
Races for CAFF

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. Races for CAFF
  2. Human race: Self explanatory
  4. Orcish race: Most of population settled in Exus, and if not a rogue Orc you'd probably grow up within some form of an Orc Tribe
  6. Elven race: Exotic and powerful race, most are born and raised in Kaenra
  8. Dwarven: Dwarves are a stout, short race that are quite strong, but have an affinity to waste their brain cells on alcohol. All Dwarves hail from the massive Dwarf Country of Terradome located beneath the Coastline Desert
  10. Naga: The naga race is still despised to this day. They live in the water and have the ability to travel through it without a vessel.
  12. Trolls: Trolls are creatures that are closely related to Goblins and orcs, but are usually less bulky and more versatile. Trolls aren't as smart as h races but are decent; like the orcs they're usually in tribes. Trolls are able to regenerate wounds faster than humans
  14. Goblins: The smarter, shorter subspecies of Orcs. Goblins are naturally very smart, but have no common sense whatsoever. For the past few generations they've been used as slaves and what not but have only recently been given their freedom by the council of Airene throughout Adria
  16. Urugans: The people who are called the Urugan are hated even more than the nagas, they're humanoid creatures that are known for their shell like carapace and are very terretorial. They have mandibles; like a crab, rather than a mouth; and usually make home in either the desert or sea water based environments.
  18. Argonian: Scaly humanoid creatures that are able to hold their own quite well. The Argonians have a decent reputation, just like orcs when it comes to their reputation; but they take the appearance of a hybrid of man and reptile. Otherwise known as "Lizardmen"
  20. Undead: Undead slowly rot away, and the only way a role-player can become this class is if they die; have no fear, role-players! A priest can restore one back to normal.
  22. Subhumans: An abomination, a mix of human and a golem. They tend to live in tribes in snowy or mountainous regions. In cities, they are seen as personal guards.
  24. Hobbits: A race of stocky short human looking people who have a bit of hair on their feet and usually come with rounded bellies. They usually are a mild peaceful folk.
  26. Half-Orcs: Half Orcs are half Orc and half some other species as Orc chiefs usually have their way with what ever species they can get their hands on to breed more Half-Orcs. Half-Orcs claim the strength and endurance of normal Orcs and then the intelligence of its other species parent. Half-Orc chiefs are becoming far more frequent and it seems that every Chief now a days has a few Half-Orc sons and daughters running around.
  28. Sky-People: The Sky People are the residents of Skaera and are most easily identified by the small wings growing out their heels. They must start out in Skaera though.
  30. Were-Cats: Standing taller then the average Dwarf yet shorter than a human these people have a feral look about them and are spread out throughout the planet's continents with no hint of where they originally originated from. Large band's of them roam together as nomads, coming across cities or villages at their leisure where they often leave a few of themselves behind if they find a liking to any permanent civilization they come across. Known for being skilled with magic and being able to turn themselves into a large variation of a domesticated cat they are one of the more exotic races of Adria
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