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Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. Chapter 1. Review
  3. Since you are reading this, it stands to reason you have taken the time to read the guide i have uploaded. Very good. You understand that there is more to to the game than meets the eye. What rockstar makes it seem to be. What those youtubers and fake gurus with their alleged “easy million in a hour” strategies keep saying. Lucky you! With this book, you now have the lottery ticket with the winning numbers. But before we continue our wonderful journey together, let us recap.
  5. Let’s start with O.P.E.P.E. Observe, Prospect, Evaluate, Plan, Execute.
  6. Observe. Standing in place, observing your immediate surroundings. Making use of your situational awareness. Now ask yourself once again, are you sure you don’t need help? Are you okay doing it all alone? True people of understanding situational awareness will be telling me “woah back off man!” treating me like an overzealous S.W.A.T guy. You should see the cars that are of $$$value$$$ to you. That’s right. Even that primo my man.
  8. Next up, prospect. You now have chosen your vehicle of choice from los santos traffic. Take the time to go into a back alley or car meet to have a look over. Don’t be afraid to be a bit of a tire kicker. It would piss off most people if it was any other used car. Lucky for you, the drivers of los santos have mors mutual. So if anything, you’re probably doing them a massive favour getting off their hands. Jokes on them though, because you’ll be making dosh. Grab it while it’s hot
  10. We got evaluation to do next. We got our item of choice, now we need to check what it’s worth my dude. Check everything bumper to bumper. You want to make sure you have a good idea as to how much it’s worth before you go to the customs shop.
  12. Then, we got to plan, plan, plan. Location, location, location. Fastest way with the fastest route to the fastest cash. For example, using your inventory screen to quick GPS to a mod shop near your area. You also need to know what to say when you do arrive. And know how use your money that you got for nothing.
  14. Last but not least we have Execute. Again, this has to do with finalizing the plan. NOT what you usually like to do after ending CEO Missions. So let’s get that straight. Each person has a different need, so you really need to adapt your plan to YOUR needs. I can’t really help you there. But a good rule of them for our proven steps is to keep it simple. And stick to the magic 5 words. You know the ones.
  17. Chapter 2. Stay the course
  19. Now that you’ve gotten familiar with the steps, always remember 3 things. 1. I.K.W.I.G. I know what i got. This is your God now. The 5 words that provide the money at all times of the day, 24/7 365 (or 366 i guess if it’s a leap year in your location using the calendar initiative) 2. Ignore CEO and mc invitations. This may seem like common sense, but it is very important to keep this in mind. Of course, if your friends really do need help with selling their wares, then i suppose this could be worth it to have some extra money in both your locations. Otherwise, stay on track. How else are you gonna buy those ruiner 2000’s and multiple zentornos with gold and chrome paints? Those don’t just appear you know. Oh yeah. And not even counting the multitude of boats, airplanes, helos (for your vietnam war and M.A.S.H reenactments you crazy kooks) tanks of all shapes and sizes, and some patriotic monster truck what you bought on the fourth of july to go alongside your mullet, worn to hell and back leather jacket and ripped jeans like a washed up 80’s rockstar purely to meme up servers.
  21. 2. Remind yourself that everything is potential. It’s scientifically proven. Potential is simply unused energy that could be being put to use into something. In this case, use that potential to have all those neurons firing. Get that thought going about understand your situation, location, everything.
  23. 3. Observe others in your lobby and the mod shops. CEO’s and MC’s aren’t exactly immoral, but they are amoral. They will usually have no issue with you going about your day, i won’t waste time messing with you because they have distributions and stuff to run instead of wasting time with what you’re up to. Plus, they all stick out like a sore thumb. Instead, focus your attention to the loners in the lobby. Remember, you should be scared of what and who you don’t know, because they are the ones who are gonna mess you up the most. Normies are concerned with running MC missions with their frat so they’re too busy using mobile command centers, boxvilles, and savages to deliver cargo to bother with you. However, you should stay out of their way just in case.
  25. With this in mind, you have to do you damndest to watch out in those random servers. But you know will know what to focus on while you’re doing your rounds. I also recommend that you don’t use a personal vehicle for collecting random cars of the street. This may seem like common sense, but you should only commandeer other random vehicles in order to get other ones. Sure, that radius may be slow, but it puts you at least of a visual risk. You see, people in GTA sometimes operate as if they are robots themselves. Constantly calculating risk, while information they process goes up and down radio towers and through telephone poles so to speak. Decimals and prime numbers constantly going on and on. They may look retarded, but i assure you most aren’t. The only ones that are, usually wear motorcycle helmets and try to chase you. Little known fact.
  27. Speaking of motorcycles, these same strategies don’t have to be applied to random cars on the street. After all, beekers garage and the generic mod shops encompass even our 2 wheeled friends right? So take advantage. The next lone wanderer motorcycle you see could be your ticket to big kek money easy. Assuming it’s not too hot ticket of an item, of course. Same applies with cars. Ever noticed that bullet GT you picked up can’t actually be saved? Well that’s why. Back to motogp, you have to realize the guys who chase you on these things actually are like bugs. One weird little trick that they simply HATE me for, is if you just drive a civilian car, park normally at an intersection (bonus points if you turn the headlights of. I’m an advacado for this big time), they’ll hit you and spam you over voice or chat. It’s halarious, but also gets them off your back. Be careful though, because they’ll get very upset at you about destroying a 3k AGV helmet, even though they should know better than to believe that that is all it takes to survive an accident in any capacity. So chances are, they WILL go back after you. (it certainly stands to reason anyway). So be careful, and get the hell out of their while you can. Especially after the first incident you cause. Take advantage of the time window, and get it to that mod shop fast as possible.
  29. Assuming you follow these steps so far, you should have now made it safely, (probably with bullet holes) into the mod shop. You now have 3 choices. 1. Sell that car outright as it sits, after repairing of course, 2. Modify it however your cancer brain decides to perform it’s duties, 3, Just put a tracker and insurance on it for now, and come back once the coast is clear. If you decide to go for the first one, you will be gauranteed to get a return on the vehicles costs for that hour. You decide to go for the second choice, hopefully you have some money to $$invest$$ into the modification of said vehicle. Otherwise, you may actually lose money than you will in turn receive. (prefer back to the plan in O.P.E.P.E for further clarification on the subject) Third choice grants you safety in the sense that, just in case they get creative and liberal with their use of proximity mines at the front of the garage, (which it seems they don’t abuse as much in the game anymore, but it is still very much a problem) that not only will THEY have to cover the cost of the destruction caused to even you hyundai genesis rip off of a car, but you can go and collect it again later at mors mutual to sell it again. Thankfully there are mod shops just over the way that you can then go and sell it. Specifically the one near-ish to the center of the city.
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