

Feb 13th, 2015
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  1. Op Approach: When you cannot move a mountain, you go around it
  3. Phase: We are focused on the "top" - those institutions, people, mechanisms with the most power
  5. Required Preliminary Reading if you are to understand our goals and operation: with | | - tl;dr is not acceptable :) See for more about how you can help.
  7. Greetings, legal community
  9. Thank-you for your offer of assistance. I volunteered 3 weeks ago and we are flying. The goal of the Op is in Stage 1, which is data collection. There is (surprisingly?) little good, public data that helps us identify the real reasons for the world-wide, excessive rate of predation. Our children all over the world are disappearing into abuse. I'm sure you've read the statistics (all varying in both accuracy and integrity).
  11. We are trying not to operate with assumptions about the factors that have led us to this point, but clearly graph the channels that enable and assist this predation. What one can assume, however, is that there is something stinky at the top. We are seeing it come out in the United Kingdom, but they are challenged - as we will be - by poor reporting, collusion among the players, and a media that is prevented from investigating all possible avenues.
  13. This all starts at the top - on the playing fields of Eton, as they said in another context. Buggery at boys' private schools, with the associated physical violence, was all too common among the generation of men that came to power in the UK in the 80's for example. Did Epstein made his money from blackmail? Are there many people blackmailing one another to shield themselves? Epstein's contention that he worked at Dalton School is totally implausible if he never got a degree. Has he been a pimp all his life? From his first job in finance until today, there is a web of hideousness that he created and that protects him.
  14. One focus for the USA right now is the area of law, which hinders efforts to truly assist one another as it is complex, obtuse, and open to abuse. Things do not need to be this difficult. We cannot change law but we can identify where it is being unhelpful or enables, and track the way this evolved.
  16. The legal needs for this effort are not that difficult. We do not plan to map law - we plan to map the abuse of law as it relates to pedosadism. We do not care whether something "is" law, we want to know where law hampers transparency or enables this abuse. It will be impossible to change the law - there is little interest at the govt. level esp. with gridlock in congress etc.
  17. Bah...this is such a large topic, and I have no time for a dissertation. If you believe, as we do, that there is something seriously wrong in this world you are welcome to join us.
  18. We don't do politics - a persons "ism" or orientation is of no concern to us. We want any corruption or collusion exposed. We do that with logical, sound data and a Peoples Inquiry and Tribunal.
  19. Specific legal needs:
  20. Someone knowlegable to organize and interpret the Epstein case information in preparation for it's entry in the database. It is incredibly annoying to read all the sensationalized, mis-quoted testimony. We want to know what is really being said, be able to reference it, and who the players are. We want the Exhibits (cleansed of personal survivor details), not the interpretation of them.
  21. Of primary concern to us is the ability to protect survivors so they are not further abused as the result of our research. The focus of investigations is on circumstances and people surrounding the abuse, not on the survivor. We have designed data protections into the model for survivors, but would like assurances/guidance about research.
  23. From there we can investigate both the people and the law to determine how it failed us. Again, I am not talking about where a case failed legal rigor (though that may be useful to know as well), I am interested in exactly what points of law are allowing scum like Epstein off the hook. For example, the United Kingdom has PIE, we have NAMBLA. Where/how is law and education being manipulated to allow them to expand?
  25. It is important to recall here that Dersh felt JE should have got a BETTER deal:
  27. We had an offer from a "Big Data" person to confer with lawyers and present some indicators but have not heard back from him. If/when this occurs, it would be useful to have someone with knowledge - that we trust - review these analysis factors before incorporating them into the database design.
  29. The most pressing need is someone to monitor research efforts to be sure we are not putting people at unnecessary risk. My request that people investigating pose questions, not make accusations, is an example. Our statement that we have no desire to collect illegal data is another. This operation is not about hacking, it is about data collection that empowers us.
  30. If you would like to contribute your PACER account, especially for the Epstein case files, we would be very grateful. However, people doing research will also need access to legal files. Activists are not, for the most part, wealthy. We do this with spare time instead of spare money. The ability to freely access data for research is a big issue for us, and it is not practical for us to pay for all these files from PACER. Suggestions for alternatives would be welcome.
  32. Everyone gets a certain number of free "accesses" to PACER. "The PACER Service Center bills quarterly and sends a statement by mail or a notice of billing email. Fees are waived when usage is less than $15 for the quarter. Payments may be made on the PACER website (under Manage My Account), or by calling the PSC at (800) 676-6856 to pay a balance using VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. If you pay by check, please include your account information to ensure that payment is posted to the correct account. " If lots of Anons signed up, we could get a lot for free.
  34. Finally, we would like encourage more participation from the legal community. Our conflict with doing this directly is that most survivors have experienced abuse and/or real and perceived betrayal by the legal system - as have many of those who call themselves Anonymous. We need outreach material, and would welcome a team who could dedicate themselves to that effort. See #DershFrolics.
  35. Our approach is open and collaborative - there will be no privatizing of data or research, nor direct monetization of this operation. If anyone approaches saying otherwise, they are lying. Do not give them one red cent.
  37. I do not have access to the current database schema - thank all that is grace, someone else took over the task. But there is a paste of the legal information we originally considered collecting. It could use input as well if you decide to help develop OpDeLegal.
  38. Thank-you for your time. Please send me any questions and replies, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I apologize for the impersonal nature of this one-sided conversation, I am swamped :)
  40. Example of data collection point:
  41. Epstein pad
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