

Oct 3rd, 2021
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  1. -food enhancements -cozy comforts -3d skinlayers -abnormals core -abnormals delight -addendum -additionalbanners -advancementplus -akashictome -all da nuggets -allurement -animeversecore -appleexpansion -apples++ -appleskin -aquaculture -artifacts -atmospheric -autoreglib -autumnity -backpacked -backpacker -backtools -bakedbread -exlinesbakingmod -bambooblocks -bamboo2 -bayoublues -beadspreads -berry good -better advancements -better dungeons -betterend -biomesoplenty -bookshelf -botanypots -botanytrees -bountiful -bountifulbaubles -buddycards -bundleditems -burgermod -buzzier bees -caelus -campful -carrots lib -cavebiomeapi -cavesandcliffsbackport -ceramics -champions -chance cubes -charm -chipped -citadel -cofh core -collective -combustive fishing -conjurers cookbook -cookielicious -cookingforblockheads -copperpot -corail woodcutter -cosmetic armor reworked -craftable creative ability -craftable slimeballs -create automated -create confectionery -createfa -create mc -create stuff additions -crockpot -croptopia -crumbs -culinary construct -cuneiform -curio of undying -curios -curios quark -curious elytra -curious shulkerbox -customizable elytra -darker depths -delicat and dainty -differentiate -donut! -double slabs -drop the meat -dungeon crawl -dungeons gear -dungeons arise -dynamic lights -easy normal and magic foods -einsteins library -endergetic -end reborn+ -enhanced mushrooms -enigmatic legacy -ensorcellation -environmental -expandability -extended mushrooms -extra boats -extractures -extra foods -extra golems -farmers extra foods -farmers delight -farmers delight integration (two different ones) -farmers tea -fishing overhaul -flamboyant -flavorfull -flywheel -food paradise -foragecraft -gingerkes drinks mod -global emeralds -gobber2 -go prone -gottsch core -guns without roses -habitat -ham n cheese -health overlay -hwayla -ice and fire -ichunutil -improved backpacks -iron chest -iron shulkerboxes -irregular chef -jei -jei enchantment info -just enough jam -jer integration -jmc -journeymap -just enough resources -just mob heads -kiwi -kotlin for forge -lepton -lollipop -looot -lost trinkets -luckyblock -mantle -matchlock guns -max health fix -mcw bridges -mcw doors -mcw trapdoors -mgui -modicum -modifiers -mostructures -mowzies mobs -mushroom quest -mvw -natures minerals -neopolitan -nether agriculture -nethers delight -nethers exoticism -njs -nocubes wilderness -no tree punching -nourished end -nourished nether -nyfs quiver - omnis backpacks -omnis -ore excavation -organics -outer end -overloaded armor bar -pamhc2crops -pamhc2foodcore -pamhc2foodextended -pamhc2trees -passive shield -patchouli -pattys more stuff -peanutcraft -peculiars -perpetual stew -pizzacraft -polymorph -potatofood -potion descriptions -prefab -pumpkin spice everything -quark oddities -quark -randomium -regrowth -relics -repurposed structures -revs better structures -ring of ascension -RoR mod -rosegold -rpg backpacks -sandwichmod -savage and ravage -seasonals -second chance -shroomed -silent lib -simplytea -slimyboyos -slimy stuff -snow real magic -spice of life carrot -some assembly required -spartan shields -spartan weaponry -spawner fix -stalwart dungeons -structure gel -structure toolkit -structures plus end -survival plus -sweet berry pie -tinkers construct -tea kettle -terraincognita -tetra -tetranomicon -the grill project -tombstone -treasure2 -ttigraas -upgrade aquatic -usefull potatoes -useless sword -vanilla cookbook -vanilla food pantry -vanilla things -vanilla variations -vending machines -vtweaks -walljump -wandering bag -waystones -weapon throw -wooden buckets -xerca mod -xlfood mod -yggdrasil -yungs api -yungs extras
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