
  76. ArithOp(
  77. +
  78. ),
  79. MethodExpr(
  80. MethodCall(
  81. printf,
  82. ExpressionList(
  83. LocationExpr(
  84. a,
  85. null
  86. ),
  87. null
  88. )
  89. )
  90. )
  91. )
  92. )
  93. )
  94. ),
  95. Block(
  96. null,
  97. StatementList(
  98. MethodStatement(
  99. MethodCall(
  100. printf,
  101. ExpressionList(
  102. ImportArgExpr(
  103. "%d\n"
  104. ),
  105. ExpressionList(
  106. LocationExpr(
  107. i,
  108. null
  109. ),
  110. null
  111. )
  112. )
  113. )
  114. ),
  115. StatementList(
  116. IfStatement(
  117. BinaryExpr(
  118. LocationExpr(
  119. a,
  120. null
  121. ),
  122. EqOp(
  123. ==
  124. ),
  125. LiteralExpr(
  126. INTLITERAL(),
  127. 4
  128. )
  129. ),
  130. Block(
  131. null,
  132. StatementList(
  133. BreakStatement(),
  134. null
  135. )
  136. ),
  137. null
  138. ),
  139. null
  140. )
  141. )
  142. )
  143. ),
  144. null
  145. )
  146. )
  147. ),
  148. MethodDeclList(
  149. MethodDecl(
  150. ReturnType(
  151. void
  152. ),
  153. main,
  154. null,
  155. Block(
  156. null,
  157. StatementList(
  158. MethodStatement(
  159. MethodCall(
  160. bar,
  161. ExpressionList(
  162. LiteralExpr(
  163. INTLITERAL(),
  164. 10
  165. ),
  166. null
  167. )
  168. )
  169. ),
  170. null
  171. )
  172. )
  173. ),
  174. null
  175. )
  176. )
  177. )
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