

Oct 18th, 2018
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  1. (New Vegeta/ Ice Planet)-=========================================-
  3. A cloaked warrior walks through the crowd. He bumps and shoves the people in his path, paying no mind to their looks as he made his way to the center of the arena. It seemed he was with purpose as he pulled his cloak from him and threw it in the wind. People keep walking pass focusing on their task but a few of them had stopped to see what this mysterious man was up to. He holds up his hands as he transmits his telepathic voice to those in the surrounding.
  5. [Common] "Greetings people of New Vegeta." He says noding to the crowd and making quick eye contact with all of his supporters in the crowd. More people began to stop and listen as they heard this strange voice in their head. [Common] "Im known as Koi. Koi Founder of the South-eastern Territory and Kurokami Town."
  7. He looks at the crowd as he pulls a scroll from his robe and began to read it.
  8. [Common] "I Koi... feels that our current Monarch or King of Vegeta is not doing enough for his people. I look around.. and I see nothing has changed since he took this role. Our people are still homeless...starving. For Christ sakes we barely survive these desolate winters let alone sacrificing to feed our children!!!!"
  10. He continues projecting his telepathic voice. "The war has took a toll on us all but most of all the people we depend on most are unreliable! I can sit quiet and hold my hands no longer. I Koi.. Of this day announce a Declaration Of Independence from our retched King. I will fight him in a fair fight and seize throne. I have many supporters who will make sure the fight stays between just him and I. After that I will do my duty as King to empower my people!
  12. He looks one last time at the crowd before preparing to fight the King.
  14. "We can be slaves.... OR WE CAN BE VIKINGS!!! "
  15. (222,190,4)
  16. -===========================================================------*
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