
A lover of all 32

Jul 17th, 2017
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  1. app based sum( google tl app). a bit rushed and not very accurate. toon = 만인의 연인 32화
  4. FMC thinks about the first time she did that IG pic stuff and the awesome vibes that followed it. How the anxiety that came it with and how she thought a situation like she's in now might happen. How she doesn't think that the sex pics will settle the matter(end it). How she kinda feels that this time smth important is on her side(MC) and she remembers him when he said he'll be on his way and to trust him and she goes 'deputy Shin Woo Hyun ...'. Goes how it's the first time a person that understood her without telling him nothing, how his presence in her life is smth she sees as a big opportunity, How those who have shared her life path with(mom, fiance, bro), now there's smbdy that can give her love without asking. How she chose to be loved by everyone, notices he is coming and goes how she will do it with her own hands/ end it(not sure here). MC asks her if she waited for long and she thinks smth about being herself and through the love of only one person she will be born again(not sure).
  6. Fiance's hoe, and i think she angery argues with a manager about her work, movies and such things like that and the guy tells that's why she cant get auditions and more stuff about that shit(not sure). She asks him what's up, why's he here and how she has smth to attend but cunt goes if she ignores him now. She goes smth like 'why do you say/think that?' and how she has to go to an event. Cuck asks her why didnt she answer his call and she thinks how 'should have have taken your call?' and tells him she's been busy these days. Creep then goes and tells her how if she's aware of how much shit he got today and how she's the one to remove that from him(not sure) and hoe thinks he's not his usual self. She tells him sorry how she wasnt aware he had that happen to him but thinks she will give him smth and hows him her tits and asks him if he's fine with doing this here.
  8. Blowjob scene is over and slut asks him if he'll take responsibility for the cum on her dress. She tells him how he's so rough today when he pins her on the wall and creep asks if she too, both of them ignore him and she tells him sorry and stuff about him getting her excited if she handles her too hard. He goes all who gave u the permission to get excited, to get wet likes this and more sex master-slave talk. Then bitch goes on alert cause smbdy is approaching, what if he sees and not yet when he tries to slip it in. He goes on a who 'interrupts me, who ignores me..' and she moans and goers how it's good and how it's good to be seen( sex in public). Cunt here is all pissed cause they toy with him(MC, FMC or even hoe) and she asks him to give it to her hard cause it feels good. He calls MC's and FMC's name and how he wont leave them alone/be and hoe goes how how he should tell her all about it and then how she will cum and we get that creampie. She tells him today it was so amazing/exciting but thinks that smth went wrong that might benefit her. She goes 'seems like smth happened today' and tells him to tell her about it, but she thinks she needs to redo the gold digging math all over again. Tbc...
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