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Nov 19th, 2018
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  1. tamakin
  2. i'm not angry at you or anzu or anything, but kyrie and i are feeling hurt/left out that we weren't included in the log with serah :<
  3. tamakin
  4. especially since it's her intro and we didn't get to discuss anything
  5. tamakin
  6. i know you told me about making a log before, but i guess i got the impression it'd be a cast log
  7. моg gυsтᴀ
  8. we were just trying to slip her in quietly since she wasn't able to intro before the Luminar thing
  9. tamakin
  10. yeah i figured, but it still kind of stung :<
  11. tamakin
  12. i thought we'd at least be included in a discussion or something about what's going on with the four of them
  13. моg gυsтᴀ
  14. we were hoping to use that as sort of a launch to get both of them into the cast, since Noel was totally inactive in August anyway
  15. tamakin
  16. the cast only consists of us four though, bb :-P
  17. моg gυsтᴀ
  18. I told you that it as a Noel and Serah log though ;3;
  19. tamakin
  20. i guess i misunderstood that part
  21. tamakin
  22. but the both of us are still feeling kind of shunned :<
  23. tamakin
  24. serah appearing again would have been very major to both hope and vanille, and i understand the lateness, but i wish we could have all
  25. моg gυsтᴀ
  26. not that I'm playing one up or that I'm asspained about it, because I'm not, but you guys had the butterfly thing, and I had no idea
  27. tamakin
  28. you could have replied to that though bb, it was a totally open post
  29. моg gυsтᴀ
  30. where Noel was supposed to be/assumed to be or even living yet - which is admittedly mostly my fault because I had to focus on making
  31. tamakin
  32. neither of you did so i figured you were busy or not interested :\
  33. моg gυsтᴀ
  34. AC for Kondou, but it's certainly not meant to be an exclusion
  35. моg gυsтᴀ
  36. but I couldn't just assume Noel was there because I hadn't heard anything from Kyrie when I made that plurk asking where Noel was living
  37. tamakin
  38. oh she said she did reply...
  39. моg gυsтᴀ
  40. that was well after that post, though
  41. моg gυsтᴀ
  42. at any rate, nobody approached anzu, either
  43. моg gυsтᴀ
  44. it's not like this log is the only chance for either of you to get their Serah feels on - and really, to have a log of four people is
  45. моg gυsтᴀ
  46. always cumbersome and confusing and clunky especially when people aren't around at the same time or lose interest in rp for a day or so
  47. tamakin
  48. didn't you make a log for the hakuouki cast though? :<
  49. моg gυsтᴀ
  50. that one is specific to plotting that's been going on for a month
  51. tamakin
  52. aah
  53. tamakin
  54. well i mean, it's not really a case of approaching people either i guess... like i thought you knew it was okay that noel was staying with
  55. tamakin
  56. them so i had no idea that was why neither of you had replied to the post
  57. tamakin
  58. you just seemed busy so i didnt want to bother you to tag
  59. tamakin
  60. plus i have felt like i was just bothering you when i've tried to initiate conversation about plotting stuff with noel
  61. моg gυsтᴀ
  62. /laundry ninja
  63. tamakin
  64. \o/
  65. моg gυsтᴀ
  66. I'm sorry if I gave you that feeling, I didn't mean to, and it's good that you're bringing this up instead of stewing on it
  67. моg gυsтᴀ
  68. but like, idk
  69. моg gυsтᴀ
  70. I don't feel like kyrie's all that happy to have us anyway
  71. моg gυsтᴀ
  72. she's on my timeline, but she's never replied to any z/ffxiii plurks I've made
  73. моg gυsтᴀ
  74. I don't want any of this to be pa or hostile or anything, but really, honestly, Noel and Serah are brand new to the game, and
  75. моg gυsтᴀ
  76. Serah needed a way to be there before the Luminar crap, and nothing was said to me when I said it was a Noel/Serah log, even
  77. моg gυsтᴀ
  78. when I told you it might end up with sex since Noel hasn't officially gotten laid yet - it's been long enough that at least one is
  79. моg gυsтᴀ
  80. going to have to be a native handwave thing, but I mean, conversation in the cast, especially for a cast this small, hasn't been
  81. моg gυsтᴀ
  82. good from any of us
  83. tamakin
  84. well i didnt want to like, tell you what to do when it came to noels virginity since it's your character
  85. tamakin
  86. and like i said i misunderstood and thought it'd be an open log
  87. tamakin
  88. idk it's obvious there's miscommunication with all of us but
  89. tamakin
  90. i mean i have tried to plot with you and felt brushed off :/
  91. моg gυsтᴀ
  92. I don't remember any plotty conversations in the last month, and if I'm just forgetting and it's why you're feeling blown off, I'm sorry
  93. моg gυsтᴀ
  94. it's never been intentional
  95. моg gυsтᴀ
  96. August was oh shit drop everything so Kondou doesn't get thrown out
  97. моg gυsтᴀ
  98. and then the mingle posts happened and Noel's got 136489564186 tags, but I've tried to keep up on all of his current stuff with Hope
  99. tamakin
  100. ive tried a few conversations about doing stuff with noel but they never really went anywhere, so i guess it did kinda hurt that you
  101. tamakin
  102. wanted to suddenly ship with serah
  103. tamakin
  104. but ultimately its your character
  105. моg gυsтᴀ
  106. whoa, hold up
  107. моg gυsтᴀ
  108. just because Serah's intro is a backdate log that might end up in sex doesn't mean either one of us are exclusively "shipping"
  109. tamakin
  110. i know that
  111. моg gυsтᴀ
  112. anything that would keep anyone else from having any kind of smut cr with them
  113. tamakin
  114. but i do feel like whenever i asked to do stuff it just got kind of brushed aside
  115. моg gυsтᴀ
  116. as far as I can recall, we haven't had any of those conversations since August, and August was OHFUCK KONDOU for the last two weeks
  117. моg gυsтᴀ
  118. because I couldn't fucking get anyone to tag him
  119. моg gυsтᴀ
  120. it took two log posts and three threads just to get the bare minimum to keep him in game, and I couldn't even post it until the last day
  121. tamakin
  122. i even tried to have one with you after the log mention :<
  123. tamakin
  124. and i did before with the event
  125. моg gυsтᴀ
  126. right, where they're going to smut on the ship
  127. моg gυsтᴀ
  128. I thought that was something we agreed on
  129. tamakin
  130. i asked about it but just got a noncommittal response :/
  131. моg gυsтᴀ
  132. why didn't you just ask outright instead of stewing on it until you felt hurt enough to pp me?
  133. tamakin
  134. i hadn't stewed on anything
  135. tamakin
  136. it's just felt like each time i've tried to bring them up you hadn't seem interested, so i didnt want to keep bothering you with it :<
  137. моg gυsтᴀ
  138. well, that's what I mean - it's obviously been bothering you for a while, and I don't want that
  139. tamakin
  140. i wasnt sure what i should do, im not going to guilt someone into shipping with me, i just got the wrong impression i guess
  141. tamakin
  142. like i thought we'd do more of what happened with CWP but when none of the conversations came to anything i figured you werent interested
  143. моg gυsтᴀ
  144. allie, he hasn't even been in the game that long
  145. tamakin
  146. i know that
  147. моg gυsтᴀ
  148. I had his intro post and then had to drop it all to keep Kondou, I've told you that
  149. tamakin
  150. i understand that
  151. tamakin
  152. i'm referring solely to our conversations and then what the outcome was with him
  153. моg gυsтᴀ
  154. instead of us going back and forth like this, then, tell me what you want to plot with him
  155. tamakin
  156. when you first app'd him i thought we'd discussed him losing it to hope, but then every conversation thereafter ended up not going that way
  157. моg gυsтᴀ
  158. that was something I said in the im the other day, too, about how it's been so long that he's had to have fucked someone, somehow by now
  159. моg gυsтᴀ
  160. and unless we backdate a month and a half, we'll either have to handwave that Hope did him or I handwave an npc
  161. tamakin
  162. i guess i kinda feel like... you can backdate him doing something with serah, but not with hope? :\
  163. моg gυsтᴀ
  164. you couldn't just ask me to backdate something with Hope? did we have to have this giant plurk to get to that?
  165. tamakin
  166. i couldnt have asked that when you already decided on him and serah though :<
  167. tamakin
  168. and the plurk wasn't entirely about that either.
  169. tamakin
  170. it just kind of segued in this direction
  171. моg gυsтᴀ
  172. they haven't fucked in this log, allie
  173. моg gυsтᴀ
  174. it's two comments in
  175. tamakin
  176. you were planning on it though
  177. моg gυsтᴀ
  178. the log was intended to quietly get Serah active in the game post Luminar plot start without being all HAY I'M NEW!!! after new people
  179. моg gυsтᴀ
  180. couldn't come in anymore
  181. tamakin
  182. i understand what the log was intended for, but you did include that too :<
  183. моg gυsтᴀ
  184. look, seriously, you could have asked me to backdate something with Hope if this was bothering you so much
  185. моg gυsтᴀ
  186. it's a sex game
  187. моg gυsтᴀ
  188. people are supposed to fuck
  189. моg gυsтᴀ
  190. and the log says potential for sex later
  191. моg gυsтᴀ
  192. we haven't even decided if we want to go there yet
  193. tamakin
  194. whoa that's not what i even meant
  195. tamakin
  196. just nevermind
  197. tamakin
  198. sorry.
  199. моg gυsтᴀ
  200. no, I won't never mind, this is clearly a problem and we need to either resolve it or we need to get the hell out of this cast, because
  201. моg gυsтᴀ
  202. we're obviously causing problems
  203. tamakin
  204. im trying to discuss it with you but yu're just getting angry with me
  205. моg gυsтᴀ
  206. it's true, I am getting angry, because all of this is getting wildly blown out of proportion because neither of you bothered to talk to
  207. моg gυsтᴀ
  208. either of us about what you wanted for plotting and are now mad at us for leaving you out of something you wanted but we didn't know
  209. моg gυsтᴀ
  210. you wanted it, and on top of it, you're getting pissed at me for not knowing that you were seriously bothered by the virginity thing
  211. моg gυsтᴀ
  212. but you never told me, you just hinted at it and got hurt because I didn't pick up on the hints
  213. моg gυsтᴀ
  214. you guys have known since Sept 3 that anzu and I were planning a log
  215. tamakin
  216. that's what im trying to explain to you
  217. tamakin
  218. im bringing it up now
  219. tamakin
  220. youre mad at me for never bringing it up but i am now...
  221. моg gυsтᴀ
  222. I'm getting angry now because every thing I say to try to resolve this is met with sadfaces and more accusations
  223. tamakin
  224. just forget it, ok? i'll just go
  225. tamakin
  226. so i stop upsetting everyone
  227. моg gυsтᴀ
  228. I've offered to backdate something with Hope like three times, and not once have you acknowledged or accepted
  229. моg gυsтᴀ
  230. you just keep telling me how and why I fucked everything up
  231. tamakin
  232. i didnt see anything that looked like an offering, just reasons why IM a fuck up
  233. tamakin
  234. "why didnt you ask instead of making this big plurk" and such
  235. tamakin
  236. like my attempt to discuss things about the cast is just a big ol' hissy fit to you or something :<
  237. tamakin
  238. it's difficult to try and bring up why im upset about something if i get reactions like this, i dont know what else im supposed to do
  239. tamakin
  240. i never said that you fucked everything up or that you and anzu are causing problems for the cast and its a little unfair of you to write
  241. tamakin
  242. off what im saying as an attack when im trying to explain where im coming from and why i feel the way i do
  243. tamakin
  244. i havent made a single accusation in this plurk either
  245. моg gυsтᴀ
  246. you've been really PA about what you wanted and haven't gotten through dropping hints instead of just asking me to do something with you
  247. tamakin
  248. where have i been PA?
  249. моg gυsтᴀ
  250. I would have been totally willing to backdate something with Hope since, as I told you, August was pretty much shot in favor of Kondou
  251. tamakin
  252. i told you how i felt in this plurk and was met with you getting angry
  253. моg gυsтᴀ
  254. this entire plurk, allie
  255. tamakin
  256. that's not an acceptable answer for me
  257. tamakin
  258. i'm asking you where i've been PA
  259. моg gυsтᴀ
  260. I can copy paste it for you, but I don't think you'll like it
  261. tamakin
  262. if you just write off everything i've said that's extremely unfair and doesnt let me improve on anything
  263. моg gυsтᴀ
  264. but you just say the word, and I'll show you everything that's been PA
  265. tamakin
  266. i've spent this entire plurk trying to tell you how i've felt and first you told me im flinging accusations at you, now you're saying i'm
  267. tamakin
  268. being PA
  269. tamakin
  270. those are kind of opposite things
  271. моg gυsтᴀ
  272. I have offered to plot with you, I have offered to backdate a log with you, I have bent over backwards in this plurk to keep this from
  273. моg gυsтᴀ
  274. getting pissy and negative, and you haven't yet accepted a single offer
  275. моg gυsтᴀ
  276. you've just continued to tell me that you're hurt
  277. моg gυsтᴀ
  278. I get that
  279. tamakin
  280. you havent offered anything!
  281. моg gυsтᴀ
  282. I've been trying to fix that
  283. моg gυsтᴀ
  284. but you won't let me
  285. моg gυsтᴀ
  286. моg gυsтᴀ
  287. you couldn't just ask me to backdate something with Hope? did we have to have this giant plurk to get to that?
  288. tamakin
  289. "why didnt you ask instead of blowing this out of proportion" and such is not offering
  290. tamakin
  291. yeah that's not... offering to me
  292. моg gυsтᴀ
  293. uh, well, it is to just about anyone else
  294. моg gυsтᴀ
  295. моg gυsтᴀ
  296. look, seriously, you could have asked me to backdate something with Hope if this was bothering you so much
  297. моg gυsтᴀ
  298. also an offer
  299. tamakin
  300. stef i've tried to be rational with you in this discussion but all you've done is flip out at me
  301. tamakin
  302. so i cant continue it
  303. моg gυsтᴀ
  304. I would have been totally willing to backdate something with Hope since, as I told you, August was pretty much shot in favor of Kondou
  305. моg gυsтᴀ
  306. also an offer
  307. tamakin
  308. that is fine, yes
  309. tamakin
  310. but the others did not read that way to me
  311. tamakin
  312. you ask me why i dont bring things up with you but situations like this is why
  313. tamakin
  314. you get angry with me and just throw everything i say off as something horrible
  315. моg gυsтᴀ
  316. I don't know what you want from me
  317. tamakin
  318. at this point i'm probably just going to drop anyway, so
  319. tamakin
  320. dont worry about it
  321. моg gυsтᴀ
  322. apologizing for making you feel blown off and offering to do a backdate log isn't good enough, so what is
  323. tamakin
  324. just forget it
  325. tamakin
  326. im peacing out, with all the RL shit i dont have a strong enough threshold for this
  327. tamakin
  328. so you guys dont have to worry
  329. моg gυsтᴀ
  330. this is so ridiculous, this could all have been solved by saying "Yes, I would like a backdate log for Hope and yes, we would like to do
  331. моg gυsтᴀ
  332. logs with Serah for her arrival."
  333. моg gυsтᴀ
  334. but whatever
  335. моg gυsтᴀ
  336. you want to make this a huge drama, you go right on ahead and do that
  337. tamakin
  338. yeah i already know it's all my fault
  339. tamakin
  340. you were turning this into drama first stef, for fuck's sakes
  341. моg gυsтᴀ
  342. I've been nice to you, I've been offering you what you want, I've been apologizing to you, and not a damned word of it has meant anything
  343. tamakin
  344. you werent just doing that
  345. tamakin
  346. you were being hurtful
  347. tamakin
  348. i dont care anymore, if RP is going to make me fight with people i love and care about then it's not worth it
  349. моg gυsтᴀ
  350. .....what
  351. tamakin
  352. its just a fucking hobby
  353. tamakin
  354. so im sorry for all this
  355. моg gυsтᴀ
  356. what did I say that was hurtful?
  357. tamakin
  358. it doesnt matter i dont want to fight anymore
  359. tamakin
  360. im done with it
  361. моg gυsтᴀ
  362. you know what, no, don't even answer that
  363. моg gυsтᴀ
  364. I'm not talking about this anymore, to you or otherwise, I'm done
  365. tamakin
  366. you aren't talking to me anymore?
  367. tamakin
  368. over an RP argument?
  369. tamakin
  370. i am sorry for upsetting you
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