
Shen and Yoshi - Chef Acquired!

Feb 8th, 2014
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  1. [07:14] <Shen> Shen walked past braziers of various sizes as he made his way through the Fire Temple in search of Yoshi. He could barely remember the route but it was more than enough to make his way through it, especially after swimming in the lake, he felt somewhat invigorated by the whole experience.
  2. [07:18] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro can be found in the training grounds, Shen can hear the sound of his hands rapidly colliding with a training dummy. The Drunken Boxer was trading up his stance every few blows, each attack coming from a different direction in a different style, sometimes palms and punches and sometimes quick kicks.
  3. [07:25] <Shen> Shen caught the sound and followed it, padding through the temple and out into the yard. He focused, sensing the presence of his comrade. "Working hard I hear, my friend." he called out to him with a grin.
  4. [07:27] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi turns on his heel, looking towards the source of the voice, smiling in Shen's direction. "Just a bit" he replies, leaning against the dummy. "What can I do for you?"
  5. [07:32] <Shen> Shen walks closer, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry for disturbing you, but I wanted to speak with you and Jian." he apologised. "I'm planning a pilgrimage of sorts deeper into the mountain to train, I can't stay like I am now." he admitted as his expression weakened a little. "I wondered if you'd be interested in joining me."
  6. [07:34] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grins as he hears this news, pushing off of the dummy. "You bet! someone's gotta do the cooking or it's twigs and berries for dinner." he chuckles. "Is it just the three of us?"
  7. [07:39] <Shen> "I'm considering asking my brother and Ziulong if they want to join us, I could really do with... you know... help." he admitted reluctantly. "Though anyone is free to join us as long as they have the desire to get stronger." he nodded. "I just really wanted you two to come. Especially before we leave the village again."
  8. [07:42] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro nods. "I knew it would only be a matter of time, if there's anything I can do to help just name it." he pauses for a moment, then "Hmmm"s thoughtfully before adding "I could ask Leewan to go as well, a little extra guidance never hurts."
  9. [07:46] <Shen> Shen smiles, accompanying a nod. "Thank you, Yoshi, I will remember that." he said earnestly, "Leewan is more than welcome, besides, this isn't just for me. It'll do us all some good going back to our roots based off of the things we learned in the world." his smile had faded, but his face was determined.
  10. [07:48] <Zero_Atma> "Yep! from what that Phoenix girl told us we've got quite a fight ahead of us." he crashes his fist ono an open palm. "We'll have to be well prepared for it."
  11. [07:57] <Shen> He looked thoughtful at that. "Yeah, its not going to be easy thats for sure." he agreed. "But we've yet to meet a challenge we can't overcome and we're stronger because of it. Thats why I'm determined not to be a burden to you or Jian, I will find a way."
  12. [08:13] <Zero_Atma> "I know you will." Yoshi assures him. "You're not the sort that gives up easily, especially with such a big obstacle in front of you."
  13. [08:21] <Shen> "Not when we still have so much to do." he chuckled a little dryly. "How have you been since we got back to the village?"
  14. [08:23] <Zero_Atma> "Good, mostly taking it easy." he admits. "Though I've been sparring with Chiyoko for a while, and sharing what I've learned in the kitchen on our journey with her and master Leewan."
  15. [08:30] <Shen> "I heard shes gotten pretty strong." Shen nodded with a faint smile. "I'm glad she made it up here, though I was never worried." he said out loud, but mostly to assure himself. "As for Leewan, I bet he was surprised by the haul you brought back. Seems like even an old dog can learn new tricks." he sniffed.
  16. [08:32] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro lets out a hearty laugh. "I reminded him why I'm his favorite student." he takes a triumphant sip from his gourd. "Chiyoko's improved quite a bit since we first met." he grins. "She has a fire sword now!"
  17. [08:40] <Shen> Shen raises his eyebrows. "Well, that's... new. She could barely light a candle when we left." he jested with a grin. "But I'm sure Jian will love that, we should have them spar when Jian is ready for it."
  18. [08:43] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah..." Yoshi agrees, a hint of sadness in his tone over the whole thing. "I hope he'll be able to get over this whole corruption thing, that can't be easy to deal with, but Jian is strong. I know he'll find a way."
  19. [08:48] <Shen> Shen nodded, reflecting the bitter taste in his mouth from the situation. "I'm hoping we can do something to help when we leave to train. I know the mentors will want to do all they can for him too." he mused, thinking about their friend. "But you're right, he is strong. Even at the tea house, Blossom showed us that it's not his fate to be lost."
  20. [08:54] <Zero_Atma> "That Blossom, she's a peach." Yoshi smiles as he mentions the Empress to be. "Am I glad we bumped into her when we did, otherwise Jian might not have two arms right now...or worse."
  21. [08:59] <Shen> "She definitely is something." he smiles warmly at that. "Yet she constantly says she hasn't done anything yet." he shakes his head. "She's completely clueless to her own nature, it seems. I was worried at first, that the heir would be some bratty kid or a complete asshole, but the future looks very bright."
  22. [09:40] <Zero_Atma> "She's just so damn nice!" Yoshi chuckles. "It breaks my heart to tell her she can't come with us. I know why, but, it's so hard to say 'no' to someone like that who just wants to help." he sighs. "She's a noble soul, definitely the sort of person an Empress should be."
  23. [09:51] <Shen> Shen nods with a troublesome sigh. "It doesn't help that shes very stubborn about it too." he chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair. "But at least she understands why she can't come just yet, even if she doesn't like it. I'm more than sure she would be a great help to us." he shrugged helplessly in agreement.
  24. [09:55] <Zero_Atma> "It would make the journey a little more pleasant." Yoshi admits. "You just can't help but smile when she's around." he shakes his head, slugging the practice dummy lightly.
  25. [10:17] <Shen> Shen laughs softly. "Yeah, I know what you mean. She does seem to have that effect." he finishes lost in thought with a smile, but quickly snaps out of it. "She's probably eager to see Taishin again too."
  26. [10:23] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro nods in agreement. "He is like family to her, can't really blame her for that." he rubs his chin with a thoughtful expression. "I wonder what he's been up to..."
  27. [10:25] <Shen> "Probably causing trouble of some sort in Jinlong." he laughed softly, but it didn't last long. "Its reassuring to have somebody like him on the inside."
  28. [10:28] <Zero_Atma> "It's good just knowing he's on our side, we've seen what he can do when he isn't." Yoshi points out. "We're just lucky that he happened to be walking the same path as us."
  29. [10:33] <Shen> Shen nodded in agreement. "Fate has been kind to us in some ways, others not so much, but overall we are very lucky." he smiled as he thought of all the people they had met already. "Jian is planning on creating a seal to protect Shin from his father. For all that he's done for Blossom and what he represents, its the least we can do to protect him."
  30. [10:48] <Zero_Atma> "That's a great idea!" Yoshi smiles. "Who knows? it might even save our lives, though I hope it doesn't come to that..."
  31. [11:02] <Shen> "Me neither." he agreed whole-heartedly. "I told Jian that I don't want to force it upon him either way, in the end its up to him wether not he uses it. Its meant to be kept a secret in case the Emperor catches wind of it too, we can't risk him making plans to counter or nullify it in the event that it is needed."
  32. [11:15] <Zero_Atma> "Lets hope the Emperor stays ignorant to a lot of things." Yoshi adds. "The less he knows about us, and the people we're protecting, the better."
  33. [11:18] <Shen> "And not just the Emperor, by the sounds of what Xi Feng told us about the current state of the capital, your cousin isn't exactly a small fry himself."
  34. [11:19] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's hand tightens into a fist. "He better pray to every god and spirit out there that I don't get my hands on him..."
  35. [11:21] <Shen> "I almost feel bad for him." Shen laughed quietly as he leaned up against one of the walls and folded his arms. "But we'll make sure to go say hello at some point, then he's all yours."
  36. [11:32] <Zero_Atma> "I'm gonna make him sorry he as ever born." Yoshi grumbles, a small stream of flames billowing from his lips as he huffs.
  37. [11:36] <Shen> "Just as long as I don't have to be the one scraping him off the floor." Shen chimed as he raised his hands. "I don't want to pull the blind card, but I will."
  38. [11:38] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro snickers at that. "Don't worry about it, it's not like I'm gonna kill him, I want him to regret what he's done in a very painful way."
  39. [11:44] <Shen> Shen nodded recognition in silence. "It won't be long now." he assured his friend.
  40. [11:46] <Zero_Atma> "This waiting is just bothering me." Yoshi admits with a sigh. "I wish I could do it sooner."
  41. [11:53] <Shen> Shen closed his eyes as he folded his arms again. "Now that Blossom is safe, I no longer have an objective until I'm given one. I'm fine with going to Jinlong at any point." he offered in suggestion. "I just... need a little more time." he said guiltily, an apologetic smile on his face.
  42. [11:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi waves a hand dismissively. "I just have to be patient, the right time will come eventually, we'll all be ready soon enough."
  43. [11:56] <Shen> "At least we know Taishin is in the capital and he knows who are our friends are. I'm sure he will look after everyone until we arrive, then we can do some damage."
  44. [12:05] <Zero_Atma> "Now you're talking!" Yoshi agrees with a broad grin. "Until then I guess all we can do is get stronger."
  45. [12:17] <Shen> "Thats the plan." Shen grinned back at him as he pushed himself off the wall. "I'll talk to the others and get everything set for the journey." he nodded. "Make sure to bring your best dumplings. If the training isn't hellish, I'll be dissapointed."
  46. [12:18] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles at this. "Don't you worry, I'll make an extra special batch before we leave."
  47. [12:22] <Shen> "I look forward to it." he chuckles as he heads back into the temple. "I'll see you later, Yoshi."
  48. [12:30] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi waves to his friend as he heads off, even if he couldn't see it. "See ya!"
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