
Jewlander's Current CFG

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. //startup line//
  2. //streaming +mat_dxlevel 90 OR 81 (pick one only) -fullscreen -high -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 +clientport 27013 -noipx -nocrashdialog -nojoy -noborder -refresh 144 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -heapsize 8388608
  3. //normal +mat_dxlevel 98 -fullscreen -high -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 +clientport 27013 -noipx -nocrashdialog -nojoy -noborder -refresh 144 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -heapsize 8388608
  4. //windowed +mat_dxlevel 98 -windowed -noborder -high -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 +clientport 27013 -noipx -nocrashdialog -nojoy -noborder -refresh 144 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -heapsize 8388608
  6. //Override Sens//
  7. sensitivity 1.80 (replace this with your own sensitivity & stick to one)
  9. //FOV or HUD
  10. tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
  11. viewmodel_fov 75
  12. fov_desired 90
  13. glow_outline_effect_enable 1
  14. tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 2 //enables scoreboard inspecting when M2 is pressed
  15. hud_saytext_time 2
  17. //Aliases or Binds//
  18. alias none ""
  19. alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
  20. alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
  21. alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
  22. alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
  23. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
  24. alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
  25. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
  26. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
  27. alias checkfwd none
  28. alias checkback none
  29. alias checkleft none
  30. alias checkright none
  31. bind w +mfwd
  32. bind s +mback
  33. bind a +mleft
  34. bind d +mright
  36. bind KP_HOME "prec_mark"
  37. bind KP_UPARROW "prec_record"
  38. bind KP_PGUP "prec_delete_demo"
  39. bind KP_LEFTARROW "say "
  40. bind KP_5 "say "
  41. bind KP_RIGHTARROW "say "
  42. bind KP_END "say ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮"
  43. bind KP_DOWNARROW "say Seen 9:37 PM ✔"
  44. //bind KP_PGDN "say "
  46. bind "j" "sm_admin"
  47. bind "l" "dropitem"
  48. bind "/" "kill"
  49. bind "i" "net_graph 1"
  51. bind "TAB" "+ScoreNet"
  52. alias "+ScoreNet" "+showscores; net_graph 2"
  53. alias "-ScoreNet" "-showscores; net_graph 0"
  55. bind AlT "voicemenu 0 6"
  56. bind CTRL "voicemenu 0 7"
  58. // Reload graphics and sound to fix glitches.
  59. bind "f8" "record temp; stop; snd_restart; hud_reloadscheme;heartbeat;"
  61. //Sound//
  62. cl_forcepreload 1 // Forces preloading sounds and such to make it lag less when in-game.
  63. dsp_slow_cpu 0
  64. snd_pitchquality 1
  65. snd_mix_async 1
  66. snd_async_fullyasync 1
  67. snd_mixahead .06
  68. snd_noextraupdate "1" //This disables a verify on the sound file, causing EXTREME issues when file cannot be found. def 0
  69. tf_dingaling_volume .8
  70. tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 80
  71. tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 150
  72. hud_combattext 1
  73. hud_combattext_batching 1
  74. hud_combattext_batching_window 2
  75. hud_combattext_healing 1
  78. //Network//
  79. cl_cmdrate 67
  80. cl_interp_ratio 1 // how often per tick interpolation is updated. We want that to be every tick, which would be "1"
  81. cl_lagcompensation 1
  82. cl_pred_optimize 2
  83. cl_smooth 0
  84. cl_smoothtime 0.01
  85. cl_timeout 600
  86. cl_updaterate 67
  87. rate 60000 // tweak using net_graph to the point at which you get <10 choke. Higher rate value than needed just raises your ping.
  88. tf_steam_workshop_query_timeout "10"
  89. net_queue_trace 1 // Seems to optimize net code, not sure
  91. //CPU//
  92. mat_queue_mode 2 // mat_queue mode is another frequently asked about cvar, it
  93. // defines the threading method to be used by the material
  94. // system. It has been unstable to use in the past, but
  95. // nowadays it's generally okay.
  96. //
  97. // Here are the possible values:
  98. // -2 legacy default
  99. // -1 default
  100. // 0 synchronous single thread
  101. // 1 queued single thread
  102. // 2 queued multithreaded
  103. //
  104. // If you have problems with the value `2', try setting it to
  105. // `-1'.
  106. //
  107. // As an aside, there are quite a few bugs in the demo system
  108. // that occur when mat_queue_mode is set to a value that is
  109. // not `-1'. If you intend to do work with the demo system,
  110. // maybe you should change this.
  111. threadpool_affinity 0
  112. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
  113. cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
  114. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0
  115. mod_load_anims_async 1 // Loads model animations async
  116. mod_load_mesh_async 1 // Load model mesh async
  117. mod_load_vcollide_async 1 // Load model vcollide async
  118. r_queued_ropes 1
  119. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
  120. r_threaded_particles 1
  121. r_fastzreject -1 // Values >1 enable a fast Z rejection algorithm, to be performed on the GPU (as opposed to on the CPU). The value `-1' autodetects hardware support for this feature, which is safer than forcing it.
  123. //Performance// - most of this is stolen from Rhapsody's Config
  124. fps_max 0
  125. mat_picmip -1 // -1 to 2 (-1 high, 2 very low), set it to high to make the game textures prettier
  126. mat_phong 0
  127. mat_antialias 1
  128. mat_bumpmap 0
  129. mat_forceaniso 1 // Forces anisotropic filtering level
  130. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0 // Disables color-correcting entities.
  131. mat_colorcorrection 0 // Disables color-correction.
  132. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 // Disables fancy texture blending.
  133. mat_disable_lightwarp 1 // Disables lightwarps, which partially determine shading for players, entities, and the map. mat_phong also does this.
  134. mat_filterlightmaps 1 // Filters lightmaps. Set to 0 for minecraft lighting. No performance impact.
  135. mat_filtertextures 1 // Filters textures. Set to 0 for minecraft textures. No performance impact.
  136. mat_disable_ps_patch 1 //
  137. lod_transitiondist 0 // Sets how far you have to be from someone to make them go to their next LOD. Setting this to 0 forces the lowest LOD.
  138. mat_hdr_level 0 // Sets HDR level.
  139. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 65535 // Determines how many chunks world geometry is broken up into. Higher = less, 65535 is the theoretical maximum
  140. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 // Disables motion blur.
  141. mat_mipmaptextures 1 // Controls mipmapping. Setting this to 0 should not improve performance, and will not affect vram usage like mat_picmip will.
  142. mat_reducefillrate 1 // Reduces shader complexity.
  143. mat_reduceparticles 1 // Reduces particle count.
  144. mat_autoexposure_max 0 //
  145. mat_autoexposure_min 0 //
  146. mat_alphacoverage 0 // Reduces shader complexity for some transparent materials.
  147. mat_specular 1 // Controls specularity. Setting this to 0 will make ubers non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game entities which support it.
  148. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0
  149. mat_trilinear 1 // Sets trlinear mode.
  150. mat_wateroverlaysize 1 // Water overlay size.
  151. mp_decals 18 // `9' is a good value to still see the spread pattern from a scattergun without any real performance loss. Needs to be changed with r_decals.
  152. r_3dsky 0 // Disables 3D skies. This makes maps like koth_wubwubwub much, much less spectacular, so you need to compromise.
  153. r_ambientboost 0 // Controls ambient lights
  154. r_cheapwaterend 1 // Activates cheap water
  155. r_cheapwaterstart 1 // Activates cheap water
  156. r_decals 18 // Controls decal amount. Needs to be changed with mp_decals.
  157. r_maxmodeldecal 9 // Controls how many decals can be on a model at once
  158. r_decalstaticprops 0 // Enables whether decals can be seen on props.
  159. r_decal_cullsize 15 // Controls the cull size of decals.
  160. r_drawdetailprops 0 // Controls whether detail props (grass, etc.) should be drawn.
  161. r_drawmodeldecals 0 // Controls whether decals should be seeable on a model.
  162. r_drawflecks 0 // Controls whether particles upon hitting a surface with a bullet should be rendered.
  163. r_glint_alwaysdraw 0
  164. r_glint_procedural 0
  165. cl_ejectbrass 0
  166. r_dynamic 0 // Disables dynamic lighting.
  167. r_maxdlights 0 // Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen.
  168. r_physpropstaticlighting 0 // Dtermines if there should be static lighting on props
  169. r_occlusion 1 // Allows mappers to manually optimize their map. Theoretical FPS loss with it DISABLED, which is why it's enabled.
  170. r_worldlights 1 // Number of world lights to use per vertex. Set to 0 for a theoretical performance gain but very bad lighting effects on characters.
  171. r_forcewaterleaf 1 // Optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling.
  172. r_lightaverage 0 // Disables average lighting.
  173. r_dopixelvisibility 0 //
  174. r_propsmaxdist 1 // Max visible distance for clientside physics props.
  175. r_renderoverlayfragment 1 // 0 Disables various mapmaker-placed signs and decals, like those underneath health and ammo packs.
  176. r_staticprop_lod 10 // Sets the default LOD for static props. Undocumented, so I don't know the limit, but 10 is a good number.
  177. r_waterdrawreflection 0 // Controls as to whether reflections should be drawn on the surface of water.
  178. r_waterdrawrefraction 1 // Setting to 0 makes it so that water looks weird and you can't look into it, but it might have an FPS gain.
  179. r_waterforceexpensive 0 // Forces expensive water.
  180. r_waterforcereflectentities 0 // Forces as to whether entities should be reflected into water even if r_waterdrawreflection is 0.
  181. rope_averagelight 0 // Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity.
  182. rope_collide 0 // Collide rope with the world.
  183. rope_rendersolid 1 // Changes rope visibility. Set to 1 since ropes will be used a lot more with Mannpower. Disable for a boost.
  184. rope_shake 0 // Controls whether ropes should shake as if there's wind.
  185. rope_smooth 0 // Controls as to whether there should be an antialiasing effect on ropes.
  186. rope_subdiv 0 // Rope subdivision amount.
  187. rope_wind_dist 0 // If a rope is this far away, don't simulate wind on them.
  188. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting it. For example, setting this to `1' disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
  189. tracer_extra 0 // Enlarges tracers at long distance to make them more visible.
  190. violence_ablood 1 // Setting ablood/hblood to 1 actually improves perf usually
  191. violence_hblood 1 //
  193. // Shadows
  194. r_shadowrendertotexture 0
  195. cl_blobbyshadows 1
  197. //Ragdolls & Debris
  198. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1 // Sets whether bullets, explosives, or attacks will interact with the body. Default is 1. | off meens corpses standing around with no animation
  199. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 // Set to 0 to enable.
  200. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0 // def. "15" # Fadingtime in seconds of corpses 0 => No Corpse
  201. cl_ragdoll_collide 0 // def. "0" # Collision between corpses on(1)/off(0)
  202. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0 // Sets how fast the fading effect is. Default is 600.
  203. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0 // Set to 100 to enable. Convar isn't documented.
  204. ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // Set to "5.0" to enable.
  205. violence_agibs 0 // Sets whether you can see gibs from the 'alien' team (a convar that likely retained it's name from an older version of TF). Set to 1 to enable.
  206. violence_hgibs 0 // Sets whether you can see gibs from the 'human' team (a convar that likely retained it's name from an older version of TF). Set to 1 to enable.
  207. cl_phys_props_enable 0 // Disables clientside props being affected by physics. Set to 1 to enable.
  208. cl_phys_props_max 0 // Sets the maximum amount of clientside props your client can have at once. Default is 128.
  209. props_break_max_pieces 0 // Sets the amount of pieces props can break into. Default is -1 (model default).
  210. props_break_max_pieces_perframe 0
  211. func_break_max_pieces 0 // Undocumented, but probably the same as props_break_max_pieces
  212. cl_burninggibs 0 // Disables burning gibs. Enough of a performance hit with it enabled that it really shouldn't be on either way...
  213. cl_new_impact_effects 0 // Disables new impact effects. Even if you have a high end computer, this will cause crashes as of ~Apr 2015.
  214. cl_show_splashes 0 // Disables water splashes
  217. // Facial features/Models
  218. r_eyes 1 // Set to 1 to enable.
  219. r_flex 0 // Set to 1 to enable.
  220. r_lod 2 // Needs to be set to 1, or else facial features will be disabled regardless.
  221. r_rootlod 2
  222. mp_usehwmmodels -1
  223. mp_usehwmvcds -1
  224. r_teeth 1 // Set to 1 to enable.
  225. r_eyemove 0
  226. blink_duration 0 // Default is 0.2
  227. tf_clientsideeye_lookats 0
  230. //Performance Misc
  231. m_rawinput 1 // Turn on raw mouse input.
  232. mat_vsync 0 // Turn off vsync to avoid nasty I/O latency.
  233. flex_smooth 1
  234. in_usekeyboardsampletime 0
  235. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 1 // Turns off jigglebones, although I recommend keeping them on at all times by setting them to 1, since their performance impact is generally none/negligible.
  236. sys_minidumpspewlines 500 // Basically the number of lines saved to a log file from console. No FPS boost but 15% lower FPS variance
  237. cl_cloud_settings 0 // Disables Steam Cloud syncing for TF2, helps to keep the config from being saved so you don't contaminate Steam Cloud with it
  238. cl_localnetworkbackdoor 0 // Network optimizations for Singleplayer, disabling has about a 1-2% fps boost
  239. hud_achievement_glowtime 0 // Default is 2.5, not 100% what this is about a 1.5% fps boost.
  240. hud_deathnotice_time 5 // Theoretically might improve FPS?
  241. mem_compact
  242. tf_time_loading_item_panels 0.00001 // 1 backpack image per frame please
  243. filesystem_native 0 // Significantly faster performance when opening many small files on Win7 Ultimate x64,
  244. // like when your hud uses high-resolution backpack images for everything
  246. //Disable Tutorials//
  247. cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out "1"
  248. cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"
  249. sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"
  250. tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"
  251. tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel "1"
  252. tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"
  253. tf_explanations_craftingpanel "1"
  254. tf_explanations_discardpanel "1"
  255. tf_explanations_store "1"
  256. tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"
  257. tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"
  258. tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"
  259. tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"
  260. tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"
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