

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. -[X] 2 And then keep going.: (owrtho, Valette-Serafina)
  3. ---[X] 2 Apologize for your actions, and head to the clothing store.: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
  4. ---[X] 2 Cast numbing spell.: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
  5. [X] 4 Drop illusion (including glasses), open the door and beg to make an exception since you're really desperate.: (Tavarokk, Larekko12, wayne82444, abyssmal_kismet)
  6. ---[X] 2 Erase his memories of the proposition and magic usage.: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
  7. -[X] 2 Head to the clothing store.: (Tavarokk, abyssmal_kismet)
  8. --[X] 2 If he disagrees, put him to sleep, remove the onahole, erase his memories of catching you masturbating and everything that followed, then move him as if he dozed off at the counter.: (Tavarokk, abyssmal_kismet)
  9. --[X] 2 If he disagrees:: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
  10. -[X] 4 In exchange he can stay and watch. M-maybe even t-t-touch.: (Tavarokk, Larekko12, wayne82444, abyssmal_kismet)
  11. [X] 2 Open the door, erase his memories of the past 30 seconds, and head out the back door. The back alleys are bound to be private and deserted, right?: (owrtho, Valette-Serafina)
  12. ---[X] 2 Reapply the illusion.: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
  13. ---[X] 2 Remove the onahole.: (Larekko12, wayne82444)
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