
amund autoexec

Jul 8th, 2018
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  1. exec konkfig.cfg
  3. //map_background "pl_badwater"
  4. sv_pure 0
  5. sv_cheats 1
  7. //-quickswitch //yayahud fix
  9. //fps_max "143.36"
  10. fps_max "998"
  11. net_graph 0
  12. cl_showfps 1
  14. ds_enable 0 // 3 = Record mp_tournament matches
  16. bind enter say_party
  18. viewmodel_fov 0
  19. r_drawviewmodel 0
  20. tf_use_min_viewmodels 0
  21. m_rawinput 1
  22. m_filter 0 // Do not average mouse input over two frames, more responsive mouse input
  23. m_mousespeed 0 // Disable Windows mouse acceleration (-noforcemspd)
  24. m_mouseaccel1 0 // ^ (-noforcemaccel)
  25. m_mouseaccel2 0 // ^ (-noforcemaccel)
  26. m_customaccel 0 // custom mouse acceleration
  27. mat_vsync 0
  28. glow_outline_effect_enable 1
  29. engine_no_focus_sleep 0
  30. cl_allowdownload 1
  31. cl_allowupload 1
  32. cl_customsounds 1
  33. cl_loadondemand_default 0
  34. cl_forcepreload 1
  35. cl_mvm_wave_status_visible_during_wave 1
  36. cl_use_tournament_specgui 1
  37. tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1
  38. tf_hud_target_id_alpha 255
  39. tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
  40. hud_achievement_glowtime 0 // Default is 2.5, not 100% what this is about a 1.5% fps boost.
  41. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting it. For example, setting this to `1' disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
  42. //tf_sheen_framerate 25
  43. cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting 1
  44. snd_mixahead 0.05 // this isn't really optimization but it's basically interp for audio (default is 0.1 aka 100ms delay of all audio) so things feel more responsive, not a lot of people know about it so i figured i'd add it. gets glitchy if u lower it so don't
  45. tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
  46. sv_allow_point_servercommand always
  47. hud_classautokill 0
  48. tf_colorblindassist 1
  49. cl_autorezoom 1 // Automatically rezoom sniper rifle
  50. tf_sniper_fullcharge_bell 1 // Bell sound when sniper rifle is 100% charged
  51. tf_medigun_autoheal 1 // Keep healing allies
  52. tf_remember_lastswitched 1 // Remember quick switch weapon
  53. cl_localnetworkbackdoor 1
  54. net_usesocketsforloopback 0 // Skip using network sockets for local servers
  55. sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 1 // Send snapshots to clients in parallel
  56. sys_minidumpspewlines 100 // Basically the number of lines saved to a log file from console. No FPS boost but 15% lower FPS variance
  57. r_renderoverlayfragment 1 // draw decal under health and ammo packs
  58. tf_quest_map_tuner_wobble_magnitude 0 // Disable the red tuner on the contracker
  59. tf_item_inspect_model_auto_spin 0 // Do not auto spin items in the inspect view
  60. tf_party_join_request_mode 1 // Mode for party join requests: -1 default (1), 0 - open join, 1 - request join, 2 - invite join
  61. tf_mm_custom_ping 40 // The ping tolerance for matchmaking
  62. tf_mm_custom_ping_enabled 1 // Enable custom ping tolerance
  63. cl_software_cursor 1
  64. tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 2
  65. tf_scoreboard_alt_class_icons 0
  66. tf_simple_disguise_menu 0
  67. cl_mute_all_comms 0
  68. con_nprint_bgalpha 255
  69. tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 1
  70. replay_cache_client_ragdolls 1 // Record client side ragdolls
  71. replay_voice_during_playback 1 // Play voice chat during replay playback
  72. replay_rendersetting_renderglow 1 // Render xray effect
  73. voice_buffer_ms 50
  74. net_graphsolid 0 // draw height ticks as single ticks (small optimization)
  76. mat_monitorgamma 1.8 // 1.8
  78. //zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.7934714
  80. //cpu_frequency_monitoring 4
  82. sv_timeout 120
  83. cl_timeout 120
  85. //remove scope
  86. alias remove_scope "sv_cheats 1; testhudanim scoperemoval"
  87. remove_scope
  89. //net
  90. sv_maxupdaterate 128
  91. sv_maxcmdrate 128
  92. //rate 100000000
  93. rate 170016
  94. //rate 1280000
  95. cl_cmdrate 66
  96. cl_updaterate 66
  97. cl_interp 0.0152
  98. cl_interp_ratio 1
  99. net_compresspackets 1
  100. net_compresspackets_minsize 1260
  101. net_compresspackets 0
  102. net_maxroutable 1260
  103. net_maxfragments 1260
  104. net_maxcleartime 0.0001288
  105. net_splitpacket_maxrate 170016 // 170016
  106. //net_queued_packet_thread 1 // Queue split packets
  107. net_queued_packet_thread 0
  108. net_maxpacketdrop 1000 // Use faster packet drop threshold
  109. net_splitrate 4
  110. cl_pred_optimize 2
  111. cl_lagcompensation 1 // Ensure lag compensation is turned on
  112. cl_predictweapons 1 // Ensure weapon firing prediction is turned on
  113. cl_smooth 1 // Smooth out prediction errors
  114. cl_smoothtime 0.1 // Smooth out view for 100ms
  115. hud_escort_interp 0.1 // Smooth out networked HUD updates over slightly less time
  117. tf_dingalingaling 1
  118. tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 0
  119. tf_dingaling_volume 1.0
  120. //tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 40 //quake
  121. //tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 120 //quake
  122. hud_combattext_batching 1
  123. hud_combattext_batching_window 2
  124. hud_combattext_doesnt_block_overhead_text 1 // Allow CRIT! to appear
  125. hud_combattext_healing 1 // Show healing text
  126. hud_combattext_blue 0 // Blue value for damage text color (0 to 255)
  127. hud_combattext_green 255 // Green value for damage text color (0 to 255)
  128. hud_combattext_red 255 // Red value for damage text color (0 to 255)
  130. tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 40 //Klomp
  131. tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 140 //Klomp
  133. //Console filters
  134. con_filter_enable 0
  135. con_filter_text_out "Attempt to set particle collection"
  137. //exec highjump.cfg
  138. //exec lerpswitch.cfg
  140. //prec_dir "P-REC"
  141. //prec_log 2
  144. //bind "" +bhop
  145. //bind home "autoready_on"
  146. //bind f11 +high5mode
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